Jet Panels
Flight Sim 98

Updated March 18, 2006

This section contains some well-done FS'98 freeware/shareware panels. Please read the readme files included with these panels and, if the author asks for a few bucks or a postcard, please oblige. Reward them for their hard work on these panels.

NOTAM: These panels will only work with Microsoft Flight Sim '98.

Jet Panels...

Eric Ernst Panels are MOST HIGHLY recommended. They rival, or exceed, the quality of some professional (pay-ware) panels, in fact. Despite numerous offers from companies looking to work a deal to sell Eric's panels, he continues to insist that all his panels will be free forever. Eric is a virtual aviation friend par excellence. For the latest version of his panels below (which are constantly updated) please visit his web site.

To download these panels, just click on the picture!

Boeing 777 Panel - by Eric Ernst

Visit Eric's Web Site

Boeing 7x7 Glass Panel - by Eric Ernst

Visit Eric's Web Site

Boeing 777 Panel - by KT project
Note: Pop-up instrument sub panel !!

Visit Thier Web Site

Boeing 767/757 Panel - by Eric Ernst

Visit Eric's Web Site

767 6.3 update 767 oil gauge update

Boeing 747-200 Panel - by Adam & Zeev Kovalsky

Boeing 747 Panel - by Christian Zeil

(No Photo Available - Sorry)

Boeing 737 Panel - by Ralph L. Tofflemire

Boeing 727 Panel - by Petros Protopapas

4 Engine Big Jet Panel - by Eric Ernst

Visit Eric's Web Site

CRJ Panel - by Nick Deak

DC10/L1011 Panel - by Nick Sciortino

DC10 Panel - by Eric Ernst

Visit Eric's Web Site

MD11 Panel - by Staffan Ahlberg

MD83-400 Panel - by Eric Ernst

Visit Eric's Web Site

Airbus 320 Glass Panel - by Bruce Upperton

Airbus 320 Panel - by Alexander Lawrence


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