WestWind Executive Charter Division
Welcome to the Executive Charter Division. Charter flight time may be logged and counts toward advancement. Simply report your WestWind Charter flights through the Flight Dispatch system just as you would for any other flight. We move people such as, individuals, families, friends, executives, world leaders, VIPs, sports teams, tour groups, and others. We have intercontinental, international, and domestic charters around the globe. Many charters offer options within the charter. Browse or search for one to your liking. Use your imagination. Fly charter aircraft for which you are qualified. Large charter aircraft may use a gate at the end of a terminal wing. Other charter aircraft use GA (General Aviation) parking or ramps. Send detailed charter suggestions or questions to the Executive Vice President of Charter Operations for the part of the world where your charter takes place. Have a good flight.
Executive Charter Division Management
Phil Cohen
Chief Operations Officer