All News Items
Issues with receiving Emails from us
It has come to my attention that Microsoft has our 3rd party email supplier's IP address on a banned list. There is nothing we can do about that unfortunately. This means that pilots with a hotmail.* or outlook.* email address will not receive any emails from us. I personally have been affected by this and have had to change my email address on file to be a googlemail account.
Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause.
(Posted 9th Feb 2025)The AT802F Fire Boss (CAT 3)and the CL-415 Super Scooper (CAT 4) have been added to the hanger. In MSFS 2024 Career Mode make sure you do not enter the Red zone on the engine gages! I am working on an Aerial FireFighting Lesson for Westwind and already pointed out an excellent video by ForderLearnToFly. (Posted 24th Jan 2025)
The January WWJ has been posted. Click the link above to view. (Posted 20th Jan 2025)
The Beechcraft Duke series B60 Piston Duke, BE60 Grand Duke, and B60T Turbine Duke have been added to the database. (Posted 16th Jan 2025)
The L.A. Wildfires has grown out of control and currently occupies nearly 40,000 acres. The fires have already destroyed countless homes and has sadly taken over 10 lives. The residents of the impacted area need our help. WestWind Airlines has been contracted by authorities to immediately move firefighting equipment into the L.A. region. We are also in discussions to assist local firefighting agencies with aerial firefighting missions and to move firefighters and insurance adjusters from around the country into the impacted areas. Check out the forums for detailed information. (Posted 12th Jan 2025)
A Special Christmas Livery for the FBW A380X has been uploaded to the aircraft section (Posted 24th Dec 2024)
The December WWJ has been posted. Click the link above to view. (Posted 11th Dec 2024)
The Aircraft Division is looking for Aircraft painters to repaint Westwind Colors and Liveries on MSFS 2020 aircraft. You will work closely with the President/CEO until a New Chief Maintenance Officer is hired. This is an upper management position. Come on, guys. If you know how to Paint MSFS 2020 Aircraft and Scenery, step up and join the team. Contact Sean McConnell via Forums PM. (Posted 23rd Nov 2024)
The November WWJ has been posted. Click the link above to view. (Posted 11th Nov 2024)
John Oddo takes Hub Manager post at KORD
Please help me congratulate Capt. John Oddo on his promotion to Hub Manager of our Chicago Hub. John has held this position a few times in the past, always doing a great job. Thank you for stepping in John!!! (Posted 6th Nov 2024)
Mike Jones Promoted to Atlanta Hub Manager
Congratulations to Capt. Mike Jones who has accepted a Promotion to become the Hub Manager at our Atlanta Hub. Thanks to Hal Morse for holding down the fort at ATL and ORD while training Mike and Bill to eventually take over the reigns at these 2 hubs!! (Posted 31st Oct 2024)
The October WWJ has been posted. Click the link above to view. (Posted 20th Oct 2024)
WestWind Airlines is seeking an enthusiastic individual who enjoys working in a team environment with a focus on promoting and growing the organizations online and events department. APPLY TODAY through the forums link. (Posted 20th Oct 2024)
Hurricanes Helene and Milton have caused widespread destruction in the Southeast United States. Over 2 million are without power or water in 5 States. Atalanta will be the primary staging airport for the northern part of the region. Miami will be the staging airport for the southern part of the region. Supplies are needed in Kentucky, western North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. As of this morning, October 10, many areas remain without power and inaccessible by land. Use C049 for cargo flights and P006 for passenger flights. Post your activity in the Operation Eastwind Forum thread.http://forum.flywestwind.org/viewtopic.php?t=14040 (Posted 7th Oct 2024)
Chris Cramblet WWA 3592
It is with great sadness that I announce that Chris Cramblet has passed away Monday Morning, August 26th. He leaves behind his wife Sheila, and I believe 3 children. He passed on peacefully. Let us all Pray for Chris and his Family, and Give Chris his due honors here at West Wind. (Posted 26th Aug 2024)
Olympic Charter Flight Numbers
Flight numbers P034 & P359 can be used for any Passenger Charters for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. If you plan on flying cargo or any of the athletes equipment that cannot fit on a passenger flight cargo hold you can use Cargo Charter C066 as your flight number. (Posted 23rd Jul 2024)
New personal parameter added
We have added "Home Airport" to the parameters that you can provide to us. This can be entered on the "Edit Personal Details" page. If your home airport isn't in the database then we encourage you to add this to the database. The reason for asking for this is to give us a good idea where our pilot base resides which we can use when deciding where to add new hubs or satellite airports (Posted 14th Jul 2024)
The 2024 edition of the Great Australian Air Rally 2024 kicks off on April 1st. Flights and airfield information will be available from mid-March. We begin at Geraldton before heading North along the coast to Darwin in 10 flights. The longest leg is 345nm. The daily flights are supplied with weather based on April 2023. click on the title above for access to the GAAR link (Posted 26th Mar 2024)
Forum version update - Completed
I will be updating the forum from 0800z Saturday 9th March. I expect this to be completed within 1 hour. Update - 1130z - The forum update is complete (Posted 9th Mar 2024)
Registering on the forum
If you are looking to register on the forum you will be asked a question regarding our training center location. This is to try and prevent spam bots from registering accounts. You can find the answer on our training center scenery pages. (Posted 17th Feb 2024)
I have updated the php version of the website. If you have any issues with any page then please post on the forum using the link in the title. If you are not registered on the forum then use the contact us link to let us know of the issue. (Posted 11th Feb 2024)
Westwind Management is saddened to learn of the recent passing of Senior Command Captain +2 Donald McCormick WWA1993 on January 10th, 2024. Donald's last flight was in an A320N from Endborgh, Scotland EGPH to Oslo Norway ENGM. The Family asked us not to send any more emails. Management has already expressed condolences on behalf of the entire airline. We are also considering several options for a memorial within the airline. (Posted 23rd Jan 2024)
Westwind ACARS has been updated to 2.3.4 with the new time format HH:MM (Posted 18th Nov 2023)
The pilot awards page has been updated to a searchable table to make finding awards that other pilots have been awarded easier to find (Posted 11th Nov 2023)
The yearly Christmas in Tahiti event officially starts November 23 and runs till January 01, 2024. Fly into NTAA then hop on over to NTKG Westwind Resort Tahiti. This was Ken Goodpastor's retirement home the first time he retired from Westwind. (Posted 1st Nov 2023)
Capt. Steve Canham assumes KLAX HM Duties
Please join me in welcoming Capt. Steve Canham back to the management team. Steve has agreed to take over the Hub Manager duties at KLAX which will allow for me to venture from hub to hub and make sure all of the hubs are getting the attention they need. Capt. Phil Cohen WWA1573 Chief Operations Officer (Posted 1st Nov 2023)
Maintaining the Airport Database - Need some cooperation
Good Afternoon Pilots, Since the beginning of January this year it was one of my goals to tackle this little project. I have been working to add airports that have been flown to but were not in our database. The list started out at over 6,000 and is currently at 775 while our Actual Airport Database has grown significantly. This also comes with a ton of airports that have been listed incorrectly as well. This is where you guys come in!! If you take a look at your flight log and notice that an airport is shaded blue and says (UNKNOWN) for the mileage that means that it is 1 of 2 things. 1 - A correctly entered airport that is not in our database. 2 - An incorrectly entered airport. (mixed up letters, fictitious airports, Add-on airports for Misty Moorings, etc.) Over the past few weeks I have been going 1 by 1 into the pilots flight logs of the airports flown to but not in our database. In many cases some of the letters are flipped in the code, for instance KGLA is typed instead of KLGA. Or it could be a totally different letter such as KFEN for KDEN. This is very time consuming so I am just putting this out there to double check your dispatch sheets before you submit them. One of the cons of entering the wrong airport code is that the database cannot calculate the mileage between the 2 locations which gives you credit towards some of the Pilot Recognition Awards. If you check your logs and need something edited please post it below or email me (pcohenjr@comcast.net) with the date of the flight the incorrect airport code, and the correct airport code that it should be. Hopefully this will help me move things along a bit quicker while I am getting towards the end of the tunnel!! Thank you, Phil Cohen (Posted 20th Oct 2023)
Westwind"The Closet" Discord server is now our OFFICIAL Discord Server. A special Thank You to Alex Lu for setting this up. Click on the title and then the link at the end of the thread for the invite (Posted 11th Oct 2023)
The 2023 GAMR is now available for test flight and pilot registration with flights scheduled for the second half of August/Early September. This Rally will follow the route of CAM 8 Air Mail Route from San Diego to Seattle as suggested by Bill Lockwood. It is about half the distance of typical GAAR rallies. This will allow pilots to fly older biplanes from the '20s and '30s, or complete the rally in half the usual flying time. Any Piston-engined and turboprop aircraft are eligible. Further updates of files will follow. Airfield, routes and flights for FS9, FSX, P3D, MSFS, and X-Plane will be available shortly. This year we are asking pilots to simply nominate their Ground Speed at cruising altitude to help establish target times. Just be careful not to use Indicated Air Speed! (Posted 7th Aug 2023)
New JFK Hub Manager
Please welcome back Capt. Tony Yonek to Hub Management. Tony will be taking over the reigns at JFK so that Sean can focus his full attention on his duties as our President/CEO. (Posted 1st Aug 2023)
The Ford Tri-Motor added to the Historic hanger
The Ford Tri-Moter originally flew back in 1926. with it release as a local legend in MSFS and it is available for X-Plane 12. The Aircraft has been added to Westwind's historic fleet. For the short term, you may use the default Ford or TWA liveries till the historic Westwind paint becomes available. (Posted 28th Jun 2023)
Dallas Manning Promoted to KLAX Hub Manager
Dallas Manning has been Promoted to the LAX Hub Manager from his previous AHM position. We want to thank Capt. Alex Lu for his dedicated service to not only LAX but the IT & Aircraft Departments as well. (Posted 1st Jun 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Cockspur C510 Mustang
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 30th May 2023)
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D PMDG 777-200LR LIVERY VERSION 4.0 - redrawn livery
- [NEW] MSFS Headwind ACJ330-900neo
- [NEW] MSFS AzulPoly Transall C160
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 18th May 2023)
- [UPDATED] P3D PMDG 737-600NGXu LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - livery redrawn, parity with MSFS version
- [UPDATED] P3D PMDG 737-700NGXu (pax, BDSF, and BBJ) LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - ditto
- [UPDATED] P3D PMDG 737-800NGXu (pax, BCF/BDSF, and BBJ) LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - ditto
- [UPDATED] P3D PMDG 737-900NGXu LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - ditto
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 16th May 2023)
- [UPDATED] MSFS PMDG 737-600 LIVERY VERSION 3.1 - fixed stray blue line
- [UPDATED] MSFS PMDG 737-900 LIVERY VERSION 3.1 - ditto
- [UPDATED] P3Dv4+ PMDG 737-600NGXu LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - redrawn livery, parity with MSFS version
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 14th May 2023)Welcome New Pilot Bob Wood
Welcome New Hire Captain Bob Wood WWA3667 he has been assigned to KORD (Posted 14th May 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Default Asobo 747-8I
- [NEW] MSFS Default Asobo 747-8F
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 11th May 2023)
- [NEW] XP X-Crafts Embraer 170 (new E-Jets Family)
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 10th May 2023)
- [NEW] Asobo C208B Super Cargomaster kychungdotcom mod
- [NEW] Black Square C208B Super Cargomaster kychungdotcom mod
- [UPDATED] Asobo C208B Express and Logistics LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - redone livery from scratch
- [UPDATED] Black Square C208B Express and Logistics LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - redone livery from scratch
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 10th May 2023)
- [NEW] XP11 X-Crafts E195F freeware window plug mod (must download mod to use livery - link in description and readme)
- [UPDATED] XP11 X-Crafts E195 freeware LIVERY VERSION 2.1 - fixed minor texture issues
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 9th May 2023)
- [UPDATED] MSFS Carenado C337H Skymaster LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATED] MSFS Carenado C337H Skymaster Cargo LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATED] MSFS Carenado PA-34 Seneca LIVERY VERSION 1.1
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 7th May 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS ATR 42-600 Bandit Mask
- [NEW] MSFS ATR 72-600 Freighter
- [NEW] MSFS ATR 72-600 Freighter Bandit Mask
- [NEW] MSFS ATR 72-600 Freighter Bandit Mask
- [UPDATED] MSFS Fenix A320 LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - Redrew livery from scratch, corrected cockpit reg, and new cabin textures
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 4th May 2023)
- [UPDATED] MSFS PMDG 737 ALL VARIANTS LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - redrawn livery from scratch, new cabin textures
- [UPDATED] MSFS ATR 72-600 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - new cabin textures, texture fixes, engine texture improvements
- [UPDATED] MSFS ATR 42-600 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - new cabin textures, texture fixes, engine texture improvements
- [NEW] MSFS ATR 72-600 Bandit Mask
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 3rd May 2023)
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D PMDG 737-900NGX 2023 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed star orientation issue
- [NEW] FSX/P3D PMDG 737-800NGX 2023 Livery
- [NEW] FSX/P3D PMDG 737-800NGX BCF Freighter 2023 Livery
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 30th Apr 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS ATR-72-600 payware
- [NEW] MSFS ATR-42-600 payware
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 25th Apr 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Blackbox BN-2 Islander
- [NEW] MSFS Blackbox BN-2A Mk III Trislander
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 9th Apr 2023)
- [UPDATE] MSFS PMDG 737 (-600, -700, -700BDSF, -800, -800F, -900, -900ER, BBJ, BBJ2) LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - reduced disk space and recolored “WestWind” lettering
For the PMDG 737-700, liveries are now split into their individual variants: passenger (737-700), cargo (737-700BDSF), and BBJ.
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
Please click on the title for more information on how to update your liveries properly.
(Posted 7th Apr 2023)
- [NEW] XP Hot Start Challenger 650 Experience
- [UPDATE] XP Sparky 747-400 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (added Rolls Royce textures, texture improvements)
- [UPDATE] XP Sparky 747-400F Lovcio mod LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (added Rolls Royce textures, retextured plane)
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 6th Apr 2023)The April 2023 Issue of the WestWind Journal Newsletter is now Available
select 'Cleared Direct to..' then scroll done to 'Marketing', then select 'Current Newsletter. (Posted 4th Apr 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Carenado C337H Skymaster
- [NEW] MSFS Carenado C337H Skymaster Cargo
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 2nd Apr 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS NextGen Simulations Embraer EMB-110 P and P1
- [NEW] MSFS NextGen Simulations Embraer EMB-110 P1K Freighter
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 1st Apr 2023)
You may have already noticed we have updated the Statistics section on our home page.
New statistics pages include the Hub Leaderboards, Pilot Leaderboards, our Company profile, etc. Take a look around by clicking "More Statistics" on our home page. Let us know your thoughts via the Forums by clicking the title.
(Posted 1st Apr 2023)
- [NEW] P3Dv5 iFly 737 MAX 200
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 26th Mar 2023)
- [UPDATE] MSFS FlytheMaddogX MD-83 and MD-88 ALL SCHEMES - LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed overhead textures.
- [UPDATE] P3Dv5 iFly 737 MAX 8 N107WW livery LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - prevented conflicts if you have both liveries installed simultaneously.
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 26th Mar 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS FlyTheMaddogX MD-83 - 2023 Livery
- [NEW] MSFS FlyTheMaddogX MD-83 - Ameriwind Retro Livery
- [NEW] MSFS FlyTheMaddogX MD-88 - 2023 Livery
- [NEW] MSFS FlyTheMaddogX MD-88 - Ameriwind Retro Livery
- [NEW] MSFS Black Square Analog Baron (winglets and 58P variants to come later)
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 23rd Mar 2023)Westwind goes Metric
OK, now y'all over on the west of the Atlantic can calm down, we are not going to stop you using your Imperial measurements, we have just updated the database so that all weights and measures are saved in Metric. You may have noticed that there is a new item on the pilot preferences page for "Units" where you can select "Metric" or "Imperial". If you choose "Metric" then all weights will be in kg and lengths in m. Imperial will be shown in lbs and ft/in. This is also extended to cargo carried, you will now enter that in your chosen units, lbs or kg. For that though the data is already in lbs, so that will not change, just how you enter it and how its displayed. Any questions or issues let me know through the forum (Posted 22nd Mar 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS ATSimulations An-2
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 21st Mar 2023)
- [NEW] XP Toliss A320neo 2011 Livery
- [NEW] MSFS RotorSimPilot Airbus H125 helicopter
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 20th Mar 2023)
Featuring 15 models for X-Plane 11 and 12. Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> Scenery List -> WestWind AI Traffic/VATSIM Model Matching.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 17th Mar 2023)
- [NEW] FS9 Default Robinson R22
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 15th Mar 2023)The 2023 GAAR site is now live and accepting registrations. click on the title for the link third post from top (Posted 14th Mar 2023)
- [NEW] FS9 Pilatus PC-12 - 2011 Livery Complete Aircraft
- [NEW] MSFS SimWorks Studios RV-14
- [NEW] MSFS SimWorks Studios RV-14A
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 13th Mar 2023)
- [NEW] FS9 Bell 430 by Alan Devins and Rory Kelly Complete Aircraft
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 12th Mar 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Black Square Analog Bonanza
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 10th Mar 2023)March and April WestWind Journal Newsletters
The March 2023 issue of the WestWind Journal will not be posted this month due to major computer issues that required taking my computer in for repair.
The WestWind Journal April 2023 Issue 23-04 WestWind Airlines will be released and posted as usual on April 1st as usual! We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but we hope you understand!
Chris CrambletPublisher/Editor
WestWind Journal
- [NEW] Captain Sim 757-200 PW and RR (CAPTAIN III only - livery does not support older FS9/FSX versions)
- [NEW] Captain Sim 757-200PF PW and RR (CAPTAIN III only - livery does not support older FS9/FSX versions)
- [NEW] Captain Sim 757-300 PW and RR (CAPTAIN III only - livery does not support older FS9/FSX versions)
- [NEW] Majestic Q400 - 2023 livery
- [NEW] Majestic Q400F
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 8th Mar 2023)
- [UPDATE] MSFS Salty 747-8I LIVERY VERSION 3.1 - fixed engine issue
- [NEW] MSFS Salty 747-8F
- [NEW] MSFS Salty 747-8I "Thank you WestWind Volunteers" KLAX Hub POTM Livery
- [NEW] MSFS Salty 747-8F "Thank you WestWind Volunteers" KLAX Hub POTM Livery
- [UPDATE] FSX/P3D Milviz/Blackbird PC-6 LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - added blue weather wrap
- [UPDATE] FSX/P3D Milviz/Blackbird DHC-3 Otter LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - added blue weather wrap
- [UPDATE] FSX/P3D Milviz/Blackbird DHC-3T Turbo Otter LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - added blue weather wrap
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 5th Mar 2023)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Milviz/Blackbird DHC-3T Turbine Otter
- [NEW] XP11 vFlyteAir DHC-3T Turbine Otter
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Milviz/Blackbird DHC-3 Otter
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Milviz/Blackbird PC-6
- [NEW] MSFS Milviz/Blackbird PC-6
- [NEW] MSFS Heavy Division Experimental Soft Fork 787-10
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 4th Mar 2023)
All 5 variants (-100, -200, -200QT/QC, -300, -300QT) are updated for all sims to add cockpit reg panel, fix minor texture issues, and split textures into their respective variants.
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 2nd Mar 2023)
tl;dr: new MSFS iniBuilds An-225 livery uploaded. Update your PMDG 777 (FSX/P3D) and Aerosoft CRJ liveries (FSX/P3D/MSFS). Thranda Skymaster liveries for XP uploaded.
- [NEW] MSFS iniBuilds An-225 Mriya
- [NEW] XP Thranda C337 Skymaster
- [NEW] XP Thranda C337 Skymaster Cargo
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D PMDG 777-200LR - 2023 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - brand new fuselage curve
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D PMDG 777F - 2023 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - brand new fuselage curve
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D PMDG 777-300ER LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - brand new fuselage curve
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D Aerosoft CRJ700X LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed tail star and other issues
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D Aerosoft CRJ900X LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed tail star and other issues
- [UPDATED] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ550 - 2023 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed tail star and other issues
- [UPDATED] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ700 - 2023 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed tail star and other issues
- [UPDATED] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ900 LIVERY VERSION 2.1 - fixed tail star and other issues
- [UPDATED] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ1000 LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - fixed tail star and other issues
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 27th Feb 2023)Vincent Carlo returns from retirement and transfers to KMIA (Posted 24th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Orbx DHC-4 Caribou (Local Legend 8)
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 23rd Feb 2023)
- [NEW] XP11 Carenado Phenom 100
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 20th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] FSX Flight1 Cessna T182T Skylane
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Carenado Phenom 300
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Carenado Citation S550
- [NEW] XP11 Carenado Citation S550
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 19th Feb 2023)The hub routes have has had a makeover. See forum post for details and please leave any comments (Posted 18th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Carenado 690B Turbo Commander
- [NEW] XP11 Carenado 690B Turbo Commander
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 17th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] XP11 Project76 767-300ER
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 16th Feb 2023)
- [UPDATED] Laminar/Sparky 747-400 LIVERY VERSION 1.2
- [UPDATED] Laminar/Sparky 747-400BCF LIVERY VERSION 1.2
- [NEW] Sparky 747-400F mod by Lovcio (link in description and in readme)
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 15th Feb 2023)
- [NEW AND UPDATED] XP11 X-Crafts E175 LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - if you have downloaded it previously download it again. Solves engine texture issues.
- [UPDATED] MSFS Miltech/Maryadi MV-22 LIVERY VERSION 1.1
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 14th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Carenado Saab 340
- [NEW] X-Plane 11 Carenado Saab 340
- [UPDATE] MSFS Salty 747-8I LIVERY VERSION 3.0 - recompiled decals and fixed blue door issue.
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 11th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS PMDG 737-900
- [NEW] MSFS PMDG 737-900ER
- [NEW] XP11 vFlyteAir Ryan Navion 205
- [UPDATED] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Freighter LIVERY VERSION 1.2 - centered star on tail.
- [NEW] XP12 mesae Van's RV-7
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 8th Feb 2023)
- [UPDATED] XP FlyJSim Q4XP LIVERY VERSION 1.2 - fuselage fins now red.
- [NEW] XP FlyJSim Q4XP Freighter mod - must download mod from X-Plane.org forums, link in download description.
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 7th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D QualityWings 787-8
- [NEW] FSX/P3D QualityWings 787-9
- [NEW] FSX/P3D QualityWings 787-10
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 4th Feb 2023)Welcome, Westwind's newest captain Duane Aube WWA3666 he will be at the Maimi Hub. (Posted 4th Feb 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Sim Works Studios Van's RV-10
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 3rd Feb 2023)
- [NEW] XP12 Default Laminar Van's RV-10
- [UPDATE] XP12 FlyJSim Q4XP LIVERY VERSION 1.1 -> adjusted lettering
- [UPDATE] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ900 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 -> overhauled fuselage curve
- [UPDATE] FSX/P3D Aerosoft CRJ900X LIVERY VERSION 2.0 -> overhauled fuselage curve
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 31st Jan 2023)
- [UPDATED] FSX/P3D FlytheMaddogX MD-82 LIVERY UPDATE 1.1 (fixed fuselage offset issue)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D FlytheMaddogX MD-82 Ameriwind Retro
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 30th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] XP12 X-Works A330-200F mod for default A330 - must download mod, see download page for instructions
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 29th Jan 2023)Welcome, New Hire Steve Cocks WWA3665 to Westwind. He has been assigned the Atlanta Hub (Posted 28th Jan 2023)
- [UPDATED] XP12 Default Laminar A330-300P2F LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - must download mod from X-Plane.org Forums
- [NEW] XP12 X-Works A330-200 mod - must download mod from X-Plane.org Forums
- [UPDATED] MSFS JPL/WBSims Cessna 152 LIVERY VERSION 1.2 - compatibility with V2 release and added new taildragger variant
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 26th Jan 2023)Join me in welcoming Westwind Justin Ingram WWA3664 he has been assigned to DFW Hub (Posted 25th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Kuro 787-8 mod
- [NEW] MSFS deejing RV-7
- [NEW] MSFS deejing RV-7A
- [UPDATE] X-Plane Shenshee Boeing 720 LIVERY VERSION 2.1 - fixed fuselage PBR and compatability for the cockpit PBR mod
- [UPDATE] X-Plane Shenshee Boeing 720B LIVERY VERSION 2.1 - fixed fuselage PBR
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 24th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] XP12 Stratosphere 777-300ER
- [NEW] XP12 Stratosphere 777-300ERSF Freighter
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 23rd Jan 2023)Westwind President/CEO Mark Kusiak WWA3480 has been inactive for over 127 days and counting. Automatic action was taken by management software after 30 days from the last flight. Numerous attempts have been made by all members of the EC to contact him via email and forums and received no response. Management software also automatically sends out the pilot inactive status, welcome emails, and Award applications, with CC to select members of the EC using Mark's email account. In the past, Mark has always responded by posting news of new members welcoming them to the airline but has stopped as of September. We do not know what has happened but will continue to attempt to contact Mark. Meanwhile, As an airline, we need to move forward with leadership in place that will be active in both the airline and on the forums. For the first time in the history of WestWind Airlines the Executive Committee has regretfully had to take action to relieve current President/CEO Mark Kusiak of his duties. The EC has voted 3-0 to promote Senior Command Captain Sean McConnell WWA659 to acting President/CEO. We will advise as other positions open up. Singed Sean McConnell Acting President/CEO WestWind Virtual airlines. (Posted 23rd Jan 2023)
- [UPDATE] XP FlightFactor A320 - 2011 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - includes sharklets introduced in latest beta and textural fixes.
- [NEW] MSFS Asobo Diamond DA40TDI - 2011 Livery
- [NEW] MSFS Asobo Cessna 152 Aerobat
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo Diamond DA40NG - 2011 Livery - LIVERY VERSION 1.1 - removed dynamic tail number and solved textural bugs.
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 20th Jan 2023)
- [UPDATE] MSFS FlightSim Studio Embraer E175 - fixed sound and lighting issue and also made the door outlines of higher quality. DELETE EXISTING LIVERY FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING!
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 18th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS FlightSim Studio Embraer E175 - contains long and short winglets
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 15th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Flight1 Cessna 510 Citation Mustang
- [UPDATED] XP ZIBO 737-800 LIVERY VERSION 2.1 - Freighter Livery has textural issues in XP12
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 14th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS Carenado Piper PA-34 Seneca
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 13th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] XP11 x737project/EADT Boeing 737-700
- [NEW] XP11 x737project/EADT Boeing BBJ
- [NEW] XP11 x737project/EADT Boeing 737-800
- [NEW] XP11 x737project/EADT Boeing BBJ2
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 11th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Just Flight Piper Arrow III
- [UPDATED] MSFS Default Asobo Beech G58 Baron LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - Removed tail number and livery overhaul
- [UPDATED] MSFS Default Asobo Cirrus SR22 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 - Removed tail number and livery overhaul
- [UPDATED] XP Default Laminar Beech Baron LIVERY VERSION 2.0
- [UPDATED] XP Default Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATED] XP11 HoldMyBeer Cirrus SR22 LIVERY VERSION 2.0
- [NEW] XP11 Just Flight Piper PA-38 Tomahawk
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Just Flight Piper PA-38 Tomahawk
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 9th Jan 2023)
- [UPDATE] MSFS Default Nemeth Bell 407 LIVERY VERSION 2.0
- [UPDATE] MSFS Hype Performance Group Airbus H135 LIVERY VERSION 1.2
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 8th Jan 2023)
- [UPDATE] Asobo/JPL Cessna 152 LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Blackbird DHC-2 Beaver LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo/Captmotto Bonanza LIVERY VERSION 2.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS iniBuilds Goose LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS XCub and NXCub Gigapack LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo Cessna Longitude LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] Asobo/HD 787-10 LIVERY VERSION 2.0
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
These updates are necessary to properly disable the dynamic tail number while retaining the ability to see your callsign/tail number in the cockpit.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 7th Jan 2023)The Executive Committee is proud to announce that we have created a new award which recognizes the pilot(who does not hold a management position) that amasses the largest number of flight hours in a calendar year. With that said The Executive Committee of WestWind Airlines is proud to present The Inaugural Aviator of the Year Award for 2022 to Captain Terry Parthemore from our Seattle Hub. Terry racked up 1,639.1 hours over 329 flights in 2022, he was also a 3 time winner of the Charter Pilot of the Month Award (Aug, Sept, Nov) Keep up the great work Terry and thank you for your dedication to WestWind Airlines!! (Posted 7th Jan 2023)
The Executive Committee is proud to present the The Presidents Award for 2022 to Capt. Alex Lu. Alex returned in November 2021 after some time away from WestWind and stuck his feet right back into a little bit of everything!! He currently works in the Maintenance Department as an aircraft painter, he also helps George when it comes to any IT issues the web site may be having, and in addition to those 2 jobs plus flying his rear off at the Denver Hub, Alex took on the job of Hub Manager at our Los Angeles Hub late last year and instantly made an impact. Along with the number of repaints that he has produced over the past year, the tremendous amount of activity that he has in the forums, and his work in the IT department Alex has gone above and beyond what is expected. We the Executive Committee of WestWind Airlines thank you Alex for all of your hard work in 2022, here's looking forward to a great 2023. (Posted 7th Jan 2023)
The Executive Committee is proud to present The Founders Award for 2022 to Capt. Chris Cramblet. Chris wears many hats here at WestWind, he is the current Chicago Hub Manager, Publisher of our fabulous WestWind Journal, and up until the end of 2022, was the Director of Online Operations & Events. A job that he thanklessly poured his time and dedication into with little to no results to show for it. He also manages to fly a ton of hours(mostly on VATSIM) each month along with fulfilling all of his other duties!!! Chris goes above and beyond in everything he touches and we are happy to have him in our management group here at WestWind. Congratulations Chris and Thank you for everything you do for WestWind Airlines!!! (Posted 7th Jan 2023)
I’ve updated the CJ4 among other 9 default aircraft to disable tail numbers for good.
In order to disable the tail number without breaking anything, I have to split the CJ4 livery to the default one and the Working Title one. They’re each in their separate folder now in the new download.
If you have our Friendly Model Matching for GA you MUST place the default one in your Community folder otherwise you’ll get errors in vPilot.
When you fly you also must select the correct CJ4 variant. Note the new names and thumbnails:
Default Asobo: “WestWind New” with plane thumbnail
Working Title: “WestWind WORKING TITLE” with Blue WestWind thumbnail.
Any questions let us know in the forums by clicking the title! (Posted 5th Jan 2023)
January/February WestWind Journal
The publisher of the WestWind Journal fell and hit his head. A couple weeks after that was hospitalized on December 20th and finally released from the hospital on January 2. He is still recovering from the incident. The January issue of the WestWind Journal is hereby canceled. The February issue of the WestWind Journal will be sent out and posted as usual on the 1st of February. It will also contain the 2022 yearly stats. (Posted 5th Jan 2023)
- [NEW] MSFS WB-Sims Cessna 172 Classic
- [UPDATE] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 PaxCargo LIVERY VERSION 1.2
- [UPDATE] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Left Door LIVERY VERSION 1.2
- [UPDATE] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Freighter LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Floats mod LIVERY VERSION 1.2
- [UPDATE] MSFS Black Square King Air 350 LIVERY VERSION 2.2
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo C208B Caravan LIVERY VERSION 1.4
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo C208B Super Cargomaster/Freighter LIVERY VERSION 1.4
- [UPDATE] MSFS Black Square C208B Caravan LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Black Square C208B Super Cargomaster/Freighter LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo/Bagolu Cessna 172 G1000 LIVERY VERSION 2.2
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo/Bagolu Cessna 172 Classic LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATE] MSFS Asobo/mrtommymxr Diamond DA62 LIVERY VERSION 2.1
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
These updates are necessary to properly disable the dynamic tail number while retaining the ability to see your callsign/tail number in the cockpit.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 3rd Jan 2023)
- [UPDATE] X-Plane 12 X-Works A330-900neo LIVERY VERSION 1.1
Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 2nd Jan 2023)
The Robertsv CRJ700 for X-Plane 11 is now available. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 29th Dec 2022)The forum now has an SSL certificate, so please use https://forum.flywestwind.org from now on. All links in the website have been updated. (Posted 29th Dec 2022)
The Flight1 King Air B200 for FSX and P3D is now available. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 28th Dec 2022)
- [NEW] XP Airfoillabs King Air 350
- [UPDATED] MSFS Black Square King Air LIVERY VERSION 2.0
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 27th Dec 2022)
The FlyJSim Q4XP livery for X-Plane 11 and 12 is now available. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 25th Dec 2022)
The default Guimbal Cabri G2 livery for MSFS is now available. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 23rd Dec 2022)
- [NEW] P3Dv5.3+ iFly 737 MAX 8 2023 Livery
- [NEW] P3Dv5.3+ iFly 737 MAX 8 2023 Livery - N107WW
- [UPDATE] XP11 Max Team Design 737 MAX 8
The iFly liveries WORK FOR P3DV5.3+ ONLY.
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 23rd Dec 2022)
- [NEW] XP11 iniSimulations A310 PAX
- [NEW] XP11 iniSimulations A310 ACJ - Deliverance
- [NEW] XP11 iniSimulations A310F
- [NEW] XP11 iniSimulations A300-600ST Beluga
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 20th Dec 2022)
Liveries for the payware MSFS GotFriends Wilga is now available to you. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
The livery is untested. If you have any screenshots, problems, or reports,, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 16th Dec 2022)
The Airland/RotorSimPilot Robinson R44 for MSFS is now available. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 16th Dec 2022)
- [NEW] FS9 TDS A350-900
- [NEW] FSX TDS A350-900
- [NEW] P3DV4+ TDS A350-900
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 15th Dec 2022)Happy Holidays and a Very Prosperous New Year
Wishing all the Pilots and Staff of Westwind Airlines the very best this Holiday Season! (Posted 15th Dec 2022)
The former payware by Auctus Delineations now have liveries available. Download by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 13th Dec 2022)
- [NEW] XP11 Starvingpilot Metro III Pax 2011 Livery
- [NEW] XP11 Starvingpilot Metro III Freighter 2022 Livery
- [NEW] XP11 Steve’s Mod Metro III Freighter 2022 Livery
- [NEW] XP11 Steve’s Mod Metro III Pax 2022 Livery
Remember to use the correct liveries for the aircraft/mod you have downloaded and configured!
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 12th Dec 2022)
We have just uploaded our livery for the FlightFX Vision Jet for MSFS. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 9th Dec 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [UPDATE] XP AeroSphere Piper Aerostar LIVERY VERSION 2.0
- [NEW] XP AeroSphere Aerostar Jet (listed separately but same download as prop version!)
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 8th Dec 2022)New Assistant Hub Managers
I would like to welcome the following pilots to the Hub Management team as they have taken on the role of Assistant Hub Manager at the following Hubs.
Atlanta - Capt. Mike Jones
Los Angeles - Capt. Dallas Manning
Seattle - Capt. Terry Parthemore
Congrats on your promotions gentlemen and I look forward to working with you. (Posted 8th Dec 2022)
X-Works A330-900neo mod livery for X-Plane 12 now uploaded. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
Click here to download the mod.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 7th Dec 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Blackbox A330-300
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Blackbox A340-300
- [NEW] FSX/P3D Blackbox A340-600
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 7th Dec 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] XP11 Rotate MD-80 Ameriwind Retro (listing under MD-83/MD-88)
- [NEW] MSFS FlyTheMaddogX MD-82 Ameriwind Retro
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 2nd Dec 2022)The December 2022 WestWind Journal Newsletter is available.
The December 2022 issue of the WestWind Journal Newsletter is now available for you. From the main Westwind home screen select, 'Cleared Direct To...' then select 'Marketing' and finally select 'Current Newsletter'. (Posted 1st Dec 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [UPDATED] Asobo/Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Pax/Cargo Config LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATED] Asobo/Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Left Door Config LIVERY VERSION 1.1
- [UPDATED] Asobo/Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Floats Got Friends Mod Config LIVERY VERSION 1.1
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 30th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 30th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ900
- [NEW] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ1000
- [NEW] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ700 - 2022 Livery
- [NEW] MSFS Aerosoft CRJ550 - 2022 Livery
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 27th Nov 2022)
The MSFS FlyByWire A320neo livery has been updated to LIVERY VERSION 2.0. Make sure you DELETE ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS before installing this one! The readme file contains all the folders that need to be deleted.
Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 26th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] MSFS Hype Performance Group H145 Civilian and Luxury
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 25th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] MSFS Project Mega Pack Airbus A330-300
- [NEW] MSFS Project Mega Pack Airbus A330-300P2F
- [NEW] MSFS Bagolu Reims FR172 Reims Rocket
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 22nd Nov 2022)
We've updated the Sparky/Default 747-400 for X-Plane 11 and 12 due to a night-lighting bug in the freighter livery. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 19th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] X-Plane 11 XFER Design Airbus Helicopters H145
- [NEW] X-Plane Mystery Historic Turboprop (guess what the model name is on the forums!) Ameriwind Retro Metal Engines
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 18th Nov 2022)
We have just uploaded the BlackBox A330-200 and -200F liveries for FSX and P3D. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 18th Nov 2022)Hub Manager Movement 11-16-22
I would like to thank Capt. Bob Sturm for filling in as the temporary HM at our Atlanta Hub, he can now resume his full time duties as the Singapore Hub Manager. The Atlanta Hub Manager position has been filled by Capt. Hal Morse. Hal had a successful run as our Hub Manager in Amsterdam, while Hal was in charge EHAM was consistently at the top spot or near it in the airline for hours flown each month. Recently Hal was looking to make a move stateside and when this opportunity opened up he jumped at it. With that said, the EHAM HM position is now open and we are looking to hire. (Anyone interested in this position please contact Phil Cohen). (Posted 16th Nov 2022)
LIVERY UPDATE 2.0 of the Flysimware 414 Chancellor is now available. This update features a new engine paint scheme and improved quality.
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 15th Nov 2022)
After months of hard work, we have finally uploaded the first version of WestWind FSLTL AI Traffic and VATSIM Model Matching. REMEMBER TO DOWNLOAD THE FSLTL BASE MODELS TO USE THIS!
Download it by going to "Cleared Direct To" -> "Aircraft & Scenery Dept." -> "Scenery List" -> "WestWind AI Traffic/VATSIM Model Matching."
Click on the title for more information and if you have any questions.
(Posted 14th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [UPDATE] MSFS Blackbird DHC-2 Beaver LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (includes BUSH WHEEL variant by Jonx)
- [UPDATE] MSFS HPG Airbus H135 Helicopter LIVERY VERSION 1.1
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 14th Nov 2022)
Most of the 40th Anny Aircraft are now painted. Please let us know in the forums for any other requests!
List of New Liveries
- [NEW] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 (left pax door variant)
- [NEW] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 Freighter
- [NEW] MSFS Nemeth Designs Bell 407
- [NEW] MSFS Aeroplane Heaven DC-3 (pax/cargo door variant)
- [NEW] MSFS Blackbird DHC-2 Beaver
- [NEW] MSFS iniBuilds A310-300
- [NEW] MSFS iniBuilds Grumman G-21A Goose
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
(Posted 11th Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [UPDATE] X-Plane 11 Stingray14 Dash 7 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 Ameriwind Retro
- [UPDATE] X-Plane Shenshee Boeing 720 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 Ameriwind Retro
- [UPDATE] X-Plane Shenshee Boeing 720B LIVERY VERSION 2.0 Ameriwind Retro
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 10th Nov 2022)
We have just released a BETA version of MSFS WestWind AI Traffic. If you want to see some WWA traffic in MSFS and want to help with the development of this, click on the title to download it.
A WWA forums account is needed in order to download it. A full release that includes updated VATSIM Model Matching rules is expected around November 15-17 (subject to change).
(Posted 9th Nov 2022)New Hub Manager at LAX
Please help me in welcoming Capt. Alex Lu as the new Hub Manager for our Los Angeles Hub. Alex also currently serves in the Aircraft Division as a painter and helps George out with our IT needs. Thank you for stepping in Alex welcome to Hub Management!! (Posted 7th Nov 2022)
We've updated the A330-300 passenger and P2F liveries. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 5th Nov 2022)
We have just uploaded the just released Miltech MV-22B Osprey for MSFS. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 4th Nov 2022)
MSFS pilots rejoice! We have uploaded the MSFS WestWind Tahiti Airstrip and Resort (AKA Ken’s Place, ICAO NTWW) for our annual Christmas in Tahiti event. Special thanks to Steve Canham WWA11 for designing and building the airstrip.
Download it by going to “Cleared Direct To” -> “Aircraft & Scenery Dept” -> “Scenery List” and look for Christmas in Tahiti. Click on the title for some screenshots of our brand-new airstrip and resort.
(Posted 2nd Nov 2022)
We have just uploaded LIVERY UPDATE 1.1 to the X-Plane 12 default Piper PA-18 Super Cub livery. Download it by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 1st Nov 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [UPDATE] X-Plane Toliss A340-600 LIVERY VERSION 1.2 (unspoken required update for X-Plane 12)
- [NEW] X-Plane 11 AFM Mooney M20R Ovation
- [NEW] X-Plane 11 AFM Mooney M20TN Acclaim
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 29th Oct 2022)
List of New and Updated Liveries
- [NEW] MSFS Black Square King Air Analog mod
- [NEW] X-Plane AKD Studio GLF550
- [NEW] X-Plane TOGA Simulations MU-2B-60 V2.0
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
If you have any questions, then please click on the title to contact us via the Forums.
(Posted 29th Oct 2022)
We have just released a PREALPHA version of MSFS WestWind AI Traffic. If you want to see some WWA traffic in MSFS and want to help with the development of this, click on the title to download it.
A WWA forums account is needed in order to download it. A full release for the entire pilot population is still a work in progress.
(Posted 26th Oct 2022)Please click on the Title of this article to see the Information for the Los Angeles Hub Manager Opening. (Posted 25th Oct 2022)
Flying the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator and want to fly an aircraft or livery that’s not in the hangar currently? Let us know your thoughts via our forums by clicking the link! Poll is open until 2359Z on Sunday, October 23. (Posted 21st Oct 2022)
The FULL VERSION of our company VATSIM Friendly Model Matching for MSFS is now available for you to download. Go to "Cleared Direct To" -> "Aircraft & Scenery Dept." -> "Scenery List" and look for WestWind AI Traffic/VATSIM Model Matching near the top of the list.
If you have the beta, you will need to redownload this one as this file now represents the vast majority of the WestWind fleet (143 aircraft), and also utilizes the default Cessna 152, Zlin Savage Cub, and the CubCrafters X-Cub Tailwheel (i.e. download them already if you have not).
If you have questions click on the title to access our forums.
(Posted 20th Oct 2022)New Atlanta Hub Manager
Capt. Bob Sturm has taken over the vacated Atlanta Hub Manager position in a temporary basis he will still be fulfilling his duties to the Singapore Hub as well. Thank you Bob and good luck!! (Posted 20th Oct 2022)
Bob Sturm’s scenery for X-Plane 11 works just fine with X-Plane 12, confirmed by Bob himself. Be sure to place the scenery files and copy over opensceneryx and any other third party libraries over to the X-Plane 12 Custom Scenery folder.
For more information or to discuss more, please click on the title.
(Posted 16th Oct 2022)
This report is a bit late, but that’s mostly because we were working hard behind the scenes preparing the X-Plane SSG 747-8. This week is all about the widebodies with a sprinkle of general aviation.
On the week of October 9, 2022, we have uploaded 5 new files and updated 5 existing files.
- XP11 A-Pilot Piper J-3 Cub
- MSFS Black Square Cessna 208B mod
- MSFS SimWorks Studios Kodiak Series III Amphibian
- XP11 and 12 SSG 747-8I
- XP11 and 12 SSG 747-8F
- MSFS Salty 747-8I
- MSFS Salty 747-8F
- MSFS Asobo Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
- MSFS Asobo Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster
- MSFS Headwind A330-900neo
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
We also encourage you to check our forums periodically for previews, early-bird announcements, and opportunities to ask us questions. Please click on the title to access the Aircraft Department section of our forums.
(Posted 16th Oct 2022)
A very, very slow week, but regardless we still got some new liveries for you all...
Again, we do have BETA LIVERIES for some of our aircraft in our fleet. If you have/own the aircraft in question we would appreciate you report any feedback, bugs, and screenshots via our forums.
On the week of October 2, 2022, we have uploaded 3 new files.
- FSX/P3D Alabeo PA-23 Aztec
- XP11 Alabeo PA-23 Aztec BETA LIVERY
- XP11 Aerobask Diamond DA62 BETA LIVERY
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
We also encourage you to check our forums periodically for previews, early-bird announcements, and opportunities to ask us questions. Please click on the title to access the Aircraft Department section of our forums.
(Posted 8th Oct 2022)Atlanta Hub Manager Applications Now being taken
There is an opening for a Hub Manager at our Atlanta Hub. If you have an interest in the position please email me at pcohenjr@comcast.net or you can reach me via PM in the forums.
We are looking for someone who will lead this hub "from the front" and will be active in the forums. If you are a new pilot and want to get involved in management this is a good place to start.
Thank you,
Phil Cohen
Cheif Operations Officer
(Posted 5th Oct 2022)
You may have noticed for several of our liveries we have uploaded BETA versions. This is to help fulfill demand for some of the most-requested airframes in our fleet and for you to get them a little faster than usual. The risk is that they're not tested in-sim, but our livery painters follow strict quality control standards to make sure they load correctly.
If you own any of the following aircraft in the list below (plus the FSX and P3D versions of FlyTheMaddogX MD-82, MD-83, and MD-88), we would appreciate you report any feedback, bugs, and screenshots via our forums. Click on the title link to report them.
On the week of September 25, 2022, we uploaded 21 new files and updated 1 existing file.
The Piper Arrow III, Piper Turbo Arrow III, and Piper Turbo Arrow IV are separated into separate aircraft, but they all count towards the x hours in P28R award.
- MSFS Default and Bagolu Cessna 172 Classic BETA VERSION
- MSFS Just Flight Piper Warrior II BETA VERSION
- XP11 iniSimulations A300-600R(F) Freighter BETA VERSION
- XP11 iniSimulation A300-600R Passenger BETA VERSION
- XP11 Felis 747-200 Passenger BETA VERSION
- XP11 Felis 747-200 Freighter BETA VERSION
- XP11 TorqueSim Cirrus SR20 BETA VERSION
- XP11 TorqueSim Cirrus SR22 BETA VERSION
- XP11 Just Flight Piper Turbo Arrow IV BETA VERSION
- XP11 TorqueSim BN-2 Islander BETA VERSION
- MSFS Default Asobo Cessna 152
- MSFS JPLogistics Cessna 152
- XP12 Default Laminar Robinson R22 Beta II Helicopter
- XP12 Default Laminar Lancair Evolution Turbine
- XP11+ Shenshee Boeing 720
- XP11 X-Crafts Embraer E195
- XP11 KSGY Let L-410 Turbolet
- XP11 Just Flight Piper Archer III
- XP11 Just Flight Piper Archer TX/LX
- FSX/P3D BlackBox Simulation BN-2 Islander
- XP11+ Shenshee Boeing 720B LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (Updated with the new Boeing 720 released by Shenshee)
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
(Posted 1st Oct 2022)The October 2022 WestWind Journal Newsletter is available.
The October 2022 issue of the WestWind Journal Newsletter is now available for you. From the main Westwind home screen select, 'Cleared Direct To...' then select 'Marketing' and finally select 'Current Newsletter'. (Posted 1st Oct 2022)
Pilot Preferences - Time Entry Option
I have added a pilot preferences page in the personnel section. This currently has one option for time entry. Select Time Picker to use the browsers built in time picker, or text to revert back to a text entry box. (Posted 29th Sep 2022)
Time entry on website - Also Bug informaton
I have changed the time entry to actual time controls. If your web browser does not support them then it will fall back to a text entry control. I have also added pattern matching in this instance so you will be forced to enter the time in 24hr format [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9] If you don't then the browser will send you a warning and not allow the form to be submitted NOTE - There is currently a bug that stops flights being signed in/out. I'm working on it NOTE - The bug has now been fixed, report any other issues through the forum (Posted 24th Sep 2022)
The most important takeaway is that there’s TONS of MSFS livery updates… As with all livery updates, it is recommended you download them, as there are major quality improvements and, in some cases, new cabin textures for extra immersion during your flights.
On the week of September 18, 2022, we have uploaded 4 new files and updated 11 existing files.
- XP11+ X-Crafts Embraer ERJ-135
- XP11+ X-Crafts Embraer Legacy 650
- XP11+ Manky1/Riviere Dash 8 Q400
- FSX/P3D Flysimware Falcon 50
- P3D PMDG 737-900NGXu LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (parity with MSFS version)
- MSFS Fenix A320 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (curve quality improvements, new cabin textures)
- MSFS Asobo DA62 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (curve quality improvements)
- MSFS Asobo TBM930 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (curve quality improvements)
- MSFS Asobo Bonanza LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (curve quality improvements)
- MSFS Improv Project Bonanza LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (curve quality improvements)
- MSFS Asobo King Air 350 LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (curve quality improvements)
- MSFS PMDG 737-600 LIVERY VERSION 1.4 (new cabin textures)
- MSFS PMDG 737-700 LIVERY VERSION 1.5 (new cabin textures)
- MSFS PMDG 737-800 LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (new cabin textures)
- MSFS Leonardo MD-82 LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (new cabin textures)
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
We also encourage you to check our forums periodically for previews, early-bird announcements, and opportunities to ask us questions. Please click on the title to access the Aircraft Department section of our forums.
(Posted 23rd Sep 2022)
Sim Update 10 was just released about an hour ago, bringing improvements such as the WT G1000NXI being the default G1000, DLSS, memory leak fixes, etc.
For more information click on the title to access our forums. Note you don't need a forums account to see this, but you'll need one (SEPARATE from your main login) if you'd like to participate in the conversation and ask us questions.
(Posted 21st Sep 2022)
Going forward, we are going to do weekly posts of new aircraft/paint uploads and updates to avoid unnecessary spam. We will make an individual post if there's a very important upload or update.
On the week of September 11, 2022, we have uploaded 11 new files and updated 6 existing files.
- Remember to select the correct MD-80 variant when signing in/out a flight! Use the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 (-81/-82) for the MD-81 and MD-82, and the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 (-83/-88) for the recently added and longer range MD-83 and MD-88.
- MSFS FlyTheMaddogX MD-82
- MSFS Freeware OzWookiee G-21A Goose Redux II
- X-Plane 11 Freeware Aerobask Eclipse 550 2.0
- X-Plane 11 Freeware roger2009 DC-9-30
- X-Plane 11 Freeware roger2009 DC-9-30F
- X-Plane 12 Default Cirrus SR-22
- P3Dv4+ FlyTheMaddogX MD-82
- P3Dv4+ FlyTheMaddogX MD-83
- P3Dv4+ FlyTheMaddogX MD-88
- FSX/P3D FlyTheMaddogX MD-82
- MSFS Big Radials Goose LIVERY VERSION 2.0 (redrawn curve)
- MSFS Default Cessna 172 G1000 LIVERY VERSION 2.1 (made compatible with recently released Bagolu's 172 patch)
- X-Plane 11+ X-Crafts ERJ-145LR and 145XR LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (curve quality improvements and placement)
- X-Plane 11+ X-Crafts ERJ-140LR LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (curve quality improvements)
- P3Dv4+ PMDG 737-800 NGXu LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (parity with MSFS paint)
- P3Dv4+ PMDG 737-900ER NGXu LIVERY VERSION 1.1 (parity with MSFS paint)
Download them by going to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
We also encourage you to check our forums periodically for previews, early-bird announcements, and opportunities to ask us questions. Please click on the title to access the Aircraft Department section of our forums.
(Posted 17th Sep 2022)
The Leonardo FlyTheMaddogX MD-82 for Microsoft Flight Simulator in our latest livery is now available at a gate near you. Download it by going to "Cleared Direct to" -> "Aircraft & Scenery Dept." -> "WestWind Fleet."
THIS IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE FSX/P3D VERSION! FSX/P3D textures will follow shortly.
For more information click on the title.
(Posted 13th Sep 2022)
The (P3D ONLY) 737-900ER NGXu and the 737-800 NGXu Livery Update 1.1 are now available at a gate, cargo ramp, or a Signature FBO ramp near you. These are updated for parity with the MSFS version. Due to technical difficulties, the 900NGXu paints are postponed until further notice. We will update this post once we get an update.
The FSX/P3D PMDG 777-300ER in our latest paint scheme is also uploaded as well.
Download them by going to "Cleared Direct to" -> "Aircraft & Scenery Dept." -> "WestWind Fleet." For more information click on the title to access our forums.
(Posted 12th Sep 2022)
With the release of Bagolu's Cessna 172 Improvement mod, our existing Cessna 172 livery is updated to Version 2.1 to make it compatible with that mod and any future mods.
We've also uploaded Livery Version 2.0 update for the payware Big Radials Goose for MSFS and two paints of freeware OzWookiee Redux II goose (the new standards and Ken's Goose) as well.
Download them by going to "Cleared Direct to" -> "Aircraft & Scenery Dept." -> "WestWind Fleet." For more information click on the title.
(Posted 11th Sep 2022)We have now implemented a "My Favourites" section on the web site, click on the title to take you to the forum post (Posted 10th Sep 2022)
We are pleased to present one of our newest features of our site, Airline Events. This page is your one-stop shop for information, links, and screenshots for every event we host at WestWind, whether it is Christmas in Tahiti, GAAR, Eastwind, etc.
To check it out, click on the link on the title.
(Posted 9th Sep 2022)
The Early Access version of X-Plane 12 (including demo) is released. Click on the title link to purchase/download it now. X-Plane 12 is now added so you may start logging time in it.
Several aircraft, including the Default Citation X and the Piper PA-18 Super Cub Tundra, are already uploaded, and a few are updated to show compatability with X-Plane 12.
(Posted 5th Sep 2022)
SimToolKitPro has been updated to version 1.0.0.
(Posted 1st Sep 2022)
There was some backend changes to the Aircraft File structure, which means most aircraft images were updated along with some aircraft name changes.
Pay attention to the following name changes when you sign out a flight next time:
- For Cessna aircraft, the notation is "Cessna (model number) (additional name)." So for example, the Citation CJ4 is now Cessna 525C Citation CJ4. The Cessna 172 is Cessna 172 Skyhawk.
- For Embraer aircraft, The Embraer E-Jets now have an E in front of the model number (e.g. E170, E175LR, E195LR). The Phenom jets are named Embraer Phenom 100 and Embraer Phenom 300E.
- The 146 in front of the Avro RJ model names is removed. The Jetstream names is slightly tweaked for convenience.
For a full changelog and acknowledgements for the screenshots used to decorate our fleet page, click on the title link to access our forums.
Please also report any broken links, downloads, and any questions you may have via the forums.
(Posted 29th Aug 2022)
The PMDG 737-800 for MSFS was released almost 2 days ago. And now we have WestWind liveries for them. Feel free to click on the title link to see some behind-the-scenes posts and to share your experiences with the PMDG 737.
The Pax, BBJ, and Freighter variants are separated due to the enormous file size. Remember that you drop the livery files into your Community folder.
There is an Equipment/Display .ini file included with each 737-800 variant provided courtesy of Chris Trott WWA3382. Follow the instructions in the readme to install it properly.
Click here to access the 737-800 passenger download page.
Click here to access the 737-800 Freighters download page.
Click here to access the 737-BBJ2 download page.
While we may not have the PMDG 737-800 for MSFS liveries out for you just yet, we do have a completely redone Asobo/WT Citation CJ4 for MSFS painted and uploaded. Click on the title link to download it.
In Version 2.0, the signature WestWind curves on both the engines and the fuselage are completely redrawn to solve some quality issues from the last paint.
Great news for old-school X-Plane pilots: an excellent freeware Boeing 720B for X-Plane that was just released yesterday now has a WestWind livery. To download the livery click on the title link.
For more information about the Boeing 720B go to to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept -> WestWind Fleet and look for the Boeing 720B.
Click here to download the aircraft from the X-Plane Org forums.
Let us know what you think about the ole' bird in the forums. Click here to access them.
(Posted 21st Aug 2022)
The Dubai International (OMDB) Scenery for X-Plane has been uploaded. Special thanks to Bob Sturm for taking the time to make it.
You can download it by going to "Cleared Direct to -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> Scenery List." For more information click on the Title Link.
(Posted 18th Aug 2022)
The P3D PMDG 737NGXu and 737 for MSFS Equipment/Display option ini files have been uploaded to the server, and the repaint for the PMDG 737-600 for MSFS is also updated to version 1.3.
While the ini files are really only intended for the P3D NGXu and the MSFS versions, the ini files are compatible with the NGX version for FSX and P3D, but you'll need to load them through the PMDG Options menu of the FMC. Furthermore, not all options are available due to differences from when the NGX first released in 2011.
Go to "Cleared Direct to -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept -> WestWind Fleet" to download them today. For more information click on the title link.
(Posted 18th Aug 2022)
The Aircraft & Scenery Department has just created a MSFS VATSIM Model Matching Beta for those with Premium Deluxe, and updated the one for Standard Edition to 0.1.1. Click on the title link to download the file.
You will need forums access to download this. We should be out of beta as soon as Wednesday assuming all goes well.
(Posted 15th Aug 2022)
For future updates and repaints for PMDG aircraft, we are considering moving away from PTP files to Community Drag and Drop folders for MSFS2020.
To provide your input, please click on the title link to access our forums. Thanks!
(Posted 12th Aug 2022)
Please welcome our newest additions to the WestWind fleet, the MSFS PMDG 737-600, and the FSX Carenado C182RG. Click on the title link for some screenshots and more information. Go to Cleared Direct To -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet to download them today.
Remember that you can now log time in any variant of the Cessna 182 now that the 182 is now added to the hangar.
(Posted 9th Aug 2022)
Thank you to those of you who flew on VATSIM today. Given the success of the initial tests, the VATSIM Model Matching Beta 0.1.0 file for Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) is now available. Click on the title link to download the file. You will need forums access to download this.
Also, the Aeroproyecto freeware EMB-110 pax and freighter for FS9 and FSX is now avaliable. It's a great aircraft, and I highly recommend you try this out if you have FS9/FSX. Per WestWind policy, if you own the Dreamfoil or the NextGen Simulations version for X-Plane and MSFS respectively, you may now log time in the airframe.
(Posted 7th Aug 2022)
Today's a great day to fly on VATSIM.
A model-matching file for MSFS VATSIM pilots is in the works and is in testing to be released as a OPEN BETA later tonight on our forums. If you'd like to help out, just simply fly on VATSIM today as usual.
For more information, questions, feedback, and some behind the scenes screenshots and posts, click on the title link.
Bob Armer Named Miami Hub Manager
Capt. Bob Armer is making a lateral move from his HM position at Los Angeles and will take over the reigns at Miami. Thank you Bob and good luck in South Beach!! (Posted 4th Aug 2022)
Hub Manager Opening at Los Angeles
For all interested Pilots there is a Hub Manager position that has just come open at Los Angeles. If you are interested please email me at pcohenjr@comcast.net or send me a PM in the forums. (Posted 1st Aug 2022)
New MSFS Aircraft: Savage Cub and Updated Cessna 172
Happy Saturday! The Zlin Savage Cub and the Cessna 172 (updated livery plus the Bagolu mods) for MSFS are now in the hangar.
(Posted 30th Jul 2022)
(UPDATE 7/26/2022): Since Flysimware has updated their C414AW Chancellor to 2.7.3, our previous livery will not work with the updated aircraft anymore.
As a result, we have updated our livery to Version 1.1 to make it compatible with their latest versions, along with some minor cosmetic fixes and mistakes. Download it now by going to Cleared Direct To... -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet.
(Posted 25th Jul 2022)
Mondays don't have to be miserable, because we've got the Saab 340, Saab 340 Cargo, HJet (mentioned earlier), and Version 1.3 of the PMDG 737-700 liveries uploaded to our hangar. Go to Cleared Direct To... -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet to download them today.
For a changelog and what the Aircraft Dept about to work on next, click on the title link.
(Posted 25th Jul 2022)The H Jet aka Honda Aircraft HA420 Honda Jet is now in the hangar. EDIT (7/25): Liveries are now uploaded to our hangar. Enjoy! (Posted 24th Jul 2022)
Happy Tuesday (or Wednesday wherever you are). A good freeware Global 6000 was added to the hangar, with three liveries for you to choose from. If that doesn't fit your fancy, we also uploaded the SWS Kodiak 100, default Icon A5, and the Captain Sim 777-200ER, 777F, and the -300ER to the hangar.
Go to Cleared Direct To... -> Aircraft & Scenery Dept. -> WestWind Fleet to download them today.
For more information, be sure to check out the Aircraft Dept forums by clicking on the title link.
(Posted 19th Jul 2022)
The forums are now back online. Sorry about the temporary disruption. Click on the title link to access the forums.
Yesterday, July 17, the forums were down.
(Posted 17th Jul 2022)
Happy Wednesday! The default PC-6, Flysimware C414 Chancellor, and the Milviz C310 for MSFS 2020 are now added to our hangar. Click on the title link to download them. Special thanks to Gary Hall for testing the C310.
BONUS QUESTION: Guess the airfield of this Chancellor screenshot. Post your answers on the forums here .
Please join me in welcoming Captain Zane Godden WWA3656 assigned to London Hub and Captain Larry McPhee WWA3657 assigned to Denver Hub, Welcome aboard Captains! if you have any questions please contact your Hub Managers. (Posted 11th Jul 2022)
Please welcome the Rotate MD-11, Stingray14 Dash 7, and the Just Flight BAe 146-200 and -300 series to the hangar. To download the liveries, click on the title link.
Special thanks to Gerard Cuomo WWA3557 for testing the MD-11 and the BAe 146 series. For more information and some cool information, check out the forum post by clicking here.
UPDATE: All of the image paths are now fixed.
CLARIFICATION: The file paths will be completed in a way to avoid downtime, in a clarification to a previous statement.
If you have any questions or concerns about this process please leave us a message on the forums by clicking on the title link.
(Posted 3rd Jul 2022)
The Just Flight BAe 146-100, Manky1/Riviere Dash-8 (100 to 300 series), and the AeroSphere Piper Aerostar 601P are now in the hangar. Please click on the title link to download them now.
Click here for some more information on the forums. This is old news, but be sure to check out the Piper Arrows for MSFS and X-Plane, the Bonanza Improvement Project for MSFS, and the FSX Tom Ruth A310 as well.
Who loves turboprops?
(Posted 1st Jul 2022)
As of June 30, 2022, the X-Plane DHC-2 Beaver and the Just Flight Arrows and Warrior are now avaliable. To get them now, click here. For more information, please click on the title link. The Just Flight BAe 146-100, Dash 8, and the Aerostar will follow shortly. For the Just Flight Piper PA28... BE SURE YOU DO NOT CONFUSE THE X-PLANE VERSION WITH THE MSFS VERSION, OR VICE VERSA!
Old news (6/28): the Just Flight Arrows for MSFS, the Bonanza G36 Improvement Project for MSFS, and the Thomas Ruth Airbus A310 for FSX are now available to download.
Piper Arrow courtesy of WWA1829
A310 for FSX
(Posted 28th Jun 2022)Please join me in welcoming Captain Stephen Welsh WWA 3655 he has been assigned to KCVG (Posted 27th Jun 2022)
UPDATE (6/19): Due to a file corruption issue on upload I have reuploaded the PMDG 737-700 as Version 1.2a. Special thanks to the pilot who reported the issue to me.
The JustFlight BAe 146 for MSFS2020 is now in the hangar. There are six variants total, ranging from the -100 to the -300.
The MSFS2020 PMDG 737-700 repaints are now updated to Version 1.2a. Be sure to remove any earlier liveries from the PMDG Ops Center before installing the new versions.
For more information, click on the title link to read more.
The X-Crafts ERJ 140, 145, and 145XR are now in the hangar. Special thanks to Bob Sturm for assisting with the 145 and 145XR.
If you own the ERJ-135 and/or the Legacy versions, please click on the title link for more information.
(Posted 16th Jun 2022)World update 10 United States and US territories, KORD gets 9C/27C finally and new Terminal extension added at KDEN. KDFW also has new buildings added. (Posted 14th Jun 2022)
Thanks to Nick Johnston (WWA152), we have uploaded the Toliss A321 (and the NEO, NEO LR, and NEO XLR variants) in the 2011 standards. Be sure you are selecting the correct A321 variant when you sign out a flight!
We also uploaded the Sparky 747LCF Dreamlifter into the hangar as well. Click the title link for more information.
(Posted 13th Jun 2022)
We've added a few X-Plane 11 and MSFS 2020 repaints to the hangar, and will add more later today. Please click on the title link for more information.
IMPORTANT NOTAM (6/10/2022) It has come to my attention that the readme instructions for the default Sikorsky S-76 and the Cirrus Vision SF-50 are incorrect. The correct file path should be X-Plane/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cirrus SF-50 or Sikorsky S-76. We apologize for the inconvenience, and will update the aircraft download description page to avoid confusion. (Posted 9th Jun 2022)
Come support our Melbourne and Auckland mini-hubs by clicking on the Title Link to sign up for a slot for VATSIM’s Cross the Ditch 22 event. There will be 20 hours of ATC coverage from June 11 18:00 UTC to June 12 14:00 UTC.
One of our finest, Luuk Bakkum WWA3609, has updated his DC-3 for MSFS2020, which include cowl flaps, radios for VATSIM/Pilot2ATC flights, improved flight handling, and more. Check it out here: https://flightsim.to/file/29109/dc3-for-old-fashioned-flying-without-gps
And WestWind liveries for the wonderful Gooney Bird are now available. To download them please click the title link.
(Posted 3rd Jun 2022)
The Fenix A320 (4K and 8K resolution) is now in the hangar. You can download it by clicking on the title link.
This is also a reminder that you make sure you sign out all Fenix flights with Airbus A320, and all FlyByWire Flights with the Airbus A320neo.
(Posted 29th May 2022)
The PMDG 737-800NGXu for P3Dv4+ and an updated FlyByWire A320neo livery for MSFS2020 are now up in the hangar.
For the PMDG, only manual installation is available at this time. For a complete changelog, assistance with installation, please click the title link above to leave us a message.
(Posted 26th May 2022)15 aircraft, including the newly released PMDG 737-700 for MSFS, are now in the hangar. Please click on the title link for a full changelog and some pictures. (Posted 11th May 2022)
NOTAM to MSFS 2020 PMDG 737-700 pilots...
If you're flying the freighter version of the PMDG 737-700 in MSFS 2020, please sign out your flights with the "Boeing 737-700BDSF" due to different specs and payload capacities. If you have signed out a cargo flight with the "737-700C" already, you don't need to do anything.
UPDATE 5/12: all 3 variants of the PMDG 737-700 are now in the hangar.
(Posted 10th May 2022)The A320neo and C208B paint for MSFS2020 are already in the hangar, and the DA62, C172, and B787-10 will be added soon. Special thanks to Alex Lu WWA3293 for painting these More to come later. (Posted 12th Apr 2022)
Paul Steele Memorial Fly-In
To honor Paul Steele, we are holding a Memorial Fly-In at his home airport of KCLT. This special event will take place Saturday, February 26, with an arrival time of 2100Z-2130Z. Help us honor a very special man and participate on-line or off-line. Everyone be sure to monitor the WestWind Company TeamSpeak channel. See the Forum under On-Line Events for full and complete details. (Posted 17th Feb 2022)
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I announce that Paul Steele Passed away on February 17, 2022, click the title link for more info (Posted 17th Feb 2022)
Flight Gear Flight Simulator has been added to the available simulators to log flights with. So obviously we need painters for this new option If you are able to paint aircraft for this simulator we can sure use your help. Flight Gear Flight Simulator May be downloaded for free from this link https://www.flightgear.org/ or you may purchase a DVD disk from the same site. One word of caution is not the get the "Flight Simulator 20xx" which is just a copy of Flight Gear rebranded by the infamous Walter White (Posted 29th Jan 2022)
For outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty in several areas that Captain Chris Cramblet WWA3592 fills at Westwind IE KORD Hub Manager and Westwind Journal Editor and online operations the Executive Committee awards Chris with the Presidents award for 2021. Congratulations Chris! (Posted 31st Dec 2021)
While on the beaches at Ken's Place in Tahiti, The Executive Committee discuss who should get the Founders Award award for 2021. Congratulations to Brian Mills WWA1108 Brian has been Denver's Hub Manager since January 2015. has over 2930 hours and recently logged his 1000th flight with the Westwind flight dispatch system. He has over 250 hours in the B77L, B738, and CONI. he has been with Westwind for 16 years. In 2020 he completed Denvers Hub Slam. Brian had kept Denver running at near capacity since he has taken over, I remember a few years Denver was not accepting new pilots because the roster was soo full. With Denver being Westwind's World Headquarters it is not the easiest hub to manage. Congratulations Brain! (Posted 31st Dec 2021)
Westwind Management wishes everyone A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year for 2022! Merry Christmas everyone! (Posted 24th Dec 2021)
COO Paul Steele Recovery
COO Paul Steele, a major and guiding force here at WestWind, had a heart blockage and has undergone surgery to correct the problem. Our prayers are for his speedy recovery. Keep Paul and his family in your prayers! (Posted 20th Dec 2021)
We have several awards connected to the Annual Christmas in Tahiti Event. Christmas in Tahiti, for spending the holidays (Thanksgiving through New Year's) at Ken's Place NTKG. Ownership of Ken's Place has been turnover to Westwind and is now officially known as Westwind Resort Tahiti. we are not strict on the time frame so come when you can and leave when you need to. 48 hours of Christmas. depart from NTAA on Christmas eve or any location east of the International dateline, fly across the International flying east to west, and land on Christmas day, Christmas Island PLCH is a popular destination for this. Then return crossing the International dateline west to east landing on Christmas day again. 48 hours of New Year's, the same as 48 hours of Christmas except for New Year's day. (Posted 18th Dec 2021)
I have added a new page to the hub pages, allowing a map of the hub routes to be displayed. Also the routes are colour coded, green means both outward and inward legs flown, magenta and blue mean that just one has been flown and red means that neither has been flown. Currently it does not show intermediate stops but that will follow in the new few days. (Posted 14th Dec 2021)
If you have not already responded to the forum thread by clicking on the title Please add your name to the list. at 15 names I can proceed but more names would be better. (Posted 10th Dec 2021)
The December 2021 Issue of the WestWind Journal Newsletter is Available
The December 2021 issue of the WestWind Journal newsletter is available and ready for you! Just go to 'Cleared Direct To...', then 'Marketing', then select 'Current Newsletter'. (Posted 1st Dec 2021)
Forum is Back online
After lots of head scratching the forum is now back on line (Posted 25th Nov 2021)
Happy Thanksgiving from Westwind Airlines
The Management wishes everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving! (Posted 25th Nov 2021)
GoDaddy Scheduled Maintenance
I have received this message from our web hosts
We're making important updates to your website and hosting services during the following time period:
Date: 15 November 2021
Start time: 15 November 2021 08:00:00z
Finish time: 16 November 2021 20:00:00z
Estimated completion: 36:0h
During this time these services may be affected:
Service: website / server
This means that its likely that the website and the forum will be unavailable during this time.
Update: As of 21November the forum remains down, George is in contact with GoDady to resovel the issue.
(Posted 12th Nov 2021)Please Welcome New hire Gene Lee WWA3650
Please welcome Captain Gene Lee WWA3650 he has been assigned to KCVG (Posted 11th Nov 2021)
Good news for Offline pilots, Aerosoft revives Simple Traffic after axing the project back in July shortly after sim update 5 changed the way things are done. Sim update 6 has allowed the project to resume and is now in beta testing. (Posted 26th Oct 2021)
As part of the general standardisation of the back end of the web site, I have removed the specific aircraft suggestions for cargo flights. You now will see the suggested aircraft type rather than a suggested aircraft model for each cargo flight. This will allow me at a later date to merge all of the flight Ops tables into a single table as at the moment there are 3 separate tables, one each for Passenger, Cargo and Regionals. I will be removing the now obsolete field from the database, so if you have any issues with cargo related pages then let me know in the thread on the forum (Click on the title above to be taken to that thread). (Posted 20th Oct 2021)
End of life for Working Title G1000
With Sim update 6, Working Title announces end of life for the Working Title G1000 and will not be updated. Instead, use the Working Title G1000Nxi available from the marketplace in the sim (Posted 19th Oct 2021)
WestWind 25th Anniversary Fly-In Event
Plan NOW to make and celebrate WestWind's 25th Anniversary and fly into Denver (KDEN) on Sunday, October 17! Everyone welcome and encouraged to attend, On-Line and Off-Line! See the FORUM for full details. (Posted 5th Sep 2021)
WestWind Airlines announces it will support relief efforts for those areas and people impacted by Hurricane Ida. Relief efforts are gearing up by both Government and private concerns. Pilots providing support can fly into Cincinnati or Dallas Ft Worth. The above link provides information on close in airports in the general area of where Ida crossed the coast. (Posted 30th Aug 2021)
Welcome New Hire Captain Robert Tonkin
Please welcome new Captain Robert Tonkin WWA3648 to WestWind and the Denver Hub! (Posted 24th Aug 2021)
A vintage Westwind livery for the PMDG Douglas DC-6A has been added to the hanger. You need to own the PMDG DC-6 for MSFS to use this livery. (Posted 30th Jul 2021)
Welcome Captain Jesse Brust to Westwind and Amsterdam Hub Jesse found out about Westwind from the Westwind Air Hauler 2 Hiring BBS and will be flying Cargo and passengers in Air Hauler 2. (Posted 24th Jul 2021)
Navigraph announced yesterday, July 2, 2021, that it has absorbed the free flight planning platform known as SimBrief in a Newsletter announcement. Both packages are complimentary to each other. Details behind this action are available on the forum. Use the article link to access details there! (Posted 3rd Jul 2021)
Westwind Air Hauler 2 VA will be expanding its worldwide footprint into Africa by opening up a base in Lagos, Nigeria Late June 2021 followed by a base in Nairobi, Kenya later in July. We expect to open more bases later in the year also. If you have Air Hauler 2 and would like to join other Westwind pilots hauling AH2 passengers and cargo around the world, you can use the join code found in the forum or find us on the Air Hauler advertising BBS and apply. (Posted 21st Jun 2021)
Happy Memorial Day 2021
WestWind Virtual Airlines wishes you and yours a Happy and Healthy Memorial Day 2021. We hope that this day finds everyone in good spirits! Happy Memorial Day to all! (Posted 29th May 2021)
Textures for the MSFS DA40NG have been added to the hanger (Posted 23rd May 2021)
WIshing all a Happy Mother's Day
WestWind Airlines would like to wish all our mothers a very happy and healthy Mother's Day 2021. Happy Mother's Day to all! (Posted 9th May 2021)
WestWind Airlines Salaries
As from the 10th May, every pilot will receive a pay check for their previous months work on about the 10th of the following month. The delay is to ensure that pilots can get all flights flown in the month logged. Pilots are paid for the hours that they fly based on their pilot category. Going forward we will be adding ways for you to spend your money. There is a link on the personnel menu that will show you all of your payslips as they are generated. (Posted 9th May 2021)
A new item is now available on your personal record. You can now view your promotion history with WestWind, go to the Training Center home page then click on Promotion History in the Sidebar. Managers should be able to view pilots in their hubs. (Posted 4th May 2021)
WestWind May 2021 Group Flight
During May we will be holding a Group Flight on VATSIM and everyone is encouraged to come fly it! See the FORUMS (Events) for full details! (Posted 26th Apr 2021)
Boeing and the FAA announced that an Electrical issue has grounded aircraft that were built during the post-crash period at their Renton Washington plant. According to press accounts, the problem exists in the aircraft's "backup electrical system" as related to if the system is grounded electrically in a correct manner. This is a maintenance CA for the aircraft that can be accomplished by the airlines. US carriers are pulling MAX's from the fleet and filling the gap with other airframes. None have reported any delays in scheduled operations by the need to switch planes. Currently, the MAX is only cerified to fly in the United States. (Posted 10th Apr 2021)
Happy Easter 2021 to All
WestWind would like to extend to each and very one of our members, a very Happy and healthy Easter 2021. May you and your families be well during this time! Happy Easter to everyone! (Posted 2nd Apr 2021)
WestWind Airlines ACARS V2.3.0
I have uploaded V2.3.0 of the WWACARS program. The download is available in the links section. This update enables the correct recording of your flight plan if you click on the Select Flight Plan button once you have selected the flight. The flight plan route is then displayed on the tracking page of your flight (Posted 27th Mar 2021)
New forum started for the monthly journal
A new forum has been started to discuss topics in the current Westwind Journal Newsletter. (Posted 6th Mar 2021)
Hot off the wire!!! 8.0 and 7.3 Earthquakes off the coast of New Zealand and Tsunami Warnings for New Zealand and American Samoa. YSSY standby for relief efforts. Eastwind crews alert! this just happened a few hours ago. the situation is still developing. Update, As it turns out New Zealand is accustomed to these events and only has minor damage in the areas affected and everyone knew after the main quake that Tsumami was possible and reacted accordingly. No need for any major relief efforts. (Posted 4th Mar 2021)
For all of you M*A*S*H fans out there we have a brand new executive charter which will take you on a tour of the featured characters hometowns. click on the link to be taken directly to the charter description. (Posted 23rd Feb 2021)
Captain Bambang Suryo has been hired in Amsterdam. Please join me in welcoming the newest WestWind pilot to the airline. (Posted 15th Feb 2021)
This year we have partnered again with Bluegrass Airlines in presenting the GAAR. This should allow us to present fights for FS9, FSX, P3D, and X-Plane. This is the 20th Anniversary of the GAAR event. Flights and airfield information will be available from mid-February. We begin at Adelaide and head South to Tasmania, before heading North to Queensland. The longest leg is 273nm. The daily flights are supplied with weather based on March 2020. Registration and test/time trial flight now avaible by clicking the title link (Posted 10th Feb 2021)
WestWind is pleased to announce that Captain Rodney Warmke has been hired in Singapore. He performed his check ride in the last few days. Welcome to WestWind Virtual Airlines Captain Warmke! (Posted 31st Jan 2021)
Both the United Kingdom's CAA and the European Union's EASA have clears the Boeing 737-MAX for air operations in Europe. Each member country of the EU will need supplemental endorsements, but these AD directives for air worthiness clear the way for the MAX to return to service in Europe. For more information, see the attached article. WestWind can operate as this point in the UK and look for follow-on approval in more of Europe as it rolls out. (Posted 30th Jan 2021)
We have added the operators guide for the CJ4 for MSFS to the links section of the website (Posted 23rd Jan 2021)
Click on the title link for details then triple check for NOTAMS prior to departure. (Posted 20th Jan 2021)
Senior Command Captain +7 Paul Steele WWA3290 was nominated and approved for the Westwind Airlines Founders Award on January 6th. Captain Steele has been with Westwind Since 2013, and currently has over 4960 hours with WestWind. He has served as Hub Manager at Miami where he demonstrated that he was both a committed and able manager. His supervision as a manager moved the hub into a stellar performer in the airline. Captain Steele then move up to the Executive Committee as Chief Operations Officer. As head of Operations, Captain Steele held a steady course helping Hub Managers deal with uncertain times when Westwind underwent realignment in both management and structure. Through these turbulent consolidations, Captain Steele was both committed to the membership and the airline in working countless issues that were present and pressing. This selfless dedication to Westwind is in the best traditions of what the Founders Award is truly about. Please join all of us in giving Captain Steele a pat on the back and a well deserved round of applause. (Posted 11th Jan 2021)
On behalf of the WestWind Virtual Airlines, we would like to wish you and your families a happy and healthy New Year 2021. We look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year. Happy New Years to all. (Posted 31st Dec 2020)
WestWind would like to wish to each and every person a Merry Christmas 2020. We hope that all are safe and healthy. Merry Christmas everyone! (Posted 24th Dec 2020)
Please allow me to announce the acceptance of Hal Morse as the new Chief Maintenance Officer for WestWind Virtual Airlines. Hal brings with him experience in running Virtual Airlines as well as working with fleet requirements. Hal joined WestWind in November of 2019 and has been an active member of the airline in both membership and management. He is a VATSIM registered flyer and has a total of 3758.6 flight hours with WestWind, to date. He has flown a lot of time with WestWind and has the time to spend on management tasks. His efforts will be a help to moving Westwind forward. Hal will be taking over the aircraft and scenery management of the airline working with the Executive Board as a voting member. He has managed airline fleet in the past and brings a lot of added experience in that area. Hal is tireless in his efforts for the airline and his other positions. Please take time to welcome Hal aboard in his new role. (Posted 13th Dec 2020)
The Boeing 737-MAX (The MAX) is slated to return to service with WestWind on January 1st, 2021, ending the 2 year grounding of the aircraft. WestWind Airlines followed the industry lead to ground the aircraft after two accidents caused by the MCAS system, designed to automate stall prevention in a legacy airframe that had different engines added. Pilots are permitted to fly these aircraft now to "train" and become familiar with it's characteristics and handling. It is recommended that all pilots should do a phase check in the aircraft to highlight takeoff, landing, slow flight, and stalls. Other emergency procedures to include single-engine operation, including single engine takeoff and landings should also be done. (Posted 5th Dec 2020)
Please join me in welcoming our latest new hire to the Singapore Hub. We are happy to have him join WestWind and wish him all the best in his WestWind career. Welcome aboard Brian. (Posted 3rd Dec 2020)
The December Issue of the WestWind Journal Newsletter is Available
The December issue of the WestWind Journal is available and ready for you! Just go to 'Cleared Direct To...', then 'Marketing', then select 'Current Newsletter'. (It has been updated as of December 3.) (Posted 2nd Dec 2020)
Please welcome back Captain Bob Sturm, WWA230, as a returning Vice President of Scenery Development. Bob has held this position in the past and we are thrilled to have him back. Real life commitments took him away the first time, but we are glad to see that once they relented, his return was not that much further behind. Bob and others were instrumental in getting scenery modifications for our Hub scenery that places WestWind "branding" into the simulators that have them. His talents were sorely missed and we are glad to see him back. Please join me in welcoming Bob back to the scenery development shop. He will be working on most, but will be looking at X-Plane sceneries. WestWind is thrilled to have him back! (Posted 1st Dec 2020)
Thanks to Luuk Bakkum we now have a repaint for the FSX / P3D version of the 757 Freemium by Just Flight. It has been tested with P3D v3 and FSX. Testing with later versions of P3D is ongoing. Follow the title link to the download page (Posted 28th Nov 2020)
WestWind wishes all a happy and safe Thanksgiving 2020. We hope that all are safe and healthy at the observance of the feast. Our thoughts and prayers go to everyone sheltering from COVID. Be safe and healthy for next year. We know the sacrifices of all are large but mostly unnoticed and unappreciated. My family and I are noticing and appreciating everyone making this sacrifice. Many thanks to all of you for everything you do and are doing! (Posted 26th Nov 2020)
We are please to announce that we have new X-Plane 11 scenery for Seattle Tacoma Airport courtesy of Bob Sturm. You can find this on the scenery list, or by clicking on the title of this post (Posted 22nd Nov 2020)
The annual Christmas in Tahiti event begins Thanksgiving Day and Runs through New Years Day 2021. All pilots are invited to attend. Come and join all others down in Tahiti for the Holidays. For those wanting a ride down, I will be departing Los Angeles International Airport at about 0600 on the 27th of November. If you want a ride down, let me know on the forum. See you in Tahiti starting Thanksgiving Day! Everyone is invited to attend. (Posted 18th Nov 2020)
WestWind would like to extend to all who have served in the armed forces of your nation a happy Veteran's Day. We hope that the day finds each in good health and spirits! Happy Veteran's Day, and thank you for your service to country. (Posted 11th Nov 2020)
US Election Day, 2020
WestWind Virtual Airlines urges all who are eligible voters to vote today. Polls will close, nation wide, by 8:00 PM local time. VOTE!! (Posted 3rd Nov 2020)
The November issue of the WestWind Journal is available for you to read! Just go to 'Cleared Direct To...' then 'Marketing' then select 'Current Newsletter'. (Posted 1st Nov 2020)
We are please to announce that we have new X-Plane 11 scenery for Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport courtesy of Bob Sturm. You can find this on the scenery list, or by clicking on the title of this post (Posted 27th Oct 2020)
WestWind Welcomes New Hire to Singapore, Captain William Ross WWA3642
Please join me in welcoming Captain William (Bill) Ross to WestWind. I have assigned Captain Ross to the Singapore hub. Please welcome our latest new hire to the airline. Welcome aboard Sir! (Posted 17th Oct 2020)
Air Hauler 2 is a stand-alone add-on that allows you to run your own air freight and passenger company in the flight sim world. Air Hauler VA's are the multiplayer side of the program. As of 10-14-2020 Westwind Air Hauler Company reached 100% customer Reputation with just 3 active pilots! If you have Air Hauler 2 for P3D/FSX or Air Hauler 2 For X-Plane, You are welcome to join us in Air Hauler just click on the Title link and the join code is in the first post. (Posted 14th Oct 2020)
October WestWind Journal Available
The October issue of the WestWind Journal is available for you to read! Just go to 'Cleared Direct To...' then 'Marketing' then select 'Current Newsletter'. (Posted 1st Oct 2020)
The block time is now automatically calculated when you enter the arrival time and departure time for your flight. The code uses the OnChange event of the arrival time and departure time fields. In my testing in Edge this is triggered when you leave the field Please post any questions and comments on the associated forum post which is linked in the title. (Posted 21st Sep 2020)
VATSIM Pilot Ratings
VATSIM Reorganized the online Pilot Ratings to match that of the real world. These new pilot ratings became effective August 18, 2020. If you had a P1 rating before August 18 you are now a P0-Basic VATSIM Member, P2 and P3 pilots are now P1-Private Pilot License. Also, VATSIM has Provided a fast track to convert real-world pilot licenses to the new online ratings. If you have used this conversion process, please forward a copy of the confirmation from VATSIM to Me or Mark and we will update your VA records. Also if you hold one of the NEW Online ratings contact us so we can look it up and update your rating in our database. (Posted 19th Sep 2020)
Please welcome Captain Jim Schein WWA3641 to WestWind. Captain Schein brings long-time experience to the airline. He has done software development and is flying FS9 as a sim package. Please provide a warm welcome to him as he assumes his duties in Singapore. (Posted 14th Sep 2020)
WestWind would like to extend to a Happy and Healthy Labor Day Weekend wish for all. We also wish to remind everyone to be as safe as possible over the weekend. We hope that everyone has an enjoyable and safe Labor Day. (Posted 4th Sep 2020)
The September 2020 edition of the WestWind Journal newsletter is available on the website for your reading pleasure. Click on the title link above or access it through the Cleared Direct To > Marketing > Current Newsletter menu option on the top menu bar. (Posted 2nd Sep 2020)
Captain Chris Voultjatis WWA3640 hired in Amsterdam
Join me in welcoming Chris Voultjatis to Westwind, He will be flying out of Amsterdam (Posted 30th Aug 2020)
Please join me in welcoming Captain Floyd Trumble, WWA3639 to Dallas. Floyd has just completed training in Dallas and passed his check-ride yesterday. We are excited to welcome Captain Trumble to WestWind Virtual Airlines. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to the newest kid on the block. (Posted 24th Aug 2020)
There is an updated version of the ACARS program available using the link above. This version uses an updated version of the FSUIPC client (Posted 21st Aug 2020)
Microsoft's long awaited release of MS2020 is here. The product is officially released today and is available via STEAM. please ensure that you post reactions on the forum under the new section for the simulator. We wish everyone success in downloading and implementing the new simulator. (Posted 18th Aug 2020)
Please welcome Darrell Williams WWA3638 to WestWind as our latest "new hire". Captain Williams has agreed to come on board, flying out of the Singapore Hub. I would like to thank him for agreeing to take the assignment. Please give a warm WestWind welcome to our newest pilot. Captain Darrell Williams! (Posted 15th Aug 2020)
Signing in a flight with MS FS 2020
The website has been updated to enable those who have purchased the new simulator to log flights against it. Select MS FS 2020 from the simulator drop down when you sign in a flight. (Posted 10th Aug 2020)
In Partnership with Bluegrass Airlines, we are co-hosting the Transcontinental Airmail Centenary roughly tracing the Transcontinental Airmail route in the 1920s from New York to San Fransisco. The website is now up and you may download the test flight (time trial) for your simulator. The Rally will start in September. (Posted 7th Aug 2020)
Captain Chris Cramblet has been assigned as the new Director of Online Operations And Events. He will be coordinating online events with online ATC services. (Posted 3rd Aug 2020)
Hurricane Isaias is forecasted to approach Florida's east coast, within the next 48 hours. WestWind Virtual Airlines will be monitoring this situation as it continues to develop. WestWind's hub in Miami will be impacted by the effects of the storm.
All members in the immediate area of southeastern Florida are advised to take steps to protect both family and property as Hurricane conditions are expected there in the next 48 hours. Consult local authorities for more information.
(Posted 31st Jul 2020)FAA Announces Reduced Restrictions in Iran/Iraq Airspaces
Effective July 1, 2020, FAA restrictions were revised to allow operations in both FIR control areas at or above FL320. The original NOTAM is provided below for reference. WestWind is advising that the NOTAM was changed and is passing the information to our pilots. KICZ A0001/20 - SECURITY..UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FLIGHT PROHIBITION and KICZ A0002/20 - SECURITY..UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FLIGHT PROHIBITION were issued pursuant to the geopolitical concerns in Iran and Iraq. WestWind, as a U.S. based VA is abiding by the direction of the FAA in this matter. WestWind pilots who may be in Bagdad FIR airspace or Tehran FIR airspace are directed to depart those areas until further notice. These directives will allow flights to depart the area as part of a "waiver" requested and approved by the FAA to remove WestWind assets and personnel from these areas. WestWind will continue to monitor the situation and will advise if and when the FLIGHT PROHIBITION is rescinded or changed. These prohibitions of flight are issued for the entire FIR region. In these cases, Bagdad and Tehran FIR cover the whole countries of Iraq and Iran. (Posted 30th Jul 2020)
Please join me in welcoming our new Singapore Hub Manager Bob Armer, WWA3105. Bob is an active pilot who expressed interest in getting into a management position with Westwind and I am pleased to assign him to our Singapore hub. He has big shoes to step in with the previous HM who did some great things. Please extend a warm WestWind Welcome to Bob as he assumes the role of HM in Singapore. (Posted 27th Jul 2020)
Please join me in welcoming our new Singapore Hub Manager Bob Armer, WWA3105. Bob is an active pilot who expressed interest in getting into a management position within Westwind. The Singapore hub has been dormant for a long time so in the spirit of that, it would be nice if a few pilots could transfer to Singapore to give the hub a jump start. (Posted 26th Jul 2020)
Chris Trott has stepped down as the Director of Online Operations for the airline. Captain Trott expressed personal reasons for the decision to leave the post. We here at WestWind wish Chris well in the future. He does intend to stay and fly as a line pilot. (Posted 23rd Jul 2020)
It is with regret that I announce the resignation of Mike Bergman as Chief Maintenance Office of WestWind Virtual Airlines. Mike has served WestWind well in his time as a board member. I would like to express my thanks to Mike for his efforts to improve WestWind. His presence on the Executive Committee will be missed. Mike expressed his movement to other interests as a driving factor for leaving the position on the board. WestWind would like to extend again our thanks for all his contributions and want to wish him well in his future endeavors both inside and outside the airline. Mike will remain an active member, so we will see him around the water cooler! Please join me in wishing Mike success in his future interests. (Posted 16th Jul 2020)
Microsoft has announced their intention to release MSFS20 as of August 18, 2020. The simulator is available for "preorder" now. This is welcome news to WestWind and the hobby at large. The link above can be followed for information on what the requirements are for the new simulator. At this point, WestWind will allow member pilots to fly using the new simulator, based on existing rules for other simulators. This announcement has been awaited by many in the hobby as well as others who may wish to get into the hobby. There are many open questions regarding the new simulator and what it can and cannot do. Upgrade should be researched to ensure that moving to it will provide a good outcome for each person. (Posted 13th Jul 2020)
President/CEO to Visit Sydney (YSSY) on Around the World Flight
Captain Larry Horton and I are arriving at 2300Z (0900 local 7/10/2020) in Sydney as the next leg of our Around the World flights. We are flying the King Air 350ER on the 25th leg of an around-the-world flight that began in Denver just after New Years in 2019. In planning since mid 2018, we have been flying at least once a month. We are visiting Australia as a second trip south of the equator as the charter requires. We are looking forward to the visit. We will be parking at the Charter terminal at Sydney. (Posted 9th Jul 2020)
Screen Shot Competition
Hi Guys, The page to allow pilots to enter the screenshot competition is now up and running. The link is on the dispatch menu. Click the link to enter the Screenshot competition. You will see a form, with all of the available images. Select the image to enter, and then click on the “Enter Competition” button. You can change your mind and select another any time up to the closing date. For this month it will be on the 10th of the month. After the 10th you can then enter next months competition. There is a None option to allow you to withdraw from the competition. After the 10th the page for Vote in screenshot competition will become live. Regards George (Posted 4th Jul 2020)
WestWind Wishes All a Happy 4th of July, 2020
WestWind would like to wish all a happy 4th of July, 2020 and a very happy 244th birthday for the United States of America. Please be safe in your celebrations. Happy 4th everyone! (Posted 3rd Jul 2020)
The July issue is now live, click on the title above or Cleared Direct to -> Marketing-> Current Newsletter. A Special thanks to Chris Cramlet and Hal Morse for putting this together each month. (Posted 1st Jul 2020)
Please help me welcome Captain Ted Kennedy, WWA3636 who has joined our ranks in Amsterdam. Welcome Aboard Ted, and also extend a hardy congratulations to Hal Morse for recruiting Ted into WestWind. Again, welcome aboard Ted and congratulations Hal on bringing a new member to the airline. (Posted 27th Jun 2020)
Please join me in a warm WestWind welcome to Captain Donald (Don) Tinc, WWA3635, who is assigned in Atlanta. Putting Denver as his first choice, he has graciously accepted an assignment in Atlanta to begin. Please join me in welcoming Don to the airline. (Posted 21st Jun 2020)
We sincerely hope that you and your families are healthy and well as we celebrate Father's Day for 2020. Happy Father's Day to everyone, far and wide! (Posted 21st Jun 2020)
Please join me in welcoming our newest pilot, Captain Steve Phillips, WWA3634 to Heathrow in London. Welcome to WestWind Steven! (Posted 19th Jun 2020)
WestWind Welcomes Captain David Mundy (WWA3633)
Please extend a warm WestWind welcome to Captain David Mundy, WWA3633 who is joining the line out of Los Angeles (KLAX). Captain Mundy is WestWind's latest new hire. Welcome to WestWind David. (Posted 7th Jun 2020)
The June 2020 edition of the WestWind Journal newsletter is available on the web. Access it through the "Cleared Direct To... Marketing, Current Newsletter link or by clicking the title link above. (Posted 2nd Jun 2020)
Please extend a WestWind welcome to Captain Steven Song, WWA3632, WestWind's latest new hire pilot. Steven will be joined the line at our Los Angeles Hub. (Posted 30th May 2020)
Wishing All a Happy Memorial Day
WestWind wishes to extend to all a Happy Memorial Day for 2020. Please take a moment to reflect and honor those who made the supreme sacrifice in the service of their nations as a member of the armed forces. Our societies owe them all a debt of gratitude. (Posted 25th May 2020)
Announcing the return of the Monthly Screenshot Competition!
In the next few days/weeks you will see the ability to add screenshots from your flights to the web site. Throughout the month of June different aspects of the automation, the competition process, and if all goes according to plan, fingers crossed, Pilots will be able to submit one screenshot from the previous month on the first through the seventh of each month. Starting in July, voting will be conducted from the 8th through the 20th, open to all pilots. The winning screenshot will be resized to fit the slide show banner and winner's name/ID added with the month/year.We are also looking at a Managers favourite as an honourable mention type category, this will be the favourite picture as voted by management personnel from the Hub Manager up to the top. IE managers one vote will count for both the winning picture and the Managers favourite.
Note July is our target start date but it is not "carved in stone" and may slide ether way as things fall into place. keep an eye on the forums as updates will appear there and in the next newsletter.
(Posted 24th May 2020)Please welcome Captain Fred Koch WWA3631. Captain Koch is WestWind's latest new hire. Please extend a warm welcome to him as he joins the line in Amsterdam. (Posted 23rd May 2020)
The May 2020 edition of the WestWind Journal is up and can be found by clicking on the link in the title above. Thanks again to Chris and all those who contributed to the newsletter. (Posted 3rd May 2020)
It has come to our attention that there is a difference in pilot total hours and hours reflected in the flight log. The difference was found by a pilot auditing their personal records and reporting the problem. Investigation within IT has verified that the difference found does exist and affects pilots, both active and inactive, who flew between 1997 and 2006. From our beginning in 1996 until August 2006 Westwind did not track individual flights, only total hours were tracked. During August 2006 Westwind changed the design of the database and began tracking individual flights via the current dispatch system. Bulk PIREPs, although still allowed, soon became the exception instead of the norm, and were eventually removed completely. When the flight log database was added it was not thought necessary to retrospectively add a record for each pilot to ensure that the number of hours in the flight log matched the pilot's total hours. We are now aware of this and are in the process of correcting it. Any pilots that were active prior to August 2006 will see an additional entry in their log dated 1st August 2006 to account for the difference in total hours versus log entry hours. We believe that this applies to all pilots with an ID below WWA1771. (Posted 24th Apr 2020)
Wishing All A Happy Easter
WestWind Management would like to extend to each and every one of you a Happy Easter. We hope and pray that you and all of your family members are healthy and safe in light of current events. Hold those you are with close and those who are afar in your thoughts and prayers. (Posted 11th Apr 2020)
Please extend a warm WestWind welcome to Captain Matt Decker, flying with FS9 in Cincinnati. Captain Decker is our newest pilot on the line. Please say hello to our latest new hire around the water cooler. (Posted 8th Apr 2020)
The April 2020 edition of the WestWind Journal is now available on the web site through the CLEARED DIRECT TO > MARKETING path and by clicking the title link above. (Posted 3rd Apr 2020)
Please welcome Captain Joseph Russ WWA3629 to the airline as WestWind's latest new hire. Joseph has prior VA experience and is joining the airline, operating out of the Chicago Hub. Please extend a warm welcome to our newest pilot. </p> (Posted 2nd Apr 2020)
WestWind Hires Captain Jesse Tiessen WWA3625 in Denver
Please welcome Jesse Tiessen to the Denver hub as WestWind's latest new pilot. Welcome aboard and welcome to Denver Jesse. (Posted 27th Mar 2020)
WestWind Hires Captain Christopher Craig WWA3626 in Denver
Please welcome Captain Christopher Craig to our Denver hub as WestWind's latest new hire. Please extend a warm welcome to Chris as he settles into the line. (Posted 27th Mar 2020)
The migration to the new web site is completed, and the site is available for use as of 1039Z on 29 March, 2020. Please thanks George and the entire IT staff for their hard work in making this a reality.</p> <p> As of 1630Z on 5 April, 2020, One Hundred and Fifty-Four (154) pilots have reset their passwords and are operating on the new web site. Please report any problems you find on the IT Forum under westwind.org </p> (Posted 22nd Mar 2020)
WestWind Announces New Hire, Captain Jan Kyncl WWA3623 in Cincinnati
I am please to announce the hiring of Captain Jan Kyncl WWA3623 who will be flying out of the Cincinnati Hub. Captain Kyncl has completed his check ride and is making his way from Denver to his hub. Please join with me in a warm WestWind welcome to Jan. (Posted 21st Mar 2020)
Be aware that Coronavirus, disproportionally effects older sufferers. As WestWind's pilot community demographic fits, well, with the virus' target groups, take steps to ensure that your health is safe-guarded. This is a serious issue, that can reach even the most remote of our people.
Santa Ana, California -- 13 March, 2020 -- The United States has declared a Federal Health Emergency as a result of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic. With this Federal declaration, sweeping authority has been granted for governmental agencies to take steps to deal with the contagious viral outbreak. All members are advised to shelter in place and minimize social contacts to the extent possible. Travel bans are in place between China and the US as well as Europe and the US. Please understand that this applies to foreign nationals only. US citizens returning from China and Europe will be screened, quarantined, and tested where the need exists. Specific plans are being made at this time. Please refer to the forum thread for specifics regarding COVID-19. WestWind hopes that all are healthy and safe as we move forward through COVID-19.
Santa Ana, California -- 14 March, 2020 -- International travel routes are being affected by the closing of boarders world-wide. As well as the United States, the following countries are closing boarders to non-citizens. This list is partial. The countries listed are Australia, India, Iraq, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United States, and Vietnam. Samoa, Czech Republic, Italy, and the Netherlands are instituting partial bans. Many of the world's largest airlines have cancelled flights to China. The situation remains fluid and WestWind is monitoring needs as the pandemic continues. Monitor news outlets and the CDC for updated information. President Trump is considering domestic flight restrictions if needed. The US Department of State has issued a warning that all US citizens should "reconsider travel abroad" as of March 12, 2020!
Santa Ana Ca. -- 2050Z 11 April 2020, -- WestWind pilots are answering the need for airlift, world wide while the COVID-19 pandemic rages. There is an EastWind event underway in which WestWind Pilots can log credit for world-wide airlift relief flights. Any relief flight undertaken can be considered for flight time under the event. If there is a need, fill it and log it as a EastWind 02-2020 event flight. Awards are coming.
(Posted 6th Mar 2020)The March 2020 newsletter, The WestWind Journal, has been posted and is available through the CLEARED DIRECT TO > MARKETING > CURRENT NEWSLETTER menu item off the menu ribbon at the top of the web page. (Posted 1st Mar 2020)
February 29, 2020 .... 0116Z: -- The GAAR (Great Australian Air Rally) officially begins tomorrow. This is actually right now, as of this writing, because of the time difference. It is already March 1st down under.
Once again Westwind Airlines will co-host The Great Australian Air Rally with Bluegrass Airlines. This year's rally will officially kick off at Darwin International with a predawn launch on March 1ST and cover over 1960 miles across Central Australia. It will finishing up at Adelaide International in South Central Australia on the 28th.
In The GAAR you are competing against yourself. After you fly the test/registration flight your time will be used to calculate a predicted time for each of the 10 legs of the rally. It is your job to reach each destination as closely as possible to the predicted time. Your score is a ratio of actual time and predicted time. So 100 is perfect and the score will decrease for each second you are off from the predicted time. You are encouraged to fly each leg several times to get a consistent time. Just click on the title to go to the web page and sign up. The test flight is already up and the routes will be available later this month.
(Posted 16th Feb 2020)WestWind Hires Captain Scott Fisher in Denver
Please welcome to WestWind our latest new hire, Captain Scott Fisher who is joining us in Denver. Please take some time to welcome him to the Hub as well as welcoming him to WestWind. Welcome aboard Scott.
(Posted 15th Feb 2020)WestWind Announces Hiring of Captain Will Racey in Dallas/Ft. Worth
Please extend a warm WestWind welcome to Captain Will Racey who is joining the airline in our Dallas Ft. Worth Hub (KDFW). Captain Racey completed his Cat I check ride in Denver today and is expected to make his way out to Dallas flying a CRJ 700. Lets all welcome Will to Dallas and to WestWind. Welcome aboard sir!
(Posted 14th Feb 2020)Not to be outdone and with many thanks, Phil Cohen has agreed to resume his duties as the Executive Vice President of Charter Operations. Please take some time and welcome Phil back to the Charter Operations business as well as back to WestWind. He returns after a leave of absence to help with the kids as they were playing travel ball and participating in sports activities. Phil spent allot of time coaching in those endeavors and devoting time where it counts and is important. We are all glad to see Phil again, around the water cooler. I would like to thank him for stepping back into the management position as management help is always in short supply with a high demand.
Welcome back to the virtual office at Charter Operations. Please take some time to welcome Phil back and wish him clear skies and tailing winds in his effort.
(Posted 8th Feb 2020)The February 2020 newsletter, WestWind Journal has been posted and is available through the title link above or through the CLEARED DIRECT TO > MARKETING > CURRENT NEWSLETTER menu item off the menu ribbon at the top of the web page.
Please accept my apology for the delay in posting the newsletter. It was fast fingers on my part and faster mouse clicks that lead to it. Thanks for your understanding. (Posted 7th Feb 2020)
It is with great pleasure that I announce the WestWind Founders Award recipient for 2019. William (Bill) Taylor, (WWA944)(A9335) passed away in September of 2019, remaining loyal and productive up to the end, at 92 years young. Bill acquired a total to 2001.2 hours, achiving the final rank of Senior Captain +2, awarded at 2000.0 hours total flight time. According to his daughter Lisa, Bill remained active almost up to the end, logging his last WestWind flight on 31 July, 2019 from Cincinnati (KCVG) to Chicago, O'Hare (KORD) of 1.3 hours flight time, in a Boeing 738. His commitment to WestWind Virtual Airlines and the values we stand for is in the greatest traditions of what the award represents.
Bill joined WestWind Virtual Airlines on July 3, 2004, flying off-line. He flew over 50 offline hours in February of 2009 and also acquired 500 hours in the B738 in March of 2019. Bill's accomplishments in the shadows of offline existence reflect well on the spirit and commitment that many pilots have to WestWind. This award is given in recognition of all those who accomplished milestones and labor in the obscurity of what our hobby is and represents. His efforts, to the end, are the essence of what this award is all about. Congratulations to Bill on such a fine accomplishment.
(Posted 19th Jan 2020)KICZ A0001/20 - SECURITY..UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FLIGHT PROHIBITION and KICZ A0002/20 - SECURITY..UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FLIGHT PROHIBITION were issued pursuant to the geopolitical concerns in Iran and Iraq. WestWind, as a U.S. based VA is abiding by the direction of the FAA in this matter.
WestWind pilots who may be in Bagdad FIR airspace or Tehran FIR airspace are directed to depart those areas until further notice. These directives will allow flights to depart the area as part of a "waiver" requested and approved by the FAA to remove WestWind assets and personnel from these areas.
WestWind will continue to monitor the situation and will advise if and when the FLIGHT PROHIBITION is rescinded or changed. These prohibitions of flight are issued for the entire FIR region. In these cases, Bagdad and Tehran FIR cover the whole countries of Iraq and Iran.
(Posted 9th Jan 2020)In the last few weeks Australia has been hit with intense brush fires covering large areas, in the eastern segment, of the country. Homes and businesses have been destroyed and the entire area is in a state of emergency. Starting Tuesday, I will be flying supplies from Amsterdam (EHAM) to Sydney (YSSY) making stops along the way to pick up needed supplies.
Flights will be Amsterdam (EHAM) to Singapore (WSSS) to Sydney (YSSY) and back via the same stops. Instead of flying back to Amsterdam (EHAM), I will be stopping in Los Angeles (KLAX) to pick up more supplies.
Pilots at WestWind can help. We need cargo runs to Sydney (YSSY) of various Cargo. Needed supplies are food, medical supplies, water, clothing, and building supplies. Those who prefer shorter flights can help by flying these supplies to KLAX from various points around North America. Lets all pitch in during Australia's time of need.
The Airline Event Code name of this will be Operation EastWind 2020-01 ARRM [Australian Rescue Relief Mission]. Those who fly the ARRM Mission simply select Operation Eastwind 2020-1 ARRM in the Airline events so we know who is participating. More information can be found on the forum by following the title link above.
(Posted 7th Jan 2020)January 2020 WestWind Journal is Posted.
The January 2020 newsletter for WestWind has been posted to the web site and is available for download. Newsletters can be found off the MARKETING tab in the CLEARED DIRECT TO > MARKETING > CURRENT NEWSLETTER or NEWSLETTERS path on the menu or through the title link above. Thanks again to Chris Cramblet and his merry band of gentlemen who labor to produce a great newsletter. Please accept our thanks for all your hard work. (Posted 2nd Jan 2020)
Happy New Years - 2020
WestWind Virtual Airlines would like to extend to each and every one of you a most prosperous new year 2020. We hope that your 2019 was a good year. We also hope that 2020 will be even better.
Happy New Years everyone! (Posted 31st Dec 2019)
England To Australia Race Centenary
The Director of the England To Australia Race Centenary has decided to lift the end date for those that had to deal with real-life issues. So you may continue on and submit the pilot reports for the event into January 2020 Please get those in as soon as possible. (Posted 31st Dec 2019)
Pilots may be Receiving Errant Notices from the .ORG Site
The .ORG site is being tested and you may see Pilot Notices. The test notices have a "disclaimer" on the end that states that the notice is from the .ORG web site. Please check, closely, any notices to see if they are official notices from the airline or if they are from the .ORG system.
The reason for this is that the data on the .ORG database is old. This makes the data very "out-of-date". This is just "testing". (Posted 27th Dec 2019)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Boxing Day to All WestWind Pilots
May each of you have a very special and happy holiday season this year. We hope that each of you are with family and friends at this special time of year. Have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Boxing Day, or other special holiday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for New Years and beyond. Happy holidays everyone. (Posted 24th Dec 2019)
VATSIM will require partner Virtual Airlines to conduct airline events, that must be advertised on VATSIM, on a quarterly basis. The online event will become a mandatory requirement for maintaining partnership with them, going forward. The event doesn't require ATC coordination to count as an event. We will be required to advertise an event on VATSIM, and must have pilots refer to the event on VATSIM flight plans.
The communication from VATSIM has been copied and pasted into the forum thread in the title link above and can be viewed there. This notification is intended to give pilots a "heads-up" that the requirement exists and has become a requirement. We have events, both new and old that could qualify, such as the monthly hub fly-ins, Christmas in Tahiti, Summer Solstice, and Brown Boot 4th of July that can qualify, nicely, to fulfil these requirements.
The process of how WestWind will comply with this requirement will be disseminated once we have figured out the details. (Posted 21st Dec 2019)
New Pilot, Captain Martin Douglas Hired in Seattle WWA3620
Please extend a warm WestWind welcome to Captain Martin Douglas who found us through research on Virtual Airlines on the internet. Captain Douglas is assigned to the Seattle Hub. take some time to welcome him to WestWind. (Posted 21st Dec 2019)
It is with great pleasure that WestWind announces our latest new hire. Please welcome to WestWind, Captain Michael Kouri who will be flying out of Miami. We hope that Michael's time with WestWind is both enjoyable and educational. Welcome aboard Captain Kouri. (Posted 10th Dec 2019)
Captain Richard Marchu Hired in Cincinnati
Please extend a warm WestWind Welcome to our newest Pilot, Richard Marchu who is joining us to fly out of Cincinnati. Welcome aboard Richard! We hope that your time here at WestWind will be an enjoyable time. (Posted 5th Dec 2019)
The December issue of the WestWind Journal has been posted and is available by clicking on the title "link" above. All members are invited to access and save it as they see fit. The Journal is a .pdf file and needs Adobe's .pdf reader or a .pdf capable browser to access or view the file. (Posted 3rd Dec 2019)
New Pilot Captain Derek Manzanares Hired in Denver
WestWind's newest pilot Derek Manzenares WWA3617 has been hired as a line pilot at Denver. Please extend to Derek a warm and pleasant welcome to WestWind. (Posted 30th Nov 2019)
Wishing All A Happy Thanksgiving - 2019
Happy Thanksgiving to all WestWind Pilots and staff. We hope that this Thanksgiving finds you and yours in good health and spirits. We hope that you are able to be with family and friends on this day of bounty and blessing. Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends. To each and every one of you a joy of the season.
See you all in Tahiti
(Posted 27th Nov 2019)Oh my, That's right it is almost time to head down to Ken's place in Tahiti again. Christmas In Tahiti Runs from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. Christmas in Tahiti started way back when KenG WWA358 first retired from WestWind Airlines. Ken bought himself some property in the French Polynesian Islands on the island of Tahiti. The following year the upper managers decided to pay a surprise visit over the Christmas holidays. This became an annual event for upper management and soon grew to include all managers. And now is open to all pilots. P.S. if anyone has more details on the background please contact me so I can preserve the history.
Current TAF for NTAA...
NTAA 251630Z VRB03KT 9999 FEW020 SCT200 26/22 Q1007 NOSIG
TAF NTAA 251100Z 2512/2618 VRB05KT 9999 FEW020 SCT050 BKN130 PROB30
All pilots, regardless of skills are invited to Tahiti for Christmas. Once you have arrived, jump into the forums and add your name to the Tahiti "Guest Register" by copying the message, pasting it in a new post and adding your name to the list. That way, we know you arrived.
There are two events that have awards for Christmas In Tahiti. They are the 48 hours of both Christmas and New Years. The idea is to fly to the West of the International Date Line (IDL) celebrate Christmas Day, then return to the East flying back into Christmas Day in Tahiti. The process is repeated for New Years Day. Both events qualify the pilot for the award. There has been some suggestions about doing it as a group flight on VATSIM. See information in the forum.
(Posted 22nd Nov 2019)Boeing and FAA Announce Air Worthiness Directives for 737 800/900 NGX Wing Cracks and Engines
Boeing and the FAA have announced that wing cracks have been discovered in several 737-800/900 NGX variants of the Boeing 737 aircraft. This information is provided for all WestWind pilots as the B737-800/900 NGX aircraft is a popular aircraft within the airline.
The FAA, NTSB, and Boeing have also announced air worthiness directives to correct 737 engine nacelles, as a result of an incident where the left engine on a Boeing 737-800 failed catastrophically in flight. The resulting failure caused the fan blades to be expelled outside the engine housing, resulting in the death of a passenger when the window next to her seat was struck by parts of the engine.
All aircraft should be inspected at their next maintenance interval for the presence of wing cracks. Engine fan blades need to be inspected for cracks and signs of ware. (Posted 18th Nov 2019)
WestWind announces the Passing of William Taylor (WWA944)
It is with sadness that I learned this morning of the passing of William Taylor, (WWA944) one of our line pilots in Cincinnati. His daughter Lisa replied to an activity request. We are not sure what happened, but I can say that his last flight was on July 31, 2019 and was just enough to advance him to the rank of Senior Command Captain+2. It appears that he passed away on September 26, 2019.
Your dad had acquired 2,001.2 hours of simulated flight with our airline which shows a substantial amount of committed time to our group. Your dad was also one of our old members as he joined on July 3, 2004. He last flew a flight on July 31 of this year. Again, we wish you and all of Bill’s family clear skies and favorable winds. We will continue to hold him and his family in our prayers. (Posted 16th Nov 2019)
American Airlines (AA) announced and indicated today that their return to operation of the B737-MAX is being extended until August as opposed to June as was originally planned and intended. The FAA stated that the process continues but still maintains it's prohibition for the aircraft, in a letter to Civil Aviation Authorities as of March 20,2019. The reason was that the investigations of both the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines had developed new information indicating some similarities between the two accidents. The order still remains in effect.
Santa Ana, CA -- 14 November 2019 .... Boeing, the FAA, and EASA are looking at returning the MAX to service in the first quarter of 2020. Boeing also received news about wing cracks in the 737 NGX series. Inspections of the NGX have unearthed the problem in the wings. Aircraft are being inspected and grounded as the problem is found in each aircraft.
Santa Ana, CA -- 18 December 2019 .... The FAA has pushed back against Boeing and it's move to return the MAX to service. There are serious questions at the FAA with the role that Boeing played in the certification of the MAX. In a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, FAA's administrator testified to the House oversight committee that the process used to certify the MAX was the process used for many years, but that there were deep concerns and issues with the process based on what transpired with the MAX and the two aircraft accidents with the aircraft. The FAA is striving to ensure that the aircraft is safe to return to flight, before they reissue the air worthiness certification.
Santa Ana, CA -- 27 February, 2020 .... Boeing continues to struggle with resolving FAA AD's for various problems with the 737 - MAX aircraft. Latest areas of effort are with electrical shielding that harden the aircraft against "lightening" strikes. Boeing has relented to FAA efforts to require simulator training, specific to the aircraft. Boeing is responsible for creating the training materials to satisfy the requirement. A "shortage" of 737-MAX simulators is contributing to the delay in getting the aircraft back into the air. The current thinking is that the aircraft will return to service in the middle of this year. As with prior scheduled returns, variability is the order of the day. (Posted 14th Nov 2019)WestWind Announces New Hire Pilots
It is with the greatest pleasure that WestWind announces the hiring of two new pilots. Please extend a warm WestWind welcome to Captain Sebastian Valenzuela WWA3613, joining our New York Hub at JFK and Captain Brady McPeak WWA3614 joining the airline at Denver.
Please extend a warm welcome to them as they settle into their duties. Welcome to WestWind gentlemen! (Posted 8th Oct 2019)
The title header above is updated to the VATSIM link for information on updates based on the VATSIM client you use and the simulator package with details about how to update. Please note that VATSIM will be out of service for 24 hours starting at 2000Z 14 October. Use the embedded link to find specifics about your VATSIM setup.
VATSIM has announced that the long awaited CODEX rework on voice will be released to the general population on October 14th. This CODEX will improve radio communication on the network to include the move to "voice UNICOM" as well as other improvements in radio sound quality and use. It is unknown what effect this will have on the software supplied by VATSIM. VATSIM connection and interface are handled through client software, of which their are several. vPilot and SquawkBox are two such clients that are used for communicating and logging into a VATSIM server.
Announced via Facebook, VATSIM users should watch for updates and requests as VATSIM rolls out the new voice codex. VATSIM should be configured for "push-to-talk operation as improperly set voice activation will lead to "stuck mic" conditions. Voice UNICOM is set for 15 NM range. We will be seeking a company frequency moving forward with VATSIM once the new codex is rolled out.
This announcement is intended to prewarn pilots of the impending change at VATSIM. It is "unknown" how smooth the transition will be! So, heads up?
Santa Ana, Ca. -- 15 October, 2019 VATSIM has completed the installation of their new voice CODEX, apparently, in less then the 24 hours as was originally planned. After the system came back on line, network usage peaked at a level that was higher then ever recorded on the system. It appears that the system was able to sustain the higher volume rates with no problem. According to Facebook forums, the cut-over appears to have gone very well. We realize that about 16% of all VATSIM flights are flown with FS9 and we are trying to find a solution to the client issues for the simulator.
Santa Ana, Ca. -- 21 October, 2019 -- WestWind has identified pilots who are affected by the CODEX change at VATSIM. There are 26 pilots who have flown VATSIM flights using FS9. WestWind is in search of a solution that will keep FS9 pilots able to log in to VATSIM and fly on-line. It should be understood that WestWind has had no input into the decisions made at VATSIM. VATSIM controls all development on their clients. These are developed for VATSIM interface only. It remains to be seen if VATSIM will modify the clients associated with FS9. We are asking the question at VATSIM.
(Posted 2nd Oct 2019)New Pilot Hired in Dallas -- Welcome Captain Fridline WWA3612
David Fridline has been hired and is assigned to the Dallas Hub. Congratulations David on passing your initial check ride. Please join me in welcoming our newest Captain as he joins the line in Dallas. Welcome aboard. (Posted 29th Sep 2019)
Hurricane Dorian appears to be taking aim at the US east coast. Our Miami Hub may be affected. If the storm poses a threat to Miami, we will close operations until the storm passes. We expect everyone to take appropriate actions to protect both life and property.
WestWind Airlines wishes to express to all members our sincere hopes that everyone is safe and prepared. We will place latest information here as updates are received.
WestWind stations are asked to ready a potential airlift for relief supplies.
1620Z 2 September, 2019 -- San Antonio, Texas: Hurricane Dorian is expected to approach the east coast of Florida later today. All persons are advised to complete preparations for tropical weather. As of 2300Z 2 September, operations at Miami will stop until the storm has passed. Operations will most likely be suspended for 12 hours. All pilots are advised to monitor METAR updates for KMIA.
1345Z 4 September, 2019 -- San Antonio, Texas: Dorian continues to move Northwesterly along the coast of Florida, moving closer to land as it goes. It is unknown if the storm will make a meaningful landfall. Dangers still exist from storm surge to the Northwest of the eye. Airlift for the Bahamas is needed for moving supplies in and evacuating passengers out. Pilots should operate in Daylight VFR conditions only.
1120Z 5 September, 2019 -- San Antonio, Texas: Dorian continues to threaten the coastal Carolina's. The system is expected to move off to the North-Northeast later today and and tonight. The scope of the damage in the Bahamas is now emerging as recovery is beginning. Airlift pilots should exercise caution as infrastructure issues may exist. Hurricane Dorian remains a threat to life and property. Please exercise caution.
1524Z 16 September, 2019 -- Santa Ana, California: Dorian continues to be a legacy for the Bahamas. The situation on the islands continues to deteriorate as the scope and magnitude of the damage and loss of life becomes known. The Bahamas need relief airlift badly. Please provide all support that you can.
(Posted 16th Sep 2019)WestWind Hires Two New Pilots Captain's Barfield and Bradley
Please allow me to announce and welcome two new hires to WestWind. Captain Davy Barfield, WWA3610 has been hired and assigned to the Miami Hub effective 15 September
Captain Justin Bradley WWA3611 was hired last night and is assigned to the Chicago hub.
Please extend a warm WestWind welcome to both Davy and Justin as they move into their hubs and begin their careers with WestWind. Welcome aboard Davy and Justin.
(Posted 16th Sep 2019)On behalf of all WestWind management, please accept my best wishes for a happy and restful Labor Day. It is our sincere hope that you spend time with your families enjoying the last few days of the Summer season. We hope that everyone is safe and sound on this Labor Day weekend. Happy Labor Day to each and every one of you.
(Posted 31st Aug 2019)WestWind Hires Luuk Bakkum WWA3906 in Amsterdam
Please take some time to welcome Luuk Bakkum WWA3906 to WestWind as our latest new hire. Luuk discovered WestWind through his association with Blue Grass and through his interest in the upcoming Australia to Britain air race that the airline is co-sponsoring.
Please welcome Luuk to the airline as he reports to his home base out of Amsterdam. Welcome aboard Luuk. We hope you time here at WestWind is filled with new learning and excitement.
(Posted 30th Aug 2019)WestWind announces the England to Australia Race, in conjunction with Blue Grass Virtual Airlines. Our friends over at Blue Grass Airlines asked for our help again in presenting the original air race from England to Australia.
There are 4 options for routes. Option B largely follows the prize-winning route flown by a converted Vickers Vimy bomber (G-EAOU) (the registration being whimsically said to stand for "God 'elp all of us"). The original aircraft was crewed by Captain Ross McPherson Smith and brother Lieutenant Keith McPherson Smith as co-pilot and mechanics Sergeant W.H. (Wally) Shiers and J.M. (Jim) Bennett.
Option A follows the same route as option B but with shorter legs of about 300NM 51 sectors in total. Option B has the 23 stops of the original route. the longest leg about 640NM Option C is a High-Level route with fewer stops Legs up to 600NM Option D will cover select legs from option A and cover about half the original route. Click on the title for the link to the Official event page and more details. You have until September 15 to register for this event. (Posted 25th Aug 2019)
WestWind Hires New Captain Anthony Planas in Dallas
It is with great pleasure that I announce our latest new hire. Please welcome Captain Anthony Planas WWA3608 to our Dallas Fort Worth (KDFW) hub. Welcome aboard Anthony! (Posted 11th Aug 2019)
Online Operations
WestWind VATSIM Callsign Policy: Our registered call-sign is "WWAxxxx" for all flights, which by coincidence is also your WestWind pilot ID number. If flying cargo, please just mention this in your flight plan. It is also helpful to the VATSIM controllers to put "WESTWIND AIRLINES" in your flight plan comments. VATSIM requires that On-line pilots place the airline URL www.flywestwind.com in the comments section of their flight plan. (this will change to "flywestwind.org" when the new page goes live) It is unclear if this is a new policy or an existing policy that VATSIM is intending to enforce, going forward. The above policy has been on the Online Operations page for a long time and now added to the Rules and Regs page to get everything on one page. If you know of any other policies or regs that are not on the Rules and Regs page please let a member of upper management know so we can get it all on one page. I recommend leaving the originals intact and copy over to the Rules and Regs that way the other pages support and reinforce the rules and regs. (Posted 1st Aug 2019)
The August edition of the WestWind Journal newsletter is available on the site. Access to any "current" newsletter has a direct link from the "CLEARED DIRECT TO> MARKETING> CURRENT NEWSLETTER link on the upper menu bar. (Posted 1st Aug 2019)
The new website is now ready for beta testing. Your password for the current site will not work on the new site, so you have to request a new password. Currently everyone has full administration rights on the site to allow non managers to assist in testing the management pages. The database is completely separate from the existing site database, so if you are entering flight information in you will also need to enter it into the existing site. Once the testing is complete, the database will be copied from the existing site to the new site and all test data will be lost. If you find any bugs or have comments then please create a new topic on the forum in the following location http://forum.flywestwind.org/viewforum.php?f=79 and go into the Bugs or Comments section as applicable. Thank you in advance for your assistance (Posted 27th Jul 2019)
Apollo 11 launched at 9:30 AM, EDT on the morning of July 16, 1969 on its truly historic mission to place men on the moon. Throughout the nine days of flight, many historic tasks were accomplished. Apollo 11 Returned to Earth 12:50 PM EDT, July 24, 1969. As we look back and reflect on the events, I want to remind all of the significances and roll simulated flight played in the training and preparation of all members of the crew. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, spent many months, prior to the actual flight, training on the many aspects of mission.
The use of simulation, in training, for the flight as well as many of the other tasks that were performed on the historic undertaking is often relegated to the scrape heap of history. It is important to understand that without the aid of simulation, the flight would not have occurred at all, let alone succeeded to the degree that it did.
WestWind wishes to pause and remember the accomplishments of all who participated and contributed to the historic first landing on the lunar surface. WestWind also recognizes the role of simulation as an additional contribution to its success. "Tranquility Base, the Eagle has landed". "Roger Neil, We copy you down. We got a bunch of guys about to turn blue here"! It was not known if they would succeed or if they would return. President Nixon had prepared a speech, to address the nation, saying that they would remain on the moon if they failed. (Posted 19th Jul 2019)
I know Rules and Regulations are things everyone hates to read; but they are required for organizations such as WestWind. The Executive Committee has voted to amend/update the Rules and Regulations page. It is highly suggested that each pilot review the updated Rules and Regulations. We May ask for an acknowledgment that you have read the updated Rules and Regulations page at a later time. (Posted 14th Jul 2019)
WestWind Welcomes Returning Pilot Ed Bingler WWA2845
WestWind announces the return of Senior Command Captain Edward Bingler WWA2845 to Dallas. Ed has 293 flights with WestWind encompassing some 827,320 nautical miles. Ed favors the B744, B748, B788 and to a lesser extent the A321. Please extend a warm welcome back to Ed as he begins again in Dallas. (Posted 12th Jul 2019)
Tropical Storm Berry, located off the mouth of the Mississippi River is due to make landfall in Louisiana later today or tomorrow just after enough strengthening to be rated as a Hurricane. WestWind Hubs at Dallas, Atlanta, and Miami are reporting normal operations. For pilots located in the area, please take adequate precautions and preparations for this approaching storm.
Berry is expected to produce allot of rainfall as it moves on shore and dissipates. Unfortunately, The storm appears to be slow-moving which will contribute to the anticipated large rainfall totals. Forecasted totals are up to 25 inches in the immediate area of the storm and as much as 12 inches over the entire area. Extreme flooding is predicted.
All WestWind members in the immediate storm area are advised to monitor local authorities for updates and warnings.
WestWind management is monitoring the situation on the South Central Gulf Coast as the storm makes landfall and dissipates over the course of the next 5 days.
New Orleans, LA -- 16:00Z, 14 July 2019 Operations at airports throughout Louisiana are normal with minimal delays throughout the state; this, according to the FAA's web site for delays. Airports across the rejoin are experiencing delays 15 minutes or less, which is considered normal. BERRY is ashore now and rapidly dissipating. It is expected to be downgraded to a tropical depression later this afternoon. NHC still advises a flood hazard as the storm dissipates. (Posted 12th Jul 2019)
WestWind Hires New Captain, Sam Simmons WWA3607 in Seattle
Please welcome Captain Sam Simmons, WWA3607 to Seattle as WestWind's latest new hire. Captain Simmons has completed his initial check ride in Denver and has been assigned to the hub in Seattle. On behalf of all WestWind, I would like to extend a well earned "welcome aboard" to Sam as he settles into his new hub.
(Posted 9th Jul 2019)Happy 4th if July
WestWind Airlines would like to extend to each of your families the Happiest of fourths of July. We hope that each of you has a happy day. Happy 4th everyone. (Posted 4th Jul 2019)
6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Southern California
Santa Ana, CA -- July 4, 2019 A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Southern California at 11:10 AM PDT, 18:10Z time this morning. Los Angeles Airport is reporting no damage to infrastructure and remains open for operations at this time. Burbank, Long Beach and Ontario are also reporting no damage and operations continue. At 40 minutes after the event, preliminary reports look encouraging. The initial shock was felt across a wide area of Southern California. Damage has been reported from areas near the earthquake's epicenter, which was located North Northwest of Barstow in the high desert. Barstow is located between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Closest air aids to the center of the quake are the Hector VOR 313* radial at 70 NM. (Posted 4th Jul 2019)
The July 2019 edition of the WestWind Journal newsletter is available for download through the CLEARED DIRECT TO > MARKETING> NEWSLETTERS menu path or through the link in the article banner above. Thanks again to Chris for an exceptional job well done.
Please take some time and check out the July edition.
(Posted 2nd Jul 2019)The second named storm of the season for 2019 goes to Alvin in the Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes do form in the Pacific coming off Southern Mexico and usually do not pose a problem as they remain well out to sea. The pattern in the Pacific is almost the same as it's more known and menacing brother in the Atlantic. Pacific hurricanes can and do cause problems when they hook to the northwest, much the same as in the Atlantic.
These hurricanes do strike the West Coast of Mexico. They seldom if ever get to the US, except as remnants of a tropical wave. For information on the storm, see the article link.
Santa Ana, CA., 30 June -- The pacific also claims the third named storm of the 2019 season, Hurricane Barbara. Barbara is located south of the Baja Peninsula and is also considered far out to sea. (Posted 28th Jun 2019)
Happy Father's Day - 2019
WestWind would like to extend to all our members our wishes for you and yours to have a great Father's Day for 2019. We hope that each of you are well and that you are all safe. Again, Happy Father's Day. (Posted 15th Jun 2019)
WestWind Hires New Captain Jacob Rhyne (WWA3604) in Denver
Please welcome Captain Jacob Rhyne WWA3604 as our latest new hire. Captain Rhyne has been assigned to the Denver Hub. Please take time to welcome Jacob to Denver and to WestWind. (Posted 14th Jun 2019)
The US Midwest has been hit by record rainfall this spring and summer and is experiencing a record setting flood along the Arkansas River. We are looking at how to support relief activities in the areas impacted by the flooding.
WestWind is working up a support plan to aid DHS (FEMA) with needed airlift into the effected area. Planning will be discussed on WestWind's forum as plans are finalized. It should be noted that disaster relief flights into areas with reduced or destroyed infrastructure pose a risk and should be well planned. Pilots flying these flights will be given credit for them in both hours flown and humanitarian awards available through the airline.
Operational plans have been published and are available on Google Drive. A link is published on the forum site. An event for this relief effort has been created. The event code is "Operation EastWind 02_2019". Use this when logging flights.
To all our members in the US Midwest, we hope and pray that you and yours are safe from the flooding. Please everyone stay safe. Godspeed to everyone who is affected.
(Posted 4th Jun 2019)The June 2019 edition on the WestWind Journal has been posted and is available. It can be accessed through the CLEARED DIRECT TO> MARKETING> NEWSLETTERS menu item on the menu or by the link provided in the title above. (Posted 2nd Jun 2019)
WestWind Wishes Everyone a Happy Memorial Day
As we take time to pause and remember, we hope that you all have a great Memorial Day. Take time to reflect and remember those who sacrificed all. (Posted 27th May 2019)
VATSIM has released their July 2019 audit requirements. One area, the placing of WestWind's URL in the comments section of filed flight plans, is a new or existing requirement that VATSIM has decided to enforce. To that end, All VATSIM pilots are requested to place our URL in the comments section of any flight plans filed with VATSIM.
The URL can be copied from this page at the top of your browser and pasted where needed at any time. VATSIM pilots are requested to comply with this requirement. More information can be found on the forum thread above.
(Posted 20th May 2019)All pilots are invited to the Denver Hub Fly in tomorrow, Sunday 19 May, 2019 starting at 2:00 PM PDT, 3:00 PM MDT, 4:00 PM CDT, or 5:00 PM EDT meeting at the Denver Airport. Denver is within a few hour flying time from anywhere in the US. Please come and join in the meet up at Denver. See the links in the forum, on the on-line operations page, and in the WestWind Journal Newsletter for more information. All pilots are invited to attend. We will see you in Denver.
Check out the WestWind Journal Calendar on page 13 of the newsletter. Here is the
Captain Dallas Manning WWA3602 Hired in Atlanta
It is with great pleasure that WestWind welcomes Captain Dallas Manning as our newest line pilot. Dallas will be flying out of the Atlanta Hub and was recruited by Captain Spulick. Please take some time to welcome Dallas to the airline and congratulate Ted on recruiting a new pilot.
(Posted 15th May 2019)WestWind Hires Captain Dennison WWA3601 in Denver
It is with great pleasure that we announce and welcome Captain Dennison, WWA3601, just hired in Denver. Please take some time to welcome our newest pilot as he settles in. Welcome Dennis to WestWind Virtual Airlines.
(Posted 14th May 2019)The May 2019 WestWind Journal Newsletter has been posted. Use the title link to navigate to where it is posted. (Posted 1st May 2019)
Pilots Return to Flying with WestWind.
Please take time to welcome back to WestWind returning pilots Roberto Larobina, WWA1780 returning to fly out of Amsterdam and Juergen Vollmar WWA1047 returning to fly out of Denver. Both pilots are returning after an extended absence. On behalf of all of management, welcome back to WestWind.
(Posted 30th Apr 2019)WestWind Expresses Deep Regret at Burning of Notre Dame Cathedral
WestWind management wishes to express our deepest regrets on the tragic fire that burned Notre Dame Cathedral this afternoon and evening in the heart of Paris. Given the historical and cultural nature of the Cathedral and it's importance as a world landmark, we want to express our condolences to all who are or may be affected by this loss.
Our condolences go out to the People of France, and to all who are watching in disbelief around the world. God bless everyone in this time of despair.
17 April 2019 -- Paris, France. It appears that while the Cathedral building sustained allot of damage, the interior appears to have sustained only minor damage. The vaulted ceilings held the wood that burned above the interior of the church, thus keeping the extreme heat of the fire above the main sanctuary. This is a bit of good news.
(Posted 15th Apr 2019)New Pilots Hired in Atlanta and London
Captains Midgett and Gibson have been hired in Atlanta and London as WestWind's latest group of new hires. Please take some time to welcome these new pilots to the airline, as they work themselves into hub operations at their respective hubs. Welcome to you new Captains. (Posted 11th Apr 2019)
The April 2019 Newsletter, WestWind Journal is available. Follow the link embedded in the title above (Posted 3rd Apr 2019)
Major League Baseball opening day is upon us and WestWind is supporting MLB team operations, flying road teams to and from major league cities through out the United States. Each Major League baseball team plays a total of 162 games over the course of the baseball season with each team rotating home and away games. Teams will play 3 or 4 game series' against the opponents, traveling by air between each of the team's home cities by direct charter flights. Select one team and support their individual travel schedule throughout the season and playoffs. Each team has it's own schedule.
Westwind hub baseball teams are as follows: Atlanta, 1 team; Chicago, 2 teams; Cincinnati, 1 team; Dallas/Ft Worth, 1 team; Denver, 1 team; Los Angeles, 2 teams; Miami, 1 team; New York, 2 teams; and Seattle, 1 team. Teams not based in hubs can be supported from their respective home cities. See each MLB team schedule for clear details.
(Posted 29th Mar 2019)Natural disasters in both Africa and the United States are prompting needs for relief airlift. The situation in Mozambique and Zimbabwe is reaching crisis as victims in the effected region attempt to recover. Many areas in the storm area are impacted by flooding. Infrastructure, already challenged, is escalating an already bad situation. Tropical Cyclone Idia (Hurricane) made landfall last week.
Flooding in the Midwestern, United States; Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri are also proving to be a need. While flooding in the area is normal, this year's Spring thaw is being driven by a record wet year for the United States. The Missouri River basin has been running above flood stage for the last week.
Both situations are candidates for Operation EastWind as we look at moving supplies into both areas, in real time. Both areas are in need of food, water, and shelter items.
(Posted 25th Mar 2019)Captain Ron Henderson passed his 20 Year Service milestone with WestWind on the nineteenth. Ron also is a certified Center controller, on VATSIM, in the Miami Center. Ron flies out of our Miami hub and can be found controlling the airspace south of Cape Canaveral to the Florida Keys on a regular basis.
Congratulations Ron on a milestone passed and a job well done.
(Posted 24th Mar 2019)With the FAA's move to ground the MAX, WestWind is grounding any MAX aircraft that pilot's may be operating. This grounding only effects the "MAX" variant. The PMDG 737-800 and 900 NGX are not grounded. The iFly 737-800 is NOT grounded. WestWind will continue to operate it's 737 fleet during the period. We will continue to monitor the situation as details become known. (Posted 13th Mar 2019)
WestWind Hires Chris Hawk WWA3598 in Atlanta
Captain Chris Hawk is joining WestWind Virtual Airlines completing his training in Denver and will be flying line out of the Atlanta Hub. Hired as of 3/11/2019, please extend a welcoming hand to our newest WestWind pilot. (Posted 11th Mar 2019)
The 2019 Formula I racing season begins March 15, 2019 in Melbourne, Australia. WestWind Virtual will be supporting Formula I activities for all racing teams with both transportation and team airlift support. See WestWind's "Charter" menu for details. Formula I information provided through the BBC Sports agency. (Posted 5th Mar 2019)
The Great Australian Air Rally 2019 web page is now up and the instructions for the test flight and registration are available. Click on the title to go to the page. The GAAR officially kicks off March 9th and runs through April 5. We begin at to Innisfail in Queensland and wind our way North to Papua New Guinea and back to Horn Island in Queensland. The longest leg is 306nm and the shortest runway is 3,540'. The daily flights are listed with recommended weather. Flights and airfield information will be available from the end of February (Posted 11th Feb 2019)
You can find the January and February issues by going to Cleared Direct to > Marketing > and clicking on Newsletters. Or by clicking on the title. (Posted 6th Feb 2019)
We are looking at possibly putting together a "booth" for FSExpo2019 in Orlando and need to determine if people from our VA are considering going to this event in June.
Mike Bergman has been talking to the organizers and has found out that WestWind can get a booth for the Expo on the weekend of June 7-9, 2019 in Orlando, FL if we have six registered attendees. If your are registered to attend this event or are considering attending, please let it be known so that we can move forward on the booth idea.
Time is of the essence as June is fast approaching. I know that Mike is attending as he's planned for the trip. I had not planned to go and am not attending due to the short time window and other commitments. This could be an intriguing development. We need your input to move on the planning and figure out how to make this happen.
(Posted 31st Jan 2019)Newest Pilot Valter Aguiar WWA3598 assigned to Amsterdam
Please welcome Valter Aguiar WWA3598 to WestWind Virtual Airlines. Valter is now assigned to the Amsterdam Hub (EHAM). Please make an effort to welcome him to WestWind and to the Amsterdam Hub.
(Posted 25th Jan 2019)Captain Chris Cramblet Excepts Chicago Hub Manager's Job
It is with great pleasure that I announce and name Chris Cramblet as the Hub Manager in Chicago. Chris is new to WestWind and is also the editor of the WestWind Journal, the latest rendition of a newsletter.
Chris is a new pilot to WestWind, coming to us from another Virtual Airline. He has extensive knowledge of how a Virtual Airline operates and is interested in contributing his talents to WestWind. Please welcome Chris to Chicago in his new role as the Hub Manager.
He is replacing Alan Morris, who stepped down due to pressing personal commitments. Take time to Welcome Chris to his new position, and wish Alan well as he is remaining with the airline in a reduced capacity.
(Posted 22nd Jan 2019)Information out of Bluegrass Airlines indicates "current Thinking", on the GAAR, is a delay until sometime in March. For those who participate and have remained in the South Pacific, this is not welcome news.
It appears that the GAAR will be happening, just later on. We hope that this is not an inconvenience for those who may consider participating. We will pass new information as it becomes available.
(Posted 9th Jan 2019)WestWind's newest member Chris Cramblet has authored a newsletter that is available through the >CLEARED DIRECT > MARKETING > NEWSLETTERS menu path on the main menu above. He has produced newsletters for other Virtual Airlines and is stepping into the breach for WestWind to produce a newsletter for us.
Please feel free to download as its in .PDF format and can be read with Adobe and many of the current and popular browsers. More information will be forth coming on the forum and in future editions of The WestWind Journal.
I would like to express my thanks to Chris for volunteering to provide this service to WestWind. This is a great start. (Posted 8th Jan 2019)
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Dan Ward WWA1382 has been nominated and approved as the 2018 recipient for the Founders Award.
Dan Joined the airline in June of 2006 and has Twelve and a half years with WestWind. As of his last PIREP, filed on January 2, he has amassed a total of 4,630.5 flight hours. Captain Ward consistently and continually logs in excess of a hundred hours a month. Dan flies Passenger and Cargo flights off-line and is usually found globe-trotting the world in such places as Croatia, the United Arab Emirates, Adelaide in Australia.
He spends time flying medium size Airbus, a host of Boeings, from 727-200 up to 777. He also has DC10 time at 30.3 hours. His top aircraft, the B737 with 184 flights and the B744 with 137 flights and the B757-200 with 124 flights are the lions share of aircraft and flights made. Captain Ward does have 1468.0 hours in the B744. Captain Ward has amassed 1.8 million nautical miles on 949 logged flights. Dan's continued commitment to WestWind Virtual Airlines over the last twenty years embodies the recognition of service to WestWind Airlines, above and beyond the call of duty.
I would like to say what an honor it is to award you the 2018 Founders Award for WestWind Airlines. You have been a stellar performer and continue to provide service to the airline that is truly "above and beyond the call". Please accept this humble award on behalf of the men and women of WestWind.
(Posted 4th Jan 2019)Happy New Years -- 2019
On behalf of the management of WestWind Virtual Airlines, may each and everyone of our member pilots have a great and prosperous New Year 2019. Happy New Years to all.
(Posted 31st Dec 2018)
WestWind will be hosting the 48 Hours of New Years beginning on Sunday 12/30, through the end of New Years. FLying west from Pago Pago (NSTU), in American Samoa to Faleolo (NSFA) in Samoa, and returning to Pago Pago or Tahiti to land again on New Years Day. This event is open to both on-line and off-line participants.
This flight is short enough to allow quick transit and group coordination for those who wish to participate in groups of two or more. See the forum article linked for more information on the event. All pilots are welcome to join in.
(Posted 27th Dec 2018)
Thanks to all those who participated in the event and flew out to Christmas Island as a part of the group flight. Sean McConnell, Ron Oines and the others who came from other points. We had allot of folks on VATSIM. Make sure that you submit for the 48 Hours of Christmas Award. It is a self-nominated award.
A good time was had by all. Ron Oines and myself were able to fly in close formation for about 2 and half hours. These events are a good place to practice formation skills and understand flying in close proximity to another aircraft.
Remember to complete the self-nomination for the award. For those I saw, well done.
(Posted 22nd Dec 2018)As Christmas in Tahiti draws to a close, let me thanks everyone who attended the event and joined us out at Kens. Please make sure that you submit for the award for Christmas in Tahiti through the awards nomination process. If you attended the event and failed to "register" on the forum, send me a contact email through the web site contact us email message process so that you can be added to the register.
We will be holding the Summer Solstice Event in June on Lake Salmon, which is about 25 NM North of Nome Alaska. The Summer Solstice Event will be the week of June 21st as the summer time in Alaska brings us to 24 hour days. The Sun does not set during the Solstice. Everyone should plan for the event now. We will be planning a group of activities and doing some group fly arounds.
The forum link has been updated with the event information package for the event. Information is available on the forum. Come and join in on the celebration.
(Posted 15th Dec 2018)Wishing All Members a Happy Thanksgiving
WestWind is pleased to extend to each pilot a very Happy Thanksgiving. We hope that each of you and your families are well, have a peaceful and bountiful day. Thanksgiving is a celebration of the fall harvest, the making of new friends, and remembering old friends as we gather to share a meal of the season.
We hope that your day with family and friends is a great one. For those who are away and unable to be with family this year, have a great Thanksgiving where you are at. Happy Thanksgiving, - 2018 to all.
(Posted 21st Nov 2018)Happy Veterans Day to All Who Served
Wishing each and every Veteran a day of peace, reflection, and rest. Thanks to all our veterans who served in the armed forces of their countries. (Posted 11th Nov 2018)
New Pilots Joins WestWind in Miami & New York
Please welcome Captain David Myrick, WWA3589 and Captain Bryan Holtz WWA3590 to WestWind. Captains Myrick and Holtz are both assigned to the Miami hub and have just completed initial training in Denver. Please take some time to welcome both to WestWind and to the Miami hub.
Please welcome Captain Thodeus Yray, WWA3591 to WestWind, joining 11/05/2018 and assigned to the New York Hub. He too has completed the initial training in Denver and is joining the line in New York. Please take some time to welcome him to WestWind and the New York hub.
(Posted 4th Nov 2018)Daylight Saving Time Last Night, We Are Falling Back an Hour
Everyone make sure that you have set your clocks BACK one hour. We are moving from Standard Time to Daylight Saving time as of 2:00 am local time in all US time zones. Remember that it is fall back and spring forward. (Posted 4th Nov 2018)
Sean McConnell Appointed to Executive Committee as Chief Pilot and Chief Administrative Officer
It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Sean McConnell as Chief Pilot and Chief Administrative Officer for WestWind Virtual Airlines. This position is an appointment to the Executive Committee.
Sean joined WestWind In December of 1998 and is just under 20 years of service with the airline. Assigned WWA659, he has been a long time member. Sean flies the Airbus A-380, Boeing B737-800, B787-800, and the Lockheed C-130 Cargo aircraft most of the time. Sean brings many years of membership and participation to the airline. Congratulations on your appointment to the Executive Committee and to the the Administrative role. He will be dealing with personnel issues, and training. Sean has a total of 949.2 hours in all sorts of aircraft and has flown over 400 flights.
Join me in welcoming him to his new position. (Posted 2nd Nov 2018)
Here is to a safe and sane Halloween for 2018. Exercise caution if you are driving as many youngsters are out and about tonight. Some will be without adult supervision, or supervision exercised from a distance. Everyone be safe tonight. (Posted 31st Oct 2018)
New Pilot Joins WestWind in Dallas
Please welcome Captain Danny Brown WWA3588 to the airline. Captain Brown has completed his initial Check-ride and is assigned to the Dallas Ft Worth Hub. Please take some time and welcome him to the airline. Welcome aboard Dan. (Posted 29th Oct 2018)
WestWind Hires New Pilot in Amsterdam (EHAM)
WestWind Virtual Airlines has hired a new pilot. Please welcome Charis Brammerloo, WWA3587, who has been assigned to our Amsterdam Hub. Captain Brammerloo joined WestWind with the idea of adding structure to his flying. Please take some time to welcome Captain Brammerloo to the Amsterdam Hub and the Airline as a whole. (Posted 14th Oct 2018)
Hurricane Michael, A strong Category 4 Hurricane will strike the Florida panhandle this afternoon with sustained winds of 145 MPH. All WestWind members and families are urged to seek shelter and protect life and limb. Authorities are saying that this Hurricane is one of the strongest to strike the area in recent years.
Airlift of relief supplies is being planned at this time. More information will be disseminated as the storm threat abates. At the current time, pilots and flight operations should avoid the Northeastern Gulf Coast as Michael makes landfall and moves off to the Northeast.
Update -- 10/10/2018 - 2210Z
Airlift will be required for relief supplies into the effected area, Airfields that are identified are as follows: Atlanta Hartsfield (KATL), expected to clear by 11/0600Z. NAS Pensacola (KNPA), Elgin AFB (KVPS), Tampa Intl (KTPA) Jacksonville Intl. (KJAX). There are Runways in Tallahassee and Panama City, which were directly in the storm's path. It is unknown if the fields will be restored quickly. The storm will be going back over the area hit by Florence, probably adding to the situation there too. Pilots are requested to airlift relief supplies into the area as weather and infrastructure permit.
Update -- 10/11/2018 - 1620Z
The following airports are reported closed or severely curtailed due to Hurricane Michael (KAAF), Randolph, Apalachicola Regional, 12/12 1300Z. (KDHN), Dothan Regional, 11:00 CDT, 11/11/2018. (KPAM), Tyndall AFB CLOSED, reopen 10/15/2018 11:00Z. (KWRB), Warner-Robbins AFB, CLOSED, expected to reopen Later today, 11:00Z 11/11/2018. Relief operations in the immediate storm area should be daylight VFR until advised. Electrical outages are wide-spread in the area.
Update -- 10/12/2018 - 15:25Z
Airport Reports are updated. The following are OPEN for operations, (KAAF), (KDHN), and (KWRB). Northwest Florida Beaches, Panama City, (KECP) will be opening 17:00Z, 10/12. Tyndall AFB, (KPAM) is still CLOSED. Press accounts are saying that Tyndall suffered extensive damage. Staging Airports are Atlanta, Miami, Cincinnati, and Memphis. Area airports in the region are reporting daylight VFR operations only, due to power outages.
(Posted 10th Oct 2018)The VATSIM Board of Governors announced, at the convention in Britain, that the voice system for VATSIM is in the process of being upgraded to leverage technology, improve realism, and provide a more realistic experience. This voice system upgrade is more then a CODEX upgrade, in that they have rethought the approach to model communications in a more realistic manner.
The changes will allow voice UNICOM, and provide a more realistic Line-Of-Sight (LOS) based communications experience. UNICOM will now support voice, the way its done in real-world flying, as well as the ability to implement a true "company frequency" most likely assigned by VATSIM. The "upgrade" will require software replacement of all clients, both for controlling and flying as beta testing is completed.
VATSIM still is unsure of how they will roll this out. For WestWind VATSIM users, the change may require changes to your clients for flying, and upgrades of your controlling software, if you're controlling. The change is in beta, so there is time, but keep your ears open as VATSIM transitions into the new scheme. They did not mention "typing", a legacy remnant. If you fly, typing to ATC, there may be some questions and changes coming.
(Posted 7th Oct 2018)Captain Scott D. Williams has assumed the Hub Management role in Miami (KMIA). Please take some time to congratulate him on his new role and let him know that he is truly appreciated.
Senior Command Captain + 5, Scott Williams has been with the airline since July of 2006, his old Pilot ID being (A9992). He has flown a total of 3834.2 hours. Scott flies Cargo, allot! In his first two years with the airline, he surpassed Ten Million pounds flown. He also does and likes "Hub Hopping" when he gets the chance. He has also been awarded his Hub's Manager's Award twice as a hard-working and dedicated pilot.
Please take some time to welcome him to his new position. (Posted 7th Oct 2018)
One of the Flight Sim Add-on sites, flightsimstore.com, is presenting problems regarding products purchased and the ability to download them. The website, as of this writing, is still up and functioning. However, there has been some sort of migration or movement to another server or backbone architecture with the supplier. It appears, from a close inspection of the existing web site and the vendor's Facebook page, that the vendor is making a conscious effort to move their process onto a Facebook solution. This vendor is one that is operating on the web, and when there are problems with fulfillment, then we must advise our pilot base of the issue. It also seems that slow response to support questions may be contributing to the issue too. Facebook questions and demands for links that have been unanswered or unresolved and broken links or Errors are anecdotal evidence of the issues.
Information regarding the issues and problem encountered are outlined in the forum article, linked in the title above. WestWind is recommending to all pilots that have purchased add-on's from this vendor. Evaluate if you have an exposure that could result in loosing access to software you've purchased. Take the steps to protect your purchases! This includes copies of your purchase receipts and registration keys, archival copies of the installers and other practices to protect your investment!
(Posted 4th Oct 2018)WestWind Pilots Support Florence Relief Airlift
Congratulations to all who participated in the airlift efforts for Hurricane Florence. WestWind airlifted 828,500 pounds of relief supplies into the areas impacted by Florence's landfall.
Flying these types of relief missions, requires a heightened awareness of the situation in and around the affected area. Hurricanes can take down navigation aids, undermine runways, and present challenges due to weather and other hazards to safe aviation. WestWind has a long history of these types of flights and we will continue to support these types of operation in the future.
All pilots are welcome and encouraged to participate in these events when they occur. We try to track and plan them in real-time to provide a heightened and immersive experience.
(Posted 3rd Oct 2018)WestWind Airlines Announces Paule Steele to Assume Operations Position
It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the newest member of WestWind's executive committee. Paul Steele is assuming the position of Chief Operations Officer effective immediately.
Captain Steele WWA3290, joined the airline in June of 2013 and has been an active member of the Miami hub. To date he has amassed 2988.7 hours flying Passengers and Cargo , which he loves to do when he's not busy as a Civil Air Patrol Commanding Officer. Paul is also a retired Army officer. Paul has served as the Miami hub Manager and also as the Charter Operations Manager for the airline.
Senior Command Captain + 3 Steele will still be flying from the Miami Hub as our newest Head of Operations and Executive Committee member. He will be stepping down from the Hub Manager's position but intends to remain in Miami as a line pilot. Please wish him well in his new assignment.
(Posted 3rd Oct 2018)WestWind Welcomes Back Returning Pilot Glenn Wilkenson -- WWA2742
Please welcome back to the airline Captain Glenn Wilkinson -- WWA2742 who has returned to WestWind after a few years. Glenn, assigned and flying out of the Dallas hub, last flew with us back in 2011. Please take some time and welcome him back to the line. He is active on the forum.
(Posted 29th Sep 2018)Florence Relief airlift is now open to the designated fields below as the system has been down-graded to a tropical depression. Florence will still be a rain- maker as the remnants continue to move to the north and northeast. Flooding remains a threat through the next several days.
WestWind is now airlifting relief supplies into the stricken area. As of this time, Supplies are staged at Atlanta, Memphis, Cincinnati, and your hubs. Atlanta and Cincinnati are WestWind hubs located near the effected areas. Airport designations for support operations around the strike area are Raleigh/Durum (KRDU), MCAS Cherry Point (KNKT), Charleston AFB (KCHS), Myrtle Beach International, (KMYR), Pope AAF (KPOB), Greensboro (KGSO. These identified airfields have runways sufficient in length to handle heavy airlift landing and departures.
As of 7:35 pm on 9/16/2018, the following airfields are closed by NOTAM. Berkley County Airport, Moncks Corner, SC, (KMKS), through 9/17 @ 12:00 pm; Seymour Johnson AFB, Goldsboro, NC, (KGSB), through 9/17 @ 2:00 pm; Pitt-Greensville Airport, Greensville, NC, (KPGV), through 9/24 @ 12:00 pm; and Coastal Regional Airport, New Bern, NC, (KEWN), through 9/25 @ 8:00 pm.
WestWind also has several members who are in the area. We send our sincere wishes and hopes that each of you are well and that your homes are safe. The following members are in the area, Larry Horton, Paul Steel, and Ted Spulick. Prayers to all for a quick and complete recovery.
(Posted 8th Sep 2018)WestWind welcome for Returning and New Hire Pilots
WestWind would like to welcome back, to the line, two pilots that have returned, Lou Syracuse, (KLAX) WWA633, Ryan Rhienwald, (KLAX) WWA1659, and our latest new hire, Terry Ford, (KDFW), WWA3585. Please take some to welcome both our returning pilots and the new kid.
Lou was my Assistant Hub manager when I joined the airline, and took a leave-of-absence just after I joined the airline. We are glad to have him return. Ryan joined WestWind in January of 2007. Ryan has prior experience and is returning after many years. Terry joined and completed his training and has been assigned to the Dallas Ft Worth hub. Please welcome him to the hub.
Sept. 14, 2018 -- Please welcome Kramer Hainebach, WWA3586, who is assigned to the Dallas/Ft. Worth Hub.Please give him a warm WestWind welcome.
(Posted 7th Sep 2018)President's Hub Tours Arrives Europe
Arrived Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam 0030Z to continue the hub tour. The flight over to Amsterdam was a short affair using the King Air 350. We are checking the airline scenery files and visiting on TeamSpeak.
Come and join me on TeamSpeak and chat.
(Posted 4th Aug 2018)== Update ++ 7/31/2018 Group flights will be originating on Midway Atoll the last weekend of August. (8/24 - 8/26) Group and live-Stream Flights will happen the weekend prior from Denver to Midway. (8/17 - 8/19) Return Flights will be Labor Day Weekend. (8/31 - 9/3) All pilots are invited to attend and participate either on-line, VATSIM, on TeamSpeak, or offline.
On-line participation will be through VATSIM and TeamSpeak, allowing for pilots to socialize and fly together at the same time. Live streaming for those who can do it allows anyone to follow along with the "streamer" as he flies his aircraft through watching the process on YouTube Twitch, or both at the same time. It is a great way to join in with others who are enthusiast and follow along.
VATSIM is not required to follow along during the live stream. So non-VATSIM pilots can participate and watch through YouTube and talk with others on TeamSpeak. Again, everyone is invited to the degree that you can participate in the event. Follow the developments through the forum and on Facebook for updates.
We will be posting updates and changes here, so stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. (Posted 2nd Aug 2018)
VATSIM has certified that WestWind is in compliance with their directives and requirements. We continue to meet the active pilot and other directives to allow WestWind to remain an affiliated VA and VSOA. VATSIM participation is not required by Westwind, but we do maintain compliance with VATSIM directives to allow pilots who wish to participate the ability to do so.
My thanks to all pilots who fly VATSIM and control on VATSIM. To all, a job well done.
(Posted 20th Jun 2018)The QualityWings 787-800 available for FSX and P3D is available in WestWind Livery. This beautiful state of the art aircraft is a joy to fly and looks great in WestWind colors. Christened "Atlanta" ship N881WW is the 800 series from QualityWings. The 900 series will be coming out of the paintshop soon!
(Posted 4th Jun 2018)
The US weather service just released a new flash on Tropical Storm Alberto, located to the east of Cancun, Mexico and expected to move North over the next 48 to 72 hours. Tropical Storm warnings are in effect from the Florida panhandle to the mouth of the Mississippi River. This storm is expected to bring heavy rain to the southeastern coast by Sunday night. This effects the Miami hub and southeastern flights in the continental USA. (Posted 25th May 2018)
I want to thank all who attended the Brown Boot event and participated in the activities.
The following pilots attended: 1) WWA3480......Mark Kusiak 2) WWA659.......Sean McConnell 3) WWA3314......David Reason 4) WWA2830......Pierre Maré 5) WWA3566......David Manson
The winner of the "Where and how you came" from was Captain David Reason. Dave started his trip from Rarotonga, in French Polynesia via KLAX and Midland, and a Cessna 172 to KSAT and Brown Boot.
The July 4th 787-8 flyby at Brown boot was live-streamed and captured from the lake as the flyby took place. This was a great success and we had several pilots who were on TeamSpeak as well as a few followers from Mike Bergman's Livestream presentation.
The Fly Texas Rally had a few submissions and was a fun endeavor. The event was a VFR cross- country flight which averaged about 2:30 minutes and was designed to have the pilot use hand- flying skills to complete the flight. Winning time was flown by Captain David Reason 2:40 and a fuel usage of 19.47 gallons/ 116.8 lbs of fuel in a Cessna 172.
(Posted 11th May 2018)President/CEO Continues North American Hubs Tour
Dates for remaining hubs in North America will be in this order on these dates. San Francisco (KSFO) 05/07/2018, Dullus (KAID) 05/11/2018, and tentative dates for New York's JFK on 05/13/2018, Toronto (CYYZ) 05/18/2018, and Miami International Airport on 05/20/2018., Come out and join in on TeamSpeak, for a chat.
Hub tours and inspections for Europe and the rest of the world will start in June.
(Posted 4th May 2018)Dovetail Games intends to halt work and further development on its offering of Flight Sim World effective May 28, 2018; according to sources in the group. The offering will still remain on Steam for those who bought the "pre-release" version as it currently exists. It appears that Dovetail Games (DTG) plans no further work on the simulator.
Any existing add-ons are effected by this as well. This effectively removes DTG's Flight Simulator World as a viable simulator platform for serious flight sim enthusiasts. This is a hard decision for Dovetail, but one that they obviously felt was a necessary one to make. They are removing both the simulator and add-ons from SALE.
WestWind's adopting a simulator is based on how the simulator platform is used by members of the airline. We are dependent, to as large degree, on members buying and using the platform to fly, then adding aircraft repaints, scenery, and other user or third- party improvements. As such, DTG's decision to pull out of development for this simulator package effectively removes it from serious consideration. It is HIGHLY recommended that any further purchases should be reconsidered. At this point, we have no indication of it's future. In light of the announcement, member purchase of an unsupported simulator, by it's developer, would not be a wise purchase decision.
More information is available on DTG's forum site and news release area, on their web page.
(Posted 23rd Apr 2018)As part of the new streamlined organization in management, the decision has been made to close seven hubs: Athens, Frankfurt, Rio de Janeiro, Toronto, San Francisco, Salt Lake and Washington. For more information on the reasons behind the closings, consult the forum post linked from the headline.
Pilots in the affected hubs should have an e-mail discussing what happens next, and can also consult the forum post.
Thanks for your dedication and commitment to Westwind! (Posted 16th Apr 2018)
Please congratulate Sean McConnell on taking over as the Hub Manager at JFK. Sean was previously the HM at Toronto prior to that hub's closing over the weekend. Sean is also a VP of Aircraft and is very active on the forums and on Teamspeak. Congrats Sean! (Posted 16th Apr 2018)
Its now possible to enter a website link and a description in your flight log. There are two new fields, a web link where you enter the url, and a web link description where you enter the text that will appear as the link in your flight log. You can also still enter standard comments and these will appear after the web link in your flight log comments. If you have any issues then please see forum post for how to post these on the forum. (Posted 2nd Apr 2018)
WestWind Airlines announces a change in policy, allowing prior experience from other Virtual Airlines.
All pilots, past or present, are now able to submit up to 150 hours of prior experience from other virtual airlines or other sources. This time will be added to your total flying time with WestWind and does count for promotion. This change in policy is effective immediately.
Pilots, either existing or future hires, will be allowed to add up to 150 hours of flight time from a verifiable third party source such as another virtual airline, or through a VATSIM submission.
This is a "ONE TIME" allowance,
We are doing this to attract pilots from competitors, allowing experienced flyers to enter the airline as a category III pilot if they take the full 150 hour allotment. Present pilots who have qualifying time from other sources are encouraged to apply for the Hours credit.
(Posted 2nd Apr 2018)Sign ups opened at 13:00Z today for the VATSIM cross-the-pond event taking place on April 14. Information on the event is available on the forum and can be found by clicking and following the link embedded in the title.
For a challenge in flying that is as close as it gets to the real world, this event will be a trans Atlantic flight with VATSIM controllers supporting for the whole flight. Slots are limited and they go fast. Reserve your slot today.
New HMs in Chicago, Seattle, and Amsterdam
Please join me in congratulating three new members of the Hub Manager ranks. Alan Morris is the new HM in Chicago, Dwayne White is the new HM in Seattle, and Adrian Smit is the HM in Amsterdam. Alan was previously the AHM in Cincinnati, and Dwayne was AHM in Atlanta. CVG and ATL are two of Westwind's busiest and most active hubs thanks in part to Alan and Dwayne's presence there, and I'm confident they will lead their new hubs on the same path to success. Adrian is new to management, but has logged more than 1,000 hours in his Westwind career, and is a veteran of the Amsterdam airspace.
There are still openings for Hub Managers at the following hubs: Athens, Frankfurt, Rio, Singapore, San Francisco and New York. If interested, please send me (Mitch Worthington) a PM on the forums, or e-mail me at mitchworthington@gmail.com.
Congrats Alan, Dwayne and Adrian! (Posted 26th Mar 2018)
WestWind's President and CEO will be touring hubs individually to visit all hubs world-wide. An initial schedule is in place and is published below. Come join and meet with me. Currently located in Denver, work on the tour for the North American hubs will be centered out of the Denver hub as it is Centrally located for North America. We will be rolling this out such that every hub will be visited. Flights will be flown on VATSIM
The purpose is to conduct an inspection tour where hub scenery will be evaluated against current AIRAC's and to get a chance to meet active pilots through the use of TeamSpeak. The hope is to provide a presence that allows us to talk to each other as well as to get to know the areas. Stay tuned for the schedule and other details.
The initial tour schedule will be: Dallas/Ft Worth 03/30/2018, Seattle/Tacoma 04/01/2018, Chicago O'Hare, 04/03 - 04/04/2018, Denver, 04/07/2018, Salt Lake City, 04/08/2018, Atlanta, Jackson Hartfield, 04/10 - 04/11/2018, and San Francisco International, 04/16/2018. I will try to be available during the day and during the evening hours for those who work. More information is provided on the forum. Use the link in the headline.
(Posted 22nd Mar 2018)WestWind Virtual Airlines is hiring a Chief Administrative Officer who would head areas of responsibility with Training, On-line Operations, Events, and HR. This position is an Executive Committee position. A VATSIM "P1" rating is a must in that the designated candidate would represent the airline to VATSIM as our designated Chief Pilot.
More exact details are available through the link in the title heading on the forum. Please PM, email or contact us if you are interested in applying for the position.
(Posted 20th Mar 2018)The westwindato "training" site is being moved from its current domain to the main westwind.com domain for our web site. The title link above provides detail of what is planned with this move. If you have used the course material on this web site in the past and wish to preserve your records, then you should log in to the site and make copies of whatever records you can to preserve your work
The site is slated to expire in May of 2018. We cannot assume ownership of the site as it is co-located with other domains that are beyond our control and ability to change. This move is being added to the current web site update that is on-going. We are making efforts to preserve content that was created by many members.
03/23/2018 16:20Z -- There may be new legs in bringing westwindato over to the main web site, in that George has found a potential solution to the compatibility problem. George is currently looking at a compatible emulation that will hopefully work. We are continuing to work to migrate, as a secondary priority to attempts to ensure that the content is preserved. It's fingers crossed for now!
(Posted 19th Mar 2018)Assistant Hub Management
As some of you may be aware, it was recently decided to eliminate the position of Assistant Hub Manager. There is a reason for this decision and I want you to be aware:
1) We have too many management positions to fully staff. The intent of this is to move the 6 current AHMs into HM or other management positions.
2) The role of HM will be changed and better defined in the short term. This will help eliminate some of the workload on the HM, and will allow him to accomplish his duties without the assistance of an AHM. The VP of Hub Operations and Chief Operations Officer will be picking up more workload. So going forward the position of COO and VP Hub Ops are not going to be stand-back and observe positions. We will be actively engaged in the operations of the hubs, and will assist the HMs as needed.
3) We are looking at a consolidated approach to some of our hubs and our hub structure. This is still a bit in the future, and you will be informed of any change well in advance of it happening.
I hope you all understand, we are not "firing" any AHMs, we have some excellent pilots serving as AHM, and my hope is they will fill some of these vacant HM positions and other management positions that may be required. As always, we welcome feedback and more information can be found on the forums.
Paul Reitman
Chief Operations Officer
WestWind Virtual Airlines
(Posted 26th Feb 2018)
Westwind Reorganizes the Executive Committee
Westwind has reorganized the Executive Committee to as a first step to organizing the airline to better meet it's day-to-day operations. The Executive Committee now consists of 5 members.
The reorganization has moved midline managers under new people and they should be reaching out as their new roles become clearer. Under the office of President/CEO, the following position now exist. These are: CIO, Chief Information Officer, headed by George Forster; CMO, Chief Maintenance Officer, headed by Mike Bergman; COO, Chief Operations Officer, headed by Paul Reitman; and CAO, Chief Administration Officer, headed by John Condon. Please give these gentlemen a well-deserved congratulations when you next see them.
We are hoping to get ourselves to a leaner organization that is ready to take the airline into the future. My hardy congratulations to all who serve the airline in the capacity of management.
(Posted 19th Feb 2018)The following WestWind pilots attended the second Presidential meet and greet on TeamSpeak. Many great ideas were discussed and a good time was had by all. My thanks to Captain's Al Stallbaumer, Scott Robinson, Mike Bergman, Rob Wilkinson, Larry Horton, Chris Trott, Mitch Worthington, and Ken Rotker for bringing your good ideas and camaraderie.
The TeamSpeak Server information is provided: Server: ts76.gameservers.com:9123 . There is no password. If you have not set up TeamSpeak, download it from the TeamSpeak software site at http://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads . This web site has the appropriate package for any computer application you may be running. Your Nickname should be {firstname} {last name} -- WWA#### where the #### is your WestWind Pilot ID Number. (Posted 17th Feb 2018)
2017 Stats Posted on Forums
The 2017 Year-End hub stats are posted on the Westwind forums. The Cargo stats are on the Cargo Operations forum; the Cargo and Passenger Charter stats were combined and posted on the Executive Charter forum; the Online stats are on the Online Operations forum; and on the Hub Operations forum, you'll find three posts: one for the Passenger flight numbers, one for total numbers, combining cargo, charter and pax flights, and then a Top 50 ranking of all pilots by # of flights and total hours flown. We had a very active 2017; let's make 2018 even better! (Posted 11th Feb 2018)
Presidential Meet and Greet on TeamSpeak
My thanks to all those who visited me on TeamSpeak yesterday. Those who joined me were Maratib Ali, Ron Oines, and Sean McConnell. Others joined later in the day catching me in the middle of a Scenery mod for KORD. My apologies to those who joined and didn't get a chance to talk. Those who came on during the day were Adrian Smit, David Manson, Chris Trott, and Mitch Worthington.
Understanding that it was a weekday, thanks to all who made the effort. We are looking at the February 19, 2018, President's Day in the U.S. for the next TeamSpeak event. We hope to see you all there.
(Posted 11th Feb 2018)Attention all Hub Managers and Assistant Hub Managers
Mitch Worthington has sent an email to all HMs and AHMs. Please respond back to him. If you have not received the email, please check your spam folder or contact him in the forums. Thank you. (Posted 27th Jan 2018)
Executive Committee Members Tender Resignations
It is with deep regret that WestWind announces the resignations for long time board members Bill McCoy and Ed Bleck. WestWind Airlines is thankful for the services of both of these board members. They depart with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Ed Bleck served as the airline's Executive Vice President of Scenery and personally designed many of the Hub Scenery modules found on the scenery page. His efforts were effective at providing airline hub scenery for all hubs in the airline.
Bill McCoy served WestWind Airlines as our Executive Vice President of Hub Operations. Bill was tasked with the over all and day to day operations of all airline Hubs. His efforts were also beneficial to the airline.
Please extend to each of these gentlemen a hand, a vote of thanks, and best wishes.
(Posted 24th Jan 2018)The 2018 GAAR is underway as we speak. Watch the forum for announcements from those who are participating in the event. Lets all show support for our participating pilots and root for them to be successful in their participation.
The Bluegrass Virtual Airlines GAAR first flight window opens February 16, with ten legs that will last through the middle of March. The GAAR is a real test of a pilot's stick and rudder skills. All WestWind pilots are urged to participate in the GAAR. (Posted 7th Jan 2018)
WestWind Airlines Changes its Mission Statement
January 4, 2018 -- WestWind Airlines announces a Mission Statement Change.
WestWind Airlines exists to make flight simulation fun by providing an environment mirroring a real world aviation community. Pilots have opportunities to learn and experience professional aviation skills. We provide established Cargo, Charter, and Passenger routes, yet allow our pilots to fly where and when they want. We offer liveries, hub sceneries and try to support multiple simulator options.
This is a positive step into the future for the airline.
(Posted 4th Jan 2018)White Sands and Cape Canaveral Active
The White Sands test range and the NASA Space Center at Cape Canaveral are both active today. White Sands is closed below FL250, (14,000 AGL) and Cape Canaveral is closed for all flight levels. Pilots should exercise caution operating in or around these areas. (Posted 15th Nov 2017)
New Hub Manager in Amsterdam
It is with great pleasure that I announce to you that Robert Armer (WWA3105) has accepted the position of HM of our Amsterdam Hub. Bob has been an active Pilot for over 5 years with WWA and is rated Senior Command Captain+2. Congratulations Bob! (Posted 6th Nov 2017)
Papeete, French Polynesia:- 22:00Z, 01/03/2018 -- Flying Weather --VFR-- Forecasted afternoon showers and rain. Occasional low clouds. 40% Prob. rain. NTTT SIGMET B5 for (TS) 03/1900 - 03/2400 CB Tops above FL450 moving EAST
We have been enjoying VFR weather with occasional high clouds and some thunderstorm activity in the area. Temperatures are in the 80's and 90's year round and the water always seems to be turquois blue broken by occasional lighter shades in the shallows. Ken's Lagoon has dolphins near the landing are, so caution is advised during landings and taxi operations.
We look forward to seeing all our pilots in Tahiti for Christmas. This event normally starts after Thanksgiving and ends after New Years Day. Again, we invite all pilots to attend. Let us know if you want to "jump-seat" down by posting in the forum threads.
There are scenery links on the scenery page for FSX, FSX_SE, and X-PLANE. The link above is for FSX, X-PLANE is a little further down the list. The FSX version will work in FSX_SE.
(Posted 4th Nov 2017)
San Juan, PR 01/11/2018 18:00Z:.. To date WestWind Crews have delivered 2,284,392 Lbs of Relief Cargo, 464 Passengers, and 840 Medical Evacuees. Phase II flights have moved 184,021 Lbs of relief aid, 151 Passengers to and airlifted 73 Evacuees from the interior.
Puerto Rico FLYING OUTLOOK Today: - VFR -- Rain and Thunderstorms forecasted for ALL Puerto Rico.
Phase II Pilots can jumpseat into Puerto Rico from Atlanta or Miami. Report in at the Cargo Terminal and on the Forum thread to hitch a ride down. Phase II airlift starting from TJSJ and TJBQ. All operations still remain day-light VFR only due to limited power availability. TJSJ and TJBQ nav aids are reported as 100% restored, but operations are restricted 0600L to 23:00L or (11:00Z to 04:00Z ). Pilots are advised to consult current NOTAMS for all of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands for specific details.
The situation in both Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands continues to develop at a slow pace. All other secondary airports in the interior are open at this time. Special thanks to WestWind Captain David Hickman WWA2297 for his continued sustainment effort of WestWind's operations in Puerto Rico. His indirect support has been an assistance to this effort.
Operation EastWind VIII, Hurricane relief into the U.S. Caribbean territories is being launched to aid relief efforts in the Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. All available pilots are requested to come to the aid of Puerto Rico.
(Posted 20th Oct 2017)Andrew Wheeler Awarded 2016 Founder's Award
It is with great pleasure that we Award the 2016 Founder's Award to Senior Command Captain Wheeler, WWA49, VATSIM ID:812871. Captain Wheeler joined WestWind in December of 1998, assigned the old WestWind Number A3065, one of the few active "old" members who are still around.
Captain Wheeler has contributed to WestWind's Passenger and Charter efforts while racking up 8,194 Hours flown as of this writing. He has amassed 2,108,187 Nautical Miles flown with 207,363 Passengers and 11,184,283 pounds of Cargo in 1,913 total flights.
Some of Andrew's accomplishments include joining WestWind in December of 1998. He completed the Sydney Hub Slam as well as completing the U.N World Tour in November of 2009. He continues to be active online as both a Pilot and Controller. Andrew was awarded his Hub Manager's Award in July of 2015.
Andrew's dedication and commitment to the hobby are demonstrated in the above accomplishments and statistics. He also provides expertize to the airline as an active pilot and forum participant. Andrew's contributions in his "Charter" activities are among the highest of any member, while flying an average of 50 hours per month. His longevity exemplifies the founding principles of WestWind. These principles reflect well on him and the airline.
(Posted 15th Oct 2017)Ron Oines Awarded 2016 Founders Award
It's with great pleasure that we award the 2016 WestWind Founders Award to Senior Command Captain Ron Oines, WWA2894, VATSIM ID:810755.
Ron has been active in Virtual Flight since the Summer of 2001, flying for many virtual airlines including Livewire Virtual, Polar Air Cargo Virtual, Southwest Virtual Airline, and many others before coming to WestWind in the Summer of 2011. Ron's experience in virtual flight has taken him around the world. Ron has amassed 3,500,000 Nautical Miles in the air.
Ron's On-line total of Hours Flown for all airlines is 29,250 hours with 10,520 of that with Westwind. Ron's tenure in the hobby provides our airline with invaluable expertize and insight. He has amassed more flying hours with WestWind then any other airline to this point.
Ron continues to fly in excess of 100 hours a month still today as he continues to build on his extensive numbers. Ron's WestWind totals over the last six years are very impressive. He has flown 2,837 flights amassing 9,594 hours carrying 418,205 Passengers and 36,602,816 pounds of cargo.
Ron's dedication and drive are an inspiration to all. His actions reflect well on the founding principles and objectives of WestWind. There is no better representation of what a Founder's Candidate is. Congratulations on your award Ron
(Posted 13th Oct 2017)KOKC VATSIM Scramble
On the 26th of September, we are having an on-line scramble to provide VATSIM exposure and provide training to all members of the airline. Chris Trott, will be controlling at OKC approach from 2100 - 2300Z on September 26, 2017 for the purposes of gaining control experience at that facility. This will provide an opportunity for all airline online pilots to get some training using VATSIM. It is a great opportunity for new pilots to gain exposure and experience. Come and join in on the fun.
(Posted 6th Sep 2017)New Chicago Hub Manager
I'm pleased to announce that John Oddo has agreed to move to Chicago and become the Hub Manager. John has more than 5,000 flight hours and has held numerous management positions at various hubs throughout Westwind. Welcome back to management, John! (Posted 7th Aug 2017)
Thanks to Captain Mark Kusiak hard work and persistence, the Westwind KLAX scenery is updated to AIRAC 17-05. This package contains BGL formatted files that will install the current airport layout and WestWind Virtual Airline Hub scenery for Los Angeles international Airport. Custom terminal, cargo, maintenance, and charter operations for this airport are included in the file. Installation instructions and relevent information to assist you in getting this scenery installed and running on your system are provided. No garrentee expressed or otherwise is made. Complete scenery display is dependent on your system and the scenery slider settings in your simulator. You may download the scenery by clicking on the title. Thank you Mark (Posted 24th Jun 2017)
2017 Summer Solstice (Z81) Salmon Lake a Success
The Summer Solstice Event on Salmon Lake was a great success. We had eleven pilots who were either at Salmon Lake or participated in activities and talked on TeamSpeak. A group flight was made from (Z81) Salmon Lake to Will Rogers up at Point Barrow, Alaska, flying three DH2C Beavers on floats. Weather was an issue, as it always is in Alaska during the summer. We used VFR weather on VATSIM to launch off of the lake and fly to the farthermost point, North, in the United States. We hope that a good time was had by all.
Attendees at the event, either at the lake, and/or participating on TeamSpeak were Captain Derek Squire (WWA3032), Captain Rob Wilkerson (WWA2574), Captain Steve Canham (WWA11), Captain Sean McConnell (WWA659), Captain Chris Trott (WWA3382), Captain Ron Oines (WWA2894), Captain Maratib Ali (WWA2752), Captain Mike Gibb (WWA1702), Captain Scott Robinson (WWA2660), Captain Eddie Harper (WWA2683), and Captain Mark Kusiak (WWA3480). Thank you all for making the event a success.
The group flight to Point Barrow was an adhoc group flight that was done on VATSIM and others who showed later also flew other flights in and around the lake. Turnout for a middle-of-the-week event was high. We missed those who were unable to attend. There will be other events coming soon. Congratulations to all those who participated and flew in Alaska. This years event demonstrated Alaska bush flying at its best. Everyone have a safe flight home. Look forward to next year's event.
(Posted 22nd Jun 2017)New Atlanta Hub Manager
I'm proud to introduce Senior Command Captain Al Stallbaumer as the new Atlanta Hub Manager. Capt. Stallbaumer is one of the WWA originals -- not only is he one of the few triple-digit callsigns still flying, but he's WWA107! Al was the ATL HM in the late 90s, and volunteered to resume command of one of Westwind's most active hubs, which was previously lacking an active HM or AHM. The Atlanta AHM spot is also now vacant. Selection criteria will be up to Capt. Stallbaumer, so if you're interested, send him a PM in the forums. Welcome back to management Capt. Stallbaumer! (Posted 29th May 2017)
WestWind Pilots participate in Bluegrass Airlines 2017 Great Australian Air Rally (GAAR)
Four WestWind pilots participated in the 2017 Bluegrass Airline Great Australian Air Rally with excellent returns and results. All of our pilots were in the high 90% range which reflects well on the piloting skills of those who participated.
Congratulations to Don McCormick, WWA1993: Sean McConnell, WWA659; Bill McCaw, WWA3342; and Ken Rotker, WWA2395 for there efforts and excellent showing in this eent. The GAAR as it is known is a skills based competition based on the pilot's individual planning and flying skills based on a predetermined target or baseline flight.
The annual event is flown in Australia each year in March. Again, let me express my gratitude to each pilot who participated in this year's event. (Posted 8th May 2017)
VP of Hub Ops appointed!
After a extended vacancy in the position, Mitch Worthington has accepted the position of Vice President of Hub Operations - North America East. Mitch has previously served as AHM, HM, and VP in various departments at WestWind. His past experience and dedication to the VA will be vital in the operations of our Hubs. Congratulations Mitch! (Posted 28th Apr 2017)
The United Nations (UN), on Feb. 27,2017 declared a state of famine in South Sudan. Access and preliminaries are still in the process of being worked out. Information is posted in the forums regarding preliminary possibilities as an Eastwind event.
26 March 2017 - Six aid workers from a national non-governmental organization were killed when their convoy was ambushed yesterday while travelling along the Government-controlled area on the Juba-Pibor road, the United Nations mission in the country (UNMISS) has said.
15 April 2017 - A senior United Nations official in South Sudan has called for restraint and underlined the need to ensure the protection of civilians as fresh fighting has erupted between Government and opposition forces in a number of locations across the country.
The April-September wet season has begun in Central Equatorial Africa with weather activity including heavy thunder storms and rain. At this point, most of the dirt runways in South Sudan are inaccessible to fixed wing assets.
WestWind management continues formulating a plan to meet relief efforts when safe access can be ensured. The situation may be more favorable when troops are deployed
(Posted 15th Apr 2017)It is with great pleasure that I can announce that John Condon is returning to the Executive Committee of WestWind as Chief Pilot and Executive Vice President of Training. It is a position that John has long been interested in. (Posted 26th Feb 2017)
Announcing the Dorothy Fryer Memorial Fly In.
WestWind Airlines announces the Dorothy Fryer Memorial Fly In scheduled for March 26, 2017 to be held at Pooncarie, New South Wales, Australia. Dorthy Fryer a member and Hub Manager in Singapore was taken ill during her participation in the 2014 GAAR, making her final flight for the event to this small station (ranch) strip in northwestern New South Wales. She was admitted to hospital and eventually past from her illness a few months later.
We will meet and continue the journey that she did not complete, as a group, in tribute to her and the outstanding dedication and years of service to the airline. We are looking forward to all who wish to participate, both on line and off. Team-speak will be available for participants. We are looking forward to seeing you in Pooncarie (YPCE)
Details links for information for and about this event are on the Online Operations page.
(Posted 18th Feb 2017)This is a recreation of Pooncarie Airport, New South Wales, Australia, with a memorial to Senior Captain Dorothy Fryer who was Singapore's Hub Manager. She sadly passed away on the 22nd April 2014. Pooncarie Airport is where she left her Grumman Goose on the 2nd February 2014, on the third leg of the Great Australian Air Rally. Her final logged flight was YBRN-YPCE. Thank you Captain Shaun Slade for creating this scenery. Click in the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 16th Feb 2017)
2017 GAAR Begins Wednesday, 02/15
The 2017 Great Australian Air Rally (GAAR) begins Wednesday 15 February. More information is shown below. Good luck to all those participating in the event.
(Posted 13th Feb 2017)
Bluegrass Virtual Airlines' announces that the registration process is now open. Flight operations will begin, officially, on 15 February, 2017 and continue through to approximately 16 March, 2017. Bluegrass sponsors the event each year and we co-sponsor the event by making their contact information available. This is an event that is open to both on-line and off-line fliers. There is no "requirement" to fly on the VATSIM Network.
Logging the flight time with WestWind can be accomplished through the use of the Executive Charter selections of P015, VFR anywhere to anywhere, and P003 GAAR, the all time GAAR event charter. The P003 charter is limited on aircraft selection so check to ensure that these will cover your chosen aircraft prior. Preparation flights can also be logged and credited under these charters.
If you have wondered what flying around Australia is like and have never been there, here is your chance to learn about the Continent, down under. The National Beer is Fosters, Shrimp on the Barbie does exist, and everyone is your mate. So Gaday to you all and come join us either on-line or off in the GAAR 2017.
(Posted 15th Jan 2017)Christmas in Tahiti -2016
All WestWind Pilots are invited to Join us at Ken's place on the island of
Tahiti in French Polynesia. Ken's is only accessible by float plane so bring
yours. Major connecting airport is NTAA Pepeete Naaa
Sign the guest register on the forum and add to the pictures by others.
Come join us for fun, relaxation, and fellowship. Scenery is available
in the scenery department for most simulators.
Mark Kusiak Now EVP of Online Operations
It is my pleasure to announce that Mark Kusiak has accepted the position of Executive Vice President of Online Operations. He will remain in his position as Assistant Hub Manager for LAX. Mark brings a wealth of real world experience and enthusiasm to the position. -- Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 14th Dec 2016)
Hiring VP of Hub Operations
Mike Spina is stepping down from his position as Vice President of Hub Ops - North America East, due to real world commitments. We wish him the best in all of his future endeavors! Applications for the position are now being accepted. The ideal candidate for this position will have at least a Cat IV rating and have served as a Hub Manager or Assistant Hub Manager with strong organizational and management skills. Others will be considered at the discretion of the Vice President of Hub Operations. Minimum age for this position is 18 years. Candidates for the position will have responsibility for the Operations of all 7 of our North American Eastern Hubs. The candidate should contact Bill McCoy, Executive V.P. of Hub Operations via a PM in the forums or by e-mail at bmc1284@aol.com stating his/her qualifications, time in service with WestWind and level of knowledge of MS Flight Simulator. The application process will remain open until a candidate is selected. (Posted 19th Nov 2016)
Congratulations to Captain Paul Steele, WWA3290 on his promotion to KMIA Hub Manager! Please see the forum for more details. (Posted 16th May 2016)
Hiring Vice President of Hub Operations - Europe/Pacific
Thomas Conley is stepping down from his position as Vice President of Hub Ops - Europe & Pacific, due to real world commitments. We wish him the best in all of his future endeavors! Applications for the position are now being accepted. The ideal candidate for this position will have at least a Cat IV rating and have served as a Hub Manager or Assistant Hub Manager with strong organizational and management skills. Others will be considered at the discretion of the Vice President of Hub Operations. Minimum age for this position is 18 years. Candidates for the position will have responsibility for the Operations of all 7 of our Europe and Pacific Hubs. The candidate should contact Bill McCoy, Executive V.P. of Hub Operations via a PM in the forums or by e-mail at bmc1284@aol.com stating his/her qualifications, time in service with WestWind and level of knowledge of MS Flight Simulator. The application process will remain open until a candidate is selected. (Posted 1st May 2016)
It is with great pleasure that I present the official 20 Year Anniversary Livery for WestWind Airlines. This is a special Livery and therefore will not be on the entire fleet, however anyone is free to paint any aircraft in the fleet with the special livery. Special livery paint standards are available on the Aircraft page and some more information is available in the forum post linked to this news bulletin. (Posted 16th Apr 2016)
It is with great pleasure that I announce to you that Paul Reitman has accepted the position of EVP of WestWind Regional Airlines. Paul has a long history with WestWind including the most recent winner of the Founder's Award. Please help me welcome Paul to his new role. (Posted 11th Apr 2016)
We are hiring a new Director of Marketing, Social Media. Visit the forum for more details! (link in post title) (Posted 24th Feb 2016)
For Immediate Release: Captain Mark Kusiak (WWA3480) and Captain Tony Yonek (WWA1996) rated P1 through WestWind's VATSIM ATO training program. Congratulations to the both of you!
-John Condon, EVP - Online Operations & Events (Posted 6th Feb 2016)
Sean McConnell named VP - Aircraft FSX
Join me in congratulating Sean McConnell on being named the new VP of FSX Aircraft for WestWind!
-Mike Bergman, EVP-Aircraft (Posted 27th Jan 2016)
Paul Reitman Receives Founder's Award
It is my pleasure to announce that the Executive Committee of WestWind has named Paul Reitman as the recipient of the 2015 Founder's Award for significant and sustained contributions to the success of WestWind. Congratulations, Paul. --Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 2nd Jan 2016)
Immediate openings for Hub Manager in Amsterdam and Athens. Please view the job posting on the forum for full details. (Posted 17th Dec 2015)
Tony Yonek moves from KDFW to KORD to take over as Hub Manager. See forum for more details. (Posted 16th Dec 2015)
We are looking to hire a new KORD Hub Manager. Please view the job posting on the forum for more information! (Posted 5th Dec 2015)
Couch and Condon Take on New Duties
Steve Couch and John Condon are both taking on new duties. John has returned as the EVP of Online Operations and Events. Steve is now heading up the newly combined Cargo and Executive Charter division. Read the details in the forum! (Posted 12th Oct 2015)
Congratulations to David Reason, our new KCVG hub manager! Check out the forum by clicking the title of this post for more information! (Posted 14th Jul 2015)
New VP of Hub Operations - Europe/Pacific Region
Congratulations to Thomas Conley (WWA2932) on his promotion to VP of Hub Ops - Europe/Pacific. Thomas joins the Hub Ops team from the Cincinnatti Hub where he served as Hub Manager. Thomas will be in charge of all of our European and Pacific Hubs. Congrats Thomas! (Posted 16th Jun 2015)
SP1 adds the missing the convention center near Runway 18. Unzip this into your Brown Boot Field folder in your FSX/Addon Scenery Folder. Click on the title to transport to the download site. (Posted 9th Jun 2015)
WestWind would like to invite all members and family to join us at Brown Boot Recreation Center in Medina Texas for the Grand Reopening and 4th of July Party. Brown Boot is located 23 miles west of San Antonio (KSAT) and you can fly into either the 2,400' long gravel runway (KGE2) or bring an amphibian in to the lake side retreat (KGE1). A Compass Locater (short range NDB) is located near the waterfront and is on frequency 275.0 with an identifier of BB. Scenery for FSX and FS9 is located http://www.flywestwind.com/Scenery/scenery_display.asp?SceneryID=5 Unfortunately there is no scenery for X-Plane (yet.) Brown Boot is the oldest of WestWind's recreation centers. I hope as many are available to join us in this informal airline gathering. Brown Boot will be open for early arrivals on 5 June 2015. Join us in the forums to let us know you arrived. (Posted 4th Jun 2015)
Brown Boot Field (KGE2), Medina, Texas and Brown Boot Waterfront KGE1), Lake Medina, Texas. WestWind Airlines Vacation Resort and Meeting Center. FSX version by Ken Goodpaster. Brown Boot is a fictional location in the Hill country of Texas about 25 NM west of San Antonio. It is located on Lake Medina and consists of two areas. Nestled up against a short bluff and bordered on the west by the lake is the WestWind lake front property (KGE1). Brown Boot Field (KGE2), elev. 1,232 ft.is located 23 NM west of San Antonio and 80 NM from Austin is a 50 acre plot of lakefront property was built by the WWA board as a company vacation retreat as well as a meeting facility for planning, paid for on the backs of the hard working pilots of WWA. The runway (2400 x 75 ft) and ramp are all gravel with excellent drainage. There is one hangar; Garen's is the one to the south with the toolbox in it. Fuel is available with 24 hours prior notice. There is a compass locator (short range NDB frequency 275.0) near the waterfront for nav. There is a helipad to the west of the seaplane ramp. There are multiple cabins for members and families, a large convention center, and Dorthy’s diner. Staff cabins have red roofs to help you finding one of the many friendly staff that operates the recreation center. You can pick up keys for your cabin at Dorthy’s diner and one of our staff members will be happy to drive you to your cabin. (Posted 23rd Apr 2015)
Hiring Vice President of Hub Operations
Brian Bancroft is stepping down from his position as Vice President of Hub Ops - Europe & Pacific, due to real world commitments. We wish him the best in all of his future endeavors! Applications for the position are now being accepted. The ideal candidate for this position will have at least a Cat IV rating and have served as a Hub Manager or Assistant Hub Manager with strong organizational and management skills. Others will be considered at the discretion of the Vice President of Hub Operations. Minimum age for this position is 18 years. Candidates for the position will have responsibility for the Operations of all 7 of our Europe and Pacific Hubs. The candidate should contact Bill McCoy, Executive V.P. of Hub Operations via a PM in the forums or by e-mail at bmc1284@aol.com stating his/her qualifications, time in service with WestWind and level of knowledge of MS Flight Simulator. The application process will remain open until a candidate is selected. (Posted 11th Apr 2015)
Congrats to Paul Reitman on his promotion to AHM at WestWind's KJFK hub. Please see forum for more information. (Posted 11th Mar 2015)
It is my pleasure to announce that the Executive Committee of WestWind has unanimously voted to bestow the 2014 Founder's Awards on the following pilots for significant and sustained contribution to the ongoing, long-term viability of WestWind. Of course, Dorothy's award is posthumous. We continue to miss her. Please help me to congratulate them. Dorothy Fryer, Steve Couch, and Mike Spina (Posted 27th Dec 2014)
Congratulations to Captain Clayton Martyn (WWA1924) on his promotion to KORD Assistant Hub Manager. Please view the forum for more details. (Posted 24th Nov 2014)
Captain Bob Sturm revised the CYYC airport scenery. This is the completely revised CYYC which has the second North-South runway added; other runways renamed and added/revised taxiways and signs. It is very important that you first remove any other non-stock CYYC scenery. Here is a list of all the revisions: - Added runway 35R-17L - Changed designation or runway 34-16 to 35L-17R - Changed designation of runway 28-10 to 29-11 and removed the ILS. - Changed the designation of runway 25-07 to 26-08 - Added the new taxiways associated with runway 35R-17L. - Revised all taxiway signs according to the latest taxiway chart. - Added jetways to the existing terminal building. - Rearranged and renumbered gates. - Added additional parking at a number of locations throughout the airport.. - Rerouted several roads so as not to interfere with the airport additional property. - Added many new terminal waypoints as indicated on current approach charts. - Added all new ILS and GPS approaches based on current approach charts. - Added ramp lights for night operations. - Added Westwind parking at Cargo, Terminal and Charter - Added Westwind Signs Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 2nd Nov 2014)
The Training Center has launched a new and improved format for Six Monthly Checkrides.
Check them out in the Training Center and see if you have the skill to pass! (Posted 30th Sep 2014)
Ken G Hired as Vice President of Westwind Resorts
Please join me in congratulating Ken G in his new position as Vice President of Westwind Resorts. His duties include: -Maintaining and/or updating our current Westwind Resorts. -Creating new resorts. -Promoting Westwind Resorts by organizing fly-ins and other events. (Posted 29th Sep 2014)
Congratulations to Captain Bill Worthy (WWA3115) on his promotion to Assistant Hub Manager at our Washington-Dulles Hub. Check the forum for more details! (Posted 26th Sep 2014)
With Ken's departure from the position of Vice President of Training and Chief Flight Instructor - Westwind Training Academy, I'd like you all to join me in thanking him for the dedication and hard work he brought to the job! At the same time, will you all please join me in welcoming our incoming VP-T, Captain Eoin Coates to the office! Eoin has been with WWA since May of 2008, is currently flying out of our Frankfurt Hub and has to date amassed a total of 5,206 hours. He has held a wide variety of management positions here and is an active ATO instructor in addition to having had the vision for and been the driving force behind the development of WestWind Eurpoa Regional. I am certainly looking forward to seeing Eoin's plan for the future of the WWTA and working with him to implement whatever ideas he has to make this a better department to the benefit of all Westwind Captains! (Posted 24th Sep 2014)
It brings me great pleasure to announce the promotion of Captain Mark Young (WWA2114) to the newly created position of Vice President of Online Operations & Events. Mark joined WestWind Airlines in May of 2008 and is currently a Senior Command Captain +1 with our Calgary hub. With nearly 2,000 flight hours with WestWind, and over 2,600 flight hours on VATSIM, Mark brings a tremendous amount of experience and expertise to the Online Operations & Events team. In his new position, Mark will be responsible for the oversight of the day to day operations of Online Ops, Events and WestWind's ATO training program. Please join me in congratulating Mark on his promotion! --John Condon, EVP, Online Operations & Events (Posted 14th Sep 2014)
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Rob Wilkinson has been selected to fill the WestWind Chief Pilot position vacated by Kim Stolt. Rob is already a member of the Executive Committee. He is a former airline pilot and real world Chief Pilot. I asked Rob to give me a bio that I could use in this post, and I thought it was so interesting that I decided to simply include it here rather than offer selected bits. Please help me congratulate Rob on his new duties. See the forum post for details. To find it, simply click on the title of this news item. --Mike Gibbs, President, WestWind Virtual Airlines (Posted 4th Sep 2014)
Calgary International Airport for FSX By: Bob Sturm This is the completely revised CYYC which has the second North-South runway added; other runways renamed and added/revised taxiways and signs. It is very important that you first remove any other non-stock CYYC scenery. Here is a list of all the revisions: - Added runway 35R-17L - Changed designation or runway 34-16 to 35L-17R - Changed designation of runway 28-10 to 29-11 and removed the ILS. - Changed the designation of runway 25-07 to 26-08 - Added the new taxiways associated with runway 35R-17L. - Revised all taxiway signs according to the latest taxiway chart. - Added some additional jetways to the existing terminal building. - Rearranged and renumbered gates. - Added additional parking at a number of locations throughout the airport.. - Rerouted several roads so as not to interfere with the airport additional property. - Added many new terminal waypoints as indicated on current approach charts. - Added all new ILS and GPS approaches based on current approach charts. - Added WestWind Terminal gates, Charter, and Cargo parking & eye candy. Be sure to read the "Readme" for proper installation instructions and also uninstall/delete the old scenery if you have it installed. And thank you again to Captain Bob Sturm for doing these updates. Clicking in the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 19th Aug 2014)
Madrid to become Mini-Hub
After much discussion and debate, it has been decided to close our Madrid Hub effectively immediately. Madrid will now be relegated to Mini-Hub status and the routes will remain unchanged. Thank you to all of the Pilots and Management that helped keep it open while it was feasible. (Posted 22nd Jul 2014)
Tension is mounting in Brazil as the World Cup starts June 12, 2014. Many report that the infrastructure is not prepared to accommodate all the fans that will be arriving. WestWind Executive Charter Division has been asked to help solve this problem. Are you available? (Posted 27th May 2014)
The forum has now moved to its new location forum.flywestwind.org All links on the web site have been updated. This is a short term move as part of a huge web overhaul. (Posted 12th May 2014)
Congratulations to Captain Jason Weaver on his promotion to KIAD HM. Please see forum for more details. (Posted 10th May 2014)
In support of this year's Eastwind event I am creating airport scenery for the smaller airports in the Philippines. This is the second batch of airports and they are: Dumaguete (RPVD), Tugdan (RPVU) and, Masbate (RPVJ). This is the last batch of airports for the Eastwind VI in the Philippines. Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 10th May 2014)
In support of this year's Eastwind event I am creating airport scenery for the smaller airports in the Philippines. This is the second batch of airports and they are: Mactan - Cebu (RPVM) (FSX only), Bacolod (RPVB), Kalibo (RPVK)and, Iloilo (RPVI). Click in the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 2nd May 2014)
Thanks to John Condon for all he's done as the KIAD HM. Please see forum if you are interested in filling the position! (Posted 29th Apr 2014)
The Monthly Screenshot Competition has returned! Check out the forum for more information and send your submission in soon! (Posted 26th Apr 2014)
Check out the Marketing Forum for more information about the available positions, and how to apply! (Posted 26th Apr 2014)
Congratulations to Captain Tim Ingersoll (WWA3358) on his recent promotion Assistant Hub Manager at the KJFK Hub. (Posted 25th Apr 2014)
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Mike Spina and Steve Couch have been selected by the Executive Committee to fill the two open positions on the EC. Mike Spina is the new Executive Vice President of Marketing. Steve Couch is the new Executive Vice President of Executive Charters. Both will assume their duties immediately. Steve will also continue in his role as EVP of Compliance. Congratulations gentlemen. --Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 23rd Apr 2014)
In support of this year's Eastwind event I am creating airport scenery for the smaller airports in the Philippines. The first batch of airports are done and they are: Tacloban (RPVA), Borongan (RPVW), Catarman (RPVF), Calbayog (RPVC), and San Jose (RPUH). Click in the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 16th Apr 2014)
Congratulations to Captain Rob Sgambellone on his promotion to AHM at the KCVG hub. Click the title of this post for more information! (Posted 9th Mar 2014)
Your training center has posted a preview of a category II training program which is a model for training from the category II to category V. Please take the time to sign-up for the training site and provide feedback telling us what you like or dislike. You need to have a forum account to get the enrollment key (this keeps the content to WWA members only) and you will need to apply for an account on the training site. I know this is a hassle for some members and apologize, but this is the only method to provide the content in an educational format. We are open to other suggestions for course availability. Please take the time time to provide us with your feedback, as always your opinions matter and we want to make certain to provide a program you like and find useful. -Ken G Vice President of Training (DENTC) (Posted 8th Mar 2014)
It’s my pleasure to announce the promotion of Jason Weaver (WWA3370) to Assistant Hub Manger at Washington Dulles! Jason joined WestWind and joined our Dulles team in December of 2013. Since coming aboard, he has quickly moved through his transition training and is currently rated Category III, soon to be rated Category IV.
Please join me in congratulating Jason on his promotion to AHM here at Washington Dulles! (Posted 2nd Mar 2014)
VATSIM Fly-In 21 February 2014
In conjunction with ZOA's "A night at the Bay" FNO event, WestWind airlines are planning a fly-in event departing KSFO at 0030z, flying to KSAN, San Diego, California, a flight of around 1 hour. All pilots are welcome to join us at this event which promises to be a fantastic night of ATC in San Fransisco. (Posted 13th Feb 2014)
Executive Charter P034 Updated to include All Olympic Games
Executive Charters P091 and P265 have been merged and relocated to P034 and has now been officially deemed our Olympic Charter. Edited by Raoul Van Landuyt to include all aspects of moving people to and from the most current Olympic Events. Thank you Raoul for your work on getting this updated. (Posted 12th Feb 2014)
This scenery package brings the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (Jeffco) - KBJC up to date with current Airport Diagram and adds additional scenery to make it the official training center for WestWind VA. There are also two off-site Buildings containing the simulators, classrooms and offices located just North of the Airport. Clicking the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 2nd Feb 2014)
WWA Forums
For those who have not yet noticed, the issue with the forums has been resolved.
Thank you for your patience.
The IT Team (Posted 15th Jan 2014)
WestWind Forums Down
WestWind forums appear to be offline as of 1/12/2013 @ 1130 UTC. WARNING: Please do not click on any links on the page that appears, since they may contain viruses. We are working towards solving the problem. (Posted 12th Jan 2014)
2013 Founders Awards
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce to you the 2013 Founders Award recipients. Each year the Executive Committee of WestWind Virtual Airlines recognizes people that have made significant and lasting contributions to WestWind. As has become our habit, these are announced each year as part of the Christmas in Tahiti event as we ring in the new year. It is always difficult to choose among the many deserving people. This year we decided to limit our selection to only three current members of WestWind. In addition to these three, we also wanted to recognize a number of people from our past that are no longer with the airline in order to play catchup with our 18 years of history. The award reads: Nominated December 27, 2013 by the Executive Committee of WestWind in recognition of significant and sustained contribution to the ongoing success of WestWind Virtual Airlines for which the founders of WestWind would be proud. Two words in this description are worth mentioning. First, their contributions are significant. They have helped to give WestWind the very character which makes her one of the best and longest lasting Virtual Airlines in the business. Secondly, they are sustained--often over many years. This years recipients are: Current: Eoin Coates, currently serving as Vice President for WestWind Europe, Director of Online Operations and Events, and VA Partner Manager. Eoin has held just about every title at WestWind at one time or another including having served on the Executive Committee. Rob Wilkinson, Executive Vice President for Regional Airlines. Kostis Zagganas, Director of Information Technology From our early days: Sean "Crash" Reilly, one of the original founders of the airline. Hal Groce, one of the original founders of the airline. Bill Schulz, one of the original founders of the airline. -- Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 27th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Gran Canaria, Spain (GCLP). I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 20th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Riga, Latvia (EVRA). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 20th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Keflavik, Iceland (BIKF). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new apron and parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. - Deleted trees that were on the apron near the main terminal.(FSX Only) - Deleted trees that were on taxiway C3.(FSX Only) Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 18th Dec 2013)
his is fictional scenery for Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (BGSF). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people(FX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 17th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Helsinki, Finland (EFHK). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. NOTE: We already had a Westwind Cargo hub in Helsinki and in order to eliminate scenery conflicts I am using that AFCAD "EFHK_ADEX_EWB.BGL" for placement of the parking spaces. For those folks that already have the WWC_EFHK scenery the installation will be a bit different. Please read the "README" for different installation instructions. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people(FX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for correct installation instructions Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 17th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Stockholm, Sweden (ESSA), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. - FS9 - Converted Taxiways leading to Runway 01R - 19L from gravel to concrete and placed taxi signs at the appropriate locations. - FS9 - Converted Runway 01R - 19L from gravel to Asphalt and placed ILS and Runway lights (this runway is now fully operational). Clicking on the Title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 16th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Tromso, Norway (ENTC). I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Modified the East Tarmac and sdded new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 14th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Munich, Germany (EDDM) , designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (590 and 591) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 13th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Oslo, Norway (ENGM) , designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 13th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Vienna, Austria (LOWW), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 11th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Zurich, Switzerland (LSZH). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (110 and 111) for Westwind Europa. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 10th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Ponta Delgada, Portugal (LPPD). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX Only). - Added ramp lighting - Modified an existing apron to add new parking spots (20 and 21) for Westwind Europa. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 9th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Palma De Mallorca, Spain (LEPA). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people - Added ramp lighting - Modified an existing apron to add new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 9th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Rome, Italy (LIRF), designed for FSX. It waS created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Populated terminal with people (FSX only) - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 7th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Milan, Italy (LIMC). I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (90 and 91) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 6th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Naples, Italy (LIRN). It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Added ramp lighting - Added new parking spots (20 and 21) for Westwind Europa. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 6th Dec 2013)
VATNZ and VATPAC are running Cross the Ditch 9 this coming weekend on VATSIM.
This time it consists of a series of five separate 3.5-4 hour oceanic flights
between New Zealand and Australia over the course of 20 hours this
Saturday/Sunday (UTC). Because of this there should be at least one leg (if not
more) that's at a convenient time for pilots wherever they are in the world.
The event website is at http://crosstheditch.net and you can find all the
details on flight timings, routes, scenery, etc. Please make sure to mention
Westwind when you make your flight booking(s) to help us make a splash on the
Virtual Airlines Leaderboards
Please Click on the title for more information and slot booking details! (Posted 4th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Marseille, France (LFML), designed for FSX and FS9. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Added ramp lighting - Added a new parking (20 and 21) for Westwind Europa. Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 4th Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Glasgow, Scotland, designed for FSX. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Europa facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Europa terminal - Added a new taxiway for Westwind Europa parking. - Added ramp lighting Please read the README for installation instructions. clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 2nd Dec 2013)
Made with XPlane 9.70 but should work with XPlane 10 versions. This is a conversion of the FS9 WWA_NTKG_Tahiti scenery made by Bob Sturm. It populates Ken G's Tahiti retirement home. I made this scenery so our XPlane users may enjoy Christmas in Tahiti with the rest of us. Here's what to look for: --a large beach area with walled huts. --two bonfires on the beach, a couple of canoes. --a large satellite dish in front of the hotel. --added a hotel and Ken's main house as well as a guest house. --added a water runway marked by bouys for seaplane landings. --added a dock where may park your seaplane. --added a grass Helipad just outside of the tree line behind the huts near mid lagoon --added sailboats at the outer lagoon. --added trees and assorted vegetation around the inner and mid lagoon. --added Ken's Place NDB (KP) (Freq. 358). Enjoy Ken's hospitality! Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. Note: Please be sure to read the XPlane Readme for installations instructions. (Posted 1st Dec 2013)
This is fictional scenery Antananarivo, Madagascar (FMMI), designed for FS9. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Adjusted West tarmac and created parking for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spot 6) - Added custom made Westwind Small Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery van. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at the parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the link will transport you to the download page. (Posted 29th Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery Antananarivo, Madagascar (FMMI), designed for FSX. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Adjusted West tarmac and created parking for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spot 6) - Added custom made Westwind Small Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery van. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at the parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 27th Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Johannesburg, South Africa designed for FS9. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added new parking for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spots 53 and 54) - Added custom made Westwind Medium Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery vans. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at each parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 26th Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Johannesburg, South Africa designed for FSX. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added new parking for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spots 53 and 54) - Added custom made Westwind Medium Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery vans. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at each parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 25th Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Lagos, Nigeria (DNMM) designed for FS9. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added new parking apron for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spots 14 and 15) - Added custom made Westwind Medium Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery vans. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at each parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 23rd Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Lagos, Nigeria (DNMM) designed for FSX. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added new parking apron for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spots 14 and 15) - Added custom made Westwind Medium Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery vans. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at each parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 22nd Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Nairobi, Kenya (HKJK), designed for FSX. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added new parking apron for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spots 20 - 22) - Added custom made Westwind Large Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery vans. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at each parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 15th Nov 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Nairobi, Kenya (HKJK), designed for FSX. I created this scenery to update the airport to include Westwind Cargo facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added new parking apron for Westwind Cargo (Cargo parking spots 20 - 22) - Added custom made Westwind Large Cargo terminal - Added custom made Westwind Cargo delivery vans. - Added Stairs for embarking/debarking at each parking spot - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 7th Nov 2013)
Congratulations to Thomas Conley (WWA2932) on his promotion to KCVG Hub Manager. Click the title of this post for more information! (Posted 3rd Nov 2013)
All change in Europe
Big changes to report this month. Kelly-Ann Bancroft has decided to take up a new challenge in Amsterdam and im happy to welcome her into her new role. For the time being i'll keep Rio ticking over as Mike Osburn has decided to take a break form management. I hope to see Mike back in management soon and want to publicly tahnk him for all his hard efforts. Thanks must go to Eoin Coates and Kostis Zagganas who both step down from Frankfurt. Martyn also has stepped down form Amsterdam due to realworld pressures again huge thanks go to him. Finally a huge thankyou to all the hub managers and Assistant hub managers who do a great job here at Westwind. Their job can be thankless and downheartening at times but these people give up their precious time to make our flying experience a more enjoyable one so from myself a huge thankyou for you continued hardwork. (Posted 28th Oct 2013)
Ladies and Gentleman, please help me welcome Scott Cote to the Marketing team!
Scott has been with WestWind since early 2009 and has accumulated over 750 hours. He is currently based at our Frankfurt hub and is an active pilot on Vatsim.
Scott brings to the table a wealth of knowledge with Youtube, and has managed other channels in the past. He also has the knowledge and tools to create great videos to help us in the Marketing Dept. He has great ideas and is anxious to make a difference!
Again, please welcome Scott to the team and I look forward to working with him!
--Russell Reed, EVP Marketing-- (Posted 26th Oct 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Curacao Island, Netherlands Antilles (TNCC), designed for FS9. It was created to update the airport for Weswtwind Caribe Regional. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - added a custom made Westwind Caribe Terminal. - added night lighting to the ramp areas Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 24th Oct 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Curacao Island, Netherlands Antilles (TNCC), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport for Weswtwind Caribe Regional. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - added a custom made Westwind Caribe Terminal. - added night lighting to the ramp areas Insure to read the "README" for installations instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 22nd Oct 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Princess Juliana (TNCM), designed for FS9. It was created to update the airport for Weswtwind Caribe Regional. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - added a custom made Westwind Caribe Terminal. - added night lighting to the ramp areas Be sure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 21st Oct 2013)
We are currently looking for a new Hub Manager for our KCVG Hub! Please check the KCVG Forum for more information! (Posted 20th Oct 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Princess Juliana (TNCM), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Caribe facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Caribe terminal - Added ramp lighting Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 20th Oct 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Nassau, The Bahamas (MYNN), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport to include Westwind Caribe facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Caribe terminal - Added ramp lighting - Extended and redesignated the taxiways for Westwind Caribe parking. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 18th Oct 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Nassau, The Bahamas (MYNN), designed for FSX. It was created for updating the airport to include Westwind Caribe facilities. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a custom made Westwind Caribe terminal - Added ramp lighting - Extended and redesignated the taxiways for Westwind Caribe parking. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 17th Oct 2013)
Congratulations to Captain Phillip Tucker (WWA3317) on his promotion to KMIA Hub Manager. Please see forum for more details. (Click title of this post for direct link). (Posted 3rd Oct 2013)
Now Hiring: Director of Flight Operations - Westwind Europe
We are now taking applications for the position of Director of Flight Operations for Westwind Europe. All applicants must apply via PM with a small paragraph on what they want to gain from this position and what they can add to Westwind Europe. This will be the only director level position available in WWEU.
Duties and Responsibilities:
-Update Schedules
-Maintain Valid Flight Plans
-Maintain NOTAMs
-Create charters in both cargo and passenger branches
-Be fully involved with future expansion and development
-Carry out duties assigned by VP Westwind Europe
Required Skills and Attributes:
-Applicants must be willing to engage with the Regional Airline
-Must have a working knowledge of the Westwind IT and Regional Airline systems
-Previous management experience is a bonus but not essential
-Knowledge of the region is not essential however an interest in learning is.
-Must be willing to contribute regularly to the management of the Regional Airline
Please apply via PM to me or by email to eoincoates(at)gmail.com. This position will remain open until a suitable applicant is found.
Best of luck to all applicants. (Posted 1st Oct 2013)
New vacancy at Frankfurt
Hi all with Eoin moving into the regional role in Europe a vacancy has arisen for a hub manager in Frankfurt. The prospective candidate must be motivated and ready for a challenge to match Eoins excellent example. Closing date for this post will be october the 6th. if your upto the challenge then either PM me on the forum or email me at met331@yahoo.com good luck guys and thanks for all your efforts. Brian (Posted 23rd Sep 2013)
We're hiring a new KMIA Hub Manager. Please see forum for more details. (Posted 22nd Sep 2013)
Kim Stolt named VP-Aircraft (FS9)
Please join me in welcoming our new Chief Pilot back to the Aircraft family as he heads our FS9 Department! (Posted 21st Sep 2013)
Russell Reed named VP-Aircraft (FSX) & Bill Worthy named Test Pilot
Join me in welcoming Russell Reed to to the Aircraft Department as he takes the position of VP-Aircraft for the FSX Fleet!
Also join me in welcoming Bill Worthy as he becomes one of our Test Pilots! (Posted 21st Sep 2013)
Ladies and Gentlemen, it with great pleasure that I am able to announce the grand opening of Westwind's newest regional airline, Westwind Europa! Due to tireless work behind the scenes over the last couple of months in setting up hubs, designing, testing and installing routes and acquiring and moving airplanes around, we are able to open for business as a complete entity immediately!
WestWind Europa will follow the established Cat I and Cat II WWA regional model with the foundation of a few strategically placed regional hubs, all under the umbrella of WestWind Europa Regional, which will provide service to some outlying areas that are not presently serviced by the WWA mainline route structure.
The area's served will include the Azores Islands, the Canary Islands, the coastal regions of France and Italy, the Balearic Islands, the Alpine regions of France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Austria, Scandinavia, Scotland, Greenland and Iceland.
Be sure to drop by the Westwind Europa homepage for dispatch, hub and route information. (Posted 20th Sep 2013)
Kim Stolt Appointed Chief Pilot
It gives me great pleasure to announce to you that Kim Stolt has been promoted to Chief Pilot and EVP of Training in addition to his other duties effective September 15.
Kim flies jets for a living and is an FAA certified flight instructor. He has over 8,000 hours of flight time at WestWind. He has been involved in leadership at WestWind longer than I can remember. He is one of only a handful of pilots at WW that I consider to be qualified for this job.
This promotion has been in the works for a few months, but we wanted to give Kim some time with his family over the summer months before taking on new responsibilities.
Kim, replaces Ed Ward, Jr. who had held the position since the early days of the airline. A few months ago, Ed decided it was time to retire. Ed did a superb job for WestWind and he will be missed. He will forever be remembered as one of the pioneers of the airline.
Please help me welcome Kim as he takes us into the next chapter of the airline.
Mike Gibbs
President (Posted 14th Sep 2013)
It's our pleasure to announce that Captain Stephen DeLash (WWA3184) successfully passed his check ride and is now rated P1 through WestWind's ATO Training Program. Congratulations Stephen! (Posted 25th Aug 2013)
It's my pleasure to announce that Captain Mike Osburn (WWA2691) successfully passed his check ride and is now rated P1 through WestWind's ATO Training Program. Congratulations Mike! (Posted 18th Aug 2013)
The year's hub hopping begins this Monday (19 August). This year the aim of the event is to recognise our two regional airlines, WestWind Alaska and WestWind Caribe.
Please click on the title for the full details of the event. (Posted 15th Aug 2013)
New North America Charter Director
Please welcome Capt. Randy "Pep" Peppler as the newest Director of Charters for our North America Region. Randy comes to us from the Calgary Hub. Looking forward to some new and exciting charters from this area. (Posted 13th Aug 2013)
New Director of Charters - Asia & Pacific
Please welcome Capt. Adam Le Drew our current Toronto Hub Manager as the new Charter Director for the Asia/Pacific Region. Adam brings a wealth of experience to the position, he currently holds a ATPL, and fly's Dash 8's for Provincial Aerospace in Canada, as well as covers vacation time for other pilots in Curaçao and Abu Dhabi. Adam also had a brief year long stint with Cathay Pacific in 2012 before returning home to Provincial Aerospace. (Posted 23rd Jul 2013)
Congratulations to Christopher Kutzler WWA3014, on his promotion to KCVG Hub Manager. Click the title of this post for more information! (Posted 6th Jul 2013)
Click link of this post for full job description with additional information. (Posted 29th Jun 2013)
New KDFW Hub Manager
Congratulations to Captain John Oddo (WWA2293) on his promotion to KDFW Hub Manager! (Posted 26th Jun 2013)
There is now a vacancy for the KDFW Hub Manager. Click on the link above for more details in the WestWind forums. (Posted 9th Jun 2013)
Congratulations to Captain Jesse Olsen (WWA2568) on his promotion to Hub Manager, from AHM at the WWA KCVG hub! (Posted 8th Jun 2013)
A little late on this post, but Congratulations to Captain Brian Derx (WWA1398) for his promotion to AHM at our Atlanta Hub! (Posted 18th May 2013)
It's my pleasure to announce that Eoin Coates is promoted to Director of Online Operations.Eoin is currently the Hub Manager at our Frankfurt Hub and has racked up over 4,300 hours of flight time making him a Senior Command Captain+6. He also holds the position of Vice President of WestWind Alaska Regional. Eoin is extremely active on VATSIM and has logged over 2,000 hours of online flight time. He is rated ATO P1 and was recently promoted to ATO Flight Instructor for WestWind Airlines.With Eoin's experience in his management positions here at WestWind, and with his online flying background, he's an excellent choice for this position. Please join me in congratulating Eoin on his new position. - John Condon, EVP, Online Ops & Events (Posted 29th Apr 2013)
Forum Operational
Hello Pilots! The forum is up and running once again!
The IT Team (Posted 23rd Apr 2013)
Forum Currently Unavailable
Our forums are temporarily down. We are currently working to fix the problem.
Thank you for your patience,
The IT team. (Posted 22nd Apr 2013)
I am very pleased to announce Captain Mike Spina is the new Vice President of Marketing- Public Relations. Mike will be overlooking 3 of our outlets; PR, Twitter, and Facebook. Captain Cody Humphreys will continue to be in direct operation of the Facebook page as the Director of Marketing- Facebook.
Captain Spina, as some of you know is also the Vice President of Hub Operations- North America East. What you may not know is his marketing interests and background.
Mike is a college student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. His major is Business, with concentrations in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. Marketing is something he is passionate about, and while he does not necessarily have a ton of practical experience, he does have a passion and vested interest in it. Another thing that he has going for him is his obsession with good grammar, spelling, and presenting a "clean" image of WestWind. Mike takes pride in all that he does and gives everything his best effort.
I wont share what his vision is with you all, however, his vision for the PR side of the marketing department is second to none. I really feel that with combined efforts as a team, we can take WestWind to the next level.
I am super excited to have Mike on the team and look forward to working with him!
Russell Reed, EVP Marketing (Posted 16th Apr 2013)
Congratulations to Seattle's new hub manager, Joe Spear! (Click link for details.) (Posted 13th Apr 2013)
Congratulations to Jim Short WWA3191, on his promotion to KATL Hub Manager. See forum for more details. (Click title of this post for direct link to forum) (Posted 12th Apr 2013)
It's with great pleasure to announce that Eoin Coates has been hired by the Online Operations and Events division as an official ATO Flight Instructor. Eoin joins our team bringing with him a plethora of flight simming knowledge and experience. He adds to our current team of instructors who include Joe Carrigan, Rob Wilkinson and myself. Please join me in congratulating Eoin on his new position. - John Condon, EVP, Online Ops & Events (Posted 7th Apr 2013)
Rob Wilkinson has been named WestWind's ATO Chief Flight Instructor (CFI)
As a certified ATO, VATSIM requires that WestWind Airlines maintain a qualified CFI at all times. The CFI is responsible for being our liaison with VATGOV14 (Training Division), hiring and maintaining qualified ATO Flight Instructors and ensuring that all pilots being rated by the Online Ops division are authorized. In a nutshell, all P ratings issued by WestWind are now under the signature and authority of Rob Wilkinson. With his real world flight experience, he’s a great person for the job! Please join me in congratulating Rob on his new position! - John Condon, EVP, Online Ops & Events (Posted 7th Apr 2013)
New KATL Hub Manager Wanted. Please visit the forum, and contact Mike Spina for more information. (Posted 5th Apr 2013)
New KSEA Hub Manager Wanted
Please see the forum for more information and contact Steve Couch with questions or to express interest. (Posted 5th Apr 2013)
Congratulations to Captain Jacques LeMarier (Jay) WWA3030, on his recent promotion to AHM at WestWind's JFK hub! (Posted 2nd Apr 2013)
AHM Required in various Locations
Hi Folks
Various vacancies exist throughout the airline for AHM positions. These positions
are a great way to get more involved with the airline. They require just an hour a week
of dedication and you can help have your say into how your airline works.
All you need is to be a Cat III pilot and not hold a management position at another airline.
Any enquirers should be directed to the relevant hub manager or myself at met331@yahoo.com
Vacancies are currently at Sydney,Amsterdam,Athens and Rio .
Good Luck and Happy Flying
Brian Bancroft (Posted 25th Mar 2013)
Congratulations to Captain Mike Spina for successfully obtaining his P1 rating through WestWind's ATO program! Well done! (Posted 24th Mar 2013)
It's my pleasure to announce that Joe Carignan (WWA2879) has been promoted to Director of Online Operations.
Joe has assisted me on several occasions with the training of new VATSIM pilots and I can attest to his excellent piloting and training skills. As such, Joe will be an excellent fit for this position.
Please join me in congratulating Joe on his new position! -- John Condon, EVP, Online Operations and Events (Posted 16th Mar 2013)
AHM Needed at WestWind's John F. Kennedy International Airport (KJFK) Hub. Please contact Paul Underwood if you are interested. (Posted 16th Mar 2013)
Kevin Brown (WWA3215) has been selected as the new Hub Manager at our Chicago O'Hare International Airport hub. Kevin comes from our KIAD hub, and brings a wealth of knowledge and management experience to the position. He also recently earned his P1 Rating through our VATSIM ATO program. Congratulations Kevin, and welcome to management! (Posted 14th Mar 2013)
It is my pleasure to announce that Steve Couch has been promoted to Executive Vice President of Compliance. For quite some time, Steve has been functioning as a consultant to the Executive Committee in the area of making sure that WestWind follows all the rules and regulations that are required of the organization as a global citizen. This promotion is not a change in job responsibility. It is just a recognition of the work Steve has already been performing for the Executive Committee. With this promotion, he is now officially a member of the Executive Committee. Steve will continue in his other roles at WestWind including his recent appointment as part of the hub operations leadership team. Congratulations Steve. -- Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 9th Mar 2013)
Vice President of Hub Operations - North America West
After a lengthy search process, Steve Couch has been selected as our newest Vice President of Hub Operations! Steve has most recently served as our Hub Manager in Chicago and also as the Director of Charters for North America. Thanks to all of the very qualified candidates that applied, and Congratulations Steve! (Posted 7th Mar 2013)
With Steve Couch's promotion to VP Hub Ops - NA West, we're am looking for a new Hub Manager at KORD. Please click the title of this post for more information. Contact Mike Spina if you are interested in applying. (Posted 7th Mar 2013)
A major update has been applied to the web site. The following features are now available to pilots. 1 - Add new airports to our database. Once entered, they must be verified by a manager before they will appear - Link on your flight dispatch page 2 - See how far you have flown - Distance now shown on flight log and total on flight log summary page 3 - Check progress towards 5 flights of 500nm each month for a year - Link on your flight log page 4 - Import FSPassengers flight details into your sign in page - Paste the flight report into the text box and click the import button. data will be imported for yiou to verify before you submit flight report. 5 - Flight Distances shown on the routes page for Passenger, Cargo and Regional sections 6 - Support for XPlane when signing in flights. Some recent flights will appear as a blank for sim, don't worry, this will be updated when Kostis runs the batch process as we had to change the design of the database slightly 7 - Support for XPlane in the hanger If you have any questions then please post them on the forum. (Posted 3rd Mar 2013)
It's my pleasure to announce that Captain Kevin Brown (WWA3215) successfully passed and is now rated P1 through WestWind's ATO Training Program. Congratulations Kevin! (Posted 3rd Mar 2013)
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce to you that John Condon has accepted the position of Executive Vice President of Online Operations and Events. The position became vacant when Mitch Worthington resigned just recently. Mitch did a great job and we are looking for great things from John. John also heads up our VATSIM ATO operation. He has been a long time manager at WestWind and was most recently a Director in the Online Operations and Events division. Please help me welcome John to this new post. --Mike Gibbs, President, WestWind Airlines (Posted 3rd Mar 2013)
It's my pleasure to announce that Captain Bentley Skibell (WWA2183) successfully passed and is now rated P1 through WestWind's ATO Training Program. Congratulations Bentley! (Posted 3rd Mar 2013)
Vice President of Hub Ops - North America West
Mitch Worthington is stepping down from his position as Vice President of Hub Ops - North America West, due to real world commitments. We wish him the best in all of his future endeavors! Applications for the position are now being accepted. The ideal candidate for this position will have at least a Cat IV rating and have served as a Hub Manager or Assistant Hub Manager with strong organizational and management skills. Others will be considered at the discretion of the Vice President of Hub Operations. Minimum age for this position is 18 years. Candidates for the position will have responsibility for the Operations of all 7 of our North American Hubs West of the Mississippi River. The candidate should contact Bill McCoy, Executive V.P. of Hub Operations via a PM in the forums or by e-mail at bmc1284@aol.com stating his/her qualifications, time in service with WestWind and level of knowledge of MS Flight Simulator. The application process will remain open until a candidate is selected. (Posted 27th Feb 2013)
This year we will be assisting the Sahel region of sub-saharan Africa with Aid and supplies to help in the ongoing political trouble and more importantly the ongoing famine that has struck the region. We will be serving 3 countries this year, Niger, Mali and Chad. All of which will be serviced from our FOB in Niamey. The format for this year's Eastwind is slightly different to previous years. We will be running the event from the 4th-31st of March, encompassing 4 weeks of flying across the globe.
Week 1 - This week will be spent in Indianapolis where we will be collecting supplies from nearby cities and gathering it in Indianapolis to be flown to Africa.
Week 2 - This week will be spent in Amsterdam doing exactly what we done over in Indy, gathering supplies to be flown to Africa.
Week 3 - This week we will fly all our aid to Bamako.
Week 4 - This will be the last week of Eastwind V and will be spent in Niamey.
The event promises to be a good one, but keep a close eye on the Operation Eastwind forum (click on title to go there now) for more updates as we will be updating constantly over the next couple weeks. We look forward to having a record turnout this year, so make sure to be a participant this year for a chance to win one of MANY amazing prizes including products from some of the leading Flight Sim vendors! See you in the virtual skies! (Posted 24th Feb 2013)
Everyone please join me in congratulating Scott Stone as the new Vice President of Aircraft - X-Plane. Scott has begun painting Fleet Aircraft for X-Plane and as one of the few that is going behind the scenes if you will with X-Plane will be a valuable asset to our Aircraft Department as we begin to embrace this simulator as a virtual airline. Congrats Scott on your new position! (Posted 23rd Feb 2013)
Scenery by Captain Shaun Slade: Welcome to Antonio Rivera Rodríguez Airport, Vieques island. This is an exclusive Westwind Caribe Scenery for FSX. Features include: Airport mapped precisely to satellite imagery Cusom airport buildings and vehicles custom airport background Custom ground polygons Be sure to read the "README" for complete installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 5th Feb 2013)
This is fictional scenery for Niamey/Diori Hamani (DRRN), designed for both versions of Flight Simulator. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added Westwind Cargo parking spots 11 through 15 - Added Helo Pads 1 and 2 - Added a cargo office at the Westwind designated parking spots along with lights and debarkation ladders. - Widened the taxi lane from 70 ft to 100 feet leading to the Westwind designated Parking spots. Insure to read the "README" for installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to download the scenery. (Posted 31st Jan 2013)
Thanks to Captain Shaun Slade for putting together this Weswind Caribe airport. Welcome to John A. Osborne Airport, Montserrat. An airport not present in the default FSX scenery library. This is a scenery enhancement for Microsoft's Flight Simulator X, specifially for WestWind Airlines Caribe Regional Airlines. Ensure to read the "ReadMe" file for installation instructions Click on the Title to transport to the download page. (Posted 29th Jan 2013)
It's my pleasure to announce that Captain Ruberto Stutzer (WWA2525) successfully passed and is now rated P1 through WestWind's ATO Training Program. (Posted 1st Jan 2013)
Congratulations to Captain Maratib Ali (WWA2752) for receiving his VATSIM P1 rating through WestWind's ATO Training Program! (Posted 30th Dec 2012)
Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles Customized Splash Screen and Aircraft Background Viewer
These three hubs customized splash screen and aircraft viewer background are ready for download. Seattle - features the hub and the Seattle skyline with emphasis on on the Space needle. San Francisco - the hub and the Golden Gate Bridge. Los Angeles - the hub and the Hollywood sign. This the last installment but contact me in the forums if I missed a hub. To get to the download page click on "Clear Direct To..." tab and then scroll down to the "aircraft and scenery department and then mouse over to "Scenery for FSX" or "Scenery for FS9" and then click on your hub. Or, you can go to the forums where you may preview the pictures and then click on the link there to go to your hub. (Posted 6th Dec 2012)
Washington DC and Calgary Customized Splash Screen and Aircraft Background Viewer
These two hubs customized splash screen and aircraft viewer background are ready for download. Washington DC - features the hub and the Capital building. Calgary - the hub and the Calgary skyline. To get to the download page click on "Clear Direct To..." tab and then scroll down to the "aircraft and scenery department and then mouse over to "Scenery for FSX" or "Scenery for FS9" and then click on your hub. Or, you can go to the forums where you may preview the pictures and then click on the link there to go to your hub. (Posted 4th Dec 2012)
Dallas, Salt Lake City and Denver Customized Splash Screen and Aircraft Background Viewer
These three hubs customized splash screen and aircraft viewer background are ready for download. Dallas - features the hub and the Dallas skyline. Salt Lake City - the hub and the Mormon Temple. Denver - the hub and the Denver city skyline. To get to the download page click on "Clear Direct To..." tab and then scroll down to the "aircraft and scenery department and then mouse over to "Scenery for FSX" or "Scenery for FS9" and then click on your hub. Or, you can go to the forums where you may preview the pictures and then click on the link there to go to your hub. (Posted 3rd Dec 2012)
Chicago, Cincinnati and Atlanta Customized Splash Screen and Aircraft Background Viewer
These three hubs customized splash screen and aircraft viewer background are ready for download. Chicago - features the hub and the Chicago skyline. Cincinnati - the hub and the Cincinnati skyline. Atlanta - the hub and the Atlanta city skyline. To get to the download page click on "Clear Direct To..." tab and then scroll down to the "aircraft and scenery department and then mouse over to "Scenery for FSX" or "Scenery for FS9" and then click on your hub. Or, you can go to the forums where you may preview the pictures and then click on the link there to go to your hub. (Posted 2nd Dec 2012)
Captain Bob Sturm completed an upgrade to the FS9 version of KSEA. According to Bob: This scenery package upgrades the KSEA airport with the third parallel runway and additional taxiways. The previous WWVA KSEA upgrade had faulty ILS approaches. This one fixes those and in addition corrects all of the other approaches to work properly with the GPS. ****IMPORTANT If you have installed the previous version (Files dated 2009), then you must delete the entire WW KSEA folder and install this one in its place**** It can not be emphasized enough that you must read the "Important README" file for proper installation of this upgrade. Click on the link to transport to the download page. (Posted 30th Nov 2012)
Miami, New York and, Toronto Customized Splash Screen and Aircraft Viewer Background
These three hubs customized splash screen and aircraft viewer background are ready for download. Miami - features the hub and the Miami city skyline. New York - the hub and the Statue of Liberty. Toronto - the hub and the Toronto city skyline. To get to the download page click on "Clear Direct To..." tab and then scroll down to the "aircraft and scenery department and then mouse over to "Scenery for FSX" or "Scenery for FS9" and then click on your hub. Or, you can go to the forums where you may preview the pictures and then click on the link there to go to your hub. (Posted 30th Nov 2012)
Amsterdam, your customized splash screen and aircraft background viewer is now ready to download. Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 29th Nov 2012)
London, Sydney and Rio Customized Splash Screens and Aircraft Viewer Background
These three hubs customized splash screen and aircraft viewer background are ready for download. London -- features a splash screen of the hub and the aircraft viewer background is Big Ben. Sydney -- splash screen is of the hub and the aircraft viewer background is the Opera House. Rio -- features the hub and Christ the Redeemer for the aircraft background viewer. To get to the download page click on "Clear Direct To..." tab and then scroll down to the "aircraft and scenery department and then mouse over to "Scenery for FSX" or "Scenery for FS9" and then click on your hub. Or, you can go to the forums where you may preview the pictures and then click on the link there to go to your hub. (Posted 29th Nov 2012)
These files will change your standard Microsoft Flight simulator splash and aircraft viewer background to a customized version featuring The Westwind Athens hub and the Ancient Greek Ruins. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 28th Nov 2012)
These file will change your standard Microsoft Flight simulator splash and aircraft viewer background to a customized version featuring The Westwind Madrid hub and the Placido Real Buidling. Insure you read the README as it contains the installation instructions. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 28th Nov 2012)
The Frankfurt customized Splash Screen and Aircraft background viewer is ready for download! Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 28th Nov 2012)
The Scenery Department is pleased to announce a new project that will customize the Standard FS Splash Screen and Airplane Viewer Background picture to that of each hub. The First hub I completed is Singapore but watch the forums and this web page for when additional hubs will become available. By clicking on the title it will transport you to the Singapore hub download page where you may get a taste of what the Splash Screen and Airplane Background viewer may look like for your hub. (Posted 27th Nov 2012)
Congratulations to Captain Paul Reitman (WWA2971) for receiving his VATSIM P1 rating through WestWind's ATO Training Program! (Posted 26th Nov 2012)
New AHM in Salt Lake
Please join me in congratulating Capt. Shaun Brennan (WWA2549) on his promotion to Assistant Hub Manager in Salt Lake City. Welcome to management, Shaun! (Posted 22nd Nov 2012)
Captain Bob Sturm has completed his second update to his first update to KSEA. This put the new runway in place and he has also corrected the ILS so it lines up with the runway. Here are some important additional notes: FSX - Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (KSEA) Upgrade Fix This file fixes issues with the ILS approaches for the WestWind KSEA airport upgrade. It also corrects the ILS-GPS approaches. **** VERY IMPORTANT****** If you have previously installed the original KSEA Airport Upgrade, YOU MUST delete the following files from the folder \Addon Scenery\WWA_KSEA\Scenery: - AFX_KSEA_WW.bgl - WW_Appr_KSEA_16R_34L.bgl - WW_KSEA_Approaches_FSX.bgl If you have installed the WestWind Scenery files, but not the original Airport Upgrade, you only need to delete AFX_KSEA_WW.bgl. Remember, that if you want the WWA scenery it must be installed first before the update can be successfully applied. This is a zip file so my recommendation is to unzip in a temporary folder and then complete the steps mentioned above. As is the standard routine, make sure you read the "READ_ME_NOW" file. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 14th Nov 2012)
New HM in SLC; AHM slot open
Please join me in welcoming Senior Captain Todd McCuistion (WWA2923) to his new job as the Hub Manager in Salt Lake City. Capt. McCuistion was formerly the AHM in both Salt Lake City and Boston, and I am confident he will do a great job re-invigorating the hub! Todd will need an AHM, and if you are interested, please contract him through PMs on the forums! Congratulations Todd, and welcome to Hub Management! (Posted 12th Nov 2012)
Captain Bob Sturm has made a small update to the FS9 and FSX Wiley Post (PABR) Barrow, Ak airport. The update was correcting the ILS so it would line up with the runway. Be advised that when you download the update it is in zip format and will require you to place the files in the correct folders. The "Readme First" file include in the zip has all the details. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 12th Nov 2012)
Well Im happy to report that the WestWind Monthly is back on track! Please enjoy this latest edition and dont forget to play "name the plane" as this may end up as a pilot recognition award .
CLICK ME FOR NEWSLETTER (Posted 4th Nov 2012)
Boston Hub to be closed
The Hub Operations Division has been examining the possible closure of an East Coast Hub, due to over saturation and inability to fill Management slots. After a long discussion, it has been decided to close WestWinds’ Boston Hub effective 11/01/2012. Our plan is to remove Boston from our active Hubs, and make it a Satellite of our KJFK Hub. As always, the established routes will remain, and you are free to fly from KBOS or any other Hub as you like. The Manchester Regional KMHT Satellite will close completely as well. All KBOS Pilots will be allowed to transfer to the Hub of their choice. I personally would like to thank all of the members of our Boston Hub for your continued support and dedication to WestWind! Please feel free to contact Bill McCoy or Mike Spina with any questions or concerns regarding this personnel move. (Posted 25th Oct 2012)
We have made some changes to the web site functionality. Added a new page to allow pilots to reset their password if they have forgotten it. You now do not need to request a password change from your HM. This is accessed from the change password link on the Cleared Direct To menu. Added a new pilot details page. This is accessed from the cleared direct to - Personnel menu. Passwords were always saved and checked as upper case. We are now checking it as typed and when forced to upper case. The upper case check will be removed at the end of March 2013. Please change your password before then to avoid yourself being locked out. For upper managers only - changed the upper managers pilot record page to remove the reset password, move the hours balance to a new line, remove the comments box, not to save the date of transfer and the 12 month rule for changing of hubs is not implemented. (Posted 23rd Oct 2012)
Congratulations to Frank Chiaravalle WWA61 on his promotion to the Assistant Hub Manager position in Chicago. Frank comes to Chicago from our Salt Lake City Hub, and brings with him many years of flight simulation experience. Congratulations and welcome to management! (Posted 19th Oct 2012)
Congratulations to Jesse Olsen WWA2568, as he transfers from Salt Lake City to Cincinnati in order to take up the Assistant Hub Manager Position. Congratulations and welcome to hub management! (Posted 15th Oct 2012)
There is an opening for Assistant Hub Manager at our Miami Hub. Please see the forum for more details. (Click title of this post for the link) (Posted 9th Oct 2012)
New HM in Cincinnati
Congratulations to Paul Reitman (WWA2972) as he returns to Cincinnati as Hub Manager! (Posted 9th Oct 2012)
Our KCVG hub is in search of a new AHM. See forum for more details. (Click title of this post for link) (Posted 9th Oct 2012)
Well WestWind, unfortunately I think I am going to have to call a "no publish" for Septembers edition of the newsletter. As of this time, I have not had the chance to even touch the publication. RW responsibilities have me cornered this month with VERY little free time.
I apologize for any inconvienience, but the outlook shows that we should be back on track next month. If anyone has Microsoft Publisher and is interested in helping with the WestWind Monthly, please contact me via PM or via email.
Thanks for your patience and understanding! --Russell Reed, EVP Marketing (Posted 6th Oct 2012)
KCVG Hub Manager Wanted. See forum for more details. (Click the title of this post for the link) (Posted 4th Oct 2012)
Please see forum for more details. (Click title of this post for the link) (Posted 3rd Oct 2012)
New Vice President of Hub Operations
Congratulations to Michael Spina, on his promotion to Vice President Hub Ops North America - East! Mike has previously served in Management at our JFK, BOS and SLC Hubs, and brings a wealth of knowledge to the position. Congrats Mike! (Posted 1st Oct 2012)
See forum for more details regarding this job opening. (Click Title for Link to Forum Post) (Posted 1st Oct 2012)
It has come to our attention, that there was a problem with the forum registration process, specifically with the field asking for the sum of two numbers.
The problem is now fixed, so we would like to ask those who were unable to register to try again.
We would also like to remind you to use either your WWA number or your real name as a username.
Thanks for the understanding.
The IT-Team (Posted 27th Sep 2012)
Opening for Vice President of Hub Operations
Phil Cohen is stepping down from his position as Vice President of Hub Ops - North America East, due to real world commitments. While his shoes will be very hard to fill, I am accepting applications for the position. Desired candidates will have experience as Hub Manager or Assistant HM, with strong organizational and management skills. Candidates for the position will have responsibility for the Operations of all 8 of our North American Hubs East of the Mississippi River. Please submit letters of interest and qualifications to EVP Hub Operations Bill McCoy at bmc1284@aol.com if interested. The application process will remain open until a candidate is selected. (Posted 26th Sep 2012)
This year the Toronto Flight Information Region is going ever BIGGER and even more UNTHINKABLE than last year, they are going to run the Toronto REAL OPS 2012 for a full 24 Hours Click on the title to take you to the event details. Places are limited, so book now! (Posted 18th Sep 2012)
New HM Position Available at Frankfurt
Due to his commitments and real world studies it is with regret that Kostis Zagganas
has decided to step down as Hub Manager. Kostis will still be with us here at Westwind
and I would like to thank him for his hard work. This now leaves a vacancy at Frankfurt.
Anyone who would like this challenge should email me at met331@yahoo.com by Sunday the 23rd of September.
Good luck to those of you who apply.
Thanks Brian Bancroft (Posted 10th Sep 2012)
It's that time again! Please keep the feedback coming so we can make the best newsletter possible!
CLICK ME FOR NEWSLETTER (Posted 5th Sep 2012)
Congratulations to Captain Joe Carignan (WWA2879) for receiving his VATSIM P1 rating through WestWind's ATO Training Program! (Posted 2nd Sep 2012)
New Aircraft in the Hangar!!
Now in the Hangar for both FSX and FS9
Replacement textures for the Quality Wings BAe Avro 146-RJ100, 146-RJ70, and 146-RJ85. Repaints by Matt Smith
Also released for FS9 - the SkySpirit2010 Boeing 767-400ER (Complete Aircraft) painted by Kim Stolt (Posted 29th Aug 2012)
Congratulations to Captain Dave Zamzow (WWA2852) for receiving his VATSIM P1 rating through WestWind's ATO Training Program! (Posted 24th Aug 2012)
Salt Lake City HM Opening
The Hub Manager position in Salt Lake City is now open. All interested candidates can apply via PM to Mitch Worthington in the forums. The job will remain open until the end of August, so you have two weeks to apply. Good luck! (Posted 17th Aug 2012)
New HM in Cincy
Please welcome back Capt. Eoin Coates as the new HM for our Cincinnati Hub. (Posted 15th Aug 2012)
Shaun Slade hired as the new Vice President of Scenery
The Scenery Department is pleased to announce the hiring of Shaun Slade as the Vice President of Scenery. Shaun has demonstrated the desire and talent necessary for this important position through his development of the Exeter Airport. Congratulations Shaun on your promotion. (Posted 11th Aug 2012)
Hello fellow pilots!
Apologies for the lateness of the newsletter this month, RW has caught up with a couple of us that work to get the newsletter to you... This edition was a little short on news, but rest assured that next month will be a blockbuster! As always, if you have any information you would like added for future editions, please let me know so I can keep the newsletter filled with great stories, news and info from WestWind. Enjoy the latest newsletter!
CLICK ME FOR NEWSLETTER (Posted 6th Aug 2012)
Effective immediately, WestWind is now able to offer discounts to active pilots on products from Aerosoft and at UK2000 Scenery!
From Aerosoft, we can offer a 10% discount to all active pilots on select products. These products include, Maastrich-Aachen Airport, FSMap, FS Flight Keeper, and Airbus X. These products are just some of what Aerosoft offers, and Aerosoft will update this list of products periodically for us to have new and exciting opportunities to update and improve our WestWind careers.
From UK2000 Scenery, we are able to offer a 20% discount on ALL of their products. UK2000 produces some amazing scenery and I am thankful that they have allowed WestWind pilots to get these scenery packs at a great discount.
WestWind Airlines is a non-commercial community of flight simulation enthusiasts. The transmittal of the following discount codes is a benefit for active WestWind pilots provided by Aerosoft and UK2000 and does not constitute an endorsement by WestWind Airlines or its Executive Committee of any particular product, developer, or retailer, nor should it be construed as such an endorsement. WestWind expressly disclaims any and all liability for expired or inoperable discount codes.
VATEUD, VATeir and the Dutch VACC are hosting the VATEUD Discover Europe Week 2 event. This is the 2nd leg of a Europe wide event visiting every VACC in the VATEUD division.
The event kicks off at 1800Z from Dublin to Amsterdam.The route is: LIFFY UL975 WAL UM16 DOLAS UL603 LAMSO
I'll be on EIDW_DEL for the day, would be great to see some WWA callsigns on the scope!
*Posted by Captain Eoin Coates!
Click the Title to link to the forum post! (Posted 22nd Jul 2012)
VATSIM's Greatest Aviation Celebration! Greatest Aviation CelebrationWelcome to VatVenture, VATSIM's premier event replicating the real world AirVenture event put on by EAA in Oshkosh, WI. This July, ZAU ARTCC is proud to turn tiny Wittman Airport in Oshkosh into one of the world's busiest airports on the VATSIM network. We hope you will plan on joining us as we celebrate our first ever week-long event. There will be plenty to do and several opportunities for pilots to fly and for controllers to control. Please take the time to explore the VatVenture website for information on flying in, controlling and the day to day activities that will be taking place. Again, welcome to VatVenture!
Click the Title for details! (Posted 15th Jul 2012)
This self installing package will provide a WestWind Express terminal,along with a ramp area for the Manchester (KMHT) Satellite Airport. Gate Parking is spots 30 - 32 on the Southwest side of the airport. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 8th Jul 2012)
Hello WestWind! Once again, it is the time to catch up on the latest from our airline. Please enjoy the WestWind Monthly!
There is a new AHM position available at the London Heathrow Hub. If you are interested, then please speak to Ken Rotker (HM) This requires just a couple of hours a month and a regular flow of communication between yourself and the hub manager. Your main role will be to guide new pilots into the world of Westwind and aiding in pilot retention. Heathrow is a big and busy hub and this posiotion offers the best way to learn how to be a hub manager Anyone interested should contact Ken through the forums or myself at met331@yahoo.com many thanks Brian Bancroft (Posted 20th Jun 2012)
This self installing package will provide a combined WestWind Express and Executive Charter terminal,along with a ramp area for the Seletar (WSSL) Satellite Airport. Also included is the Singapore Youth Flying Club building located on the North end of the airport. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery in FS9. Click on the Title to transport to the download page. (Posted 19th Jun 2012)
Upon request of the Hub Manager Dorothy Fryer, this self installing package was created to provide a combined WestWind Express and Executive Charter terminal,along with a ramp area for the Seletar (WSSL) Satellite Airport. Also included at the request of the Assistant Hub Manager Delvyn Seah is the Singapore Youth Flying Club building located on the North end of the airport. Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 13th Jun 2012)
Aircraft Department hires Matthew Ruch
Matthew Ruch WWA2628 has been hired as the new Vice President of Aircraft - FSX and Test Pilot. Matthew has a lot of experience with aircraft in the real world in addition to some test experience in FSX. He will be a great asset to the Aircraft Department
Congratulations Matthew!
Mike Bergman - EVP Aircraft (Posted 5th Jun 2012)
AHM Needed at WestWind's Washington DC Hub. Please contact Russell Reed if you are interested. Here is a link to the forum for more details. (Posted 4th Jun 2012)
Hello fellow pilots!
Here is the latest edition of the WestWind Monthly! As always, if you have any information you would like added for future editions, please let me know so I can keep the newsletter filled with great stories, news and info from WestWind. Enjoy the latest newsletter!
Russell Reed- EVP, Marketing (Posted 2nd Jun 2012)
New Washington Hub Manager
Capt. Russell Reed WWA1438 has been promoted from his AHM position to become the next Hub Manager at our Washington DC hub. Congrats Russ!!!! (Posted 1st Jun 2012)
New HM in Salt Lake City
Please congratulate Justin Sellers (WWA1870) on his promotion to Hub Manager of our Salt Lake City hub! Justin has been a member of Westwind since the summer of 2007, and has extensive experience as a real-world pilot, both military and civilian. Justin was also previously AHM at our Miami hub. The AHM slot in Salt Lake is still open, and all interested pilots should apply with Justin via PM on the forums. Congrats, Justin! (Posted 26th May 2012)
AHM Needed at WestWind's Salt Lake City Hub. Please contact Hub Manager Justin Sellers (WWA1870) if you are interested. Here is a link to the forum for more details. (Posted 23rd May 2012)
Please welcome back to the Executive Charter Division, Retired EVP of Charter Ops - Raoul Van Landuyt (WWA611). Raoul will be acting as a consultant to the Exec. Charter Division and helping me with updating outdated links on our current Executive Charters. (Posted 23rd May 2012)
AHM Needed at WestWind's Atlanta Hub. Please contact Tony Lyons if you are interested. Here is a link to the forum for more details. (Posted 17th May 2012)
AHM Needed at WestWind's Chicago Hub. Please contact Steve Couch if you are interested. Here is a link to the forum for more details. (Posted 17th May 2012)
AHM Needed at WestWind's Madrid Hub. Please contact Shaun Slade if you are interested. Here is a link to the forum for more details. (Posted 17th May 2012)
AHM Needed at WestWind's Boston Hub. Please contact Mike Spina if you are interested. Here is a link to the forum for more details. (Posted 16th May 2012)
Announcing WestWind Caribe
WestWind is pleased to announce that we are planning the launch of another regional airline.
WestWind Caribe came about as a direct result of discussion in the forum suggesting that it has high interest among the pilots at WestWind. It will feature feeder routes from the Caribbean into WestWind Airlines much like WestWind Alaska. Our best guess is that it will take us about six months to make this happen. Please be patient with us. It will require a lot of behind-the-scenes work. In the meantime, we have taken the first necessary steps to get us underway.
Rob Wilkinson has been promoted to Executive Vice President of Regional Airlines. The concept of an EVP for all regional airlines was planned over a year ago at the time we were considering how to launch WestWind Alaska. We recognized that if WW Alaska was successful, it would open the door for other regional airlines. This promotion for Rob is the fulfillment of that vision.
Brian Bancroft has accepted the position of Vice President of WestWind Caribe reporting to Rob. Brian will be responsible for running WW Caribe.
Congratulations Rob and Brian on your new roles. We look forward to seeing these new ventures develop and mature under your leadership.
--Mike Gibbs, President
(Posted 15th May 2012)
New Boston HM, need SLC HM
Please congratulate Capt. Mike Spina on his return to the east coast as the new Boston Hub Manager. With his transfer this leaves an opening for HM at Salt Lake City. Applicants for the SLC HM opening can PM Mitch Worthington thru the forums, please cc Phil Cohen on these applications as well. (Posted 15th May 2012)
I am pleased to announce that Russell Reed has been promoted to EVP of Marketing. Russell has done an outstanding job as VP of Marketing and has recruited a first class team of people to man the Marketing department. With this promotion, Russell will also be a member of the Executive Committee of WestWind and will be involved in the day-to-day running of the airline. Congratulations Russell. -- Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 8th May 2012)
I am pleased to announce that Shaun Slade, the Madrid HM, has accepted the position of Director of Marketing, Vendor Relations. Shaun has some great ideas to increase participation of events, contests and other aspects of WestWind. I am very excited to have this position filled and in the future be able to offer products and discounts to WestWind pilots for events etc.
Please congratulate and welcome Shaun into his new position! (Posted 2nd May 2012)
Hired - Director Of Charters - North America
Please welcome Capt. Steve Couch as the new Director of Charters - North America!!! In addition to this new role Steve will remain on as the Hub Manager at our Chicago Hub. (Posted 1st May 2012)
Hello WestWind pilots!
Its time for the WestWind Monthly again and the newsletter underwent a huge overhaul in the last 30 days. The newsletter will continue to improve and I hope you will continue to shoot your comments this way. As always, if you have any information you would like added for future editions, please let me know so I can keep the newsletter filled with great stories and news from WestWind. Enjoy the latest edition!
Now that I have assumed my new role as EVP - Aircraft, I am officially stepping down from EVP-IT and turning over control to George Forster. George has been with the IT department for a little over a year and a half and has show tremendous skill and leadership and has definently earned this promotion. I know as I step down that the IT Department will be well looked after. I shall not be leaving IT altogether but will be staying on as VP of Graphics under George. Congradulations George and good luck in your new position!
Mike Bergman, Fmr EVP-IT (Posted 13th Apr 2012)
Welcome Capt. Dorothy Fryer as the new Director of Charters for Central & South America
Please welcome Capt. Dorothy Fryer as the new Dir. of Charters for Central & South America. Along with this position Dorothy will still hold her post at HM at our Singapore Hub. Welcome to the Exec. Charter Division Dorothy look forward to working with you. (Posted 12th Apr 2012)
Fellow colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce the release of the first edition of the "WestWind Monthly"! This is a new newsletter which is designed to help the WestWind pilot with knowing all that is happening within WestWind through the month, and also is a tool for us to post in future press releases for the general public... To read more or comment, click the title link above.
http://flywestwind.com/monthlynewsletters/2012/march%202012.pdf (Posted 2nd Apr 2012)
New HM in Amsterdam
Please join me in welcoming the promotion of our current AHM in Amsterdam Martijn Ockhuysen to the role as Hub Manager. Martijn was an excellent AHM and will make a superb Hub Manager. Congratulations and good luck (Posted 1st Apr 2012)
Capt. Joe Carignan has transferred from his AHM spot in Atlanta to take over the reigns here in Cincinnati as the new Hub Manager. I would like to also thank Paul Reitman for staying on in a temporary role while the search for his replacement was ongoing!! Congrats Joe and good luck to both of you in your new positions!! (Posted 31st Mar 2012)
Today, Scott McGougan gladly accepted the position of Director of Marketing, Public Relations. After tense negotiations (or not), Scott and the Marketing Department came to an agreement filling one of the two available positions in marketing. Upon accepting the offer, Scott stated "...thank you for giving me the opportunity and I hope I am able to fulfill the position to a high standard."
Scott has a strong desire to work within WestWind and assures me that between his other positions and now being our PR spokesperson, he has the time to do all of his jobs to the best of his ability. Scott currently is the Athens Hub Manager, the Director of Online Events and the Director of Charter Ops for South America.
Scott was hired by WestWind in February of 2010 and has accumulated more than 1700 hours in the left seat. Scott is also an active VATSIM pilot.
Thank you Scott for stepping up and giving us your all! -Russell Reed, VP Marketing (Posted 28th Mar 2012)
Created by Captain Bob Sturm This is fictional scenery for Nome, Alaska (PAOM), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport and surrounding area and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Installed "Barren Tundra" landclass, in order to remove all the trees. - Changed runway designations and headings to match real world runways - Reworked shoreline of harbor to open it to the ocean - Added more parking - Removed default buildings and replaced with buildings better suited for local. - Added ramp lighting for night operations - Built up small Nome village with scenery objects. - Replaced default buildings at Nome City Airport(94Z) This scenery uses mostly default scenery objects, so the file is extremely small and will not affect frame rates. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 28th Mar 2012)
The WestWind marketing department is seeking someone to fill the Director of Marketing, Vendor Relations position. This position will form relationships with flight simulator add-on vendors. To put it simply, the purpose is to promote vendors to donate fs products for our events, drawings and contests. As the Vendor Relations person, you will have free reign of which vendors and products to seek after, and time required will vary, but should not be high. For more information, please PM me in the forum, or email me at FarmerRuss@hughes.net -Russell Reed, VP Marketing (Posted 27th Mar 2012)
Following the recent changes in the IT department, it has been decided that there are two positions that are available within the department.
Director of IT - Database Director of IT - Web Site Both these jobs will report to the VP - IT Job descriptions can be found on the forum. Deadline 31st March 2012 VP - Information Technology: George Forster (Posted 24th Mar 2012)HM required in Amsterdam
With George Fosters promotion he has decided to step down as Hub Manager in Amsterdam This leaves us with a vacancy at one of Europes largest airports anyone who desires this challenge should email me at met331@yahoo.com or message me through the forum before Friday 30th March closing time will be 7.00pm GMT 2.00pm EST 11.00am PST. Can i take this chance to thank George for all his hard work over the years as a Hub Manager and wish him every sucess in his new role many thanks Brian Bancroft (Posted 23rd Mar 2012)
George Forster Promoted to Vice President of IT
PRESS RELEASE: I am pleased to announce that George Forster has been promoted to Vice President of Information Technology! George has been serving for some time now as a Director of IT and has shown to be a very valuable member of the IT-team. Congratulations George! You have earned it!
EVP - Information Technology: Mike Bergman (Posted 20th Mar 2012)
PRESS RELEASE We are pleased to announce that Mike Bergman has been named Executuve Vice President of Aircraft for WestWind Virtual Airlines effective April 1, 2012. Mike is also the Executive Vice President of Information Technology at WestWind and a member of the WestWind Executive Committee and will remain in both of those roles. Mike is a resident of Fresno, California. He has been a WestWind pilot since 2007. The position of EVP of Aircraft became vacant when Kim Stolt, a long-time member of WestWind's Excecutve Committee announced his desire to refocus on the Cargo division. Kim will remain in his role as EVP of Cargo Operations and will remain on the Executive Committee. WestWind Virtual Airlines is an international online organization dedicated to promoting aviation through simulation. It offers real world pilots the opportunity to inexpensively maintain their piloting skills and provides people who are interested in aviation a chance to learn the skills that are required to pursue a career in aviation. WestWind began operations in 1996 and is one of the oldest virtual airlines in existence. It has members all over the world with management concentrations in The United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. WestWind is an all volunteer organization. For more information, see our web site at http://www.flywestwind.com. (Posted 19th Mar 2012)
I am pleased to announce that Robert Hooper (WWA2478) will be staying in the Marketing Department. He will be heading the YouTube channel for Westwind. Robert has great skills with creating YouTube videos and will be a huge asset. He is currently the AHM at Heathrow, and as a Senior Command Captain, has nearly 1300hrs logged. We are glad you are staying with us Robert! If you have videos or screenshots to submit to Robert for future inclusion in YouTube vids, please send them to the YouTube Department at wwa.advertise@googlemail.com
Cody Humphreys (WWA1232) will be heading up the Facebook division. Cody has a wonderful vision for promoting Westwind through Facebook. In his 7 years with Westwind, Cody has risen to Hub Manager at Denver, and has become a Senior Command Captain as well. I believe Cody will be able to lead Westwind into a new era with his Facebook Marketing Plan. Thank you for stepping up and helping out Cody!
Please help me in congratulating these fine gentlemen! Lets do our part in supporting each one in thier departments and helping to make Westwind Marketing a strong part of who we are. -Russell Reed, VP Marketing (Posted 16th Mar 2012)
I am pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Russell Reed has accepted the position of Vice President of Marketing for WestWind. Russell approached me with a desire to make a greater contribution in management. After some discussion, it became clear that he has a vision for the marketing area. After further discussion with the Executive Committee about his ideas for marketing, we decided to create a new position--VP of Marketing. Russell is a long time WestWind pilot and the AHM at Dulles. He comes to us with real world marketing experience and a desire to help us in that area. While this is not an EC position, he will be working closely with the EC to implement his ideas. All marketing functions at WW will report to him. Please help me congratulate Russell on his new position. -- Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 13th Mar 2012)
Scenery by Captain Bob Sturm: This is fictional scenery for Nome, Alaska (PAOM), designed for FS9. It was created to "dress up" the area and update the airport. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Installed "Barren Tundra" landclass, in order to remove all the trees. - Changed runway designations and headings to match real world runways - Reworked shoreline of harbor to open it to the ocean - Added more parking - Removed default buildings and replaced with buildings better suited for local. - Added ramp lighting for night operations - Built up small Nome village with scenery objects. - Replaced default buildings at Nome City Airport(94Z) Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 11th Mar 2012)
Santo Domingo FIR's "Bulk out" Featuring WestWind
This month WestWind have been co-ordinating with the Santo Domingo FIR to
participate in their next event.
WestWind airlines proudly presents the Santo Domingo FIR's "Bulk-out Event" on
the 17th of March 2012 @ 2000z --> 0000z.
Pilots are invited to fly their favourite freighter from CYUL, KJFK or KMCO down
to MDSD (Santo Domingo intl') MDPC (Punta Cana) MDPP (Puerto Plata) and MDST
(Santiago de los Caballeros)
This will be a very fun event for us to get some Caribbean flying and maybe,
some sun!!! Lets see the WestWind Blue and Red over there on the 17th! (Posted 3rd Mar 2012)
Syria problems
Due to todays EU ruling Westwind Airlines is suspending all passenger and cargo flights into Syria. This affects most European hubs and means no flights are being flown into Damascus Airport. This ban will continue until further notice Brian Bancroft VP hubs Europe and the pacific (Posted 27th Feb 2012)
Charter Division Fully Staffed!!!!!
With the hiring of a new Director for Africa & Middle East we are now fully staffed in the Executive Charter Division. Please welcome Capt. Paul Reitman as the new Director for Charters in Africa & Middle East. Looking forward to getting some new charters for this area and others!! (Posted 16th Feb 2012)
Scenery by Captain Bob Sturm. This is fictional scenery for Salmon Lake, Alaska (Z81), designed for FS9. It was created as a hunting and fishing resort. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Modified the land class to clear an area for the cabins and for the runway extension - Lengthened the gravel runway from 1860 ft. to 2500 ft. - Built several lodges and cabins along the lakeshore - Built Floatplane docks and Boat docks - Added more parking Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 16th Feb 2012)
Created by Captain Bob Sturm. This is fictional scenery for Salmon Lake, Alaska (Z81), designed for FSX. It was created specifically as a Hunting & Fishing resort for WestWind Pilots. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Removed all default buildings - added some static aircraft - Lengthened the gravel runway: from 1860 ft to 2500 ft. - Added log structures: Cabins & lodges - Added float plane docks - Added boat docks This scenery uses a mix of default scenery and third party scenery objects, so the file is a little larger but should not noticeably affect frame rates. (Posted 8th Feb 2012)
Created by Bob Sturm This is fictional scenery for KotzeBue, Alaska (PAOT), designed for FS9. It was created to "dress up" the area and update the airport. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Changed paved runway designator from 8-26 to 9-27 - Changed runway designation of gravel runway from 17-35 to 18-36 - Reworked shoreline of lake at south end of runway 18-36 - Realigned ILS for runway 9-27 to the real world 1.9 degree offset - Added more parking - REmoved default buildings and replaced with buildings better suited for local. - Added ramp lighting for night operations - Built up small village with scenery objects. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 5th Feb 2012)
New Washington AHM
Please welcome Capt. Russell Reed who transfers in from our Seattle Hub to take over the vacant AHM duties at KIAD. Welcome to management Capt. Reed, and thank you for stepping up. (Posted 30th Jan 2012)
New Toronto AHM
Please welcome current Toronto pilot Capt. Christopher Smyth (WWA2709) as our new Assistant Hub Manager. Welcome to management Chris!! (Posted 20th Jan 2012)
Scenery by Bob Sturm. This is fictional scenery for Barrow, Alaska (PABR), designed for FS9. It was created to "dress up" the area and update the airport. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added runway 7-25 - Closed runway 6-24 - Extended existing taxiways to runway 7-25 and relocated taxiway signs. - Removed default buildings and added buildings that look more appropriate for area. - Added more parking - extended ramp entire length of airport per Google Earth view - Added ramp lighting for night operations - Removed landclass village of Barrow because of numerous trees which do not exist in real world - Built up smaller village with scenery objects. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page, (Posted 19th Jan 2012)
It is my pleasure to announce to you that the Executive Committee of WestWind has selected five awardees for the 2011 Founder's Awards. The Founder's Award is conferred at the end of each year in recognition of significant and sustained contribution to the success of WestWind Virtual Airlines for which the founders of WestWind would be proud and would have wanted recognition to be conferred. Each of these individuals was nominated by someone on the Executive Committee and selected by a vote of the entire committee. Please help me congratulate the following:
Ed Turner who has accumulated almost 10,000 hours with WestWind since its inception 15 years ago and who currently serves as our Director of WestWind Training Academy.
Rodney Redwin, currently retired, who made significant and lasting contributions to WestWind during his days as an active pilot.
Ed Bleck, our Executive Vice Presedent of Scenery for his sustained contributions to WestWind in the area of scenery development--especially in 2011 which was a banner year for new scenery.
Phil Cohen, our Executive Vice President of the Charter Division and Vice President of Hub Operations for North America East, for his continued contributions to many areas of the airline over the years.
Bill McCoy, our Executive Vice President of Hub Operations responsible for the worldwide passenger operations of WestWind. Bill too has contributed to many areas of WestWind over the years and has done an excellent job in hub operations including a very successful move of our Vancouver hub to Calgary.
--Mike Gibbs, President (Posted 6th Jan 2012)
This is a small update so all of the taxiway signs now appear and the deletion of the old runway 08R -26L. As always, clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 3rd Jan 2012)
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce to you today that the Executive Committee of WestWind Virtual Airlines has unanimously voted to promote Rob Wilkinson to Executive Vice President -- WestWind Alaska Regional Airline. Rob has done an outstanding job of bringing WestWind Alaska from a trial concept to a full-fledged division of WestWind. As such he will now have a seat on the Executive Committee of the airline along with the heads of the other divisions. Congratulations Rob on your new role at WestWind and on a job well done for WestWind Alaska. -- Mike Gibbs, President, WestWind VA (Posted 2nd Jan 2012)
Scenery by Captain Tony Vienonen This is fictional scenery for Wily Post, Alaska (PABR), designed for FSX. It was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Changes include: -Moved and changed grass runway to gravel -Added missing taxiway and closed other taxiway -Assigned taxiway designations -Added buildings -Added static vehicles -Increased parking from 47 to 128 spaces -Added extra fuel Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 1st Jan 2012)
Congratulations to Captain Todd McCuistion on completing his first scenery for Westwind! This is fictional scenery for Adak, Alaska (PADK), It's part of WestWind Alaska Regional(WWAk). This is for FSX only! It was created to update the airport and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here's what to look for: * Added 2 parking for Cargo PARKING 2 -- RAMP CARGO PARKING 3 -- RAMP CARGO * Added 3 parking for passengers GATE 1 -- GATE MEDIUM GATE 2 -- GATE MEDIUM GATE 3 -- GATE MEDIUM * Added PAX Terminal for WestWind Alaska Regional Airline * Added 2 cargo hangars and office * Added light posts for each parkingf space * Added taxiway A1 and enlarged the existing tarmac to accomodate the new parking spaces * Wewstwind delivery trucks added in cargo area Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. Congratulations again Todd and you are now eligable for the Apprentice Scenery Designer Award! (Posted 30th Dec 2011)
This self installing file will install fictional scenery for Tahiti (NTAA), designed for FS9. It was created to update the airport and to add in a few fictional buildings. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: Data for the airport was gained from Google Earth and French aviation document AD-2 NTAA.12 - East Tarmac, rebuilt and added parking to refect the real world NTAA airport. - Added debarkation ladder trucks at the "Heavy" parking spots. - Created a Custom made passenger terminal to reflect the real world terminal. - West Tarmac, created the fuel tank farm on the pennisula West of the Tarmac - Added a small Westwind Cargo FBO to support Cargo Charter 050 - Added "Sal's Shuttle Service" custom made quonset hut for our virtual air taxi service to Ken's Place (NTKG). - Added seaplane dock to include parking space "17" for a start point for the DHC2 Beaver or other seaplanes/amphibians. - Added a custom made quanset hut office at the seaplane dock. - Added some static aircraft. - Fixed the path at the helo landing spot to connect to the tarmac and created a coral/gravel area in front of the building to reflect the real world airport. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 28th Dec 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Palmer, Alaska (PAAQ), designed for FSX. It was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Changes include: -Moved and changed grass runway to gravel -Added missing taxiway and closed other taxiway -Assigned taxiway designations -Added buildings -Added static vehicles -Increased parking from 47 to 128 spaces -Added extra fuel Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 27th Dec 2011)
Thanks to KenG graciousness we now have this scenery available on our scenery download page. This self installing file will install fictional scenery for Ken's Retirement Home (NTKG), designed for FSX. It was created as Ken's retirement place but has turned into Westwind's annual event "Christmas in Tahiti!" Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a resort Hotel - Added a mansion and huts with a roaring camp fire just to the Souteast of the hotel - Added a Seaplane dock and landing area - Added navigation aid NDB KG (358.0). - Added some breaching porpoises in the lagoon. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 26th Dec 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Palmer, Alaska (PAAQ), designed for FS9. It was created fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Major revision of airport including missing and/or improperly named taxiways - Added/modified taxiway signs throughout airport - Modified the landclass to remove the village on the east side of the airport and replace it with a golf course (as in the real world airport). - Added passenger terminal, even though the real airport does not have one (I said fictional) - Expanded ramp areas and extended runway safety area at approach end of Rwy 9. - Added night lighting to the ramp area - Added additional parking spots - Added Other buildings/hangars - Added short gravel taxiway parallel to rwy 16-34. In real airport this is for small bush/ski planes. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 26th Dec 2011)
This self installing file will install fictional scenery for Tahiti (NTAA), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport and to add in a few fictional buildings. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: Data for the airport was gained from Google Earth and French aviation document AD-2 NTAA.12 - East Tarmac, rebuilt and added parking to refect the real world NTAA airport. - Added debarkation ladder trucks at the "Heavy" parking spots. - Created a Custom made passenger terminal to reflect the real world terminal. - Deleted autogen houses in the small lagoon seperating the tarmac from the runway. - Added some static aircraft at the military parking area - West Tarmac, created the fuel tank farm on the pennisula West of the Tarmac - Added a small Westwind Cargo FBO to support Cargo Charter 050 - Added "Sal's Shuttle Service" quonset hut for our virtual air taxi service to Ken's Place (NTKG). - Added a seaplane dock to include parking space "17" for a start point for the DHC2 Beaver or other seaplanes/amphibians. - Added some static aircraft. - Fixed the path at the helo landing spot to connect to the tarmac and created a coral/gravel area in front of the building to reflect the real world airport. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 19th Dec 2011)
New Athens AHM Needed
Since our previous AHM has went inactive the position of AHM here at Athens has opened up. If you are interested in developing this hub and have a good mind for trying to recruit new pilots and advertising a hub please send me an application at scottmcgougan757[at]googlemail.com, PM me on the forums at "Scott McGougan", email Bran Brancroft at "Met331[at]yahoo.com" or again PM Brian Brancroft on the forums. The position will be open untill the 22nd of December, good luck to all applicants. Job Details are found here: http://www.flywestwind.com/Personnel/jobs.asp (Posted 16th Dec 2011)
New AHM in Salt Lake City
Join me in welcoming Todd McCuistion (WWA2923) to his new post as the Assistant Hub Manager in Salt Lake City. Todd joins the SLC hub from Los Angeles. Congrats on the new job, Todd, and welcome to management! (Posted 15th Dec 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (76 - 78), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. This completes the scenery for the Westwind Cargo Hub series. (Posted 13th Dec 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (49 - 51), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 11th Dec 2011)
Due to a slight bug in the new sign in page, you must enter numeric values for both Passengers and Cargo. If you did not carry any for a particular flight then please enter 0 rather than leaving it blank. If you get this error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d' Type mismatch: 'Clng' /FlightLog/sign_in.asp, line xxx When you try to sign in a flight and have entered a numeric value then please post on the forum with the details of what you did Appologies for the issues. This has now been fixed (Posted 11th Dec 2011)
Captain Tony Vienonen's second scenery is a fictional scenery for Ice Bay, Alaska (19AK), designed for FSX. It was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: -Recreated land classes -Added river (west of airport) -Added dry/old river bed Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. Thank you, Captain Tony for taking the time to develop scenery for Westwind Alaska Regional. (Posted 10th Dec 2011)
Created by Captain Bob Sturm. This is fictional scenery for Juneau, Alaska (PAJN), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport and surrounding area and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - replaced the several original default buildings with default buildings that look like they would fit better in this environment. - added some static aircraft - added static seaplanes along shoreline of water runway. - added night lighting to the ramp areas - Reworked the parking ramps to more closely match the real world airport diagram - Changed the landclass scenery in the area between the airport and river to remove the non-existant buildings. - rearranged parking - added additional taxiway signs and updated existing signs to match real world application - added missing taxiways - added seaplane harbor access road. - added boundary fence. - added cruise ship & fishing boat - removed the unrealistic "surf/waves" from the seaplane harbor. Thank you to Captain Bob Sturm for his continued support for Westwind Alaska Regional. (Posted 10th Dec 2011)
Thanks to Captain Tony Vienonen, we now have Atka available for download in the FSX format. This is a fictional scenery for Atka, Alaska (PAAK), designed for FSX. It was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: -Moved, resized, and renumbered runway - Added runway lighting -Resized apron and removed parking. -Added static airplane for scenery -Changed and removed stock buildings -Added buildings and roads -Removed and added lakes and streams -Adjusted shoreline to match Google Earth images. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. Congratulations to Captain Tony Vienonen on completing his first scenery for Westwind! (Posted 9th Dec 2011)
Mike Spina Named KSLC HM
Please join me in welcoming Mike Spina back to his old job as Hub Manager in Salt Lake City! Mike started in management as the HM at SLC before taking over at JFK, and is now coming back to revitalize Salt Lake. Welcome back Mike! Mike also needs an Assistant Hub Manager. All interested pilots should check out the job qualifications under the Personnel tab, then shoot Mike a PM on the forums. (Posted 6th Dec 2011)
The new runway is ready for download. The file will install a new AFCAD (Airport) file for EDDF "AF2_EDDF.bgl" and It will overwrite the previous AFCAD file of the same name. When the installation is complete, start FS9 and go to EDDF to see the new runway. Click on the title to transport to the download page. The download for the runway is listed last under the FS9 area. (Posted 5th Dec 2011)
New Athens AHM Needed
Since our previous AHM has went inactive the position of AHM here at Athens has opened up. If you are interested in developing this hub and have a good mind for trying to recruit new pilots and advertising a hub please send me an application at scottmcgougan757[at]googlemail.com, PM me on the forums at "Scott McGougan", email Bran Brancroft at "Met331[at]yahoo.com" or again PM Brian Brancroft on the forums. The position will be open untill the 15th of December, good luck to all applicants. Job Details are found here: http://www.flywestwind.com/Personnel/jobs.asp (Posted 2nd Dec 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Juneau, Alaska (PAJN), designed for FS9. It was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Major revision of airport including missing and/or improperly named taxiways - Added/modified taxiway signs throughout airport - Modified the landclass to remove the village on the south side of the airport. - Added redesigned passenger terminal - Added night lighting to the ramp area - Added cruise ship. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 2nd Dec 2011)
The new runway is ready for download. The file will install a new AFCAD (Airport) file for EDDF "AFX_EDDF.bgl" will be installed in the \Addon Scenery\WWA_EDDF\Scenery folder. It will overwrite the previous AFCAD file of the same name. When the installation is complete, start FSX and go to EDDF to see the new runway. Click on the title to transport to the download page. The download for the runway is listed last under the FSX area. (Posted 25th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (83 - 85), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. In the FS9 version besides the Cargo Hub Scenwery I also converted the gravel side (North side) to Pavement. Created runway 04R - 22L and all associated taxiways and made the corresponding taxiway signs along with the ILS and DMEs for both approaches. The FS9 version now reflects the FSX version in that the airport now has all of the taxiways, runways, and navigational aids. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 22nd Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (40 - 42), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 22nd Nov 2011)
Hub Manager vacancy in Madrid
please join me in welcoming Shaun Slade as Madrids next Hub Manager. Shaun has proven time and time again how dedicated and hard working he is. Well done Shaun (Posted 17th Nov 2011)
new AHM in London
Please join me and welcome Robert Hooper back to his original hub in London. Robert returns as London Heathrows new Ahm and together with Ken will be an immense force. Welcome back Robert (Posted 17th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (904 - 906), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 17th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, two cargo parking spaces (22 & 23), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 14th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, two cargo parking spaces (54 & 55), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 12th Nov 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Ketchikan, Alaska (PAKT), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport and surrounding area and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - replaced the several original default buildings with default buildings that look like they would fit better in this environment. - added some static aircraft - added night lighting to the ramp areas - Reworked the parking ramps to more closely match the real world airport diagram - added the overrun to both ends of the runway (per airport diagram) - rearranged parking - added additional taxiway signs - added ramp lighting for night operations - removed the landclass "city" from around the airport Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 11th Nov 2011)
Westwind Europe on Twitter
This evening i have created a European Twitter account to update and get the message to a wider audience. You can follow and contribute at #WestwindEurope. All spects of the airline will be covered nd lets try and create an internet buzz (Posted 10th Nov 2011)
AHM required for Frankfurt
A vacancy is still available for the AHM in Frankfurt. The role i a fantastic first step on the road to management and an ideal position to learn more about how a virtual airline works. A good level of communication and a few hours a month of commitment are essential and can be a very rewarding position. Anyone interested should message either myself or Kostis through the forum or email myself at met331@yahoo.com goodluck Brian Bancroft (Posted 9th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (12 - 14), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 9th Nov 2011)
AHM at London Heathrow required
A vacancy has arisen at one of our more popular hubs for an AHM. Anyone who fancies the leap into management couldnt go wrong by starting here. An Ahm is responsible for guiding new pilots through their first few hours of flying. They are also trained how to run the hub and assist the HM with route planning and hub strategy. Good communication skills are a must and a fewhours commitment a month is required. Anyone who fancies the challenge should contact Ken Rotker through the forum. Alternatively email me at met331@yahoo.com and i'll pass on the application. Good luck and regards Brian Bancroft (Posted 7th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (44 - 46), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 7th Nov 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Ketchikan, Alaska (PAKT), designed for FS9. This scenery was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added missing taxiway B an C - Added taxiway signs throughout airport - Modified the landclass to remove the village surrounding the airport. - Added buildings to the airport ramp area after deleting the unrealistic default buildings. - Added night lighting to the ramp area - Added cruise ships. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 5th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, two cargo parking spaces (33 & 34), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 4th Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (37 - 39), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 3rd Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, two cargo parking spaces (90 & 91), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page (Posted 2nd Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, one cargo parking space (23), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at the parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 1st Nov 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, a cargo parking space (22), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at the parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 31st Oct 2011)
New Boston HM
Please welcome back Capt. Dave Cuscuna (WWA1569) as the newest Hub Manager at our Boston Hub!! Dave was here in the same capacity about 4 years ago until real life business got in the way!! (Posted 30th Oct 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Kodiak, Alaska (PADQ), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport and surrounding area and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - replaced the several original default buildings with default buildings that look like they would fit better in this environment. - added some static aircraft - added night lighting to the ramp areas - Added a fire station - rearranged parking Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 27th Oct 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Kodiak, Alaska (PADQ), designed for FS9. It was created to fix some scenery issues and "dress up" the area. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added missing section of taxiway F - Fixed the shoreline immediatly around PADQ to eliminate the water that climbed the steep rocky shore. - Modified the lake shoreline adjacent to the Municiple Airport. - added a landclass town to represent the town of Kodiak at it's approximate real-world location. - added buildings to the airport ramp area after deleting the unrealistic default buildings. - added night lighting to the ramp area - added missing taxiway signs - added cruise ship and dock in Harbor Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 24th Oct 2011)
New Cincinnati AHM
Please congratulate Capt. Alan Morris as the newest AHM at our Cincinnati Hub. Alan is transferring in from the Windy City where he has racked up a Cat II rating in a short period of time!! Again, congrats and welcome to management Capt. Morris. (Posted 20th Oct 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, a cargo parking space (2), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at the parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery in FSX. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 20th Oct 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (11 & 12), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery in FSX. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 12th Oct 2011)
New Cincinnati Hub Manager
Congrats to Capt. Paul Reitman on his promotion to Hub Manager at our Cincinnati hub, and many thanks to Capt. Dale Talley for taking over the reigns and training Paul to keep the hub from closing. (Posted 11th Oct 2011)
Boston Adds Sattelite
The Hub Crew at Boston Logan Intl is proud to announce that we have partenered with Manchester (KMHT) to take some of the Regional and Turbo Prop load away from Logan. Look for routes to be popping up very soon. (Posted 11th Oct 2011)
This self installing scenery provides three gates at the "A" terminal (8, 12, & 16), three regional parking spaces (83 - 85) and a FBO along with ramp lights at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery. *************IMPORTANT**************** If you installed the WWC_PANC package you must go to the Settings > Scenery Library and place this folder (WWAk) above the WWC_PANC folder to see the parking and gates for WWAk Anchorage.************** Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 10th Oct 2011)
New Management Needed in Salt Lake City
We have openings for a Hub Manager and an Assistant Hub Manager in Salt Lake City. Job responsibilities can be found on the Job Postings page. Send an email with your interest to Mitch Worthington via PM in the forums. If I find a qualified HM candidate, that person will be entrusted with hiring his or her own AHM. Job closes on Oct. 10 (one week from today). (Posted 3rd Oct 2011)
This is fictional scenery for Homer, Alaska (PAHO), designed for FSX. It was created to update the airport and surrounding area and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - added a gravel taxiway along the long end of the runway (not real world) - replaced the original default buildings with default buildings that look like they would fit better in this environment. - added land class scenery to create the town of Homer adjacent to the airport - added some static aircraft - added night lighting to the ramp areas - added taxiway signs - Since Homer is a port fishing town, added a marina area with lighthouse Click on the title to transport to the download page. (Posted 2nd Oct 2011)
Dallas- Ft. Worth adds a new Manager!
Congratulation to Capt. Thomas Conley (WWA2932) on his promotion to Assistant Hub Manager in Dallas! Welcome to Management! (Posted 29th Sep 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (80 - 82), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery in FSX and FS9. Click on the title to transport to the download page (Posted 26th Sep 2011)
This self installing scenery provides a Westwind Cargo FBO, three cargo parking spaces (95 - 97), Westwind Cargo delivery trucks, ramp lights and debarkation stairs at each parking space. Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery in FSX and FS9. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 19th Sep 2011)
It is my pleasure to announce to you that the Executive Committee has voted to make WestWind Alaska Regional Airline a permanent part of the WestWind family. We began WW Alaska as a six month trial in February and asked Rob Wilkinson to head it up. Under Rob's Leadership, it has prospered and become a favorite for many of us. Congratulations Rob, Scott and Tony for a great job on this new initiative which has been a prototype for similar potential WestWind expansion in the future. Click the title to go to the full story in the forum. --Mike Gibbs, President, WW Virtual Airlines. (Posted 15th Sep 2011)
2 new AHM's
Please welcome Capt's Joe Carignan and Paul Reitman as the newest members of WestWind Management. Capt Carignan will be taking up the AHM Position at Atlanta and Capt. Reitman will be taking over the AHM sopt at Cincinnati. Congrats to both of you, if you need anything lean on your Hub managers, if they cannot answer something come to me or one of the other VP's. Phil Cohen VP hub Ops - North America East (Posted 13th Sep 2011)
This self installing file will place on the South side of the airport two cargo parking spaces 27 and 28, a medium size single story Westwind Cargo FBO, ramp lighting, debarkation stairs and a newly created WestWind Cargo delivery van. Clicking on the title will transport you to the Guam download page. (Posted 11th Sep 2011)
The Westwind Cargo hub scenery for Tokyo is now ready for download. The scenery features three cargo parking spaces 19-21, a FBO, ramp lighting and debarkation stairs. Click on the title to transport to the download page (Posted 10th Sep 2011)
Captain Bob Sturm completed the FS9 version of the WWAk hub for Homer (PAHO). He created this is fictional scenery, to "dress up" the area, which was pretty bare. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - Added a dirt taxiway for the longest stretch of Runway 03-21 so you don't have to taxi the full length on the runway. No Airport Diagram available. - added a landclass town to represent the town of Homer at it's approximate real-world location. - added buildings to the airport ramp area after deleting the unrealistic default buildings. - added night lighting to the ramp area - added taxiway signs - added a marina and lighthouse at tip of peninsula Click on the title to transport to the download page (Posted 7th Sep 2011)
Westwind's Scenery Department is happy to announce they are starting a new project developing scenery for all of the stand alone cargo hubs. The first hub the department completed is Hong Kong (VHHH). Westwind has three cargo parking spots 31, 33, and 35 and a FBO building made from scratch using GMAX, ramp lighting and debarkation ladders for each parking spot. Click on the title to transport to the download page (Posted 1st Sep 2011)
WestWind Online Ops department is happy to announce we are supporting the Toronto Real Ops Event 2011.
We would like to invite pilots from Every Hub to book a flight, once you have done so please let us know which one it is and we will get the callsign changed to WWA.
There are many prizes to be won!!!
Please Click the title for full details and info on how to book.
We hope you all enjoy this event
Online Ops Department. (Posted 26th Aug 2011)
Thank you again to Captain Bob Sturm for this self installing scenery package that will provide fictional scenery for Dillingham, Alaska (PADL). This scenery was created to update the airport and surrounding area and replaces several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. This scenery is compatible with the other WWAk hub scenery packages. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - added a gravel taxiway along the long end of the runway (not real world) - replaced the original default buildings with default buildings that look like they would fit better in this environment. - added land class scenery to create the town of Dillingham adjacent to the airport - added some static aircraft - added night lighting to the ramp areas - added taxiway signs - rerouted one of the roads that was crossing airport property - Since Dillingham is a Salmon fishing town, added a marina area with lighthouse as a processing plant Be sure to read the "readme" file for details regarding setting up the scenery in FSX and FS9. (Posted 18th Aug 2011)
The Scenery Department is happy to announce the upgrading the default scenery with an improved and enlarged inner harbor waterway that includes a landable aircraft carrier and three other ships moored at the Singapore Port Facility. Creating from scratch using GMAX five Singapore skyscrapers to make the scenery a bit more appealing and ships at anchor. Over 50 objects have been added to the default scenery with helo landing pads at the Port Facility (NDB 383.0), Singapore General Hospital (NDB 384.0), Shell Petroleum's manager's residence on Ayer Chawan group of islands (NDB 385.0) and a farm village North of Singapore proper (NDB 486.0). Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page for this scenery. (Posted 14th Aug 2011)
Due to the recent Forum error, data has been lost from around 22nd of May. This includes forum posts and possibly anyone who joined between May 22nd and now may have also been lost. If you have joined the forum between now and 22nd of May, please re-join.
Sorry about the inconvenience - Robert Hooper (Posted 10th Aug 2011)
Captain Bob Sturm continues his progress in providing Westwind pilots with some top notch Westwind Alaska Regional scenery. This time around he has produced the FSX version of Aniak, Ak (PANI). This updates the airport and surrounding area and replace several of the unrealistic looking buildings with something more appealing. Here is what to look for in this scenery package: - added a gravel taxiway along the long end of the runway (not real world) - replaced the default buildings with third party buildings that look like they would fit better in this environment. - added land class scenery to create the town of Aniak adjacent to the airport - added some static aircraft - added night lighting to the ramp areas - added taxiway signs _ added WEstWind Alaska Regionl Sign Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page! (Posted 6th Aug 2011)
Thanks to Captain Bob Sturm Westwind Alaska Regional has added it newest scenery to its library. Bob created this scenery to "dress up" the area, which was pretty bare and outdated. Here is what to look for in the download: - Added a gravel taxiway for the longest stretch of Runway 10-28 so you don't have to taxi the full length on the runway. No Airport Diagram available. - added a landclass town to represent the town of Aniak. - added buildings to the airport ramp area after deleting the unrealistic default buildings. - added night lighting to the ramp area - added taxiway signs Just click on the title for transport to the download page. Thanks Bob! (Posted 5th Aug 2011)
Interim Cincinnati HM
Capt. Dale Talley has taken on the role of Interim HM at our Cincinnati hub. He will be working with me to find the next permanant hub Manager for that hub as well as taking care of his regular HM duties at the Rio Hub. (Posted 3rd Aug 2011)
Cross the Atlantic Eastbound!
This event takes place tomorrow. Anyone who would like to join me flying from Montreal to Dublin send me a PM on the forums (Scott McGougan) or email me at "scottmcgougan757[at]googlemail.com"
Hope to get a wee group together to brush up on our oceanic procedures!!!!!
Scott (Posted 29th Jul 2011)
NY AHM Named
Please welcome Capt. Maratib Ali as the newest member of the NY Hub Management Team. Maratib has taken the role of AHM and will work closely with the new pilots to step up in the ranks during their first couple of months!! (Posted 29th Jul 2011)
New Hm in Rio and AHM required
Please join me in welcoming Dale Talley to the position of Hub Manager here in Rio. Dale has done a fantastic job as the AHM for the last few months and he is perfectly placed to continue Rios excellent reputation. This now creates a vacancy for an Assistant Hub Manager. Anyone interested should contact Dale through the Form or email myself at MET331@yahoo.com and i'll pass on your application to Dale Many Thanks Brian Bancroft (Posted 18th Jul 2011)
New Charter Director Named
Please welcome Capt. Craig Pearce WWA2578 as the newest member of the Executive Charter Division. Craig will be taking over the Asia & South Pacific Region, as a native of New Zealand we can expect some teriffic charters for that area. (Posted 17th Jul 2011)
New Miami AHM
Please welcome Capt. Joe Novakowski as the new Assistant Hub Manager in Miami. Joe is transferring from Chicago where he was the one time AHM and HM of that hub. Welcome back to management Joe you will have a blast in South Beach!! (Posted 17th Jul 2011)
Thanks to the diligent efforts of Mike Bergman (EVP of IT), Phil Cohen (EVP of Charter Ops) & Tony Yonek (Director of Charter Ops, WWAK) I am very pleased to be able to announce the opening of WestWind Alaska Regional's Charter Division!
Regional Charters, both passenger and cargo are now accessed through the WWAK homepage. Come on up to Alaska and try something different as we continue to add new challenges!
Click the Title to go to WestWind Alaska Regional. (Posted 15th Jul 2011)
New Boston HM,
Capt. Duane Etienne has transferred back to the states from his HM post at Rio to take over the vacated HM spot at our Boston Hub. Welcome back Duane. Thanks also should go to Capt. John Condon for holding down the fort at both Boston and Washington DC till a replacement was chosen at Boston. (Posted 15th Jul 2011)
Thanks to Captain Bob Sturm the WWAk Bethel (PABE) scenery is ready for download. Bob has greatly improved the default scenery making it more realistic. Click on the title to transport to the download page where you may see pictures of the improvements and access to the download. (Posted 14th Jul 2011)
Just a note to let everyone know that Hub Hoppin' will start today with the Fly-In to Athens (LGAV) from 1600z 'til 2000z. Click title for full details! (Posted 9th Jul 2011)
Managers Needed
We are looking for new AHM's at Atlanta, Boston, Miami and New York.
Hub Manager needed for Cincinnati (KCVG). It has long been the policy of WestWind that if hub management cannot be found, we would consider consolidating the hub with another one. If no one applies, we may have to consider that option. We want to make sure that we give the current members of the hub every opportunity to keep the hub open.” I would hate to see all the hard work of previous hub managers go down the tubes because this job was left open too long. Therefore anyone interested in running the Cincinnati Hub please contact Phil Cohen via PM on the forums or at pcohenjr@comcast.net Application deadline Monday 7/11 0000Z. (Posted 6th Jul 2011)
Chicago Hub Manager
Capt Steve Couch has taken over the HM duties at Chicago. Steve come to the Windy city from the same position he held at our Cincinnati Hub. Congrats on the transfer Steve. (Posted 6th Jul 2011)
Thanks to Bob Strum the first of the WWAk scenery and is now available for download. Bob has completed Analakleet (PAUN) available for FSX and FS9. Click on the title for transport to the download page. (Posted 6th Jul 2011)
Sign Out NOTAM - New manual flight sign out options
A change has been made to the manual signing out of flights. You can now set the load of your aircraft manually. To do so, enter the number of passengers and the weight of cargo in the two new text entry boxes on the sign out form. If you wish to still use the random loadings then just leave the boxes empty. (Note, empty means no value, entering a 0 will be taken as 0 passengers, or 0lbs of cargo) The system will check that you have not overloaded the aircraft, and will reduce the load accordingly. This will be shown on the flight details page. If anyone has any problems with the new page then contact us on the IT forum page with as much information as possible so that we can fix any issues. The automatic sign out of flights using the schedules are not affected by this change and will still use random loadings (Posted 3rd Jul 2011)
new ahm required for Frankfurt
A vacancy has arisen for the assistant hub managers job at Frankfurt. Anyone who wishes to move into management here at Westwind could do no better than to work with Kostis at Frankfurt. The role involves supporting the hub manager by coaxing and being the main source of communication with our newest pilots. The role will require the sucessful candidate to be a member of the forum and also a reglar flyer here at Westwind. Anyone intrested should either private message Kostis Zagganas via the forum or email Brian Bancroft at met331@yahoo.com There isnt a closing date and the vacancy will remain open until a sucessful candidate is found. Good luck Brian Bancroft (Posted 24th Jun 2011)
2 New Managers Named and 1 Resigns
Congrats are in order for Capt. Paul Underwood who has been promoted from his AHM position at our New York hub to take over at Hub Manager, keeping things in house should help things keep running as they have been lately. Also another name from the WWA managemet past has popped back up at Chicago. Capt. Tod Allison has accepted the role of AHM. Now that Chicago has an AHM in place Capt. Jay Jeffrey has tendered his resignation effective immediately. (Posted 21st Jun 2011)
New Pilot Recognition Awards!
The Westwind management team has made the decision to add new category to the Pilot Recognitionl Awards! This new category is Scenery Design and members may earn an award by completing 1, 5, 10 and then in increments of 5 up to 30 completed sceneries. You may see the description of the awards here: http://www.flywestwind.com/Personnel/recognition_award_descriptions.asp You will need to scroll down toward the bottom of the page to view the awards. For those who are interested in scenery design should make themselves familiar with a couple of programs. The first one would be an object placing program such as the FSX default for those who have the deluix package and/or Whisplacer(http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=89) and (http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=90) for those who do not have access to the FSX default object placer. The recommended object placer for FS9 is Rwy 12 (http://www.rwy12.com/). Besides having familiarity with an object placer a scenery designer should also know how to use an Airport Design Editor. For FSX and FS9 the preferred program would be Airport Design Editor 9x .(AVSIM program name ade_setup_full_147.zip) Before starting a scenery it is advisable to PM our Executive Vice President of Scenery Ed Bleck to discuss details of your project. Ed is also available to answer questions regarding the use of any of the above programs. (Posted 11th Jun 2011)
Westwind is happy to announce this additional scenery for Singapore which is a self installing package that includes ships at anchor, Singapore General Hospital plus ships and cargo at the Port Facility. you may land on the aircraft carrier in the port facility and the warships at anchor. The hospital has two landing pads on the roof (one for daytime and one for night NDB 384.0). In addition, there are new helicopter pads at the Port Facility(NDB 383.0), Ayer Chawan group of islands (NDB 385.0) and at a farming village on the North side of the island (NDB 486.0). Even if you do not fly helicopters the ships at anchor can be seen from the airport and on the approaches. This adds a bit more realism and life to the default Singapore scenery. Please click on the title for transport to the download page. (Posted 9th Jun 2011)
The Online Ops Department is proud to present "Summer Hub Hoppin 2011"!!
The summer Hub Hoppin’ 2011 event is to be a tour of the Greek islands and to
visit some of the more interesting and forgotten airports in this Vast area of
Southern Europe.
The event will start with a fly-in to the Athens (LGAV) Hub on the 9th of July.
We will then continue with a round trip of 15 stops starting at Athens
Eleftherios Venizelos International airport and completing the circuit back
there during the two week event.
Once you finish the route you can freely explore all the Athens hub has to offer
until the fly-out on the 23rd of July.
Click the Title for full details!
Online Ops Team. (Posted 8th Jun 2011)
Welcome our newest Hub Manager in Rio
Please join me in welcoming Duane Etienne as Westwinds newest Hub manager here in Rio. Duanne steps up from our Chicago hub and along with Dale Talley we now have a great management team once again in Rio (Posted 7th Jun 2011)
In need of AHM for Boston
There is a need for a new AHM at our Boston Hub. Interested captains looking to further their Virtual career should send a detailed letter stating your desire to move up to the next level at WWA to Capt. John Condon via Private message in our forums. (Posted 2nd Jun 2011)
Welcome to the FS9 version of Westwind's Resort Europe! This self installing scenery includes a custom made GMAX villa, helo pad and party tent. Compliments of your Scenery Department. The resort has a heliport and seaplane/amphibian landing area with a NDB (WH,383.0) for navigation from the Nice (LFMN) airport. There is a public/private marina (default FS9 scenery) where you may use the sailing yacht or motor yacht for your maritime pleasure. If you get a bit restless, Monaco is just a short 5 -10 flight to the East where you may do some gambling and rub elbows with the rich and famous or take in the Formula One Grand Prix that takes place during the last week of May. Marie, is the caretaker of the resort and will arrange the transport you may require from Nice or from the resort to Monaco. She keeps the resort's wine cellar and kitchen well stocked and will tend to all of your needs during your stay. Click in the link for transport to the download page. The Westwind Management hopes you enjoy this fine resort! (Posted 21st May 2011)
New HM in Athens
In a surprise move Scott Mcgougan has offered to head back across the south Atlantic to head up our Athens hub. Well done Scott and a huge thanks to Kostis who is moving onto Frankfurt Congratulations Guys (Posted 8th May 2011)
Welcome to La Villa Westwind! Westwind's European resort that is about a 3 to 5 min flight from the Nice (LFMN) airport by either helicopter, seaplane or amphibian plane. The scenery includes the villa, an outdoor canopy to socialize with the neighbors, a seaplane dock, and heliport along with a public/private marina. Monaco is another 5 minute flight to the East or, if you desire a leisurely trip, Westwind for your pleasure has a yacht and speedboat at the marina. You are almost guaranteed to rub elbows with the rich and famous at one of the casinos. For your convenience there is a NDB (WH) 383.0 at the heliport(LFWH) for a navigational aid to the resort! We have also provided a seaplane base (LFWS). Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page for this fabulous resort. The Westwind Management hopes you enjoy your stay! (Posted 5th May 2011)
New Chicago AHM
Please welcome Captain Duane Etienne to his new position as Assistant Hub Manager at KORD. Duane will assume his duties immediately as the new AHM. Welcome to Management! (Posted 25th Apr 2011)
Atlanta HM
Capt Tony Lyons has been promoted to the Atlanta Hub MAnager from his current AHM position, congrats Tony!! With that said there is now an opening for AHM, interested parties should send Capt Lyons a PM in the forum stating your interest in the position as well as why you would think that you would make a difference if you were the AHM!! (Posted 25th Apr 2011)
New team in Frankfurt
Kostis Zagganas has taken on the responsibilty of Frankfurt. He has done a fantastic job in Athens and will move Frankfurt forward and make it stronger. I'm hoping to appoint a new ahm later on today. well done Kostis (Posted 24th Apr 2011)
Chicago AHM Opening
If you are interested, please contact Hub Manager Jay Jeffrey via email at jay_jeffrey1@yahoo.com. If you simply write "I am interested in the job" and only that, well, that immediately tells me that you are not interested enough. Background information and reasons you would be good at the job are welcome. Basically, anything you think I need to know before making a selection. Duties: The Assistant Hub Manager is to be a "shepherd" for our Category I and II pilots. He is responsible for sending a "Welcome" letter to each new pilot that joins the Hub. He should set a goal of "graduating" a Cat.I pilot in no more than five weeks and a Cat.II pilot within 16 weeks of their enlistment. Requirements: The applicant must currently be a dedicated pilot with WestWind Airlines holding a rating of Category II or higher. Good communication skills and a sense of responsibility are essential. Time requirement is one or two hours a week Must have the desire to advance to a Hub Manager position. Assistant Hub Managers must be at least 13 years of age. The age requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Reports To: Hub Manager Selection Criteria: At the discretion of the Hub Manager The closing date for this job posting will be by April 18. Thanks! (Posted 14th Apr 2011)
Our new promotional video is now up on Youtube. You can click the title to see it. Hope you like it, if any improvements could be made for next time then please let me know. Thanks, Rob (Posted 11th Apr 2011)
Atlanta Hub Manager Opening
We have an opening for the Hub Manager position at the Atlanta Hub. Anyone interested in filling this position please contact Phil Cohen via the WWA Forums Private Message (Phil Cohen WWA1573) or by e-mail. Applications will be taken till 4/15/11, a decision will be made by 4/17/11. (Posted 8th Apr 2011)
The Project OpenSky 747-8F for FS9 has been updated. Anyone that downloaded this aircraft prior to April 4, 2011 shoud re-download and re-install this aircraft. This update contains fixes to the panel.cfg files enabling the exterior lighting of the model to function properly. (Posted 4th Apr 2011)
The Sydney's FS9 version of the Maintenance Facility is ready for download! The facility has two parking spaces (64 and 65) and a static Westwind 747 in the hanger. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 26th Mar 2011)
WestWind Alaska Regional Airline is now fully operational with routes from 11 hubs serving 202 unique destinations. As this is an entirely self-dispatched operation, please be sure to do your due diligence in flight planning to choose an aircraft suitable for the departure/destination conditions.
Click on the Notice Title to visit the WestWind Alaska Regional Airline homepage and browse these challenging routes! (Posted 22nd Mar 2011)New Miami AHM
Please Welcome Capt. Arjun Rao as the newest Assistant Hub Manager at our Miami Hub. Capt. Rao is transferring in to South beach from his previous hub in New York City!! Congrats on the promotion and welcome to WestWind Management. (Posted 21st Mar 2011)
The Westwind Scenery department is happy to announce the FSX version of Sydeney's(YSSY) Maintenance Facility Sydney is ready for download. Clicking on the title will transport you to the download page. (Posted 18th Mar 2011)
The new experimental Alaska Regional Airline now has its own home here on our website. It has moved from its temporary home as the modified Anchorage Mini hub page. The Mini-hub is still intact and will return to be listed as Anchorage.
You can find the Alaska Regional Division under the "Cleared Direct To..." Menu under "Flight Operations" Enjoy! (Posted 17th Mar 2011)
I want our active pilots to film different angles, of there flight in both Vatsim and offline. These clips don't have to be very long. 10, 30 seconds of a few shots. This can include take-off's, landings and it can be edited or unedited. You can also send in more than once. I haven't decided an ending date as I don't know how popular this will be. Please, if u have any spare time just to record part of a flight would be much appreciated. If you have anymore questions then please contact me either through this or by the email below. Please send your videos in an attachment to wwa.advertise@googlemail.com Click the title link to our Youtube account - Rob Hooper (Posted 16th Mar 2011)
Robert Hooper Named Director of Marketing for WestWind
I am pleased to announce that Robert Hooper has been named the Director of Marketing for WestWind. Robert approached the Executive Committee with a proposal to create a WestWind account on YouTube and we liked his ideas. Robert is currently the Hub Manager for Madrid and will remain in that position. Robert's first task will be to create a WestWind YouTube account and create and manage a unified WestWind presence on YouTube. Robert will also be responsible for the general marketing of WestWind to the public. Please help me welcome him in his new position. Congratulations Robert. --Mike Gibbs (Posted 13th Mar 2011)
Rob Wilkinson Selected to Head WestWind Alaska
I am pleased to announce that Rob Wilkinson has been selected as Vice President of WestWind Alaska Regional Airlines. Rob joined WestWind a little more than a year ago. His resume includes 6,000 hours of real world experience the bulk of which was in a jet crew environment, tenure as Chief Pilot/Aviation Manager of a small corporate operation and a VA career exclusively with WestWind--1,138 hours of which were spent on VATSIM representing WWA in 2010. He has flown and passed the VATSIM practical test flight through VATCAN, the first organization in the network authorized to award the designation of P1 Pilot. Rob will remain in his current position as Hub Manager of Calgary. -- Mike Gibbs (Posted 10th Mar 2011)
At long last the FS9 Athens Hub Scenery is ready for download! Clicking on the title will transport you to the Athens download page. (Posted 9th Mar 2011)
Calgary Hub scenery for FS9 is ready for download. Just clicking on the title will transport you to the appropriate download page. Thank you to Bob Sturm for taking the time to develop this hub scenery. (Posted 7th Mar 2011)
New AHM in Madrid
Im pleased to announce Shaun Slade as the new AHM in Madrid. Welcome to management again Shaun (Posted 4th Mar 2011)
The scenery department is happy to announce that the FSX Calgary Hub scenery is ready for download. Just click on the title to go to the download page. The FS9 version will be posted soon. (Posted 4th Mar 2011)
WestWind Alaska
WestWind is pleased to announce that we are undertaking a six month trial of a new entity called WestWind Alaska. WestWind Alaska is a Regional Airline. WWAk will cover the state of Alaska and will provide a wide variety of services to the state. Most importantly, it will act as a feeder airline into the WestWind system. It will consist of Cat I and Cat II routes only. Assuming WWAk is successful, we would expect to expand the concept to other Regional Airlines around the world as opportunity and interest allow. We are looking for a Vice President who will head up WestWind Alaska. If you are interested in leading this six month trial, please send me a private message. I will leave this position open until March 10. --Mike Gibbs, President, WestWind Virtual Airline (Posted 3rd Mar 2011)
Three Directors hired in Online Ops/Events
Join me in welcoming three new members to the Online Operations & Events department! John Condon (WWA2527) and Rob Wilkinson (WWA2574) are the new Co-Directors of Online Operations, and Scott McGougan (WWA2614) is a Co-Director of Events! Rob, John and Scott already provide valuable services to Westwind as the HMs at Calgary, Boston and Rio de Janeiro, respectively, and have agreed to help me reboot the tradition-laden Online Ops/Events division here at Westwind! Rob and John will handle the operations side (getting new pilots set up on VATSIM/Teamspeak, liaising with VATSIM, etc.) and Scott will design events such as Eastwind IV (coming Holiday 2011), Hub-Hopping 2011, and many more. Welcome to upper management, guys! (Posted 26th Feb 2011)
Egypt re-opens Tunis fully re-opens Libya Closed
Egypt has been reclassified as safe for travel and therefore all flights are now re-instated Thankyou for your patience and enjoy the Pyramids once more!! Tunisia is now open for traffic and the countrywide curfew was lifted late last night Libya however will be closed until further notice. (Posted 16th Feb 2011)
New Boston AHM & Cincinnati Opening
Please welcome Capt. Brandon Doolittle as your new AHM at the Boston hub. Capt. Doolittle has transferred over from Cincinnati and will hold the same position as he had there. Welcome to Bean Town Brandon!! With the Lateral move this leaves and opening for Assistant Hub Manager in Cincinnati all interested parties should contact Capt. Steve Couch via PM in the WWA Forums. (Posted 15th Feb 2011)
Mitch Worthington Promoted to EVP of Online Ops and Events
Please help me welcome Mitch Worthington as WestWind's new Executive Vice President of Online Operations and Events and member of the executive committee. Mitch is a long time WestWind Pilot and an active member of VATSIM and the online community. He is also a real world air traffic controller at Memphis. He brings a lot of skill and expertise to this position. - Mike Gibbs (Posted 15th Feb 2011)
New AHM in New York
Congratulations to Captain Paul Underwood (WWA2655) for being selected as KJFK's next AHM! Paul is a dedicated pilot and is eager to use his skills in management. Paul, welcome to the Westwind management team! (Posted 8th Feb 2011)
New AHM in Singapore
Please join me in welcoming Delvyn Seah as the new AHM in Singapore. Delvyn brings a wealth of experience and him and Dorothy look poised to take Singapore to new heights. Congratulations (Posted 2nd Feb 2011)
New AHM in Dallas
Please welcome John Oddo as the newest AHM at our Dallas hub. John has held numerous management positions at Westwind and is a valuable addition to the team out West. Welcome John! (Posted 1st Feb 2011)
WestWind opens Newest Hub!
The Calgary Hub is OPEN for business! All Vancouver Pilots have been transferred to the new hub. All Pilots in WestWind are asked to assist with moving Cargo from Vancouver (CYVR) to Calgary (CYCC), using Charter C051 on the Charter Division page. Please continue to direct any questions to members of Management! (Posted 31st Jan 2011)
AHM Opening at Miami
Miami is in need of a new AHM , anyone interested that fits the criteria please send Matt a PM in the forums (WWA1887) (Posted 30th Jan 2011)
WestWind to open Calgary Hub.
WestWind VA Hub Operations announced today that they will be opening a new Hub in Calgary (CYYC). The personnel and equipment from our Vancouver Hub will be transferred to the Calgary Hub next week, and Vancouver will now be a Mini Hub. Starting Monday January 31st at 1400 zulu hours, the transfer will begin, and the Calgary Hub will be fully functional by Friday February 4th. Watch for further announcements regarding the move and announcement of new routes. Please contact either VP Ops Mitch Worthington or EVP Hub Ops Bill McCoy with any questions.. (Posted 28th Jan 2011)
New Chicago Hub Manager
Please welcome Capt. Jay Jeffrey as the new Hub Manager at Chicago. Jay comes to Chicago from his former post as the AHM at our New York Hub. (Posted 22nd Jan 2011)
Matt Smith promoted to VP Aircraft - FSX
Would everyone please join me in congratulating Matt Smith on being promoted to VP Aircraft - FSX. Matt has been doing some outstanding work for us as an unofficial painter, and has agreed to join the department and help us move our FSX fleet forward. Congrats again Matt! (Posted 22nd Jan 2011)
2 New NA East Hub Managers Named
Please Welcome Capt. Adam Le Drew back to management as he has taken over the reigns at Toronto. And congratulations to Capt. Steve Couch for his promotion from Boston AHM to his new position as the Hub Manager in Cincinnati. If there is anything you guys need feel free to ask. (Posted 21st Jan 2011)
Hub Manager Needed for Chicago
Capt. Mark Young has resigned his post as the Hub Manager of Chicago, any pilot interested in becoming the next HM @ KORD please send me a PM in the forums (Phil Cohen WWA1573) (Posted 21st Jan 2011)
Athens Hub Manager Hired
Please join me in welcoming back to Athens Konstantinos Zanganas and Frederic Gerard to there new roles as Hub Manager and Assistant hub managers respectively. Kostis is a Greek based pilot and one of our first new hires when we opened Athens. Im proud to him back in Athens as the new Manager. Frederic joins us from Washington. Welcome aboard Guys (Posted 20th Jan 2011)
Toronto Hub Manager
With the recent resignation of Capt. Donnie Harrison I am in need of a Hub Manager for Toronto, If you are interested please send me a PM in the forum (Phil Cohen WWA1573) (Posted 20th Jan 2011)
New hub manager Madrid
Please join me in welcoming Robert Hooper here in madrid as the new hub Manager. Robert has flown over 1000 hrs here at Westwind and has been an active member of London for quite a while. I'm sure the transition to management wont be difficult. Welcome aboard Robert (Posted 19th Jan 2011)
Flights Suspended to Tunisia
Due to the continuing uncertainty surrounding Tunisa as of 16th Jan 2011 all scheduled flights to either Tunis Monastir or Sfax have been suspended. As the country becomes more unstable Foreign nationals have become stranded as other airlines refuse to fly in. By using older aircraft i.e 717,a300,Dc-10,747-300, MD-80 we have co-ordinated a rescue effort to repatriate the stranded foreign nationals. If you wish to fly and help out wuth the evacuation please log it under charter number P009 The airports are Tunis ( DTTA) Monastir (DTMB) and Sfax (DTTX) Thankyou for your help in this matter Brian Bancroft (Posted 17th Jan 2011)
KBOS Hub Manager
With recent events that have taken place Capt. John Condon has decided to return to his post as the Boston Hub Manager. (Posted 17th Jan 2011)
Please help me welcome Capt. Brandon Doolittle (WWA2766) as the new AHM at our Cincinnati Hub! (Posted 13th Jan 2011)
WestWind Executive Committee is proud to announce this years Founder's Awards.
•Mike Gibbs, Senior Command Captain, WSSS, 1/1/2011 - President, 2010-present, has served in numerous positions throughout his virtual career, always demonstrating great leadership.
•Mark Chapel, Senior Command Captain, CYVR, 1/1/2011 - Former Hub Manager of Vancouver, exhibited a steadfast commitment to his hub for almost 10 years
•Gene Popma, Senior Command Captain, KORD, 1/1/2011 - President & CEO, 1998-2002 guided WestWind through a period of unprecedented growth and stability.
•Steve Canham, Senior Command Captain, KDEN, 1/1/2011 - Chief Executive Officer 2002-present for leadership, guidance & support in keeping the airline running. (Posted 7th Jan 2011)
Brian Mills is Denver's New AHM
Please join me in welcoming Brian Mills (WWA1108) to the management fold as the new Assistant Hub Manager in Denver. Brian has been with the airline for more than four years and has flown upward of 800 hours in the Denver hub. Welcome to management, Brian! (Posted 6th Jan 2011)
New Hm for Athens
Hi all, Please join me in welcoming Josh Petry in his first Hub Managers position here in Athens. Well done Josh (Posted 4th Jan 2011)
WestWind Celebrates 15 Years!
Congratulations WestWind as we celebrate 15 years of virtual flying! Here's to 15 more! (Posted 3rd Jan 2011)
New Chicago Hub Manager
Please welcome Capt. Mark Young back to the states as the next Chicago Hub Manager. Capt. Young is transferring in from the same position that he previously held at our Athens Hub. (Posted 3rd Jan 2011)
New AHM in Rio!
I would like to welcome Dale Talley (WWA2769) To the assistant hub manager's job in Rio, welcome Dale and good luck!! (Posted 31st Dec 2010)
New HM in Singapore
Hi everyone, Please join me in welcoming Dorothy Fryer to the role of hub manager here in Singapore. Dorothy and Ed will be a formidable team and I know Singapore is in very safe hands. (Posted 30th Dec 2010)
New AHM in Vancouver
Please welcome new Vancouver AHM Scott Robinson (WWA2660) to the management ranks! Scott comes to the northwest from our Atlanta hub, where he flew more than 300 hours. Scott, welcome to management!! (Posted 28th Dec 2010)
New HM in Vancouver/AHM Opening
Senior Command Capt. Rob Wilkinson (WWA2574) has returned to the Vancouver hub as the Hub Manager. Rob was previously the AHM at CYVR, and served briefly as Chicago's HM. The AHM spot in Vancouver is still open, and all those interested in the position should contact Rob via PM on the forums. Good luck to all who apply, and welcome back, Rob! (Posted 22nd Dec 2010)
New Toronto AHM
Capt. Graeme Paterson has been promoted from within the Toronto hub to be the next Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations and welcome to management Graeme!! (Posted 21st Dec 2010)
New Washington HM
Capt. Tom Painter has been promoted from his AHM position to take over the Hub Manager duties at our Washington DC Hub. With his promotion this leaves an opening for Assistant Hub Manager, if you are intersted in filling that spot please contact Tom (WWA2604) via private message on the forums. Thank you to all that applied for this opening I always hate to have to turn people away when so many qualified people apply. (Posted 19th Dec 2010)
Mark Chapel Stepping Down as Vancouver HM
After nearly 10 years as Hub Manager in Vancouver, Mark Chapel (WWA57) is stepping down for personal reasons. Mark has flown almost 7,800 hours and has also led one of Westwind's strongest hubs for nearly a decade. His experience and leadership will be missed on the West Coast and throughout Westwind. As such, there is an opening for Hub Manager in Vancouver. The responsibilities are listed on the Job Postings page, and due to a recent promotion, the new HM will also need to hire an Assistant Hub Manager to serve underneath him. Please indicate your interest in the opening to Mitch Worthington via PM on the forums or via e-mail. Mark, thanks again for all your service as an HM. (Posted 18th Dec 2010)
Operation EastWind III officially comes to an end!
Operation EastWind III has come to a close, and appears to have been a big success! I would like to thank all who participated in this event!
Please note any and all pilots who are currently signed out on EastWind flights, We need you to sign in as soon as possible so we can remove "EastWind" from the flight Purpose list. Thank You! (Posted 18th Dec 2010)
New AHM required in RIO
Hi all, Due to realworld commitments Mike Osburn has decided to step down as AHM in Rio. Therefore a vacany has occured to begin your first step into management. Anyone who wants the challenge should contact either Scott or myself via the forum or by email. Thanks Brian (Posted 14th Dec 2010)
New Dir of Charters - Africa & Middle East
I am pleased to welcome Capt. Ed Lee to the Executive Charter Division as our new director of charters for Africa & Middle East. Look for some new and interesting charter in the months to come. Thank you Ed and again Welcome. (Posted 9th Dec 2010)
New Toronto Hub Manager & IAD HM Opening
Capt. Donnie Harrison is making a lateral move from his Hub Manager spot at our Washington D.C. Hub to become the next Hub Manager at Toronto. This leaves a vacancy for Hub Manager in Washington if you would like to apply please send a Private Message on the forum to Phil Cohen. Congrats Donnie and good luck in Toronto. (Posted 9th Dec 2010)
Toronto Assistant Hub Manager Wanted
Assistant Hub Manager in Toronto(CYYZ) Wanted
If you are interested see below.
Duties: The Assistant Hub Manager is to be a "shepherd" for our Category I and
II pilots. He is responsible for sending a "Welcome" letter to each new pilot
that joins the Hub. He should set a goal of "graduating" a Cat.I pilot in no
more than five weeks and a Cat.II pilot within 16 weeks of their enlistment.
Requirements: The applicant must currently be a dedicated pilot with WestWind
Airlines holding a rating of Category II or higher. Good communication skills
and a sense of responsibility are essential. Time requirement is one or two
hours a week. Must have the desire to advance to a Hub Manager position.
Assistant Hub Managers must be at least 13 years of age. The age requirement
may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Reports To: Donnie Harrison, CYYZ Toronto Hub Manager
If you are interested please send Donnie Harrison a PM via the forums with
your resume and please include your email address. (Posted 9th Dec 2010)
A custom maintenance hanger and facilities for Rio is now ready to download. Please click on the title to transport to the preview pictures and download link. (Posted 8th Dec 2010)
Toronto HM and AHM openings.
There is an opening for Assistant Hub Manager in Toronto. If anyone is interested please contact Hub Manager Donnie Harrison (Posted 6th Dec 2010)
New Singapore Hub Manager
Please join me in welcoming our newest hub manager (again!!) Eoin Coates. Eoin was my boss when i started here at Westwind so I know he can sucseed at an already fantastic hub. (Posted 4th Dec 2010)
Initial screenshots are now up for EastWind III. Please send me your screenshots to have them uploaded on the screenshot site. I'll be pulling them off of the forum as well if you post them there. Don't worry about size, I'll take care of that.
blue_747@yahoo.com (Posted 2nd Dec 2010)
The Operation EastWind III Event Page is now online click the title link or use the "Cleared Direct To..." drop down menu (Posted 25th Nov 2010)
New HM required at Singapore
Ed has asked me to look for his replacement at Singapore so he can consentrate on his flying and other commitments. Anyone intrested in applying please PM me or drop me an email. The closing date for applications is November 30th 8.00pm GMT. thanks for all your efforts and hard work Ed. Brian (Posted 23rd Nov 2010)
Last year, Operation EastWind II was a huge success, being one of the airline’s most popular events. Well, with the amazing and popular turnout of the event, we've decided to bring it back this year.
This event will be hosted by the Singapore Hub. This year's event will be a little different, as it will not really have a humanitarian purpose. The theme this year will be "Asia's Most Dangerous and Interesting Airports." We will be highlighting the most interesting airports in Asia, hoping to spark more interests in pilots to "Fly Asia!" We will be starting in Singapore, and over a period of about 1 month, we will highlight a handful of airports we have chosen.
This event will be running from 12/1/10 - 12/18/10.
After we finish we can roll right into Tahiti for some relaxation after this (plus a lot of us will be a lot closer).
You should also be receiving it in an e-mail from your hub Manager. These will include procedures for this operation, event schedule, and any other information needed.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Singapore on the 1st! (Posted 22nd Nov 2010)
AHM Opening in Toronto
Due to Real World Commitments Capt Andre Martel has stepped down as the AHM here in Toronto. If you are interested in filling the position please send your info to Hub Manager Ian Crawford. (Posted 20th Nov 2010)
Please join me in welcoming Josh Petry, WWA2732, as the new Assistant Hub Manager for our Athens, Greece hub! Josh has a bunch of great ideas and a lot of energy. Welcome to management Josh! (Posted 11th Nov 2010)
New Assistant Hub Manager in Singapore
Please join me in welcoming Captain Ed Lee as Singpore's new Assistant Hub Manager! Ed is transferring over from the Athens Hub where he earned is CAT IV wings and has proven himself and reliable and enthusiastic pilot. I look forward to working with him and the new ideas he may bring to the Singapore hub. (Posted 8th Nov 2010)
New AHM in Salt Lake
Please join me in welcoming Ron Wells (WWA2753) to his new post as Assistant Hub Manager at our Salt Lake City hub! Congrats Ron, and welcome to Management! (Posted 28th Oct 2010)
New HM in Rio
Please join me in congratulating current AHM Scott Mcgougan on his promotion to the hub managers job in Rio. Scott has done a fantastic job since Kameron stepped down and really has the enthusiasm needed to do a great job. Well done, Scott, and welcome to hub management! (Posted 11th Oct 2010)
Congratulations to Ivan Baker (WWA2585) on his promotion to AHM at our Cincinnati Hub! (Posted 10th Oct 2010)
Assistant Hub Managers are needed at our Amsterdam and Salt Lake City hubs. Job responsibilities are listed on the job postings page. If you're a member of either hub and want to help run your home base, or if you're a pilot elsewhere in Westwind and want to get your foot in the management door, this is the perfect opportunity! Contact HMs George Forster (EHAM) or Leland Anderson (KSLC) via PM in the forums if interested. (Posted 10th Oct 2010)
Assistant Hub Manager NEEDED
Miami is in need an Assistant Hub Manager. If anyone from that hub or any other hub for that matter would be interested in taking the next step in their WWA career contact the current HM Matt M. (Posted 4th Oct 2010)
New AHM in Athens
Congratulations to Matthew Ruch (WWA2628) on his promotion to AHM in our Athens Hub. Matthew was previously the AHM for our Frankfurt Hub. Welcome back to management, Matt! (Posted 1st Oct 2010)
New AHM in Denver
Congrats to Glenn Murawski, the new Assistant Hub Manager in Denver. Glenn has previously served as HM at Cincinnati and Miami, as well as AHM at several hubs. Congrats Glenn! (Posted 27th Sep 2010)
New Hub Manager in Seattle
Capt. Isaac Hansen (WWA1596) is the new HM at our Seattle hub! Isaac served as AHM in Denver for more than two years, and started his Westwind career in 2007 as a pilot in Seattle. He's amassed nearly 1,000 flight hours since then, and is more than ready to run a hub of his own. Congrats Isaac! (Posted 21st Sep 2010)
The Project OpenSky Boeing 777-300ER has finally been uploaded to the FS9 hangar. This aircraft is a considerable improvement over both the default FS9 777-300 and the MelJet model we have been using for many years. Enjoy! (Posted 20th Sep 2010)
The Project OpenSky 747-400F version 4 has been added to the FS9 hangar, replacing the version 3 model. (Posted 20th Sep 2010)
WestWind Training Academy
WestWind is pleased to announce that the WestWind Training Academy is now an official part of of the WestWind management structure reporting to Ed Ward, WestWind's EVP of Training and Chief Pilot. The academy grew up spontaneously and has achieved great success under its current leadership. Eoin Coates has been acting as the academy's director and has agreed to continue in that role in an official capacity. Congratulations WestWind Training Academy. You are a real success story. (Posted 20th Sep 2010)
New Assistant Hub Manager in Los Angeles
Everyone please welcome Lou Syracuse WWA633 as the new Assistant Hub Manager in Los Angeles! (Posted 17th Sep 2010)
Congratulations to Donnie Harrison who has passed his VFR Checkride today after about a month of VFR lessons! Congratulations Donnie, good luck with IFR and keep up the good work!! (Posted 17th Sep 2010)
Hub Manager needed in Rio
Kameron Eves has stepped down as Hub manager at our Rio de Janeiro hub. Anyone interested in this position, please contact VP Ops Brian Bancroft, either in Forums or by email, to apply. (Posted 16th Sep 2010)
New Vice President of Hub Operations
After receiving many quality applications, Mitch Worthington (WWA1901) is being promoted to Vice President of Hub Operations - North America West. Mitch has served in management at numerous Hubs, and is presently the Director of Charters for North America. Congrats!! (Posted 15th Sep 2010)
New Atlanta AHM
Capt. Tony Lyons is jumping back into Management as the new AHM at our Atlanta Hub. Congrats Tony!! (Posted 11th Sep 2010)
Vice President of Hub Operations Opening
With the recent promotions, the Hub Operations Division has an opening for Vice President of Hub Operations - North America West. The job requirements are listed on the Jobs Postings page, and please contact EVP Bill McCoy by email or PM to apply for this position. (Posted 8th Sep 2010)
WestWind has a NEW Vice President!
After an intense search, Brian Bancroft (WWA2541) has been promoted to VP of Hub Operations for the Europe and Pacific Region. Brian serves as our Director of Charters for Europe, and is a native of the UK. Brian also helped setup our Athens Hub. Congratulations Brian! (Posted 6th Sep 2010)
New AHM in Chicago
Capt. Brian Beeckman WWA2590 has been promoted to AHM at our Chicago Hub. Congrats on the promotion Brian and welcome to management. (Posted 5th Sep 2010)
2 Assistant Hub Managers Still Needed
There are still openings in Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City for Assistant Hub Manager. Is anyone going to step up and take their VA experience to the next level, well now is the time!!! To enquire about the openings contact Mike Bergman for Los Angeles and Leland Anderson for Salt Lake City. They can all be reached by PM on the forums. Come on guys lets get these spots filled!!! (Posted 1st Sep 2010)
Hub Operations has an opening for Vice President In Europe & Pacific region
With the recent promotions, the Hub Operations Division has some movements and openings for Vice Presidents. Phil Cohen will be transferring to the North America East position, and will temporarily cover both North American positions. We are presently accepting applications for the position of Vice President of Hub Operations - Europe/Pacific. The job requirements are listed on the Jobs Postings page, and please contact EVP Bill McCoy by email or PM to apply for this position. (Posted 31st Aug 2010)
Bill McCoy Promoted to EVP of Hub Operations
I am pleased to announce that Bill McCoy has accepted the position of Executive Vice President of Hub Operations for WestWind. In this capacity he will also serve as a member of the WestWind Executive Committee. Bill previously served as the Vice President of Hub Operations for North America East. Congratulations Bill. - Mike Gibbs, President, WestWind Virtual Airlines (Posted 27th Aug 2010)
Mike Gibbs has been named President of WestWind Airlines, taking over for Steve Canham, who will remain as WestWind's CEO and member of the Executive Committee. Mike has been the Executive Vice President of Hub Operations since October, 2007 and has demonstrated great leardership ability, not only for his division, but for the VA as a whole. We are indeed fortunate that he has accepted this position to lead WestWind into the next decade. (Posted 23rd Aug 2010)
Opening for AHM in Chicago.
With the resignation of Clayton Martyn, we once again have an opening for AHM. Please contact HM Joe Novakowski to apply. (Posted 16th Aug 2010)
Please Help me Congratulate Capt. Glenn Murawski on becoming Cincy's newest AHM! Welcome back to Management Glenn! (Posted 11th Aug 2010)
Assistant Hub Manager KIAD Wanted
Congrats to Cody on being promoted to Denver Hub Manager. With his promotion brings a vacancy to the AHM position.
If you are interested see below.
Duties: The Assistant Hub Manager is to be a "shepherd" for our Category I and II pilots. He is responsible for sending a "Welcome" letter to each new pilot that joins the Hub. He should set a goal of "graduating" a Cat.I pilot in no more than five weeks and a Cat.II pilot within 16 weeks of their enlistment.
Requirements: The applicant must currently be a dedicated pilot with WestWind Airlines holding a rating of Category II or higher. Good communication skills and a sense of responsibility are essential. Time requirement is one or two hours a week. Must have the desire to advance to a Hub Manager position. Assistant Hub Managers must be at least 13 years of age. The age requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Reports To: Donnie Harrison, KIAD Washington Dulles Hub Manager
If you are interested in this position, please send me an email at driver7125@gmail.com
Best of luck to all applicants!! (Posted 9th Aug 2010)
New Denver HM
Capt. Cody Humphreys (WWA1232) has been promoted to be the next Hub Manager at our Denver Headquarters. Cody tranfers west from his AHM position at KIAD. Congrats on the promotion Cody and thanks for taking your VA experience to the next level. Cody Has been with us for almost 5 years (in November) and has amassed over 900 flight hours, Cody was stationed at Denver as his first hub and has previously held the AHM position at Vancouver before moving east to our Washington-Dulles Hub, some of you might know his as "codeman" from our previous 2 forums!! (Posted 8th Aug 2010)
Hub Manager Opening in Denver
Due to Real World Responsibilities Capt Tim Ferrier has stepped down as the Hub Manager of our Denver Hub. Captains interested in becoming the next Denver HM please send me your "resume" (Posted 4th Aug 2010)
If you would like to be considered for the position please send your "resume" to me at blue_747@yahoo.com or PM me on our Fourm.
Mike Bergman: Hub Manager LAX
(Posted 3rd Aug 2010)I afraid, as you may already know, Joe has decided to move on, and is now the HM at Chicago. This means that we need a new AHM. Anyone willing to take the job simply email me at the hub email (wwasbglhub@gmail.com) and let me know. Please include reasons why you think you would be the best for the job. (Posted 3rd Aug 2010)
A little late to the table but please welcome Capt. Rob Wilkinson to the Vancouver Hub as the new Assistant Hub Manager. Congrats on the promo Rob!! (Posted 27th Jul 2010)
New Hub Manager in Washington!
Congratulations to Capt. Donnie Harrison, on his promotion to hub Manager at our KIAD Hub. Donnie was previously the AHM at our Cincinnati Hub, and is also Director of Online Operations! (Posted 25th Jul 2010)
With the promotion of Donnie Harrison, there is now an opening for AHM at the Cincinnati Hub.
Duties: The Assistant Hub Manager is to be a "shepherd" for our Category I and II pilots. He is responsible for sending a "Welcome" letter to each new pilot that joins the Hub. He should set a goal of "graduating" a Cat.I pilot in no more than five weeks and a Cat.II pilot within 16 weeks of their enlistment.
Requirements: The applicant must currently be a dedicated pilot with WestWind Airlines holding a rating of Category II or higher. Good communication skills and a sense of responsibility are essential. Time requirement is one or two hours a week. Must have the desire to advance to a Hub Manager position. Assistant Hub Managers must be at least 13 years of age. The age requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Reports To: Sam Rosko, KCVG Hub Manager
If you are interested in this position, please send me an email at **deleted**
Best of luck to all applicants!! (Posted 25th Jul 2010)
Westwind to Feature on Ten Minute Taxi!
Tonight, we will be featuring on Ten Minute Taxi, so please be sure to tune in to the show: http://www.blogtv.com/people/tenminutetaxi
Kick-off time is 19:30 Central, 20:30 Eastern, 23:30Z so be sure to check it out! (Posted 22nd Jul 2010)
More promotions in the East!
Congratulations are in order for Capt. Joe Novakowski (WWA947,)who is our newest Hub manager in Chicago! Joe was previously the AHM at our Rio Hub. Also, (WWA2531) is transferring in from Washington to take the reins as HM of our Cincinnati Hub. This now leaves an opening for a Hub Manager in Washington (KIAD). Please contact VP Ops Bill McCoy (bmc1284@aol.com)to apply. We also still need an AHM in our Atlanta hub. Please Contact HM Wiek Schoenmakers to apply. (Posted 20th Jul 2010)
Just in time for Athens Grand Opening Ceremonies! The hub scenery is now ready for download! Follow the title link to download all three areas (Passenger, Cargo, and Executive Charter). (Posted 20th Jul 2010)
Hub Manager Openings In North America East.
We presently have openings for Hub Manager in both our Chicago and Cincinnati Hubs, due to moves, promotions an resignations. If interested in these position, please contact VP Bill McCoy @ bmc1284@aol.com (Posted 14th Jul 2010)
New London AHM!
I'm happy to announce that Andrew Wills, WWA2651, has been selected as London's new AHM. Andrew comes to London from the Amsterdam Hub as a Cat III pilot. Welcome aboard Andrew. (Posted 11th Jul 2010)
We now have an IT message board on the forum, please post here any issues/problems that you are experiencing with the website or forum so that the IT Dept. may address it as quickly as possible. (Posted 10th Jul 2010)
Unfortunately Doeke Brouwer has resigned as AHM at EHAM. This opens up the position again. The role of AHM involves the following tasks
Duties: The Assistant Hub Manager is to be a "shepherd" for our Category I and II pilots. He is responsible for sending a "Welcome" letter to each new pilot that joins the Hub. He should set a goal of "graduating" a Cat.I pilot in no more than five weeks and a Cat.II pilot within 16 weeks of their enlistment.
Requirements: The applicant must currently be a dedicated pilot with WestWind Airlines holding a rating of Category II or higher. Good communication skills and a sense of responsibility are essential. Time requirement is one or two hours a week. Must have the desire to advance to a Hub Manager position. Assistant Hub Managers must be at least 13 years of age. The age requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Reports To: Hub Manager
Selection Criteria: At the discretion of the Hub Manager
The airline is looking to have Europeans running the European hubs. It is not restricted to pilots at EHAM.
If you are interested then post a message here and I'll get back to you.
All applicants must apply via email or via the forums. The link to which is in the title.
Best of Luck to all applicants!
(Posted 5th Jul 2010)
Brian Bancroft has been selected to help set-up our new hub at Athens. congratulations Brian, I know you'll do an outstanding job in your new assignment. I also want to thank Brian for his great work as our AHM. As the saying goes,,,you can't hold a good man down.
Anyone interested in applying for the AHM position should send Ken Rotker a PM via the forums, the link to which is in the title.
Best of Luck to all applicants! (Posted 5th Jul 2010)
Chicago HM steps down
Tod Allison, our Chicago HM, is stepping down after lengthy service in management. This leaves an opening for HM at Chicago. Please contact Bill McCoy to apply. (Posted 2nd Jul 2010)
Cargo Reshuffle in Europe!
Westwind Cargo is proud to announce the opening of 4 new Cargo hubs in Europe: Madrid, Frankfurt, Rome, and Brussels.
By removing Paris and Prague, Westwind Cargo is able to extend it's reach to new destinations in South America, Africa,
Asia,and North America while also providing new destinations within Europe. In addition, many of these routes are geared
toward lower category pilots, who will now have a wider range of destinations available to them. (Posted 29th Jun 2010)
Donnie Harrison hired as our new Temporary Director of Online Operations
I'd like to congratulate Donnie Harrison on fighting off stiff competition to get the job as Director of Online Operations for the next 3 months! Congratulations Donnie and welcome to the team! (Posted 29th Jun 2010)
WestWind opens its 5th European Hub in Athens!
Ladies and Gents,
I have the pleasure to announce the opening of our 5th European and Westwind's 23rd International Hub in Athens, Greece! The hub will be run by former Cincinnati Hub Manager, Mark Young and London Heathrow's former Assistant Hub Manager Brian Bancroft. The two men were chosen due to their knowledge and continued devotion to their hubs and the airline as a whole. We know that they will do a great job!
The hub will primarily serve destinations in the Greek Islands, the Mediterranean, and Middle East with connections to many other parts of the world! We are now taking on pilots so if you are interested in joining up please feel free to let us know and we will move you over. If you would like destinations added or if you have any other ideas for the hub please let us know by posting here.
Thanks and we look forward to seeing you all in Athens! (Posted 29th Jun 2010)
Captain Eoin Coates, Director, Online Operations & Events has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Online Operations & Events and with it, a seat on the WestWind Executive Committee. Eoin has held many positions including AHM Frankfurt, HM Frankfurt, HM Madrid, Director of Charters, Africa & Middle East and current holds positions as Test Pilot & VP Hub Operations Europe & Pacific. Eoin is also the producer of some of our most popular events including Operation Eastwind and the Summer Hub Tours. Congrats to Eoin! (Posted 23rd Jun 2010)
New SLC Assistant Hub Manager
Capt. Ivan Baker has been promoted to become the newest Assistant Hub Manager at Salt Lake City. Congrats Ivan and welcome to management. (Posted 20th Jun 2010)
New managers in North America East!
Mike Spina (WWA2482), former Hub Manager at KSLC, is transferring to take over the helm at KJFK! Also, Sam Rosko (WWA2531) is being promoted to Hub Manager in Washington DC. Sam was previously the AHM at KCVG. Congrats to all! This leaves openings for HM in SLC (Contact VP NA West Ops. Phil Cohen to apply) and AHM in Cincy (Contact HM Mark Young). (Posted 6th Jun 2010)
More openings in East Coast Management.
Clay Phipps (WWA2333) is stepping down as Hub Manager at our New York Hub (KJFK). This creates an opening for any AHM's to advance if they wish, or HM's to transfer. The Opening at Washington (KIAD) remains also. Please email your interest to VP Ops Bill McCoy. (Posted 4th Jun 2010)
Ladies and Gents, I'd like if you could join me in congratulating Cpt. Ed Bleck on getting the Singapore Hub Manager Position! Ed has been in the airline a long time, in his time here has held many many positions, his experience in the VA will continue to shine through with his latest position and I am sure he will do an excellent job like he has done in every position he has held! He has been in the Singapore hub since its formation at the beginning of this year, and lives in the South-East Asia region, therefore his local knowledge will be of great assistance to us in Singapore! Congratulations Ed and welcome back to the Hub Ops division! ;) (Posted 3rd Jun 2010)
New LAX Hub Manager & IAD HM Opening
Capt. Mike Bergman WWA1990 has made a lateral move from his position at Dulles to take over the Hub Manager duties at our Los Angeles Hub. Congrats on the move Mike and weclome home!! With that there is now an opening for a Hub Manager at KIAD (Washington-Dulles) All pilots who are interested in this position should contact Capt. Bill McCoy bmc1284@aol.com (Posted 3rd Jun 2010)
Sam Rosko passes WWVA VFR Checkride!!
Congratulations to Sam Rosko who has passed his VFR Checkride today after about a month of VFR lessons! Congratulations Sam, good luck with IFR and keep up the good work!! (Posted 3rd Jun 2010)
With our new forum comes a new position opening in management down in Singapore. If anyone is interested in taking over down in Singapore please email me. Before you apply, I warn you that this position won't be an easy one. Singapore is one of our newest hubs and is going through a slow-down at the moment. The person who gets this job will have to be enthusiastic, knowledgeable and willing to work at a fast paced level with myself, Delvyn the AHM and all the pilots.
As this is a pretty new area for us, a lot of reading and learning will be involved to educate yourself on the region. You will have to do a lot of flying in an area where very little flying is done, but it'll prove to be a challenge. The position of HM will not be all bad, if we succeed in getting Singapore to boom, I promise it will be a very fulfilling job albeit a difficult one to begin with.
Again, if you are interested please email me. I will be taking over temporarily to inspect the hub's situation, but I hope to have a new HM in place by next Friday. (Posted 2nd Jun 2010)
At 7:30am Zulu, the new WestWind Forum went online. Please go and register using either your WWA Pilot number, your full name, or both as your user name. Make sure to check your user settings for any privacy concerns such as email visibility. Also be aware that the old forum is still viewable, however is no longer fully operational, it is now read only, if you would like to continue a topic, please paste it into the new forum. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me at blue_747@yahoo.com Mike Bergman VP-Information Technology (Posted 28th May 2010)
New Frankfurt AHM
Congratulations to Charles "Chuck" Bailey who has accepted the position of Frankfurt Assistant Hub Manager. Chuck is a long time pilot at Frankfurt and has already given a lot to the hub! Welcome to the team Chuck! The Mercedes is in the garage! ;) (Posted 25th May 2010)
Capt. Mike Spina has been promoted from his AHM position at our JFK hub to take over the HM reigns at KSLC. Thank you to all that applied and congrats on your promotion Mike. (Posted 24th May 2010)
Captain Ed Bleck has be promoted to Executive Vice President of Scenery for WestWind and member of the Executive Committee. As the former VP of Scenery for the last 2 plus years, Ed is responsible for much of the custom hub scenery for FSX which we use. Ed has also served as hub manager at both Seattle and Atlanta. Congratulations Ed and welcome to your new corner office suite at the Denver HQ! (Posted 13th May 2010)
SLC Hub Manager Opening
Capt. Tod Allison has departed for Chicago which leaves the SLC Hub manager position vacant, all interested Pilots wishing to fill this vacancy please contact Phil Cohen. Good luck on the move to the Windy City Tod we will miss you out West!! (Posted 13th May 2010)
Bob Sturm Retires from Management
Bob Sturm, has decided to step down from his position as Executive Vice President, Scenery & member of the Executive Committee. Bob’s illustrious career at WestWind spans a period of over 10 years holding numerous positions in management.
He began as assistant hub manager at ORD and quickly took over the Cargo Department as Director. Under his leadership, the cargo department grew substantially, with the addition of scores of new contracts. In the Fall of 2004, Bob took over as Hub Manager of ORD. Then, in November, 2005, the new position of Vice President, Hub Operations was created and Bob assumed the responsibility, hired directors and together they served as liaison between our 23 hubs. Bob initiated the project of passenger flight schedule reorganization, which we have today. In February, 2006, Bob was promoted to Executive Vice President, Hub Operations and a member of the Executive Committee. When the position of EVP, Aircraft & Scenery opened up, Bob, who had been working behind the scenes on hub scenery, decided he was ready for a change, and took over. Later in 2007, the department was split up and Bob became our first EVP Scenery.
Bob is responsible for much of the custom hub scenery for FS9 & FSX which we use today. As you see, Bob’s contributions to WestWind are immense. His voice of reason on the Executive Committee will be missed. Fortunately, Bob will keep flying with WestWind and I’m sure you will find him lurking around he WestWind forum from time to time.
Thanks Bob, for your service to the airline!
(Posted 8th May 2010)Chicago gets a new Hub Manager!
Tod Allison (SLC HM) is being transferred to ORD, and will take over the Hub Manager slot there. Good Luck Tod! (Posted 8th May 2010)
2 New Director of Charters Hired
Congratulations are in order for Capt. Matthew Ruch who has accepted the position of DOC for Asia & South Pacific Region. And Capt. Sam Rosko who will take over the Charter Operations for Africa and the Middle East. Welcome to the Charter Division Matthew and Sam, glad to have you aboard. (Posted 4th May 2010)
HM Opening in Chicago
John Oddo is stepping down as Hub Manager at our Chicago ORD Hub. If interested in the position, please contact VP Ops. Bill McCoy (bmc1284@aol.com) (Posted 3rd May 2010)
Dave Howell passes Westwind Virtual Aviation Academy VFR Section!
Ladies and Gents I'd like if you would join me in congratulating Dave in completing the VFR Section of the WWVAA's Training Program! Dave has been a great student over the last few months and has been with us practically from the beginning of the Academy! Congratulations Dave and good luck with the IFR Sections! (Posted 28th Apr 2010)
New Madrid AHM
Ladies and Gents I'd like to congratulate Shaun Slade on his recent promotion to Assistant Hub Manager in Madrid. Shaun was one of the first pilots ever to be recruited in Madrid and continues to be an active member of the hub. Congratulations Shaun and welcome to management! (Posted 21st Apr 2010)
New Frankfurt AHM
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Matthew Ruch our new Frankfurt AHM! Welcome to Europe Matt and most importantly welcome to management! Congratulations! (Posted 13th Apr 2010)
New Madrid HM
I'd like to welcome John Highfield as the new Madrid Hub Manager! John is an experienced manager in Europe having previously served as AHM in Frankfurt. Congratulations John! (Posted 3rd Apr 2010)
Two new AHM's in the East!
Congratulations to Andre Martel (WWA2496) on his promotion to Assistant HM in Toronto. Also being promoted is Sam Rosko (WWA2531) who is the new Assistant HM in Cincinnati. Welcome to management Gentlemen! (Posted 29th Mar 2010)
Madrid HM Opening
Scott Cote has had to step down from Madrid HM due to factors in the real-world. We wish him all the best in his future career and his future education. He has done an excellent job and has been in management in Madrid since the formation of the hub last year. With that the position is now vacant. If you are interested please contact Eoin Coates via a PM on the forum or by email at eoincoates@hotmail.com. Best of luck to all applicants! (Posted 28th Mar 2010)
New London HM
I'd like to welcome Ken Rotker to the position of London HM! Ken has spent the last few months in the AHMs office where he done a great job. Welcome to the new office Ken and Congratulations! (Posted 25th Mar 2010)
Due to the resignation of Mark Ward, the position of AHM at Amsterdam is now vacant. Could anyone who is interested in taking the first hop on the management ladder please contact George Forster via the forums. (Posted 24th Mar 2010)
London HM Vacancy
Due to the resignation of Sam Aaron from London HM, the position is now vacant. If you are interested in the position, please contact Eoin Coates at eoincoates@hotmail.com. Many thanks to Sam for his hard work and dedication over the past few months and best of luck to him with his exams! (Posted 24th Mar 2010)
Assistant Hub Manager named in Boston.
Captain John Condon (WWA 2527) has been promoted to AHM in our Boston Hub. Congratulations John! (Posted 12th Mar 2010)
New Hub Managers in Chicago and New York!
Former KJFK Hub Manager John Oddo (WWA 2293) is transferring to take the reigns at our Chicago Hub. In New York, Clayton Phipps (WWA 2333) is being promoted from AHM to HM. Congratulations to you both! (Posted 6th Mar 2010)
Toronto gets a New Hub Manager
Ian Crawford (WWA752), the Hub Manager in Chicago, is transferring to Toronto to take over the reigns! This now leaves an opening for Hub Manager at KORD. Once again, please email Bill McCoy to apply. (Posted 3rd Mar 2010)
Management Openings in Toronto
Greg Shaw is stepping down as Hub Manager in our Toronto Hub. Thanks for all of your service to WestWind Greg! There are now openings for both Hub Manager and Assistant Hub Manager. Please contact VP Operations Bill McCoy (bmc1284@aol.com) to apply. (Posted 1st Mar 2010)
February Screenshot Voting
Head over to the forums and vote for the February Screenshot Contest winner in the General Discussion forums, the voting closes on 3/1 (Posted 27th Feb 2010)
We are pleased to announce that Senior Command Captain Patrick Doman, Jr, Hub Manager, Boston, has been named our new Director of Online Operations & Events, and is responsible for planning online events on VATSIM for WestWind. Patrick is very active with VATSIM and has held several other management positions during his long career at WestWind. Congratulations Patrick! (Posted 22nd Feb 2010)
Help Wanted - Director of Online Events
We have an opening for the Director of Online Operations reporting to the President/CEO.
Experienced member of VATSIM. Satisfactory English writing skills. Good organizational and communication skills. A 12th grade graduate at least 18 years of age. Category III pilot or above with continuous active status. Active member of the WestWind Forum.
Responsibility: Devote 2 to 3 hours a month organizing a monthly online event on VATSIM. Compose event ideas sent to you by WWA pilots
To Apply: Provide information about yourself and why you would be the right person for the job. Email Steve Canham scanham@school-tech.com
Thanks: Thanks to Eoin Coates for his service to WestWind. (Posted 16th Feb 2010)
The WestWind Company Rules and Regulations have been updated to reflect new policy as it pertains to Disaster Relief and Response operations. (Posted 11th Feb 2010)
Promotion in Atlanta
With the departure to the West of Hub Manager Kevin Stanley, Wiek Shoenmakers (WWA 2351) is being promoted to HM in Atlanta! Congratulations and good Luck! (Posted 7th Feb 2010)
New Los Angeles Hub Manager
Join me in congratulating Capt. Kevin Stanley on making a lateral move from HM in Atlanta to Los Angeles. With the move Kevin will be able to manage his other position as VP Cargo Asia & Pacific more effectively. Anyone interested in the Atlanta HM opening should contact Bill McCoy (bmc1284@aol.com). (Posted 3rd Feb 2010)
FS2004 Singapore Hub Scenery
The FS2004 version of the Singapore (WSSS) hub scenery is now available for download. Three separate but compatible sceneries include: Passenger Terminal, Executive Charter Terminal, and Cargo area. (Posted 23rd Jan 2010)
FSX WestWind Hub Scenery for Singapore
FSX WestWind hub scenery is now available for download. There three compatible scenery packages: Passenger Terminal, Executive Charter Terminal, Cargo area. (Posted 19th Jan 2010)
New Dir of Charters for Europe
Cincinnati AHM Brian Bancroft has just signed on to become the newest Director of Charters for Europe. Welcome to the executive Charter Division Brian!! (Posted 13th Jan 2010)
New Assistant HM in Cincinnati
Congratulations go out to Brian Bancroft WWA 2541, on his promotion to Assistant Hub Manager at KCVG. Good Luck in your new position Brian! (Posted 10th Jan 2010)
FS2004 WestWind Hub Scenery for Madrid (LEMD)
FS9 WestWind Hub Scenery is now available for Madrid, Spain (LEMD). The scenery package includes a AFCAD file that brings the airport up to it's current configuration. This scenery is for the WestWind passenger terminal, but many other features of the airport have been enhanced. WestWind Charter and Cargo scenery soon to follow. (Posted 8th Jan 2010)
NOTAM: Bulk PIREPs Eliminated
As we mentioned at the beginning of December, as of Jan 1st 2010 "Bulk PIREPS" are no longer allowed at WestWind. This was done so as to keep pilots honest as well as provide managment with better flight statistics. You can still update your flight log but you must do it on a flight by flight basis. It is prefered that you sign-out a flight and then sign it in, but you can't for some reason make sure you keep track of your individual flight times and departure and arrival location, as you will be required to imput that for each flight you file. If you have questions please contact your Hub Manager. Thanks, Management (Posted 2nd Jan 2010)
Kevin Stanley promoted to Vice President Cargo Operations - Asia/Pacific
WestWind's Cargo division is pleased to announce the appointment of current Atlanta Hub Manager Kevin Stanley as Vice President Cargo Operations - Asia/Pacific region. Kevin will continue in his duties at Atlanta in addition to his new duties. Congratulations Kevin! (Posted 1st Jan 2010)
Happy Christmas!
Everyone at Westwind Management would like to wish all our pilots a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! (Posted 25th Dec 2009)
WestWind Hub Scenery for Madrid
Capt. Ed Bleck, V.P. Scenery, has just completed the FSX Hub Scenery for the Madrid Hub. The scenery can be downloaded from the Scenery Download Page. (Posted 21st Dec 2009)
Operation EastWind officially comes to an end!
EastWind Screen Shots section now open! If you would like to contribute more photos to the collection please email them to Mike Bergman at blue_747@yahoo.com Thanks (Posted 18th Dec 2009)
New Managers in North America - East!
Double Congratulations are in order, as AHM of KCVG AHM Mark Young (WWA 2114)is being promoted to KCVG Hub Manager, and Wiek Schoenmakers (WWA2351) is now the AHM in KATL. Good Luck to you both! (Posted 16th Dec 2009)
Europe welcomes 2 new HMs!!
I'd like to welcome George Foster and Roger Schilling to the HM positions in Amsterdam and Frankfurt respectively! They are both Europeans and both have a good knowledge of the region! I'm sure they'll do a brilliant job and congratulations guys!! (Posted 9th Dec 2009)
Amsterdam Hub Manager Vacancy
The position of Amsterdam Hub Manager is now open as its former HM Paul Haubourdin has moved over to our new Singapore hub to help set up! Paul has done a great job and leaves very big shoes to fill!! All interested pilots should email Eoin Coates and eoincoates@hotmail.com. (Posted 5th Dec 2009)
WestWind Virtual Airlines is pleased to announce its continued committment to our South American market by opening mini-hubs in Buenas Aires, Bogata, Caracas, La Paz, Lima and Quito. This expansion is nescesary in order to fully develop our route structure in South America. Routes will be developed over the coming months. These mini-hubs are in addition to our newly opened full service hub in Rio de Janiero and our existing mini-hub in Santiago. Mike Gibbs, EVP Hub Operations (Posted 4th Dec 2009)
New Managers!!
There has been a number of management changes in light of the creation of new hubs. Paul Haubourdin has left Amsterdam, after many months of great work in the hub, and went on to help us create our new Singapore Hub! Congrats on the move to Singapore Paul! We have 2 new members of Hub Management, both in Rio de Janeiro. I would like to congratulate the man who started this whole hub idea off, Gabriel Rindborg on his promotion to Rio de Janeiro HM and I would also like to congratulate his new AHM Kameron Eves, who will be joining us in Rio shortly, after a month or 2 LOA. Congrats Guys and have fun!! (Posted 3rd Dec 2009)
Singapore gets its first AHM!
I'd like to congratulate Devlyn Seah on his promotion to AHM at his home airport and new Westwind hub, Singapore Changi! (Posted 3rd Dec 2009)
WestWind Virtual Airlines is pleased to announce its intention to open new hubs in both Singapore and Rio de Janeiro contingent upon finding qualified management staff for the hubs. This decision reaffrims WestWinds committment to expanding our international presence. We expect to see additional hubs in both Asia and South America in the months and years to come.
Both Rio and Singapore will fall under the Europe and Pacific Division. Please contact Eoin Coates, VP Hub Operations for Europe and the Pacific, if you are interested in either a HM or AHM slot in either of these hubs. The new hubs will officially be upgraded from mini-hubs to hubs once the management staff is in place.
Thank you to all who participated in the discussion in the forums. That is what makes WestWind a great VA!
Mike Gibbs, Executive Vice President, WestWind Virtual Airlines (Posted 1st Dec 2009)
Policy Change
Effective January 1, 2010, "Bulk PIREP Reporting" will be discontinued by WestWind VA. This assures better accuracy in reporting and provides the airline with more meaningful statistics. For the vast majority of you who already file single flight reports, this will be buisness as usual. For those who favored the old system, we are just asking that you take a couple of extra minutes after each fight to help improve the airline. Thanks for your cooperation. (Posted 30th Nov 2009)
Atlanta gets a new Manager!
Capt. Kevin Stanley (WWA2018) is our new Hub Manager in Atlanta. Kevin previously served as HM in Washington D.C. and brings a wealth of knowledge to one of our biggest hubs. Congrats Kevin! We still have Asst HM openings in Atlanta and Toronto. Contact the appropriate HM to apply! (Posted 27th Nov 2009)
The webpage for Operation EastWind II is now online. Please visit this page to learn all you need to about the event, as well as where to go to sign out flights for the event.
Remember the event doesn't start until Nov. 30th (Posted 26th Nov 2009)
Operation Eastwind
Last Year we had an awesome time helping out the people of Zimbabwe with the
Cholera Epidemic. Well after the success of so many people coming out to help
3rd a world country, it is decided it’s going to happen again! This year part of
the EDDF Management Team is organizing this awesome event. After searching for
worthy Hosts, it has been decided that Madrid and New York were going to be the
Hosts of this years event. With food and water shortages currently in Sudan, we
knew it was time to help out. The goal this year is to get pilots to help
collect supplies from all over the Northeast U.S.A. and parts of Europe. From
there were all going to head to Sudan to distribute the supplies. The Event is
planned to go from 11/30/09 to 12/18/09. So pack your bags, get your favorite
cargo plane loaded up, and get ready to help out the people of Sudan. (Posted 24th Nov 2009)
New Seattle HM
Capt Mitch Worthington has accepted the position of Hub Manager for Seattle, Mitch will be replacing long time Hub Manager Travis Iversen who has had to resign due to real world responsibilities. Formerly the Hub Manager at Denver and San Fransisco, Mitch started with WWA and quickly racked up the hours and snagged an open AHM position at San Fransisco. After a 4 month absence while attending the FAA ATC Academy in Oklahoma City, Mitch is back with us and ready to take the reigns of leadership once again. Welcome back Mitch!! (Posted 22nd Nov 2009)
Boston gets a new AHM!
Congratulations to Roger Schilling (WWA1004) as he is promoted to Assistant Hub Manager of KBOS! Roger joins us from our Amsterdam Hub, and has 5 years of service with WestWind. Congrats Roger!! (Posted 20th Nov 2009)
San Fransisco AHM Position Filled
Captain Tom Allison WWA2311 is leaving the Atlanta hub to take the position of AHM at our San Fransisco Hub. Congratulations Tom on the promotion and have a safe flight across the country!! Tom joins his brother Tod in Management as Tod is the current Hub Manager at Salt Lake City. (Posted 19th Nov 2009)
It was earlier announced that Mitch Worthington was being promoted to Hub Manager in Atlanta. This is an error. There is still an opening for Hub Manager at KATL. Please contact VP Ops Bill McCoy to apply. (Posted 19th Nov 2009)
More Management movers!
Capt. Ian Crawford (KATL HM) will be transferring to Chicago to take over as Hub Manager at KORD. With this transfer, AHM Mitch Worthington is being promoted to Hub Manager in Atlanta. Congratulations Ian and Mitch!! There are still multiple openings in Management. For Hub Manager positions, apply to the appropriate Vice President of Operations. For Assistant Hub Manager positions, apply to the Hub Manager. (Posted 18th Nov 2009)
Toronto has a New Hub Manager!
Congratulations are in order for Capt Greg Shaw (WWA2105) on his promotion to Hub Manager in Toronto! Congrats Greg! (Posted 16th Nov 2009)
Dir of Charters Central & South America Filled
Capt Gabriel Rindborg a Category III pilot from our Frankfurt hub has taken over duties of the vacant Dir of charters for our Central & South America region. Capt Rindborg was born in Ecuador and has lived in Brasil for many years, he is currently living in Sweden. Congratulations on the promotions Gabriel I look forward to working with you. ~ Phil Cohen EVP - Charter Operations (Posted 13th Nov 2009)
Hub Manager Opening
Due to real world issues Capt. Travis Iversen (our longest tenured HM at one Hub) is going to have to relinquish his post at Seattle. Anyone interested in filling this opening please send your resume. Capt. Iversen has agreed to stay on until a replacement has been found and will help in any way with the transition of power in Seattle. (Posted 12th Nov 2009)
Miami gets a new AHM!
Congrats to Justin Sellers (WWA1870) on his promotion to Asst HM in Miami. Justin is transferring in from our DFW Hub. Good Luck! There are still management openings in Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. This is a GREAT time for advancement! (Posted 6th Nov 2009)
New London AHM!
Congratulations to London's own Ken Rotker who has been promoted to AHM! Ken has been with the London Hub quite a while and I'm sure he'll do a great job! (Posted 26th Oct 2009)
Looking for an AHM for San Fransisco
Applications for the AHM position at San Fransisco are now being taken, please forward your resume to HM Vic Alesi (Posted 25th Oct 2009)
New Salt Lake City AHM
Capt Tyson Dohrer has been promoted from within the Salt Lake City Hub to take the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Tyson. (Posted 22nd Oct 2009)
Hub Manager needed in Chicago
Capt. Braden Vonderau is stepping down as Hub manager of our KORD Hub, after multiple years of service. If interested in the opening, please email VP OPS Bill McCoy. (Posted 20th Oct 2009)
London AHM Vacancy
The London AHM job is now open, if any of you are interested, please email Sam Aaron or contact him via the forums. This is a great chance for regular pilots to start on the management ladder, so if your interested, contact Sam ASAP. (Posted 20th Oct 2009)
Halloween Fly-In
Come join us on the 25th of October for our Halloween fly-in from our newest hub Madrid to Amsterdam! Great ATC is being provided by VATSPA and the Dutch VACC for our event, and we guarantee it'll be a great night! Make sure you have the latest Madrid scenery which can be found on avsim and flightsim.com, and of course, don't forget your charts! ;) More info is available on the forums! (Posted 20th Oct 2009)
We are pleased to announce that Senior Command Captain Eoin Coates, VP Hub Ops-Europe & Pacific, has been named our new Director of Online Operations & Events, and is responsible for planning online events on VATSIM for WestWind. Eoin is very active with VATSIM as both a pilot and a Controller in the Irish Division (Vateir). Eoin has already organized many online fly-ins with WestWind as well as the Hub Hoppin' Series and "Operation Eastwind". Congratulations Eoin! (Posted 14th Oct 2009)
Sam Aaron named London Hub Manager!
Congratulations to Sam Aaron who has officially joined the dark side and has moved over to Europe to become the new London Hub Manager. I'd like to welcome Sam to Europe and to London and I know he'll bring great experience from one of our best hubs in Miami to London. Congrats and welcome to the team Sam! (Posted 12th Oct 2009)
Salt Lake City HM Position Filled
Tod Allison has been promoted from AHM to the new Hub Manager at Salt Lake City. Congrats Tod!!! (Posted 10th Oct 2009)
Vacancy at London
The London HM job is now open, if any of you are interested, please email me or contact me via the forums. I plan to keep the position open for 3 days, but I can stretch it for a week if necessary. This is a great chance to move up the ladder, plus London is a great hub, both Real World and Virtual. It has great possibilities and could really be one of our great hubs with a bit of work. My thanks to Carl for all his hard work over the years! (Posted 9th Oct 2009)
Cross The Pond is a bi-annual event which takes place on VATSIM (Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network). The event features a mass Oceanic crossing, with full ATC coverage, from the United States & Canada, to Western Europe. Cross The Pond is one of the highlights of the VATSIM event calendar, and an occasion looked forward to by pilots and controllers alike every year. This year the Eastbound event is taking place on Saturday 24th October 2009. Departure slots will be available for four hours, starting at 1100z, from four featured airports in North America. Arrivals will filter into two airports in Western Europe throughout the evening. (Posted 9th Oct 2009)
New AHM in Hotlanta
Atlanta welcomes Capt Mitch Worthington as the new AHM. Mitch has been on a leave of absence for the past 4 months while attending the ATC academy in Oklahoma City, OK. Well now he is back and looking to jump right back in where he left off. Mitch was formerly the HM and AHM at San Fransisco as well as the HM at Denver before his leave. He is also currently the Director of Charter Operations for North America so if you have any ideas for charters forward them to Mitch!! (Posted 9th Oct 2009)
New Management in New York!
John Oddo (WWA2293) is the new Hub Manager, and was previously the AHM in San Fransisco. Clay Phipps (WWA2333) is the new Assistant HM, previously the AHM in Atlanta. Congrats to both of you on your new positions! There are now openings for Assistant Hub Managers at both KATL and KSFO. If interested in either position, contact the appropriate Hub Manager to apply. (Posted 8th Oct 2009)
Help Wanted - Director of Online Events
We have an opening for the Director of Online Operations reporting to the President/CEO.
To Apply:
Provide information about yourself and why you would be the right person for the job.
Email Steve Canham scanham@school-tech.com
Thanks to James Forbes for his service to WestWind over the past year.
Thanks to an assist from Matt Smith and Mike Gibbs, the POSKY 777-200F is now available in the hangar for FSX. (Posted 2nd Oct 2009)
Andy Kettlety promoted to Madrid AHM
Andy Kettlety has accepted the position of AHM in Madrid! He showed interest in the position right away and is very qualified. He was AHM at YSSY for Westwind, and is coming to Madrid from the London hub. He also was a HM at a different virtual airline, as well as Regional Director, and COO of the European Division. We look forward to his having his vast experience in management here in Europe! Congrats Andy! (Posted 1st Oct 2009)
Screenshot Competition VOTE OFF!!!!!
There was a tie in the September Screenshot Competition voting, therefore we will hold another vote to determine the winner.
Head over to the General Discussion forums to place your vote, the polls will be open for 2 days.
(Posted 1st Oct 2009)Mitch Worthington Accepts new role
Capt. Mitch Worthington who has been on a leave of absence to pursue a career as an Air Traffic Controller for the past 4 months has switched roles within the Executive Charter Division. Mitch has taken over the vacant Director of Charters for North America spot left by Capt Mike Sullings. Thank you for your contributions Capt Sullings. If I know this writer we will have some more great charters coming your way for Canada, Mexico and the USA very soon. Congrats Mitch and welcome back!!!! (Posted 27th Sep 2009)
Scott Cote promoted to Madrid HM
I'd like to congratulate Scott Cote on his recent promotion to Hub Manager at our youngest hub, Madrid! Scott has served in Madrid since the hub opened, and I'm sure he'll do a great job in his new position as Hub Manager! Congrats Scott! (Posted 26th Sep 2009)
Eoin Coates has been named the VP of Hub Operations for WestWind's Europe and Pacific Division. Congratulations Eoin! We are looking forward to serving with you in your new role. Eoin replaces Phil Cohen who recently took over the duties of VP of Hub Operations for North America West. (Posted 25th Sep 2009)
Screenshot Competition Voting Open NOW
Get over to the General Discussion forum and vote in the September Screenshot Competition. Voting is open now and will last until midnight on 9/30. Good luck to all who submitted photos. With that I will now be taking submissions for the October Competition (Posted 25th Sep 2009)
Charter Director Positions Open
<p>We currently have 2 open Director positions in the Executive Charter Division:</p> <div> <ul>The 2 areas are:</ul> <li>Africa & Middle East</li> <li>Central & South America</li> </div> <p>Check out the Personnel pages to see more information on the job postings.</p> (Posted 25th Sep 2009)
1 of 3 Executive Charter Openings Filled
Capt Dave Cuscuna WWA1569 has been named the newest Director of Charters for the Asia & South Pacific region. Dave joins the Executive Charter Division from our newest Hub - Madrid. Welcome Dave, and thank you for stepping up to the plate. (Posted 23rd Sep 2009)
WestWind Seeks VP of Hub Operations for Europe and the Pacific
WestWind is seeking applicants for the position of VP of Hub Operations for Europe and the Pacific. This position reports to the EVP of Hub Opeations and involves managing our European and Pacific Hub Operarions. Phil Cohen is vacating the position of VP Hub Ops for Europe and the Pacific in order to fill the VP Hub Ops for North America, The North America position was previously filled by Andy Podner who wants to concentrate more on his duties at VATSIM. He will remain a pilot for WW. Both Phil and Andy have done excellent jobs and we wish them well in their new roles. If you are interested in the job please send me an email or private message. -- Mike Gibbs, EVP Hub Operations, WestWind Virtual Airlines (Posted 20th Sep 2009)
The WestWind Executive Committee has named Mike Bergman WestWind's new Vice President of Information Technology and member of the Executive Committee. Mike will be responsible for web site administration and development and will formulate long range plans. (Posted 14th Sep 2009)
The Boeing 777-200F for FS9 is now available in the hangar. Stay tuned as this aircraft will be available for FSX shortly. (Posted 14th Sep 2009)
Mark Kuebeler Steps Down
Mark Kuebeler has decided it is time, as he put it: "to pass the web site management torch". Mark said he made the decision last week but has been thinking about it for months.
As you many of you know, Mark is responsible for implementing our current web site from a design by Hal Groce, one of WestWind's founders, Marks talent is with systems development and his experience with all aspects of flight simulator and WestWind gave him a unique perspective. All of the systems that we have in place were developed by Mark. These include the personnel database, pilot application system, hub reports and statistics, email tools, routes and schedules for cargo, charter and passenger divisions, flight dispatch system, pilot recognition awards and others.
We owe a debt of gratitude to Mark for his hard work and dedication from which we have all benefited.
Mike Gibbs, has graciously agreed to become our Interim Director of Web Development, which he will juggle along with his current duties as EVP Hub Operations. (Posted 19th Aug 2009)
New Assistant in Boston
Scott Cote (WWA2363) is stepping up to fill in the vacant AHM position in our Boston Hub. Congrats Scott! (Posted 9th Aug 2009)
Thanks to Matt Smith, James Forbes and many others the FSX hangar now includes the A330 (both -200 and -300) and the DC-10-30 and DC-10-30F. (Posted 8th Aug 2009)
July Screenshot Competition
Voting is now underway for the July Screenshot Competition - Go to the General Discussion forum and make your vote count (Posted 28th Jul 2009)
Thanks to Mike Bergman, passenger textures are now available for the payware Captain Sim 757-200. (Posted 18th Jul 2009)
WestWind Airlines Announces New Hub in Europe
WestWind Airlines is pleased to announce the selection of Madrid, Spain to be our fourth European Hub. This move continues our committment to Europe as a WestWind market. Madrid serves the vacation resorts of southern Europe. Madrid will offer routes to many exotic getaways including the Riviera, the Canary Islands and northern Africa. An announcement regarding the staffing of Madrid will be coming shortly from the office of the Vice President of Hub Operations for Europe and the Pacific, Phil Cohen. -- Mike Gibbs, EVP Hub Operations (Posted 17th Jul 2009)
Madrid Staffing Is Complete
In a follow up to the opening of our newest European Hub by EVP of Hub Ops Mike Gibbs. I would like to announce that Capt. Eoin Coates has agreed to become the Hub Manager at LEMD. Eoin is making a lateral move from a very successful run at Frankfurt. In addition to signing Eoin we have also inked an Assistant Hub Manager as well. Capt. Scott Cote will make the long Atlantic crossing from KJFK to assist Eoin in getting this newest hub up to par. Congratulations gentelmen. Phil Cohen VP Hub Ops - Europe & Pacific. (Posted 17th Jul 2009)
EDDF Hub Manager Opening
With Eoin making the move to start up our newest hub in Madrid, we now have an opening for a Hub Manager at Frankfurt. If you are interested in becoming the next Hub Manager at EDDF. (Posted 17th Jul 2009)
New AHM in New York
Congratulations to Alexander Worton (WWA2404) on his appointment as Assistant Hub manager in New York City. Good luck in your new position Alexander! (Posted 3rd Jul 2009)
New Assistant in Boston
Congratulations are in order for Captain Alex Schlecht WWA2271, as he is promoted to Assistant Hub Manager in Boston. Good luck in your new position Alex! (Posted 22nd Jun 2009)
Eoin Coates Promoted to Test Pilot
Eoin Coates has been promoted to WestWind Test Pilot. Congrats Eoin! (Posted 22nd Jun 2009)
Atlanta Slot FINALLY filled!
Ian Crawford has stepped up to be the new Hub Manager in Atlanta. Ian has held numerous management positions with WestWind over the years, and will be a fine addition to our Atlanta Hub! Welcome back Ian! (Posted 21st Jun 2009)
New AHM at Dallas-Ft Worth
Congrats to Bruce Wilde who has transferred from Boston to accept the Assistant Hub Manager position at KDFW (Posted 21st Jun 2009)
Management shuffling
Congrats to John Oddo (WWA2293) as he transfers to SFO to be the new AHM. John served previously as the AHM in Boston. This leaves an opening in Boston for an Asst. HM and we still have an opening for Hub Manager in Atlanta. Please contact the appropriate Manager if interested. (Posted 9th Jun 2009)
May Screenshot Competition
Voting will take place on the forums until 6/2/09. Go to General Discussions then look for the May Screenshot Competition post thanks to the 17 pilots that submitted photos, this is the best turnout since we started this competition last June, Good luck to all!! (Posted 29th May 2009)
Tim Ferrier accepts KDEN Hub Manager Slot
Congrats to Tim Ferrier who is the new Hub Manager for KDEN! Way to go! (Posted 23rd May 2009)
Salt Lake City gets a new AHM
Congrats to Tod Allison, as he has been promoted to Assistant HM of our KSLC Hub! Welcome to management! (Posted 2nd May 2009)
Salt Lake City has a new HM
Salt Lake City's Asst. Hub Manager, Randy Donnelly has accepted a promotion to Hub Manager. Congrats!! (Posted 29th Apr 2009)
April Screenshot Competition
Voting is now open in the General Disucssion forum, please get out and vote. Thank you for your submissions, we had 3 newcomers to the competition this month Good luck (Posted 26th Apr 2009)
Atlanta hires new AHM
Congrats to Clayton Phipps (WWA2333), as he is promoted to Assistant HM of our Atlanta Hub! Welcome to management! (Posted 25th Apr 2009)
Please welcome Capt David Givens to his new position as the AHM at our Frankfurt hub. Congrats David. (Posted 21st Apr 2009)
More Management Transfers!
John Oddo (WWA2293) has transferred to our Boston Hub, where he remains as Assistant Hub Manager! Congrats John! (Posted 19th Apr 2009)
Management Carousel
Matt M. has transfered from our Amsterdam hub to take the open HM position at Miami, stepping in to fill the vancant HM role at Amsterdam is Paul Haubourdin. Paul has transferred in from his AHM position at EDDF. This leaves Eoin with an opening for an AHM at Frankfurt. If you are interested in filling that vacant position contact Eoin at eoincoates@hotmail.com (Posted 15th Apr 2009)
WestWind Airlines Takes 2nd Place at GAAR 2009
WestWind Airlines was nosed out for first place in GAAR 2009 by SUR Air.
Our five participants represented WestWind extremely well. Congratulations one and all!! See the forum post for details!
(Posted 1st Apr 2009)
New Executive Charters
Check out the latest charters posted by the Executive Charter Division. The directors have been working hard this first quarter of the year to produce new and exciting charters for you to fly. The newest endurance challenge P276 has been posted from the Executive Charter Division. For those of you who need structure here is a charter that will keep you busy for a very long time. Good Luck and Happy Landings (Posted 31st Mar 2009)
FSX Version of the WestWind Golf & Beach Resort
All you FSX fans can now join in the fun at the WestWind Bimini Resort. This latest version is available at the Scenery Download page. (Posted 28th Mar 2009)
GAAR 2009 - Leg 14 Update
With 5 more legs to go,
three of the WestWind contenders are in the top 15 in the rally.
Chris M. is leading the WestWind contingent followed by Randy D. and Mike G.
All three have scores at or above 99.6%.
All Westwind entrants have scores of 98% or above,
well above the field average. Way to go guys!
(Posted 17th Mar 2009)
WestWind Golf and Beach Resort - FS2004
Ready for some relaxation? WestWind's private resort is a short hop from the Miami, Ft. Lauderdale area. WestWind has purchased an Island about 20 miles S.E. of S. Bimini Island and turned it into a deluxe resort. Currently available for FS9 only. You can download it now in time for the weekend. (Posted 17th Mar 2009)
GAAR 2009 Update Thru Leg 12 of 19
Leg 12 is finished and all 5 WestWind pilots continue to make an excellent showing with average scores of at least 98 out of 100 possible points for each leg. They are representing WestWind well and leaving much of the field behind. Way to go guys!!
(Posted 11th Mar 2009)
Miami gets a new Assistant HM!
Congratulations are in order for Samuel Aaron (WWA2064) who will be taking over the reins as AHM in Miami! Good Luck!! (Posted 9th Mar 2009)
New AHM in Sydney
Congratulations to Peter Arnold on his promotion to Assistant Hub Manager for our Sydney Hub. Welcome to management Peter. (Posted 6th Mar 2009)
New Assistant HM in Atlanta!
Congratulations to John Oddo (WWA2293) on his promotion to AHM of our Atlanta Hub. Welcome to Management John!! (Posted 4th Mar 2009)
New AHM at Vancouver
Can we all please welcome Karl Nieberlein to the management team here at WWA. Karl will take over the AHM position at Vancouver. Welcome and congratulations. (Posted 23rd Feb 2009)
GAAR 2009 - Update thru Leg 5
Posting of scores has been completed through leg #5 and WestWind is making a terrific showing with all participants having an average score of at least 98 out of 100 possible points average for each leg. Way to go guys!!
(Posted 18th Feb 2009)
New AHM in KCVG!
Congratulations are in order for Captain Mark Young (WWA2114), who is our newest member of management. Let's all make him feel welcomed! (Posted 12th Feb 2009)
Gibbs promoted
The Aircraft department is pleased to announce the promotion of Mike Gibbs from test pilot to Senior Test Pilot. Congratulations Mike, enjoy the new office! (Posted 5th Feb 2009)
WestWind management is proud to announce that it is a supporter of GAAR 2009. GAAR stands for Great Australian Air Rally. This year's event is 19 legs and will be flown during the month of February.
The objective of the event is to fly a set course under specified VFR weather conditions in a specified time. The emphasis is on navigation using pilotage as well as VOR and NDB navigation aids.
WestWind is sporting five entries this year which makes us tied for third in the number of pilots registered by a VA. It is open to members of VAs and individual pilots alike. Click on the title or the image to go to their web site and read all about it.
(Posted 30th Jan 2009)
New Runway for KSEA - FS9
The latest NACO Airport diagram was used to bring KSEA up to real world standards by adding the newest runway, 16R-34L. This package can be used with or without the WestWind KSEA hub scenery. (Posted 22nd Jan 2009)
Promotion in Atlanta, AHM wanted.
Congrats to Dave Cuscuna (WWA1569)who has been promoted from AHM to Hub Manager at our Atlanta Hub. There is now a need for an AHM in KATL. Please contact Dave if interested in the job! (Posted 20th Jan 2009)
New AHM in Los Angeles
Please welcome Captain Lars Hulgreen to the ranks of WestWind Management as the Asst. Hub Manager for KLAX! (Posted 18th Jan 2009)
FSX Update for KSEA
The latest NACO Airport diagram was used to bring KSEA up to real world standards by adding the newest runway, 16R-34L. This package can be used with or without the WestWind KSEA hub scenery. (Posted 17th Jan 2009)
Eoin joins the Charter Division
Please welcome Eoin Coates as our new Director of Charters for Africa & Middle East. Congrats Eoin we look forward to flying your charters!! (Posted 17th Jan 2009)
The latest NACO Airport Diagram was used to bring KIAD up to current standards for both FSX and FS9 by adding the newest runway, 1L-19R. These upgrades are compatible with the WestWind Hub scenery for KIAD, or they can be used on their own. (Posted 14th Jan 2009)
FSX Airport Upgrade for KBOS
The latest NACO airport diagram was used to bring KBOS up to current standards with the real world. Can be used with or without the WestWind KBOS Hub Scenery for FSX. (Posted 7th Jan 2009)
KORD Airport Upgrade for FS9
The most recent NACO Airport Diagram was used to bring KORD to its current configuration for FS9. Download this scenery now from the Scenery Download page. Compatible with FS9 WestWind hub scenery or stand-alone. (Posted 6th Jan 2009)
East Coast Management moves
Kevin Stanley (KIAD HM) is transferring down to Miami to fill in the vacant Hub Manager slot! Mike Bergman (KLAX AHM) is transferring in to take over as Hub Manager in Washington DC. Congratulations guys!! (Posted 4th Jan 2009)
Operation EastWind is set to start on Jan 5th 2009. This is a joint Canadian - German effort to help the Cholera Epidemic in Zimbabwe. The operation is open to all category of pilots and all of WestWind. See the forum under general discussion or Email Joe Spear (jojjmama@gmail.com) or Eoin Coates (eoincoates@hotmail.com) for more information and to find out how to sign out on a flight today!! (Posted 4th Jan 2009)
KORD Airport Upgrade for FSX
You can now bring KORD for FSX up to real world standards with the release of a KORD Upgrade AFCAD. The newest runway, 9L-27R, has been added and the other two runway designations changed accordingly. Approach codes have been modified for ATC recognition of the changes. This upgrade can be used as a stand-alone (for those that do not want to load the Hub Scenery) or in conjunction with the existing KORD hub scenery. Be sure to read the notes in the description before downloading from the Aircraft & Scenery Download page. (Posted 3rd Jan 2009)
Kamau Harriott EGLL AHM
Can we all please welcome Kamau Harriott to the management team here at WWA. Kamau will take over the AHM position at EGLL. Welcome and Congratulations. (Posted 1st Jan 2009)
KCVG Airport Expansion for FSX
KCVG is brought up to real world standards with the release of this scenery file. The newest runway, 18R-36L, has been added, including ATC recognized ILS approaches. (Posted 31st Dec 2008)
Welcome a New AHM for EDDF
Paul Haubourdin (WWA2230) a Cat IV pilot from our Amsterdam hub has just accepted a promotion to become the Assistant Hub Manager at Frankfurt. Paul is a resident of Antwerp, Belgium so he brings a great wealth of local European knowledge to this position. Congratulations Paul welcome to management. (Posted 27th Dec 2008)
Thanks to the help of Matt Smith, the excellent 777-200ER by Project OpenSky has been modified for use in FSX, go get her! (Posted 25th Dec 2008)
Thanks to the help of Matt Smith, the excellent 777-200LR by Project OpenSky has been modified for use in FSX, go get her! (Posted 25th Dec 2008)
Captain Jose Lopez Promoted to KDFW AHM
Please give a warm welcome to Captain Jose Lopez (WWA2149) who has recently accepted the position of Assistant Hub Manager at Dallas-Fort Worth. (Posted 20th Dec 2008)
Rev-1 Amsterdam Hub Scenery for FS-2004
A major revision for FS-2004 Amsterdam Hub scenery is now available. This revision fixes some issues with the original scenery, including correcting the approach frequencies. Runway 18R-36L is included, with Airport background texture for expanded airport area. Taxiways have also been updated based on Jeppesen charts. (Posted 19th Dec 2008)
Promotion to Director
Capt. Matthew Smith has been promoted to Director of Aircraft and Scenery. Matt has recently contributed several Aircraft Instrument fixes and modifications. We welcome his willingness to tackle these issues and look forward to future contributions. (Posted 14th Dec 2008)
Thanks to Matt Smith of the IAD hub more updates to the panel on the FSX CRJ-700: - Bearing pointer/ADF fix now works for the expanded (not centered) MFD view. - Fixed moving map display to offer 4 range scales from 8NM to 60NM & display route, airports, VORs, NDBs and intersections. - Eliminated erroneous tooltips from MFD mode and range buttons on the left side console. The new file is available in the FSX CRJ-700 hangar. (Posted 13th Dec 2008)
Capt Ken Haynes has hired Capt Andy Kettlety to be his AHM at our Sydney Hub. Congrats on the promotion Andy and welcome to management. (Posted 11th Dec 2008)
The Aircraft Department is pleased to announce the addition of the Project OpenSky Boeing 777-200ER to the FS9 hangar. FSX pilot's need not fret, we are working on a version of this aircraft for you as well! (Posted 5th Dec 2008)
The Aircraft Department is pleased to announce that the Project OpenSky Boeing 777-200LR has replaced the MELJET model in the FS9 hangar. FSX pilot's need not fret, we are working on a version of this aircraft for you as well! (Posted 5th Dec 2008)
More Promotions!
Moving up to Asst HM jobs are Cody Humphreys at KIAD, and Dave Cuscuna at KATL. Also, Matt Paulsen is being promoted from AHM to Hub Manager in Cincinnati! Congratulations and good luck guys!! (Posted 3rd Dec 2008)
New Hub Manager in Boston!!
Congrats to Patrick Doman (WWA26) on his recent promotion to Hub Manager in KBOS! Patrick is a former member of management, and as his WWA Number shows, he's been around the airfield a few times! Good Luck in your newest venture Patrick! (Posted 1st Dec 2008)
Management Openings in North America East!
We presently have openings for Hub Managers in Cincinnati, Boston and Miami. Please email Bill McCoy, VP Hub Ops if interested. Also, we have openings for AHM in Atlanta and Washington D.C. Please apply for these directly to the Hub Manager. (Posted 25th Nov 2008)
Custom WestWind Hub scenery is now available for KCVG. Three scenery packages provide a passenger terminal, cargo area, and a charter terminal. View screen shots and download at the Scenery Download page. You can click on the title of this news item to got there directly. (Posted 23rd Nov 2008)
The FS-2004 custom WestWind Hub scenery for Boston Logan (KBOS) is now available for download. Go to the Aircraft & Scenery Download page or click the title of this news item. (Posted 16th Nov 2008)
New EDDF Hub Manager
Capt Eoin Coates has accepted the position of Hub Manager at our Frankfurt Hub. Eoin comes to EDDF via London and Atlanta where he served both hubs as the AHM for the past couple of months. (Posted 12th Nov 2008)
WestWind Hub scenery for KIAD (FS9) is now available for download. Three separate and compatible sceneries include a WestWind Passenger Terminal, Charter terminal and Cargo area. Click on the title of this news item to go directly to the download page. (Posted 10th Nov 2008)
Capt. Randy Donnelly has been promoted to AHM at KSLC. Congrats and welcome to Westwind Management! (Posted 3rd Nov 2008)
FS-2004 custom WestWind Hub scenery is now available for EDDF. Three separate but compatible scenery files can be downloaded from the Aircraft and Scenery page. The files include a WestWind Passenger terminal/gates, Executive Charter terminal and a cargo area. Each includes a customized AFCAD file. (Posted 2nd Nov 2008)
FS-2004 custom WestWind Hub scenery is now available for EGLL. Three separate but compatible scenery files can be downloaded from the Aircraft and Scenery page. The files include a WestWind Passenger terminal/gates, Executive Charter terminal and a cargo area. Each includes a customized AFCAD file. (Posted 22nd Oct 2008)
Another new AHM!
Congratulations to Greg Shaw (WWA 2105) as he is promoted to AHM at our Toronto Hub! Good Luck Greg!! (Posted 21st Oct 2008)
Isaac Hansen promoted to AHM
Please welcome Captain Isaac Hansen to the ranks of Westwind Management. Captain Hansen is joining the Denver Hub as AHM. Welcome and Congrats! (Posted 20th Oct 2008)
New Hub Manager in Toronto!
Congrats to Joe Spears on his promotion to Hub Manager at our Toronto Hub. With this move, we now have an opening for Assistant Hub Manager. Please contact either Joe or Bill McCoy if interested. (Posted 18th Oct 2008)
Staffing Complete at Amsterdam
I am happy to announce the hiring of Capt Mark Ward (WWA2212) as the new Assistant Hub Manager at Amsterdam. Mark has been a member of that hub since his hire date and is exited to start serving Westwind in a Management Capacity. Congrats Mark!!! (Posted 17th Oct 2008)
EHAM Hub Manager Promoted from NA-HQ
Capt Matt M. WWA1887 makes the transfer from his former post at the AHM of our North American HQ at Denver to accept the role of Hub Manager at EHAM. Congratulations on the promotion, I look forward to working with you. (Posted 10th Oct 2008)
October Screenshot Competition
I will be taking submissions for the October screenshot competition until the 25th. However this month there is a twist. This month your screenshot must include one of the following. The Vegas Strip, Grand Canyon, Eifel Tower, Taj Majal, Lady Liberty, Mt Rushmore, Space Needle (Toronto), Starbucks Tower (Seattle), or Downtown Manhattan. (Posted 10th Oct 2008)
Custom WestWind Hub Scenery can now be downloaded for the JFK Hub. As with the other hubs, there is a passenger terminal, Executive Charter Terminal and a Cargo area. Click on the title of this new item to go directly to the download page and view screen shots. (Posted 6th Oct 2008)
Cohen, McCoy and Podner Promoted to VP
Phil Cohen, Bill McCoy and Andrew Podner have been promoted to the title of Vice President of Hub Operations over their respective areas. I have been thinking about this for a while and the job these guys do deserves the title. Hub Ops is a big operation and I rely very heavily on their judgment and wisdom in carrying out those responsibilities. Previously, each of them carried the title of Director of Hub Operations for their respective areas. - Mike Gibbs, EVP Hub Operations (Posted 4th Oct 2008)
KATL Runway 10-28 for FS-2004
A revised scenery file that adds runway 10-28 at KATL is now available for download. In addition to the new runway, a few other scenery items are added to enhance the realism. NOTE: This scenery must be installed AFTER the other three KATL hub sceneries. (Posted 24th Sep 2008)
EHAM Hub Management Openings
Capt. Chris Meijvogel has resigned his position as Hub Manager and Capt Pranas Drulis has also resigned his AHM position at our Amsterdam Hub. I have appointed myself interim Hub Manager for the time being. I will be accepting applications immediately for both positions and will review them upon my return from Vacation on 9/29/08. (Posted 22nd Sep 2008)
We are pleased to announce that Command Captain James Forbes, Hub Manager KJFK, has been named our new Director of Online Operations, who is responsible for planning online events on VATSIM for WestWind. James is very active with VATSIM as both a pilot and a Controller at London EGLL. Many of you know him as "James WWA1984" on the WestWind forums. In addition, he is also a WestWind Test Pilot. Congratulations James! (Posted 18th Sep 2008)
YSSY New Hub Manager announced
Capt. Ken Haynes has accepted the position of Hub Manager at our Sydney hub. Ken's promotion means that there is now an opening for AHM at Sydney. If interested contact Phil Cohen or Ken Haynes. Congrats and Good luck Ken. (Posted 16th Sep 2008)
Under section 1 "Logging of Pilot-in-Command Flight Time", paragraph b1,"Pilots may log hours only in specific makes and models of aircraft listed in the WestWind fleet." When FSX was first released we allowed pilots to substitute aircraft because there were so few FSX WestWind aircraft available. Since this is no longer the case and we have an abundance of aircraft, we have revised the rule. You are free to fly non-WestWind aircraft anytime but you cannot enter the flights in your WestWind flight log. (Posted 6th Sep 2008)
August Screenshot Winner
Congratulations to Capt. Dan Wolf again for winning the August Screenshot Competition. This makes it 2 months in a row for Capt Wolf. Remember photos are due by the 25th (Posted 5th Sep 2008)
Monthly Screenshot Competition receives a new Perk!!
The winner of the Monthly screenshot Competitions will now receive a Pilot Recognition Award. Lets get those photos rolling in. (Posted 5th Sep 2008)
Custom FS-2004 (FS9)hub scenery for Salt Lake City (KSLC) is now available for download at the Aircraft & Scenery Download Page (click on the title of this news item). Three compatible scenery packages include: Passenger terminal/gates, Executive Charter terminal, and a Cargo area. (Posted 3rd Sep 2008)
YSSY - Hub Manager Opening
Due to recent back surgery Tim Cavanaugh has had to step down as Hub Manager at our Sydney Hub. Ken Haynes has been handing the load from the AHM position in his absence. Any current HM's looking to make a lateral move or AHM's looking to advance their Management credentials please forward your intentions to me at philcohen54@hotmail.com. I will be accepting resume's unitl 9/7/08 and make a decision on the position by 9/10/08 (Posted 2nd Sep 2008)
WestWind Hub Scenery is now available for the Vancouver Hub (CYVR). Three separate and compatible sceneries include a Passenger Terminal with numbered jetways, Executive Charter Terminal, and WestWind Cargo ramp. Screen shots may be viewed and files downloaded at the Aircraft & Scenery Download page (click on the title of this news item). (Posted 26th Aug 2008)
Phil Cohen has been named our new Executive Vice President of Charter Operations and member of the WestWind Executive Committee. Phil replaces Raoul Van Landuyt, who retired earlier this month for health reason.
Phil brings a wealth of experience to his new position. As Director of Charter at Large he has been handling the administration of the department the past couple of months and has previously served as DCO Central & South America.
Phil will retain his current position as Director of Hub Operation - Europe. Phil's other management positions include: DCS South & Central America, Hub Manager and Assistant Hub Manager at Miami.
We also want to recognize Raoul Van Landuyt for his accomplishments at the Charter Division, which was near extinction before his tenure. We have all benefitted from his dedication and hard work, as will all future pilots at WestWind.
Thank you Raoul and congratulations Phil! (Posted 20th Aug 2008)
EGLL AHM Position Filled
From the desk of DHO - Europe & Pacific: Capt. Eoin Coates WWA2104 has accepted an offer from Capt. Carl-Warren Dudley to become the next Assistant Hub Manager at London-Heathrow. Congratulations Eoin!! Welcome to the management team. (Posted 20th Aug 2008)
Capt. Ed Bleck has completed the Custom WestWind hub scenery for Vancouver (CYVR). It is now available for download. This scenery provides WW Passenger gates at the terminal, an Executive Charter Terminal and a Cargo area. Screen shots can be viewed by selecting CYVR Hub Scenery at the Aircraft and Scenery download page, or simply click on the title of this news item. (Posted 18th Aug 2008)
More East Coast Management Changes!
In Atlanta, Matt Schlessman has been promoted to Hub Manager, and Miami has appointed Jordan Wright (WWA1874) as its new AHM! Congrats to all! (Posted 16th Aug 2008)
Custom WestWind Hub Scenery for the Toronto hub is now available for download. Three separate but compatible sceneries provide significant improvement to the default FS9 CYYZ airport in addition to the WestWind facilities. Screen shots can be viewed and files downloaded at the Aircraft and Scenery Download page, or click on the title of this news item. (Posted 16th Aug 2008)
Shuffling in the South East!
Congrats to David Hedges, as he takes over the reigns in Miami as it's new Hub Manager! David has served as the existing AHM, so that slot is now open. Also, due to a resignation, we have an opening for Hub Manager in our Atlanta Hub. (Posted 11th Aug 2008)
EHAM has a new AHM
Welcome Capt. Pranas Drulis WWA2097 to the ranks of management. Capt Drulis has been promoted from within the Amsterdam Hub to the role of Assistant Hub Manager. Congrats Pranas and good luck!! (Posted 10th Aug 2008)
Phil Cohen Accepts Hub Ops Position in Europe
Phil Cohen has accepted the position of Director of Hub Operations for Europe and the Pacific. Congratulations Phil. Phil replaces Chris Meijvogel who stepped down to give more attention to the Amsterdam Hub. Chris did a great job and we will miss having him as the director. (Posted 8th Aug 2008)
Westwind Airlines is pleased to announce the promotion of Captain Tim Ferrier to AHM at KSFO. Welcome to management Tim! (Posted 6th Aug 2008)
The custom WestWind Hub scenery is now available for KIAD. This is FSX only. There are three separate but compatible sceneries: Terminal/Gates, Executive Charter, and Cargo area. Downloads and screen shots are available from the Aircraft & Scenery Download page, or click the title of this news item. (Posted 4th Aug 2008)
The Custom WestWind Scenery for the KBOS hub is now available for FSX. There are two scenery files: The Passenger terminal and Executive Charter terminal scenery is combined into one package. The second is the custom WestWind Cargo area. The files can be downloaded and screen shots viewed at the Aircraft & Scenery download page (or simply click on the heading of this news item). (Posted 29th Jul 2008)
Promotions all around!
Congratulations to our newest members of West Wind Management! Kevin Stanley - Hub Manager at KIAD (Dulles), David Fetterman - Asst. HM at KIAD (Dulles), Justin Lau - Asst. HM at KBOS. Good Luck in your new jobs gentlemen! (Posted 27th Jul 2008)
The Custom WestWind Hub scenery is now available for JFK. There are three scenery packages for your choosing: Passenger Terminal with numbered gates, Executive Charter Terminal and ramp area, and Cargo Ramp. All three are compatible with one another. Screenshots can be viewed and files downloaded at the Aircraft and Scenery download page; or simply click on the title of this news item. (Posted 23rd Jul 2008)
Ready to download...custom FSX WestWind hub scenery for the Miami (KMIA) hub. Three separate but compatible sceneries can be download at the Aircraft & Scenery download page where you will also be able to view screen shots. The three sceneries are WW Passenger terminal/gates, WW Executive Charter terminal, and WW Cargo area. (Posted 8th Jul 2008)
Capt. Ed Bleck has completed custom FSX WestWind hub scenery for the Toronto (CYYZ) hub. Three separate but compatible sceneries can be download at the Aircraft & Scenery download page where you will also be able to view screen shots. The three sceneries are WW Passenger terminal/gates, WW Executive Charter terminal, and WW Cargo area. (Posted 7th Jul 2008)
Look Up There !!
Congratulations to Capt. Robbie Johnson (WWA1808), who was the winner of our monthly screenshot competition! His picture will remain on the WestWind Home Page for the month. Enter your best picture to your Hub Manager, and you could have your work displayed next month!! (Posted 3rd Jul 2008)
Kevin Stanley Moves to KSFO
We are pleased to announce that Captain Kevin Stanley, WWA2018 has accepted the position of AHM for San Francisco. Kevin is making a lateral move from AHM at Boston. Welcome to the West Coast! (Posted 29th Jun 2008)
Custom WestWind Hub scenery is now available for the Cincinnati Hub. Screen shots of the three separate but compatible sceneries can be viewed at the Aircraft & Scenery download page; or simply click on the title of this news item. (Posted 28th Jun 2008)
KORD AHM Appointed
Congratulations to Captain Clayton Martyn (WWA 1924) on his promotion to AHM at our Chicago Hub!! (Posted 26th Jun 2008)
Welcome to KDFW Management, Capt. Sterner
Please join me in welcoming Captain Jason Sterner to the ranks of management as the KDFW Assistant Hub Manager. (Posted 26th Jun 2008)
New Assistant HM in KCVG
Congratulations are in order for Matt Paulsen WWA2078, who has been appointed to the position of AHM in Cincinnatti! (Posted 20th Jun 2008)
Hub Managers named for KDFW and KSFO
Vic Alesi has been promoted to Hub Manager of San Francisco and Tony Yonek has taken over the reigns at Dallas-Ft. Worth. Congrats to both of you! (Posted 18th Jun 2008)
Custom FSX Westwind Hub scenery for KORD is now available for download. There are three separate but compatible sceneries: WW Passenger Terminal, Executive Charter Terminal, and WestWind Cargo area. You can view screen shots and download these files from the Aircraft and Scenery download page, or simply click on the title of this news item. (Posted 15th Jun 2008)
Bill McCoy Accepts DHO - North America East
Bill McCoy has accepted the position of Director of Hub Operations for North America East. Bill has done an excellent job as DHO NA West and this will expand his experience in WestWind Management. Congratulations Bill!! (Posted 14th Jun 2008)
HM opening and Transfer
Mitch Worthington is transferring to be the HM of our Denver Headquarters Hub. Congrats Mitch! (Posted 14th Jun 2008)
Andrew Podner Accepts DHO North America West postion
Andrew Podner has been promoted to Director of Hub Operations for North America West. Congratulations Andrew!! (Posted 14th Jun 2008)
Capt Ed Bleck has completed the FSX hub scenery for YSSY. As usual, there are three separate but compatible scenery files: WW Passenger Terminal, WW Executive Charter Terminal, and WW Cargo Ramp. These files are available for download from the Aircraft and Scenery Download page where you will also be able to view screen shots. If you are really in a hurry, simply click on the title of this news item. (Posted 10th Jun 2008)
FSX MD-81 now available
Thanks to Scott Stone an MD-81 is now available in the FSX hangar. (Posted 9th Jun 2008)
Phil Cohen promoted to DOC
Phil Cohen has accepted the job of “Director of Charters - At Large” in the Executive Charter Division. Congratulation, Phil! (Posted 7th Jun 2008)
Custom Dallas-Fort Worth WestWind Hub scenery for FSX is ready for download from the Aircraft and Scenery download page (or simply click on the title of this News Item). Three separate but compatible scenery packages are available: WW Passenger Terminal/Gates; Executive Charter ramp and terminal; and WestWind Cargo area. (Posted 6th Jun 2008)
Thanks to Scott Stone, WestWind Cargo now has the Cessna 208B Grand Caravan. Go get her from the hangar. (Posted 3rd Jun 2008)
Thanks to the hardworking Ken G, the Vistaliners 727-200F is now available in FSX. Go to the hangar and get her. (Posted 2nd Jun 2008)
Custom WestWind Hub Scenery for KSLC is now available for download at the Aircraft & Scenery download page, or click on the title of this news item. This scenery is for FSX ONLY! (Posted 28th May 2008)
Capt. Ed Bleck, V.P. of Scenery, has completed the WestWind Hub scenery for the London Hub. There are three scenery packages: WW Terminal, WW Cargo Ramp, and WW Executive Charter Ramp. You can download any or all of these sceneries from the Aircraft & Scenery download page, or simply click on the title of this news item. (Posted 22nd May 2008)
Westwind VA's Monthly Screenshot Competition
Starting June 1, 2008 Each WWA Hub will be holding individual screenshot competitions. Information is available on your Hub's Forum Pages, or from your HM/AHM. Let's see those photography skills! (Posted 20th May 2008)
Three New Pilot Recognition Awards
1. Graduate from the ZLA Virtual Los Angeles ARTCC Pilot Certification Program with the rating of I-11; 2.) Complete Executive Charter P244 "Tahiti to Tahoe in the Goose"; 3.) Complete Executive Charter P255 "Caribbean Adventure". (Posted 18th May 2008)
New Mini-Hub in Canada
Calgary has been added to the list as the newest mini-Hub added to Westwind Airlines. This Mini-Hub will serve as a key gateway into the Midwest region of Canada and the United States as Westwind ramps up service leading into the 2010 winter olympics in Vancouver Canada. (Posted 16th May 2008)
New Director of Charters - Europe
Carl-Warren Dudley, WWA1859, EGLL Hub Manager, is promoted to Director of Charters - Europe. Congratulations Carl! (Posted 3rd May 2008)
The Aircraft department is pleased to announce that the Grumman G21A Goose repaint is now available for FSX users. Special thanks to KenG for making this available to us (apparently retirement is treating Ken well). (Posted 28th Apr 2008)
Final West Coast slot filled!
Cody Humphries, WWA1232, has been promoted to AHM in Vancouver! We now have a full management roster in the North America West Division! Congratulations Cody! (Posted 18th Apr 2008)
YSSY's weekend starts good.
Sydney has a new Hub Manager. Tim Cavanagh is promoted today into this job. Congratulations Tim. (Posted 18th Apr 2008)
AHM New York
Please welcome Scott Jones to management ranks as the new AHM of New York. (Posted 12th Apr 2008)
The culmination of a long development and testing program has resulted in the G550 for FSX arriving in the hangar. Thanks to KenG, John Schu, Mike Gibbs and Ed Ward for the countless hours put in to perfecting this aircraft for us here at WestWind! (Posted 10th Apr 2008)
New HM at JFK
Congratulations to James Forbes (AHM New York) who has been promoted to HM New York. (Posted 9th Apr 2008)
Custom WestWind hub scenery is now available for the Seattle hub. Three scenery packages provide custom scenery for a WW passenger terminal concourse with numbered gates, an Executive Charter Terminal and ramp area, and a WW Cargo ramp. The airport taxiway designations been revised to match the real world designations, and taxiway signs have also been updated to reflect those changes. Scenery can be downloaded from the Aircraft & Scenery Download page, or go there direct by clicking the title of this news item. (Posted 8th Apr 2008)
LAX gets a new Hub Manager
Congratulations to Anthony Miller on being appointed HM of our KLAX Hub! Captain Miller is transferring from our JFK Hub! (Posted 6th Apr 2008)
WestWind Hub Scenery for the Frankfurt Hub (EDDF) is now available for download. This is for FSX only. Go to the Scenery Download page to view screen-shots and descriptions or click on the title of this news item. This is the Second scenery released by Capt. Ed Bleck. Ed is starting his scenery design work with the European hubs. He will be doing FSX scenery only. Scenery for EGLL is next in line. (Posted 2nd Apr 2008)
WestWind Hub Scenery for the Amsterdam Hub (EHAM) is now available for download. This is for FSX only. Go to the Scenery Download page to view screen-shots and descriptions or click on the title of this news item. This is the first scenery released by Capt. Ed Bleck. Ed will start his scenery design work with the European hubs. He will be doing FSX scenery only. Frankfurt scenery will be ready soon, so watch for it's release. (Posted 28th Mar 2008)
Thanks to the talented Ken G, replacement textures are now available for the FSX Wilco 777-200ER. Click on the title to be taken to the hangar page for this aircraft. (Posted 17th Mar 2008)
Dallas - Ft. Worth AHM slot filled
Congrats to Tony Yonek who moves from KIAD to take over the vacant AHM position in DFW!! Welcome to management Tony!! (Posted 10th Mar 2008)
New AHM at Miami
Please welcome David Hedges to the management ranks as new AHM of Miami. (Posted 8th Mar 2008)
Frankfurt management complete.
As of today Frankfurt has a new Assistant Hub Manager. Appointed is: Mike Scott, WWA2029. Welcome to management Mike. (Posted 6th Mar 2008)
New Asst Hub Manager in Toronto
Please welcome Captain Joseph Spear WWA2030 to his new position as the Toronto AHM.Good luck Joseph. (Posted 3rd Mar 2008)
Tim Cavanagh joins management in Sydney
Hub Ops Europe & Pacific is pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Cavanagh as Assistent Hub Manager in Sydney. (Posted 1st Mar 2008)
Complete Denver hub scenery is now available for FS2004 (FS9). There are four new scenery packages: Terminal, Training Center, Executive Charter, and Cargo. This scenery is compatible with the old Maintenance Hangar scenery, but NOT the old terminal scenery. Go to the Aircraft and Scenery download page for pictures and details, or click on the title of this news item. (Posted 27th Feb 2008)
WWA ATC Controllers On-Line
WWA ATC Controllers now have an "On-Line" subject thread in the On-Line Operations Forum to post when and where they are "On-Line". Pilots who want to fly in WWA Controllers' airspace now have a place to look for our ATC guys. (Posted 20th Feb 2008)
The Scenery Dept. is please to announce the release of the custom hub scenery for the Seattle Hub. The three scenery packages include Terminal/Gates, Charter Terminal/Ramp, and Cargo Operations. Install any or all. Screen shots and downloads are found at the Aircraft & Scenery page, or click the title of this news item. (Posted 14th Feb 2008)
WestWind is pleased to announce the grand opening of its Mumbai (formely Bombay) mini-hub. Check out the link in the forum for details. (Posted 13th Feb 2008)
Scott Galloway promoted to HM
Scott has moved up a notch to the desk of Hub Manager at our Boston Hub. Congratulations Scott. (Posted 10th Feb 2008)
Andrew Podner Promoted to DCS - North America
Andrew Podner has accepted the position of Director of Central Scheduling - North America reporting to Randy Varrone. Welcome aboard Andrew. (Posted 8th Feb 2008)
Phil Cohen Promoted to DCS of South and Central America
Phil Cohen has accepted the position of Director of Central Scheduling for South and Central America reporting to Randy Varrone. Congrats Phil!! (Posted 8th Feb 2008)
Kevin Hornaday promoted to HM Washington DC
Congratulations to Kevin Hornaday on his promotion to hub manager KIAD. (Posted 8th Feb 2008)
Capt. Ed Bleck Promoted to V.P. of Scenery
The Scenery Department is please to announce that Capt. Ed Bleck has accepted the position of Vice President of Scenery. Ed is a Senior Command Captain and former Hub Manager of KSEA and KATL. (Posted 6th Feb 2008)
Ian S. Crawford new Hub Manager Frankfurt.
Hub Ops Europe is glad and proud to announce the appointment of capt. Ian Crawford as Hub Manager Frankfurt. Ian, HM Boston and EVP Cargo Ops Europe will move to Germany shortly. (Posted 4th Feb 2008)
After many weeks of work by Capt Ed Bleck and Capt Bob Sturm, the WestWind scenery for the Atlanta Hub is ready for download. Go to the Aircraft and Scenery page or click on this news item title to go direct. Screen shots of both the FSX and FS9 Atlanta Scenery can be previewed there also. (Posted 1st Feb 2008)
Randy Varrone has accepted a promotion to Vice President of Central Scheduling. Randy will continue to report to the EVP of Hub Operations but will now be responsible for all Central Scheduling activities. For more details, see the announcement in the forum. (Posted 26th Jan 2008)
Beau 'Bazza' Brown promoted to Hub Manager YSSY
Due to his study-obligations Sebastian Cheung stepped down as HM. Seb thanks and we will see you again. Beau 'Bazza' Brown will take his office. Bazza congratulations. (Posted 22nd Jan 2008)
Johnny Ginley named Director of Online Operations
John comes well qualified as our Hub Manager in Atlanta and C3 rated controller on VATSIM. We want to thank Tony Lyons for his long service to WestWind, who recently resigned. (Posted 19th Jan 2008)
For those interested, there is an updated AFCAD file for KMIA which adds runway 8L/26R and correctly designates the other parallel runways: 8R/26L and 9/27. This file is built to accommodate the WestWind Hub Scenery. To download, go to the Aircraft and Scenery page (or click the title of this news item. (Posted 15th Jan 2008)
WestWind Hub Scenery for San Francisco (KSFO) has just been released. Three separate scenery files are avaiable: WestWind Terminal/Gate, Charter Terminal/Ramp, and Cargo Ramp. You can view screenshots, read descriptions and download at the Aircraft & Scenery page, or click the title of this news item. This is for FS2004 only. FSX scenery was previously released. (Posted 15th Jan 2008)
Mitch Worthington is New Dir. of Charters - Central & South America
Mitch Worthington accepts the position of Director of Charters - Central & South America. He is the SFO HM, a professional writer for media all over the U.S., and an author. Welcome to the Executive Charter Division, Mitch. (Posted 11th Jan 2008)
New AHM at New York
Nope, the musical chairs continue. Please welcome Kevin Hornaday to the management ranks as AHM at New York. (Posted 9th Jan 2008)
Cincy Hub Manager moves West
Andrew Podner (WWA1662) has been transferred to DFW and takes over the reigns of Hub Manager. Congrats Andrew!! (Posted 7th Jan 2008)
More promotions!
Mike Bergman (WWA1990) has been promoted to Interim Assistant Hub Manager at KLAX. Congrats Mike!! (Posted 7th Jan 2008)
Musical Chairs continue
The musical chairs continue. As announced previously, Andrew has moved from Cincinnati to Dallas. Glenn has moved from Miami to fill the HM role in Cincinnati, with Phil returning from leave to fill HM Miami. I think the music has now stopped and everyone's a winner!! (Posted 7th Jan 2008)
New appointment - Matt Schlessman as AHM Atlanta
One more vacancy filled. Matt Schlessman has now been promoted to AHM Atlanta. Welcome Matt. (Posted 7th Jan 2008)
New Asst Hub Manager in Denver
Please welcome Matt Milosevich (WWA1887) to his new position as Denver AHM! Good luck Matt!! (Posted 5th Jan 2008)
Carl-Warren Dudley promoted to Hub Manager London
As of January 1st, 2008, Carl-Warren will show up on the pay-roll as Hub Manager in London. Carl-Warren, congratulations with your promotion. You can do it. Go for it. (Posted 1st Jan 2008)
The WestWind Hub Scenery for San Francisco (KSFO) is now available for download from the Aircraft and Scenery page. There are three scenery packages: Terminal, Charter, and Cargo. Each includes the modified AFCAD file to provide coded WestWind parking. Simply click on this news item title for a direct link to the download page. (Posted 27th Dec 2007)
Revised Denver Hub Scenery for FSX
A newly revised version of the Denver hub scenery is now available for download. This version fixes some night texture graphics issues. There are 5 separate self installing scenery files: Terminal Scenery, Maintenance scenery, Cargo Scenery, Charter Scenery, and Training Center Scenery. If you have already installed the original Denver Hub Scenery for FSX, simply install the new files over the old. (Posted 11th Dec 2007)
Daniel Yeninas promoted to AHM Washington DC
Everyone please congratulate Daniel on his promotion to AHM of Washington DC. (Posted 30th Nov 2007)
New AHM for London
London is getting back on its feet with the appointment of Carl-Warren Dudley as the new AHM. Congratulations Carl-Warren. (Posted 29th Nov 2007)
New AHM in LAX!
Michael Seth-Hunter has been promoted to AHM of our LAX Hub. Congrats Michael!! (Posted 26th Nov 2007)
Senior Pilot Howard Carter appointed as Assistant Hub Manager - Cincinnati
Please welcome Howard to his new role. (Posted 21st Nov 2007)
Glenn Murawski appointed Hub Manager Miami
The musical chairs continue with Glenn Murawski appointed as Hub Manager of Miami while Phil is on leave.Congratulations Glenn. (Posted 21st Nov 2007)
Welcome our newest AHM.
Captain Vic Alesi has been promoted to the position of Assistant Hub Manager in San Francisco! Congrats Vic!! (Posted 20th Nov 2007)
New HM in KSFO!
Mitch Worthington has been promoted to the Hub Manager position at our San Francisco Hub. Congrats Mitch!! (Posted 19th Nov 2007)
Long time Hub Manager resigns.
John Schumacher has stepped down as HM of the KSFO Hub after 10 years of service. John will continue in his position of Director of Aircraft and Scenery. Thanks for your many years of service to WWA and San Francisco John!! (Posted 16th Nov 2007)
Anthony Miller Appointed Hub Manager - New York
Anthony Miller has been promoted to Hub Manager of New York. Welcome Anthony. (Posted 14th Nov 2007)
Toronto hub lands a new AHM
Toronto is happy to announce the hiring of it's first Assistant Hub Manager. His name is Glenn Murawski who was serving as the AHM in Denver. We want to wish Glen the best of luck in Toronto. (Posted 13th Nov 2007)
Tim Sheets Picked Up By MIA
Tim Sheets has accepted the position of AHM at Miami. He is active on VATSIM and is looking to get more involved with WestWind. Let's all give him a big welcome. (Posted 2nd Nov 2007)
The results of the recent WestWind Pilot Survey are now available for viewing by the WestWind community. The results can be found here, or by going to the Personnel page.
We appreciate your participation. It will help us continually improve what we do for this great VA. Cheers. -- Mike Gibbs for the Executive Committee
(Posted 1st Nov 2007)Ben Goldstein is moving to Europe !
Ben Goldstein will be flying in to Frankfurt, Germany. Ben is appointed as Hub Manager EDDF. Ben, welcome and wishing you a good time. (Posted 22nd Oct 2007)
Bill McCoy Promoted to Director Hub Ops - North America West
Bill McCoy has accepted the position of Director of Hub Operations for North America West. This territory covers all North America hubs west of the Mississippi river. Bill was formerly the Hub Manager for Atlanta. Congratulations Bill!! (Posted 21st Oct 2007)
Johnny Ginley Promoted to Hub Manager - Atlanta
With Bill McCoy stepping up to manage the North America West hubs, Johnny Ginley has stepped up to the plate into the position of Hub Manager - Atlanta. Welcome Johnny. (Posted 21st Oct 2007)
Less than one week remains to participate in the Pilot Satisfaction Survey. Please take a few minutes to take the survey! Survey closes at midnight, October 26. (Posted 20th Oct 2007)
New AHM at Chicago
Another vacancy filled! Please welcome Max Mache as the new AHM at Chicago. (Posted 19th Oct 2007)
Shams Prowse is in the Amsterdam AHM office now
Amsterdam is back on track with the appointment of Shamsuddin (Shams) Prowse as the Assistent Hub Manager. Shams, welcome in management. (Posted 17th Oct 2007)
Rob Pomanti Steps Down as Director Hub Ops NA West
Rob Pomanti has stepped down as Director of Hub Operations - North America West. He is also the Director of Cargo Operations for the Far East and wants to devote more time to that position. Many thanks to Rob for his fine service to WestWind in Hub Ops. (Posted 16th Oct 2007)
Scott Galloway Moving to U.S
Scott Galloway is trading his Hub Manager position in Frankfurt for an Assistant Hub Manager position in Boston. Scott says his real world responsibilities are keeping him busy and he needs to step back a bit. Best wishes Scott. Keep up the great work. (Posted 16th Oct 2007)
The final installment of the Denver Hub Scenery for FSX is ready for download. This is the Training Center and Corporate Offices. The lighted ramp has parking for 8 aircraft (WestWind Coded). There is also a revised "Executive Charter" scenery that may be downloaded. The revision was done to fix a texture issue that may arise on some systems. It may be installed over the older version, with no need to delete anything. (Posted 15th Oct 2007)
Braden Vonderau promoted to Hub Manager - Chicago
Due to work commitments, Tim has had to step down as hub manager at Chicago. Braden has been promoted to Hub Manager. This leaves a vacancy at Chicago for an Assistant Hub Manager. Contact Braden if you are interested. (Posted 15th Oct 2007)
Max Mache is the new AMS Assistant Hub Manager
Command Captain Max Mache has accepted the position of Assistant Hub Manager in Amsterdam. Max will be moving to Europe in the coming days to start his new job. Congrats and thanks for joining Max. (Posted 11th Oct 2007)
Tony Horn Promoted to Director Hub Ops - North America East
Tony Horn has accepted a promotion to Director of Hub Operations - North America East. Rob Pomanti will assume the duties of Director of Hub Operations - North America West. The additional position was created to have a more manageable workload for Rob and Myself. "Many hands make light work." Thanks to Rob for his fine service as director over all of North America. I look forward to working with both Rob and Tony. Mike Gibbs - EVP Hub Ops (Posted 9th Oct 2007)
Chris Meijvogel Promoted to Director Hub Operations - Europe and Pacific
Chris Meijvogel has accepted the position of Director of Hub Operations for Europe and the Pacific. Chris was formerly the Hub Manager for Amsterdam and has served WestWind well in that capacity. Chris is a native of The Netherlands and currently resides in the Caribbean. Please join us in welcoming him to his new position. (Posted 7th Oct 2007)
The Aircraft & Scenery Dept. announces the release of the Denver Hub Scenery for FSX. There are four separate and compatible scenery packages: WestWind Termnal, Maintenance area, Cargo Ramp, and Executive Charter. Each may be installed individually or any or all combined. Files include a customized AFCAD (AFX) file. Click on this news item title to go right to the download page, with screenshots. (Posted 6th Oct 2007)
Mike Gibbs, former Director of Hub Operation, Europe & Pacific, has been promoted to Executive Vice President of Hub Operations, replacing Bob Sturm, who is now EVP Aircraft & Scenery. Mike will also sit on the Executive Committee. Congratulations Mike! In order to devote his time and energy to his new position, Mike is stepping down as Director of Charters for Africa & Middle East. Thanks for your charters, Mike. (Posted 3rd Oct 2007)
WestWind management announces the implementation of the Pilot Awards System featuring many areas that pilots may excel and be recognized. For details, see the post in the General Section of the forum. Shiny side up!! (Posted 2nd Oct 2007)
Executive Management Change
Bob Sturm, who has served as Executive Vice President, Hub Operations will move to the vacant position of Executive Vice President, Aircraft & Scenery. Bob has been working behind the scenes on hub scenery, some of which is now available on the web site. Thanks Bob for your dedicated service to hub operations! (Posted 1st Oct 2007)
Capt. Phil Cohen takes over at Miami
Capt. Bruce Veneziani announced his resignation as Hub Manager for Miami. Work and family are consuming his time, and as has been stated many times, these things are most important. Capt. Phil Cohen, who has been doing a great job as Assistant Hub Manager will take over the Hub Manager position. Thank you, Bruce, for your dedication and service. Congratulations Phil! In order to devote his time and energy to Miami Hub, Phil is stepping down as Director of Charters for Central & South America. Thanks for your charters, Phil. (Posted 30th Sep 2007)
Captain Gary Hall Hired as AHM at SLC
Captain Michael Finn, Hub Manager at SLC has announced that Captain Gary Hall will join him as Assistant Hub Manager. Gary is a CAT-III pilot, and is also is a VATSIM C1 Controller for the ZSL air space. Congratulations Gary! (Posted 29th Sep 2007)
Ken G. Resigns
Ken G. has resigned as EVP Aircraft & Scenery, Executive Commitee Member & Captain from WestWind VA. We cannot begin to convey what Ken has meant to WestWind for all that he has contributed over the last 7 years, both on the creative side, supplying our aircraft, and as a valued member of the Executive committee, where his steady influence will be missed. Blue skies Ken! (Posted 25th Sep 2007)
The first full-scale pilot satisfaction survey to be run since March 2006 has now begun! Please take some time out to give us your feedback. Your responses to this survey will remain completely anonymous, and you may only take the survey once. You may access the survey by clicking on the news item title. The survey will remain open until midnight Oct 26 (PST), or until we get responses from 100% of all active pilots. (Posted 25th Sep 2007)
SLC Under New Management
Capt. Sergio Schaar has resigned as Hub Manager at SLC. He is stepping down due to real world commitments. Sergio will continue to fly for WestWind. The Assistant Hub Manager, Capt. Michael Finn, has been promoted to Hub Manager. We want to thank Sergio for his many years of dedicated service to this V.A., and to wish him well. The hub is in good hands with Michael! (Posted 23rd Sep 2007)
Some significant changes have been made to our fleet category assignments. The Bombardier CRJ has been selected as our initial training aircraft as a state of the art and a ready made Microsoft Flight Simulator default aircraft which is likely to remain in future versions. All previous Cat I aircraft have been reassigned to Cat II. We want new captains to get through Cat I in the CRJ and then after the Cat II requirements are met, they are free to fly a number of other fine aircraft. This was a very carefully considered decision by the Executive Committee. Chief Pilot & EVP, Ed Ward, Jr. will be on Teamspeak September 22nd at 9 PM Eastern time to answer questions. -Steve Canham President/CEO WestWind VA (Posted 22nd Sep 2007)
Capt. Beau (Baza) Brown Promoted
Capt. Beau Brown has been promoted to the position of Director of Central Scheduling - Europe & Pacific. He will work closely with the hub managers at EGLL, EDDF, EHAM and YSSY. Capt. Brown will also retain his job of Assistant Hub Manager at our Sydney hub. (Posted 22nd Sep 2007)
WestWind's Director of Aircraft, Scott Stone has released his first from the bottom up project, the Premier Aircraft Design DeHavilland Dash 8-Q300. This category II airplane will give FSX Captains the short field high altitude capability missing up to this point. Head over to the hangar and get your copy of this wonderful aircraft soon. (Posted 22nd Sep 2007)
Directors of Central Scheduling
With the establishment of a Central Scheduling department, we have promoted two of our dedicated captains to the challenging positions of Director of Central Scheduling. Captain Phil Cohen, Assistant Hub Manager for MIA, has accepted the position of Director of Central Scheduling - N. America - East and Captain Taylor Cleghorn has accepted the position of Director of Central Scheduling - N. America - West. These dedicated gentlemen will be working closely with the hub managers to make sure that WestWind V.A. has the most realistic schedules. (Posted 18th Sep 2007)
Mitch Worthington is SFO Assistant Hub manager
Capt. John Schumacher has announced that Capt. Mitch Worthington will be taking over the job of Assistant Hub Manager at SFO. Mitch is a CAT-III pilot with CYVR. Mitch will be flying into SFO this weekend. Congratulations Mitch, and thanks for your dedication to WestWind! (Posted 15th Sep 2007)
Captain Raph Daugherty takes over at KBOS
Capt. Ralph Daugherty has accepted the position of Hub Manager at our Boston Hub. Ralph had been Hub Manager at Atlanta up until a few months ago but had to leave for personal reasons. We are glad to have him back. (Posted 11th Sep 2007)
Capt. Nate Spinosi promoted to Assistant Hub Manager
Capt. Don Thomas, Hub Manager at JFK, has announced the promotion of Capt. Nate Spinosi to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Nate! (Posted 7th Sep 2007)
The Aircraft and Scenery Department has recently added, the Learjet 45, Dash-2 Beaver, Lockheed L188 Electra II, Eaglesoft Beechjet 400 Hawker version 1.5, and the iFly 747-400 ER repaints for Flight Simulator X. 5 new aircraft for FSX in two days one of which is a commercial repaint. Rush to the Hanger to enjoy these new aircraft and FS9 Captains should keep their eyes open for the Cessna 337 Skymaster (Mixmaster)and another variant of the L188 Electra. (Posted 1st Sep 2007)
Capt. Glenn Murawski Promoted to Assistant Hub Manager
Capt. Randy Varrone, Hub Manager at Denver, has announced that Capt. Glenn Murawski has accepted the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Glenn is a CAT-II pilot who will be on the next flight out from JFK. Congratulations Glenn! (Posted 28th Aug 2007)
WestWind Captain Carl Richards, WWA1896, has completed an old school paint of the Level D 767-300ER with high quality 32 bit and frame rate saving DXT3 bitmap formats. LDS Captains can get their copies by clicking the link above. (Posted 27th Aug 2007)
WestWind Executive Vice President of Aircraft and Scenery, Ken G, is pleased to announce the release of the AFG King Air 300 for Flight Simulator X. This turboprop will fill the role that the King Air 350 served in FS2004 taxing in between the Baron 58G and the Learjet 60 offering an economic solution for our Executive passengers. (Posted 27th Aug 2007)
Thanks to the hard work of WWA Captain Scott Stone, WWA1712, WestWind Cat IV pilots may now enjoy the old workhorse, the 757-200 in Passenger and Cargo liveries for FSX. (Posted 26th Aug 2007)
Captian Scott M. Stone Promoted
Executive Vice President for Aircraft and Scenery has announced the promotion of WestWind Captain Scott M. Stone to Director of Aircraft. Congratulations Scott on a well deserved promotion. (Posted 26th Aug 2007)
New Assistant Hub Manager at Vancouver
Capt. Mark Chapel, Hub Manager for CYVR, has announced the hiring of Capt. Adam Le Drew as Assistant Hub Manager. Adam is a CAT IV pilot with 145 hours. Welcome Adam! (Posted 25th Aug 2007)
Paul O'Regan Accepts London AHM Position
Reece Brewsel is pleased to announce that Paul O'Regan has accepted the position of Assistant Hub Manager for London. Welcome to the management ranks Paul! (Posted 15th Aug 2007)
Capt. David Cuscuna steps down in Boston
David Cuscuna has stepped down as Hub Manager in Boston due to real world commitments. He will continue to serve as an active captain in Boston. The Hub Managers position will be filled on a temporary basis by Rob Pomanti until there is a permanent Hub Manager. Please contact Westwind Management if you are interested in this position. (Posted 14th Aug 2007)
Captain Randy Varrone Promoted to Hub Manager
Captain Randy Varrone has been promoted from Assistant Hub Manager to Hub Manager at WestWind's Denver Hub. Congratulations Randy! (Posted 10th Aug 2007)
Reece Brewsell Promoted to HM London
Reece Brewsell has been promoted to the position of Hub Manager in London. He previously served as the Assistant Hub Manager in London which means that he will be looking for a new AHM. If you are interested, contact Reece directly. We are looking for men or women who want to make a leadership contribution to WestWind and more specifically to the Europe and Pacific division. Congratulations Reece! (Posted 27th Jul 2007)
Musical Chairs at the Sydney Orchestra
Beau 'Bazza' Brown has resigned his position as Hub Manager in London and resumed his previous duties as Assistant Hub Manager in Sydney. Tony Horn, who had accepted the AHM position in Sydney was happy to give it back to Bazza. Tony originally accepted the position with the understanding that it was temporary until someone else was found. Tony is also the Director of Charter Operations for Asia and the Pacific. Bazza said, when asked why he was stepping down, that personal issues were cutting into his available time to do the HM job in London. According to Seb Cheung, Hub Manager in Sydney, he is happy to have Bazza back becaue he did a fine job in that role. All this means we are again looking for a Hub Manager for London. (Posted 26th Jul 2007)
Captain Brian Derx of the DFW Hub recently participated in the 8th Annual Boston ARTCC "Boston Tea Party" event on VATSIM and took 3rd place in the Airport Poker contest. Congratulations Brian, and thanks for representing WestWind Airlines! (Posted 23rd Jul 2007)
Capt. Sam Jensen is New Assistant Hub Manager at CVG
Capt. Andrew Podner, Hub Manager at CVG, has announced that Capt. Sam Jensen has transferred from the SFO hub to accept the position of Assistant Hub Manager for CVG. Sam is a CAT-IV pilot with a diverse background in RW aviation and a pssion for WestWind. Congratulations Sam! (Posted 20th Jul 2007)
Tony Horn Accepts AHM Position in Sydney
Sebastian Cheung has announced that Tony Horn has been promoted to Assistant Hub Manager in Sydney. Tony is a long time West Wind Captain and we welcome him to the ranks of hub management. (Posted 19th Jul 2007)
Capt. Max Mache Hired By Boston
Capt. Dave Cuscuna, Hub Manager at Boston, has announced that he has hired Capt Max Mache as the Assistant Hub manager. Max transferred from the San Francisco Hub to take the job. Congratulations Max! (Posted 18th Jul 2007)
Capt. Andrew Podner takes over at CVG
Due to the resignation of Capt. Lane Parrott as hub manager at CVG, Capt Andrew Podner, the assistant hub manager has been promoted to the position of hub manager. In order to devote his full attention to this job, Andrew resigned as Director of Marketing. Thanks for your dedication to WestWind! (Posted 15th Jul 2007)
WestWind Aircraft and Scenery Department is pleased to announce the addition of the Piper Turbo Arrow III PA-28R-201t to the Executive Charter Hangar. This light turbo-charged single engine airplane will allow WestWind pilots to fly inexpensive charters to remote locations. The PA-28s may also be used by pilots for training allowing them to sharpen their piloting skills. (Posted 12th Jul 2007)
Capt. Dave Cuscuna takes over the Boston Hub
Capt. Ian Crawford has decided to step down as Hub Manager at the Boston hub and has promoted Assistant Hub Manager, Capt. Dave Cuscuna to the Hub Manager position. Capt. Crawford will continue his duties as Director of Cargo Operations, Europe. Thanks for your dedication Ian! Congratulations Dave, and thank you for your dedication! (Posted 11th Jul 2007)
Capt. Robbie Johnson Promoted to AHM
Capt. Fred Weidemann, Hub Manager at KIAD, has announced the hiring of Capt. Robbie Johnson as the Assistant Hub Manager. Robbie will be transferring from the Atlanta hub where he earned his Senior Captain rating in record time. Congratulations Robbie, and thanks for your dedication! (Posted 9th Jul 2007)
TeamSpeak(T) for WestWind
Capt. Johnny Ginley has set up a server for WestWind TeamSpeak. TeamSpeak is a proprietary Voice over IP (VOIP)program that allows WestWind Pilots to converse with one another, at any time. This is a valuable addition to WestWind. It is getting rave reviews from those few who have already begun to use it. Not only does it allow us to get to know one another, but it is a great tool for helping those with problems that need to be addressed immediately and for training purposes. Each hub has its own channel as does management. The software is free. All you need is an inexpensive headset with microphone or separate microphone and speakers. Visit the forum for more information. I encourage everyone to sign up. (Posted 19th Jun 2007)
Normally we do not promote products but this one is something special for two reasons. First it is written by Rob Mark, the brother-in-law of long-lost WestWind Co-founder Sean "Crash" Reilly. Secondly, Rob makes mention of WWAL in his book!! For all you real world career minded aviators, this book should have a place in your library. I have invited Crash to join us at "The Closet" (forum) for a quick visit if he has time. Maybe we can even get him to buy us a round! (Posted 17th Jun 2007)
Promotion to Director of Charters - N. A.
Command Captain Mike Sullings WWA1193, previous Assistant Manager of LAX Hub, accepted the position of Director of Charters - North America in the Executive Charter Division. Congratulations. Welcome Aboard, Mike. (Posted 14th Jun 2007)
Capt. Johnny Ginley Joins Atlanta Management Team
Capt. Bill McCoy has announced that Capt. Johnny Ginley has accepted the position of Assistant Hub Manager for Atlanta. Johnny has already played an active role in training new pilots on VATSIM and just recently set up a Team Speak server for WestWind Pilots. Congratulations Johnny! (Posted 14th Jun 2007)
Beau 'Bazza' Brown promoted to HM London
Bazza Brown, former AHM in Sydney, has accepted the position of Hub Manager in London. The position was vacated by Don Thomas who scarfed up the JFK Hub Manager position when Kyle Ramsey stepped down to pursue a position with VATSIM. Congratulations Bazza! (and Don and Kyle). (Posted 13th Jun 2007)
Promotion to Hub Manager
Capt. Bill McCoy has accepted the position of Hub Manager for our Atlanta Hub. Bill recently transferred to Atlanta to take the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Bill is a CAT-IV pilot and is active on VATSIM. Congratulations Bill! (Posted 12th Jun 2007)
Chris Meijvogel Accepts Amsterdam HM Position
Chris Meijvogel has accepted the position of Hub Manager at Amsterdam. This position was vacated when Shawn Raglin decided to transfer to Denver where he likes to fly. Chris was formerly the AHM at Amsterdam and has done a fantastic job. Chris' first language is Dutch so you may see some interesting posts as he tries to attract an international crowd at Amsterdam. Congratulations Chris and best wishes Shawn!! (Posted 9th Jun 2007)
Resignation and Lateral Move
Captain Kyle Ramsey has resigned his position as Hub Manager at JFK. Kyle has been with WestWind since 1998 and also served as Vice President of Scenery. Kyle is taking a full time position with VATSIM. Captain Don Thomas will transfer from his position as Hub Manager for the London hub to take over the management of JFK. Best wishes to Kyle and thanks for the many years of dedicated service! (Posted 8th Jun 2007)
Senior Captain Ben Goldstein stepped down from Director of Charters - North America due to priorities such as going to work for his county emergency management office. His county was hit by three tornadoes and continuing stormy weather since mid-March. Take care, Ben. (Posted 6th Jun 2007)
New Assistant Hub Manager at SLC
Capt. Sergio Schaar has announced the hiring of Capt. Michael Finn as the Assistant Hub Manager for Salt Lake City. Michael has relocated to SLC from YVR to take this position. Congratulations Michael! (Posted 28th May 2007)
New Assistant Hub Manager at Atlanta
Capt. Ralph Daugherty has announced the hiring of Capt. Bill McCoy for the position of Assistant Hub Manager at Atlanta. Bill comes from the Miami hub to take this job. Congratulations Bill! (Posted 25th May 2007)
Carrying more load for WWA
Capt. Mike Gibbs, WWA 1702, AMS Hub, Command Captain, accepted the additional position of Director of Charters – Middle East & Africa in the Executive Charter Division with the understanding that if anyone else wants to do the job, he will step aside. Mike is the Director of Hub Operations for Europe & Pacific Regions. We appreciate Mike’s generous contributions of time and work for WestWind Airlines. (Posted 24th May 2007)
Resignation and Promotion
Due to real world obligations, Ben Goldstein has had to resign as Hub Manager for Atlanta. Best wishes Ben and thanks for your dedicated service. Ralph Daugherty, who has been serving as Assistant Hub Manager has been promoted to Hub Manager. Congratulations Ralph! (Posted 23rd May 2007)
It is complete the AI traffic project for FSX. I would like to thank Scott Stone for figuring out how to transfer our old database of aircraft to the new FSX format; Kim Stolt for painting numerous AIA and PAI aircraft and his work on the Cargo Schedule; and Mark Kuebeler whose work in the database that makes this website click provide an easy translation of the Cargo Schedule into the AI Traffic. We hope you enjoy this product. (Posted 20th May 2007)
What is more fun than a 747? Well it has to be WWA's bush plane the Maule M7 now just added to the FSX Hangar. Remember this airplane requires a tail dragger endorsement so be sure to visit the Advanced Training and spend some time learning this little plane. (Posted 19th May 2007)
Erik Karlsen promoted to AHM - Frankfurt
Frankfurt Hub Manager Scott Galloway is pleased to announce the promotion of captain Erik Karlsen to Assistant Hub Manager of FRA. Congratulations Erik! (Posted 18th May 2007)
The CommunityServer Forum software has been updated to version 2.1, and this should eliminate the problems with posting messages. Unfortunately it was not possible to upgrade the forum database from the old version and we are having to start the forums over from scratch. However, the previous year's worth of forum messages will soon be available for browsing and searching through the web site. (Posted 17th May 2007)
Discussion Forums Temporarily Set to Read-Only
The discussion forums have been temporarily set to read-only to allow a newer version of the CommunityServer software to be installed and the existing topics and messages to be migrated to the new version. Hopefully this will solve the recent problems with posting messages. We apologize for this inconvenience. (Posted 15th May 2007)
Promotion at LAX
LAX Hub Manager Stan Fitzgerald is pleased to announce the promotion of captain Anthony Miller to Assistant Hub Manager of LAX. Congratulations Anthony! (Posted 1st May 2007)
Management change at LAX
Robert Pomanti Director of Hub Operations North America is pleased to annouce the promotion of captain Stan Fitzgerald to Hub Manager in Los Angeles. Stan has been serving as Assistant Hub Manager at LAX. Congratulations Stan. (Posted 26th Apr 2007)
The next WestWind online event will be on May 12 at our London Heathrow hub. Click on the title above for more details. (Posted 22nd Apr 2007)
Amsterdam Hub Manager Shawn Raglin is pleased to announce the promotion of Chris Meijvogel to Assistant Hub Manager of Amsterdam. Congratulations Chris! (Posted 15th Apr 2007)
WestWind's Vice President of Aircraft, Kim Stolt, is pleased to announce that the Project Opensky Boeing Business Jet is now available for download from the WestWind Hangars. Special thanks go to Jeff Gingras in the charter department for helping to bring this aircraft to us. (Posted 14th Apr 2007)
After a long wait the WestWind Aircraft and Scenery department is please to roll the first 767-400ER out of the Denver Maintenance facility for our FSX Captains. This aircraft was plagued with problems being 90% complete on two separate occasions to be sent back to the drawing board due to equipment failures. The aircraft is finally complete and ready for passenger service. (Posted 9th Apr 2007)
Charter Aircraft for FSX
Developing aircraft for FSX is going to continue to take some time. It is not due to a lack of aircraft, but a lack of good panels and continuing issues with flight dynamics of converted FS9 aircraft. Our FSX Captains are hereby allowed to fly any aircraft in FSX for Charters until we have a chance to finish the FSX fleet. Thus the DC3, Goose, Maule, Mooney, B350 and Lear are all open to our pilots regardless of not being currently painted in WWA colors. Pilots may also use third party aircraft such as the P.180 that has been developed for FSX. For flight reporting i.e. signing in / out flights they should use the closest representation to that aircraft. Happy flying! (Posted 8th Apr 2007)
Andrew Podner, WestWind Director of Marketing has released Volume 1 Issue 2 of our Newsletter. Read all about what is going on at WestWind. (Posted 2nd Apr 2007)
At the invitation of the VATUSA Fort Worth ARTCC, we have scheduled our next event at our Dallas-Fort Worth hub on Saturday, April 14. Click on the title above to go to the Online Operations page for all the details. (Posted 2nd Apr 2007)
Captain Tony Horn, WWA1587, SYD Hub, CAT IV, and VATSIM Controller (S3 rating) has accepted the position of Director of Charters – Asia and South Pacific in the Executive Charter Division. Tony loves to fly in the RW and had a private pilot license. He began his virtual flight career with FS1. Tony sees a huge scope for charter operations in Australia alone. He also looks forward to creating charter flights going every which way in the massive Asian area. Congratulations Tony! (Posted 23rd Mar 2007)
Captain Mike Gibbs has been promoted to the position of Director of Hub Operations - Europe. Mike is a Senior Captain and has been serving as Assistant Hub Manager at our Amsterdam Hub. Congratulations Mike! (Posted 23rd Mar 2007)
New Assistant Hub Manager for MIA
Miami Hub Manager Bruce Veneziani is pleased to annouce the promotion of captain Phil Cohen to be the new Assistant Hub Manager for the MIA Hub. Phil will make the move from the IAD Hub. Congratulations Phil (Posted 20th Mar 2007)
New Hub Manager for Miami
Director of Hub Operations Robert Pomanti is pleased to annouce the promotion of Bruce Veneziani to Hub Manager of Miami. Congratulations Bruce (Posted 17th Mar 2007)
Management Change at LAX
Captain Rob Pomanti, Director of Hub Operations, will be assuming the position of Hub Manager for our Los Angles hub until the hiring of a permanent hub manager. (Posted 17th Mar 2007)
Andrew Podner, WestWind Director of Marketing has released Volume 1 Issue 1 of our very own Newsletter. Read all about what is going on at the airline. (Posted 11th Mar 2007)
Capt. Pat Senart, Hub Manager at KDEN has announced the promotion of Capt. Randy Varrone to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Randy transferred from KJFK in order to accept this position. Congratulations Randy! (Posted 11th Mar 2007)
Management Change at Frankfurt
Due to real world job demands, Capt. Hans Nagelkerke has announced his resignation as Hub Manager at Frankfurt. The Assistant Hub Manager, Capt. Scott Galloway will take over as Hub Manager. We wish to thanks Hans for his dedication to WestWind, and to congratulate Scott. (Posted 8th Mar 2007)
Captain Robert Pomanti Hub Manager at MIA, has announced the promotion of Captain Bruce Veneziani to the postion of Assistant Hub Manager for the MIA Hub. Bruce will make the move to MIA from the BOS hub. Congratulations Bruce. (Posted 7th Mar 2007)
Captain Shawn Raglin, Hub Manager at AMS, has announced the promotion of Captain Mike Gibbs to the position of Assistant Hub manager. Congratulations Mike! (Posted 6th Mar 2007)
We will be doing a realistic hub operation on Friday, March 9. Check the Online Operations page for more details. (Posted 1st Mar 2007)
New Hub Manager
Captain Shawn Raglin has been promoted to Hub Manager for Amsterdam. Shawn has been the Assistant Hub Manager for the past couple of months. Captain Hans Nagelkerke has been HM for both AMS and FRA for the past year while the search was on for a HM. We want to thank Hans for his dedication and willingness to take on the extra work load. Thanks also to Shawn for stepping up to the challenge. Congratulations Shawn! (Posted 26th Feb 2007)
Captain Kyle Ramsey, Hub Manager at JFK, has announced the promotion of Captain Austin Robison to Assistant Hub Manager. Austin has transferred to JFK from KORD. Congratulations Austin! (Posted 25th Feb 2007)
Resignation and Promotion
Captain Patrick Doman, long time hub manager at Denver, has had to resign as hub manager due to real world obligations. Captain Pat Senart, long time assistant hub manager, has stepped up to take over as hub manager. We would like to wish the best for Capt. Doman, and congratulate Capt. Senart! Thank you both for your dedicated service. (Posted 23rd Feb 2007)
Captain Andrew Podner, AHM CVG, has bee named Director of Marketing for WestWind Airlines. His resonsibilities are to advertise and promote the airline to the various online media outlets, flight sim web sites and forums. If you encounter a VA list that doesn't inlcude WestWind Airlines, please contact Andy. (Posted 15th Feb 2007)
Capt. Bob Sturm, Interim Hub Manager at LAX, has announce the promotion of Captain Stan Fitzgerald to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Stan is a CAT- IV pilot with many years of management experience with X-Plane Flight Sim VAs. Congratulations Stan! (Posted 14th Feb 2007)
LAX Hub Management change
Due to other commitments Captain Jeff Hoel has resigned as Hub Manager at LAX. The Assistant Hub Manager, Captain Michael Sullings has also resigned due to other commitments. We wish them both the best and thank them for their service. Bob Sturm, V.P. of Hub Operations will serve as the interim hub manager until a permanent replacement is hired. Anyone interested in either position should contact Bob Sturm at hub_ops@peopleplustraining.com. A link to the the job descriptions can be found by clicking on "Cleared Direct To..", then click "Personnel". (Posted 13th Feb 2007)
Captain Lane Parrott, Hub Manager for our CVG hub has announced the promotion of Captain Andrew Podner to the position of Assistant Hub Manger. Congratulations Andrew! (Posted 13th Feb 2007)
Captain Ian Crawford, Hub Manager for our BOS hub, has announced the promotion of Captain Dave Cuscuna to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Dave! (Posted 13th Feb 2007)
Captain Hans Nagelkerke, Hub Manager for both FRA and AMS, has announced the promotion of Captain Scott Galloway to the position of Assistant Hub Manager for the Frankfurt Hub. Scott has been flying out of DFW, but will transfer to Frankfurt. Congratulations Scott! (Posted 13th Feb 2007)
Captain Phil Cohen, WWA1573, IAD Hub, CAT IV has accepted the position of Director of Charters - Central & South America in the Executive Charter Division. He began his virtual flight career when FS98 came out. Phil is looking forward to taking charge of this charter area and making some interesting flights for all of our pilots. (Posted 13th Feb 2007)
Captain Ben Goldstein, HM of ATL Hub, has accepted the position of Director of Charters – North America in the Executive Charter Division. Ben recently expanded ATL's routes and previously served as AHM of ATL Hub. (Posted 10th Feb 2007)
Promotion at Chicago
Capt. Tim Leigh, Hub Manager at ORD, has announced the promotion of Capt. Braden Vanderau to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Braden! (Posted 8th Feb 2007)
Promotion at Atlanta
Capt. Ben Goldstein, Hub Manager for Atlanta, has announced the promotion of Capt. Ralph Daugherty to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Ralph! (Posted 2nd Feb 2007)
Captain Raoul Van Landuyt, VP Charter Operations, has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Charter Operations, which includes membership to the WestWind Executive Committee. Raoul, during his long tenure at WestWind, has transformed our once floundering Charter Division into one of the premier Executive Charter operations in the world, with over 138 charter contracts worldwide! His service to the airline has been unparalleled and this promotion is long overdue. Congratulations Raoul! (Posted 30th Jan 2007)
Stepping Down
Captain Jeff Gingras stepped down as Director of Charters - North America due to real life aviation work demands. Fortunately, Jeff will continue as Director of Charter Aircraft for the Executive Charter Division. He recently reorganized the Executive Charter Division Aircraft Hangar. Jeff was formerly the HM of Denver Hub. Thank you for your dedicated service, Jeff. (Posted 29th Jan 2007)
Promotion / Management Change
Capt. Don Thomas, former AHM at Miami has been promoted to Hub Manager for London. Don has proven himself as an ideal individual for this assignment while serving as AHM at MIA. Capt. Rob Pomanti, Director of Hub Operations will take over as Hub Manager at Miami. Congratulations Don, and thanks for your dedication! (Posted 28th Jan 2007)
Captain Don Thomas, AHM of MIA Hub, has accepted the position of Director of Charters – Europe in the Executive Charter Division. Don drafted MIA’s new routes and wrote our newest Passenger Charters, P134 - 138. (Posted 27th Jan 2007)
Captain Sebastian Cheung, Hub Manager at the Sydney hub, has announced the promotion of Capt. Beau Brown to Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Capt. Brown! (Posted 26th Jan 2007)
Due to real world work schedules, Capt. Tony Proudlock has announced his resignation as Hub Manager of our London hub. Tony has been hub manager for a number of years, and as always, we hate to loose a good hub manager. Tony plans to continue flying with WestWind. Capt. Robert Pomanti, Director of Hub Operations, will be the acting hub manager until a permanent replacement is found. Anyone who feels qualified and is interested in taking over the HM position at London should email Capt. Pomanti. (Posted 26th Jan 2007)
Capt. Rob Pomanti, interim Hub Manager at London and Director of Hub Operations, has announced the promotion of Capt. Reece Brewsell to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Capt. Brewsell! (Posted 26th Jan 2007)
Resignation & Promotion
Capt. Tim Leigh, Hub Manager at ORD, has announced the resignation of Assistant Hub Manager Capt. David Ansel. We want to thank David for his exemplary service. Capt. Randy Bess has stepped up and agreed to take over as Assistant Hub Manager. Thank you Randy for your dedication, and congratulations! (Posted 25th Jan 2007)
New Hub Manager in Sydney
Westwind Airlines has promoted Sebastion Cheung to the Hub Managers postion in Sydney. Please welcome Sebastion when your in Sydney. (Posted 22nd Jan 2007)
Battle of the Airlines II will be hosted by the VATUSA Houston and Jacksonville Centers on January 20 from 23:00Z to 03:00Z. West Wind pilots can score a point for Westwind Airlines for each time they land or take off from KIAH, KHOU, KMCO, or KJAX. Details can be found on the Online Operations Page. (Click on the title above.) Come on out and support your airline! (Posted 8th Jan 2007)
Domestic Hub opens in Auckland New Zealand
Westwind Airlines opens domestic mini Hub in Aukland New Zealand. You can find the new routes in the Sydney Hub page. (Posted 3rd Jan 2007)
Happy Holidays from WestWind
Wishing that peace and joy be with you and your families through the holiday season and may the new year bring health, prosperity and blue skies. (Posted 25th Dec 2006)
We would like to welcome Captain Shawn Raglin to the WestWind management team. Shawn has been promoted to Assistant Hub Manager of AMS by the Hub Manager, Captain Hans Nagelkerke. Shawn Lives in Denver, CO. He served in the U.S. Air Force and has been around aircraft most of his life. Shawn has plans to begin flight training next Spring. Welcome, and congratulations! (Posted 13th Dec 2006)
Resignation and Promotion
Captain Ed Bleck, Hub Manager for ATL has reluctantly resigned. As many of you may know, the Philippines was recently struck by the second super typhoon in a matter of months. Both times Ed was forced to move his family back to the U.S. until the devastation was cleaned up and power restored. As a result, he is not able to devote time to his hub; so out of dedication to WestWind, he has turned over the Atlanta hub to Captain Ben Goldstein. Ben has done a fine job filling in for Ed during his absence after the first Typhoon, so it is with confidence that he is officially promoted to Hub Manager. We want to extend our best wishes to Ed and his family, and thank him for his dedication to WestWind. We hope to see him flying along with us again soon. We also want to congratulate Ben on his promotion. (Posted 8th Dec 2006)
WestWind's Executive Charter Division's user friendly pages are completed! They offer options to view the charter list, browse, or search charters by Aircraft, Category, or Continent. Credit to: Mark Kuebeler, Exec VP Information Technology, for developing concepts and creating these outstanding pages; to Phil Ireland for the WWA Logbook Route/Scheduler and system prototype; to Jeff Gingras for restructuring the Charter Fleet; and to many others who contributed to what now is the most advanced passenger Charter Division in the virtual flight world. RV (Posted 6th Dec 2006)
Update to the FS2004 ERJ 14X Series
WestWind VP of Aircraft Kim Stolt has update the ERJ-14X series. (Posted 1st Dec 2006)
Airbus 318/319/320/321 are Back
WestWind Aircraft and Scenery Department is pleased to announce the return of the Airbus 318/319/320/321 and the Airbus 330. Good job Kim. (Posted 23rd Nov 2006)
WestWind’s Executive Vice President for Aircraft and Scenery, KenG, is pleased to announce the release of the Boeing 747-400ER for FSX. (Posted 18th Nov 2006)
Ed Turner, Jr., who has held many positions, throughout his illustrious career at WestWind, has told us: "This is a very sad time for me, as I must, for medical reasons step back as your fearless Online Leader. This is not a letter of resignation, just a way of saying I must step down and let a much younger energetic pilot step up and take the lead over our Online Operations."
Captain Tony Lyons, ATL Hub, has the energy and ideas and will take over as Director, effective November 27th. Congratulations Tony and thanks Ed for your service to WestWind. We pray for your full recovery. (Posted 9th Nov 2006)
Welcome Back
Several months ago it was announced that Captain Chris Amberg, Hub Manager for CVG, was stepping down and turning over the HM position to Captain Lane Parrot. We are pleased to announce that, after surgery and recovery period, Chris is back with us. Lane has done such a good job as Hub Manager, that it was unanimously decided that he would remain the Hub manager and Chris will assume the responsibilities of the Assistant Hub manager. Welcome back Chris! (Posted 6th Nov 2006)
Ever wanted to fly somewhere, but just couldn't decide on a destination? Ever wish someone would just tell you where to fly? Then WestWind's new random flight assignment generator is just what you've been looking for! Pick a hub, optionally select one or more pilot categories and a maximum leg time, click on the button and you will be presented with up to five routes satisfying your criteria to choose from.
Update: random cargo assignment generator now available! (Posted 22nd Oct 2006)
WestWind's Executive Vice President of Cargo, Kim Stolt, is pleased to announce a major update to the WestWind Cargo Schedule. International routes to and from Denver have been revised and Rob Pomanti has developed a hub in Hong Kong, serving the Pacific Basin. Check it out on the cargo operations page. (Posted 21st Oct 2006)
Promotion Announcement
Capt. Michael Petkov has been promoted to Assistant Hub Manager at KSFO. Congratulations Michael! (Posted 21st Oct 2006)
Promotion Announcement
Capt. Stefan Kozma, Hub Manager for MIA, has promoted Capt. Don Thomas to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. For those who frequent the Forum, Don goes by the handle "madcrowd". Congratulation Don! (Posted 10th Oct 2006)
Sunday October 15, 2006 fly from any location in the world to Salt Lake City
Lets all visit the cross roads of the west out at Salt Lake Country. So let Utah be your destination from any location in the world.
Besides we need to celebrate the expansion of SLC HUB, as some of WestWind pilots, including your fearless online Chief transfered to SLC.
Please stop by the new and improved Online Operations Page to learn more about WestWind's VATSIM operations!
(Posted 2nd Oct 2006)Promotion Announcement
Captain Stefan Kozma has been promoted from Assistant Hub Manager to Hub Manager for the Miami Hub. During his short term as Assistant Hub Manager, Stefan has built the new flight schedules for Miami and is currently putting the finishing touches on them. Congratulations Capt. Kozma! (Posted 26th Sep 2006)
Open Hub Manager Position
Capt. Eric Hill has accepted a job as First Officer for Express Jet out of KIAH. As a result he has had to resign as Hub Manager of MIA. Eric plans to continue flying with WestWind when he is on the ground. Eric made a great compliment to WestWind with the following comment: "I have enjoyed my many years with WestWind and am sure it has helped me get where I am today". We thank Eric for his dedication and wish him the best of luck with his new job! Anyone interested in the H.M. position at MIA, please contact Bob Sturm r.sturm.2855@inbox.com (Posted 21st Sep 2006)
WestWind VP of Aircraft Kim Stolt continues to work his magic updating the 747 line, the 737NG line and the 787. Head over to the WestWind Hangar and update your fleet with his latest offerings. (Posted 15th Sep 2006)
Promotion Announcement
Due to personal reasons, Capt. Chris Amberg, Hub manager for Cincinnati (KCVG) has stepped down. Capt. Lane Parrott, the Assistant Hub Manager has agreed to take over as Hub Manager. As Assistant Hub Manager, Capt. Parrott has been instrumental in putting together the new hub flight schedules. Thanks goes out to Capt. Amberg for his dedication to WestWind during his tenure. For anyone that may be interested, the Assistant Hub Manager position is open. (Posted 9th Sep 2006)
By unanimous approval, Mark Kuebeler has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Information Technology and appointed to the seven member, WestWind Executive Committee. Mark's commitment and contributions to the airline have been immense and this promotion is way, way overdue. In case you didn't know, Mark is currently redesigning and automating our entire web site, programming a new flight dispatch and pilot reporting system, managing the DFW hub, serving in the aircraft & scenery department and in his spare time, he flies routes in and out of Dallas! Thank you Mark Kuebeler and congratulations on your promotion. (Posted 6th Sep 2006)
Hub Closures
As of Sept. 1, 2006, the San Diego (SAN) and Portland (PDX) hubs were closed as part of WestWind's efforts to streamline operations. Even though WestWind is a Virtual Airline, where profits are not an issue, we still have to manage our resources. Those resources are our personnel. Those resources are actually more valuable than money, since they are all volunteers, giving of their valuable time for the enjoyment of all who fly for WestWind V.A. (Posted 6th Sep 2006)
Open positions in Charter Operations
Charter Operations is sorry to announce that Capt. Phil Ireland has stepped down as Director of Charters - Far East & South Pacific. His work in the Executive Charter Division is appreciated. Phil will continue as Director of Hub Operations. Several Directors of Charters positions are open for application. (Posted 4th Sep 2006)
The Cargo Department is pleased to announce that Captain Ian Crawford, Hub Manager - Boston, has accepted the position of Director of Cargo Operations - Europe. Ian will continue on in his current position of Boston Hub Manager in addition to his new duties. Congratulations Ian! (Posted 2nd Sep 2006)
Never idle, WestWind's EVP of Aircraft Kim Stolt has again released updates to the CRJ-200, B767-200F and -300F, the big RJ the ERJ-170. Update your hanger today with these new releases. (Posted 25th Aug 2006)
Thanks to Mike Sullings, Assistant Hub Manager LAX, we now have cargo charter C043. This charter is for resupply flights to the Antarctic Research Stations. Head on over to Cargo Charters and check it out... (Posted 24th Aug 2006)
WestWind Vice President of Aircraft, Kim Stolt, has been busy again making updates to the Airbus 318, 319, 320, 321, Boeing 717, 757, and 767 fleets. Grab your updated aircraft today. (Posted 19th Aug 2006)
EVP Aircraft and Scenery, Ken G, takes some of our fleet for a test drive in the FSX demo released my Microsoft. Proceed to the Gallery to see some of the images. (Posted 13th Aug 2006)
Ed Turner Jr. Our Online Operations Director is proud to announce his support of the Vatsim event "Nevada Gambler's Run". Starting on Sunday, August 27 at 1100 PST (1800Z) and ending at 1600 PST (2300Z) Come fly the arid skies of the great state of Nevada! ZOA and ZLA are teaming up to bring you the best ATC you'll find along J92. Turboprops and Business Jets are highly recommended. For details see the Online Operations page. (Posted 12th Aug 2006)
WestWind Airlines booked new charters P148 - P160! Follow the link to the Charter Division. Fly WestWind charters for a change of pace and stick time. We hope to reach 200 charters by the end of 2006. This is possible only if we can fill three Director of Charter vacancies. See the Management Directory & scroll down to Offices of Vice President - Charter Operations to see the vacancies. Captains interested write to Raoul V., VP Charter Operations. All Captains are invited to submit charter ideas to the Director of Charters for that part of the world. (Posted 9th Aug 2006)
Congratulations goes out to the WestWind pilots who participated in the Battle Of The Hubs (BOTH) race. Check out the Online Events pages to view the "latest", the winning pilot and the winning Hub (Posted 2nd Aug 2006)
WestWind’s Executive Vice President for Aircraft and Scenery, Ken G, is proud to announce that the Flight Operations Manuals are slowly migrating their way into the hangar. Check your current aircraft to determine if it has a FOM available. (Posted 23rd Jul 2006)
The Battle Of The Hubs race (BOTH) is about to begin, so look forward to some real good fun, I believe will be had by all wanting to take part in "The Battle Of The Hubs"! Some changes were made to allow everyone an opportunity to join in this fun filled event.
Check the Online Operations page for details about the event which begins Saturday July 15th at 0500Z and ends Sunday July 30th at 0500Z.
A prize will be awarded to the Pilot that comes closest to WWA-3426's time. The winning HUB will be the HUB with the most pilots participating.
(Posted 13th Jul 2006)Promotion
Captain Fred Weidemann, Hub Manager at Washington, Dulles (IAD) has announced the promotion of Captain Gilberto Hernandez to Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Captain Hernandez, and welcome to the management team. (Posted 6th Jul 2006)
ZFW ARTCC will host it's second annual Summer Sizzle event from just south of Dallas/Fort Worth International airport for the 24 period of Saturday, July 8.
Ed Turner, our online operations chief, was asked by VATUSA to participate in this upcoming event. Also Ed would like to remind everyone about Saturday's Honolulu Spotlight Night. For details go to online event page.
(Posted 5th Jul 2006)Our Management Team is in need of some help. We have a number of openings for Assistant Hub Managers. You can find the hubs with openings for this position on the Personnel -> Management page. If you see a hub you are interested in, contact the hub manager directly, or you can contact either of the Directors of Hub Operations, or myself. We also need several individuals that would be willing to work on the development of new routes for several of our hubs. You do not need to be a member of the hub you are helping out. This job involves researching real world airline routes in and out of the hub and building schedules based loosely on those routes. If interested, contact me, or one of the Directors of Hub Operations. Signed: Bob Sturm, Exec. V.P. of Hub Operations (Posted 3rd Jul 2006)
Ed Turner Jr. Our Online Operations Chief is looking forward to seeing WestWind pilots Saturday July 1st for the big Denver fly-in here for details. (Posted 29th Jun 2006)
WestWind's Executive Vice President for Aircraft and Scenery announces the reopening of WestWind's Hangars. As the hangars are linked to our new website entering the Website will give you a glimpse of the renovations underway for the entire site. While the hangars are fully functional other parts of the new site will lead to dead ends. WWA recommends that you come back to this OpCenter for the latest in WestWind news and information. (Posted 25th Jun 2006)
Captain Jon Noland from our San Francisco Hub has joined the "Be a Pilot Club". Congratulations Jon! (Posted 14th Jun 2006)
Raoul Van Landuyt, VP of WestWind Charter Operations has promoted Jeff Gingras to Director of WestWind Charter Aircraft. Jeff brings his real world flight line knowledge and experience with a private company having the latest charterjets. Jeff's recent WestWind Charter Aircraft Reorganization Project is approved by WWA Management and the WWA Charter Aircraft hangar is under construction for this purpose. Captains, you will like the changes and anniversary paint of our aircraft line up when the hanger is reopened. Jeff will continue his duties as Director of North American Charters as well. Congratulations, Jeff. (Posted 12th Jun 2006)
WestWind Passenger Charter Division landed three new charter contracts (P145- P147). Our charters are the best you can find and many newer charters reflect real life around the world. Visit the Charters page. (Posted 10th Jun 2006)
Captain Ed Bleck , Hub Manager at ATL, has announced that Captain Ben Goldstein has been promoted to Assistant Hub Manger for the Atlanta Hub. Captain Goldstein transferred from the DFW hub to accept the position. Congratulations Ben! (Posted 24th May 2006)
Director of Online Operations, Ed Turner, Jr., has announced the second leg of our next VATSIM flyin, titled "1 x 83" Pacific Northwest Tour scheduled for Saturday, April 15th. Follow the link to get all the details.
(Posted 9th Apr 2006)New Technical Support and Discussion Forum Unveiled
Nope, this is not an "April Fool's" joke! Please check out our new full-featured discussion forum. We believe everyone will agree that this new forum software is a giant leap forward. Anyone may read messages in the forum, but you will need to create a user ID and password in order to post or reply to messages. Alas, it will not be possible to transfer messages from the old forum to this new forum, but we will be keeping the old forum around for reference purposes.
(Posted 1st Apr 2006)
Captain Jeff Hoel, Hub Manager of LAX, has announce the promotion of Captain Michael Sullings to the position of Assistant Hub Manager. Congratulations Mike!
(Posted 28th Mar 2006)
Captain Phil Ireland has accepted the position of Director of Hub Operations. Capt. Ireland will be responsible for the administration of the Hub, Cargo, and Charter schedules databases. Capt. Ireland is also the Director of Charter Operations - Far East & South and will continue in that role. Congratulations Phil, and thank you for your dedication!
(Posted 28th Mar 2006)
WestWind Passenger Charter Division landed five new charter contracts (P140-P144). Our charters are the best you can find and many newer charters reflect real life around the world. Visit the Charters page.
(Posted 22nd Mar 2006)
Captain Robert Pomanti, Hub Manager of Sydney, has accepted the job of "Director of Hub Operations". In this position Captain Pomanti will be assisting Captain Bob Sturm, the Executive V.P. of Hub Operations. One of his duties will be to serve as temporary Hub Manager for any hub that is without a Hub Manager. Capt. Pomanti recently took over as Hub Manager for DFW, and within a short period recruited a Permanent HM as well as a possible candidate for the AHM position. Capt. Pomanti will now be moving on to KATL to fill a void there. In addition to all this, Capt. Pomanti also serves as "Director of Cargo Operations - Far Eastern Regions". Rob...Thank you for your dedication!
(Posted 22nd Mar 2006)
Captain Mark Kuebeler, has accepted the position of Hub Manager for Dallas/Fort Worth (KDFW). Capt. Kuebeler has been serving as "Director of Aircraft and Scenery" and will continue in that role. Congratulations Mark, and thank you for you dedication!
(Posted 22nd Mar 2006)